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/lit/ - Literature

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14526535 No.14526535 [Reply] [Original]

How are you doing anons? Is the New Year off to a good start?

Also, what are you currently reading?

>> No.14526542
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I'm reading this right now. It's pretty good!

>> No.14526547
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>How are you doing anons?
>Is the New Year off to a good start?
>Also, what are you currently reading?
The Hobbit

>> No.14526550
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>El Cantar de Mio Cid (almost finished)
>The epic of Gilgamesh (starting)
>Lingua Latina per se Ilustrata

>> No.14526553

I'm doing alright. Still unemployed but whatever; it's nice having lots of time to read and pursue hobbies. I'm reading Crime & Punishment right now. I'm about 3/4ths of the way done and I love it. It's my first Dosto book and to be honest I prefer it to anything I've read by Tolstoy.

>> No.14526555

im reading blood meridian, why does he spoil every chapter in the beginning?

>> No.14526556

What's the matter, anon?

>> No.14526597
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Awful. I already blog posted, but I got disowned by my family for having sex with a girl. I never even knew there was a house rule against this. I just thought my mom never wanted me to sleep around with every college girl and I always showed restraint. My sister won’t even talk to me now. My Mom won’t pick up my calls either to talk about it. Yesterday, she texted the girl I was saying and called her a stupid slut and hope our relationship failed. I talked to her about it on Friday about just ending it because I need to financially support myself now and don’t have time to see her. She got my Mom’s messages and called me crying to explain what this was and I had to explain this embarrassing situation. Then she texted me this morning that we shouldn’t see each other. We were each other’s first and I always took my time to do with it someone worthwhile. Maybe I should’ve waited till marriage, but I was too much of a horny bastard I guess.

I feel so confused and betrayed. I love my Mom, but I don’t understand why this all happened. I’m sitting in my cold college dorm where no one is back now. I always thought anxiety and depression were memes, but I really don’t feel like I’m in a good mental place. If I’m not reading or studying, then I feel like I’m in living hell in my waking hours. I always held my family very close to my heart. I’m at a lost how this all happened. I don’t know what’s the next step. I don’t have anyone I want to talk about this. It was already terrible having to explain it to the girl.

>Currently Reading
Reveries of a Solitary Walker

>> No.14526644

What hobbies you doing?

>> No.14526674

I remember your original post
Based off the contents of that message, fuck your mom. Just focus on yourself, I dont think you need her in your life at all right now. She's clearly got some issues of her own to work through if that's how she treats her son about something like this

>> No.14526676
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I play drums in a band with some friends, so we've been doing some recording and playing live shows here and there. I've also been practicing my Mandarin so that I don't lose my fluency; it's the only language I can speak other than English. I want to pick up either German or Russian sometime soon but can't really decide.

What do my /lit/ bros do besides reading for fun?

>> No.14526689

Off to a decent start. Finished madam Bovary, read stoner over the last couple days and now taking a break with the second Witcher book. Also slowly working through The Culture of Narcissism
Hoping I can keep this up when I go back to work after winter break, really enjoying all the reading I've gotten done

>> No.14526739

Thanks anon, but how do I not end up being isolated? My Mom was who I always went to talk about stuff. What am I going to do now - go to Confession?

>> No.14526964


>> No.14526988
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>How are you doing anons? Is the New Year off to a good start?
pretty good, struggling a little with willpower but moving forward i guess
>Also, what are you currently reading?
meditations and other metaphysical writings by descartes
currently reading through his correspondence, then it's only comments on a certain manifesto left :)
good read so far

>> No.14526996

Doing ok as always.
Thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.14527002

Doing alright. Struggling to overcome my hedonist, coomer ways but making slow progress.
Reading Stoner. Pretty good so far, though I’m only 1/5 through. Just finished LotR

>> No.14527016

Should I text this girl to see her one time? I’m not happy how things ended honestly. I didn’t respond to her message about ending things

>> No.14527021

how is it?
planning to read after meditations

>> No.14527023

decade is off to a horrible start. just finished fight club and now i'm gonna read the pussy next. trying to read 69 books this year so i'm blasting through the meme books to get a head start.

>> No.14527033

>that lol at the end
lol. are you esl? why do you and your mom osund esl but text in english and not your native tongue?

>> No.14527055

Roger Bacon - Opus Majus
John Harsanyi - Rational behavior and bargaining equilibrium in games and social situations
Nicole Oresme - On Seeing the Stars
Jeremy Bentham - Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation
Aristotle - The Topics

Thomas Bradwardine - Speculative Geometry
John Harsanyi and Reinhard Selten - A general theory of equilibrium selection in games.
Nicole Oresme - De Moneta
Jeremy Bentham - Deontology; or The Science of Morality
Aristotle - The Sophistical Elenchii


>> No.14527510

What happened

>> No.14527640

Does anybody have Impossible Object by Nicholas Mosley? Is it worth reading?

>> No.14527665

the catcher in the rye never read it in high school is it supposed to be edgy its really lame

>> No.14527685

>How are you doing anons?
I'm alright. Just a bit seedy and sluggish after having beers last night.
>Is the New Year off to a good start?
Yes and no. So far I'm on track to read a book a week to get back into reading for pleasure as a habit. But I've also relapsed a little and drank 7 days out of the New Year so for. Biggest sessions so far have been a 6 pack but it's still a bit worrying so I'll try to give it a break for a week.
>Also, what are you currently reading?
Just started Bushido by Nitobe. Too early to say much yet but I just hope his Christian lens doesn't get in the way too much.

>> No.14527691

Holy fuck dude, you literally did nothing wrong. You need to emancipate. Those douche bags are not healthy for you to be around.

>> No.14527702

>I always held my family very close to my heart.
are you an idiot or something?

>> No.14527706
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Chinese history is a bit wild huh.
>Is the New Year off to a good start?
No, I hate holidays.

>> No.14527711


>How are you doing anons?
I'm okay.
>Is the new year off to a good start?
Not really
>Also, what are you currently reading
The Catcher in the Rye. Like the anon before said, It's pretty lame so far.

>> No.14527740

I'm fucking physically addicted to diarrhea pills because i used them to get off heroin and have ordered 5 grams of O-DSMT (research chemical opiate) to get off it. So pretty terrible desu senpai, can't wait to be over with this shit.

>> No.14527743

Trying to bulk again, just gotta be more consistent, putting in the work is easy.

Just finished Orestia and starting Leviathan (i’m on Ch. 9). I loved Orestia and I really thoroughly enjoy Hobbes though i’m not an Empiricist nor Determinist. Hobbes is a little obscurant but oddly straightforward once you get his style.

>> No.14527746

My sister is addicted to that shit, she got off opiods years ago but has been on those for years now. I think it’s hardwired into her personality to be an addict loser. (Hypochondriac aswell, but that’s another story)

>> No.14527768

Loperamide right? Well thankfully I've been on it for only like 2 weeks now, the problem is I've taken if so often in 2019 to get off other opioids that my body got addicted to it and i start getting sick if i dont take any for about 15 hours. The withdrawals shouldn't be that bad but i really don't want to feel sick for a week, hence the ODSMT. Also i haven't touched heroin for 3 weeks after a long streak of taking it everyday so that counts for something, I'm actually not doing that bad all considered.
Does she take it to get high? It's really bad for the heart in the long run

>> No.14527772

Reading Bronze Age Mindset. Interesting ideas and I can relate to the more personal chapters. New year is alright, reccomended Ted Kaczynski's manifesto on my uni group chat and now I've been reported to the uni for being a potential danger. Don't study psychology anons, there's just too many women for it to be worth the hastle.

>> No.14527784

Lots to do since January is Exam month but i manage quite well so far.

The Wavewatcher's guide - Gavin Pretor-Pinney

>> No.14527795

Good luck for you pal. As they say in my country, "horse kills." Hope you get rid of that shit forever, or you WILL die. If not in body most certainly in soul.

Everything will be fine.

>> No.14527803

Yeah. I don’t monitor her too closely, i just know she gets shittons of them and seems really fucking high occassionally. Her excuse is her opiod addiction messed up her bowel movements (obvious bs). The heart thing would explain why she’s been on BP meds (among a ton of other meds). I’m honestly not that concerned about her, she’s a self absorbed cunt that worships fucking rocks and delayed taking the LSAT 3 years in a row (at 30 y/o). Her addiction caused a huge rift with my parents years ago (in-home detox’d her). She’s my roommate right now and my parents pay my rent while I go to school to make sure she doesn’t go too far off the rails. Upside is she’s a warm body to monitor my old dog.

Happy to hear you’re off heroin Anon. I was an EMT for a lil bit and every day further from that dark place is a brighter one whether you can feel it or not.

>> No.14527838

Thanks bro. Honestly it was so easy to just quit because i dont even want to get high anymore, i just want to be normal without having to take something every 12 hours and get on with my life. I'm just so tired of this i dont even care about drugs

Man i can't imagine taking this stuff for years. If she does decide to quit she's in for quite the ride. Withdrawals from this are gonna last for months and are going to be brutal, if she doesn't die from a heart attack before she comes around. Must be a terrible situation for her but i completely understand you not wanting to put up with it

>> No.14527839

My live is pretty uneventful considering that I'm a NEET. I'm currently reading my Grandad's memoir.

>> No.14527852
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Not the best, i'm letting all my yimr fly past me while I try to find a way to distract myself from my life's responsibilities, currently on the track of being a failure the new year only made me realize this and how powerless I am of controlling my own actions due to my pessimism.

>Current read
Lautreamont and Artaud but might pick up the Gambler and or finish Schopenhauer

>> No.14527854

>>14527838 (your reply to other anon)
Happy to hear. I’ve never heard of someone just ‘get tired’ of heroin before like the way you describe. I’ve known a few ex addicts too. What put you over the edge?

She’s a pretty mentally weak person so I doubt it. She used to be moderately intelligent for a woman but I was too young at the time to really be able to tell her relative intelligence precisely. Yeah who knows if she’ll kick it. I’ll probably drop that knowledge nuke on the senpai when I leave in a year or so. Appreciate the heads up.

>> No.14527858

This board autocorrects f.a.m. to senpai? The fuck? Lol

>> No.14527865

>Also, what are you currently reading?
The 120 Days of Sodom

what is the book like?

>> No.14527881

Just finished it today. Why do you think he tried to discredit history timelines? Is it really just to chaosmaxx like he states or is there something that he is trying to do? Just seems odd to spend a chapter to denying the authenticity of our known history and then relying on several stories from Antiquity and the Age of Exploration to inspire man what he’s capable of

>> No.14527887

What’s wrong with doing that

>> No.14527897

Honestly I've never been one to overly abuse drugs. I've been using all kinds of chemicals since the age of 16, heroin since 18 and only in the last 2 years it started to be a serious problem (24 now). I was using opioids let's say moderately for years but lately it became an everyday thing. was spending about 80 euros a day on heroin and since i refuse to shoot up (i did that for a couple of years and decided it wasn't for me anymore) i wasn't even feeling it anymore. I've also been neglecting my hobbies/school/friends for years because of it. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones who can end addictions fairly easily if i really want to.
I would say my recent habit was more because of nothing going on in my life rather than a predisposition to addiction.
All is my friends whom i started experimenting opioids with have been heavily addicted for several years now or have died and we lost contact, so i have literally one single irl friend.
Thanks for listening to me rambling, by the way. It's therapeutic.

>> No.14527913

Same to you. Sometimes having no friends can be cathartic. I atleast feel more emotionally suppressed the more socio-emotional bank accounts (friends) I have to worry about. It’s way more freeing to have less distractions and be able to have no excuses for ignoring productive hobbies/tasks. (Gym/reading).

My experience with drugs is i’m one of about 3 people in the last 3 generations of my family in every direction (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) to not be addicted to something by 18 (22 now). I’ve never even tried any of it, not even alcohol or weed. I tell friends I want to one day, but the older I get the more I enjoy my streak and realize how little it plays a part in squeezing the orange that is life. Hopefully you can feel that realization at some point too, or maybe you already have.

>> No.14527919

>How are you doing anons? Is the New Year off to a good start?
I'm on track to get a first in my degree. I've barely smoked or drank and I've not done any drugs, and I've deleted all my dealers numbers. I'm eating healthily. I've made some okay music this year.
I'm doing quite well
>Also, what are you currently reading?
One Hundred Years of Solitude
England's Hidden Reverse

>> No.14527927
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Never mind i'm the idiot. I was meant to quote
>I always thought anxiety and depression were memes
Just forget about it

>> No.14527938

Year's tough so far, quitting drinking. Hopefully it'll feel less awful soon enough.

Also One Hundred Days of Solitude. Liking it a lot.

>> No.14527946

Just finished reading the woman in the dunes, current reading 'code' by petzold, probably going to read some of scruton's books next after his recent passing, and probably some more japanese novels, starting with mishima, and the paul schrader movie about mishima to finish the month.

>> No.14527961

Star Wars Shatterpoint

>> No.14527970

Anon trust me, there is nothing i want more right now than to be completely substance and withdrawal free. People might call you boring but if you can enjoy life totally sober i would advise you to keep it that way, especially if you have A family history of addiction.
I totally hear you on the friends thing, i know it's not very healthy but if it were for me I'd stay alone with my cat 100% of the time. It's just so draining to interact with humans.

>> No.14528012
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I COMPLETELY ADVISE THIS BOOK to anyone ESPECIALLY if you're in Law, Philosophy or in any of the social sciences. The book tries to disentangle three very much used concepts: norm, normativity and normality. To do this, the authors allow the reader to understand the genealogy of the mentioned terms and their contexts. It's an amazing adventure for those who crave understanding of the difference between rules/principles and norms. I cannot stress this enough: if you're in LAW this book is a sturdy pillar for you to base your legal reasoning onto it, even though the book is mainly about an historical inquiry on how the aforementioned terms came about from comparative anatomy and physiology and zoology.

You can find it on libgen.

>> No.14528015

>So pretty terrible desu senpai, can't wait to be over with this shit.
>can't want to be over with this shit

>> No.14528019

>Meh. The water is my bathroom smells.
Anyone else read the book? The experience reading these dense chunks is interesting

>> No.14528138
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>How are you doing anons?
I think I'm done about now, just accepting the fact that by the end of this year I'll no longer be alive. Nothing chronic, I've just given up.
>Is the New Year off to a good start?
>Also, what are you currently reading?
Starting the year with some Kobo Abe, will probably read Alan Watts after this.

>> No.14528171

Very good! Bought myself a guitar with christmas money, finally worked up enough courage to post in soc threads again (getting decent results too!), and my brother bought me Dune and Houellebecq's Serotonin for Christmas, so those are what I am reading this year! I would also like to try and read some Cormac McCarthy but I dont have any of his books yet.

>> No.14528179

Read Moby-Dick, my friend. Trust me.

>> No.14528204

>Dynamics of Character by David Shapiro.
quite a hard book to understand for an ESL like me.

>> No.14528231

>how are you doing?
Pretty bad actually. I fell in love with a girl for her beauty, sobriety, humility and softest voice i've ever heard. i invited her to a party at the end of November, she came over, we drank and went to the club, and when we danced together i tried to kiss her. I never ever in my life had the courage to do this (i'm 26, no gf ever), but after an existential crisis i realized living with courage is the only thing that i can answer to my dread of death. She didn't reciprocate. At 6 am i walked her home and she told me she broke up with her ex just a few months back after he cheated on her, maybe as a way to justify her refusal, or to not behave as a whore who kisses on first date. I told her i never wanted a one night stand. I thanked for sharing. i asked her if we could meet again, to know each other better. She said ok but not as a date. I told her i can't change how i feel, and that i loved her smile too much, and looked at her in a dreamy way. She said maybe we can meet again. The following week i invited her to another party but she was busy with school and could not attend. then we had to go back for the holidays. I texted her happy new year and she replied. Now we are both back in the same city, but i haven't met her nor spoke her since.. all i want is to ask her out on a date to see if we are compatible. But i don't have the balls to. I often think she's too pretty for me and that i'm not worthy of her. all the initial courage i had seem vanished. please don't tell me to move on, i can't. should i ask her out?

> what are you currently reading?
Platform by Houellebecq

>> No.14528280
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>How are you doing
Fine. Had to deal with a customer who has paranoid delusions but luckily she didn't chew my ear off.
>Is the New Year off to a good start?
I think so. It's pretty warm for this time of year so I can walk to and from work in pretty light clothing.
>what are you currently reading
Nälkämäki (translates to "Hunger Hill") by Kalle Päätalo. It's about a corporal who becomes responsible for keeping prisoners of war fed during the Continuation War (fought between Finland and the Soviet Union in 1941-1944).
Like all of Päätalo's books, it's pretty funny regardless of the dark subject matter. One of the first encounters the protagonist has with the inmates is one of them asking to rub a handkerchief on the inside of a used can of canned goods so he can suck on the grease and another inmate tries to beat him to death to get the same privilege.

>> No.14528300

It's worth reading Moby Dick. Trust /lit-anon. But more importantly, will it be worth reading it again?

>> No.14528363

I remember you, your mother is psychotic and acting like it. However, you were/are also too attached to her. It is for the best that you never interact with her again

>> No.14528370

Ask her out right now. If it doesn't work, you can blame me.

Can't move on? Look, anon, you don't want someone who doesn't want to give you a chance. They're never as perfect as you think them to be.

>> No.14528374
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Harry potter.Because my english sucks and i can't understand any other english books.
Btw it's my first book like in 10 years

>> No.14528391

There's better books to be read on that level. Try Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events.

>> No.14528401

But i can watch movies and after that read books, so i can understand better.

>> No.14528403
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This movie covers the first three books in A Series of Unfortunate Events.

>> No.14528510

Why its better than HP?

>> No.14528524
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>Why its better than HP?

>> No.14528530

I find the style of writing to be more entertaining. Rowling will teach you made-up words that serve no purpose outside her books. Snicket will teach you to be witty.

>> No.14528786

It's been pretty great - working at the bar helped me turn away from hedonism much more. Found some archery classes in town and debating if I should take them up.

Reading Brothers Karamazov, Confessions by Augustine, and some psycholinguistics books on the side for fun

>> No.14529968

>How are you doing?
Uni is boring, classes are boring, everything is losing its charm

>Also, what are you currently reading?
Ethics by Spinoza

>> No.14530011

Currently reading Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain

>> No.14530476
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>How are you doing anons?

Going off to a discernment retreat soon with the Archdiocese.

>Also, what are you currently reading?

Pic related. It's bad though.

>> No.14530507

i read elephant and other stories by raymond carver and they were wonderful
i've been reading ducks, newburyport by lucy ellmann and it's ok
i'm rereading two serious ladies for my book group next week and it's wonderful. i also read a bunch of jane bowles' other work including in the summerhouse which was great
and i'm also reading the heaney translation of beowulf and it's great times

>> No.14530897

>bc lif is about MONEY

Jeez what is wrong your mom... sorry to hear that this happened.

>> No.14532098

well... life kind of is about money

>> No.14532116

>How are you doing anons? Is the New Year off to a good start?
not great. i don't have the energy to enjoy my escapist hobbies anymore (guitar, reading, lifting). i'm becoming even more of a recluse
>Also, what are you currently reading?
just started 1Q84. i read norwegian wood and kafka on the shore recently so i wanted to continue with murakami. i took some detours to mishima and oe but now im back on track

>> No.14532127

For my third book of 2020, I thought I'd read War and Peace. After reading the introduction and first several pages, I quickly realized that knowing French as well as the historical context before tackling this massive lad.

>> No.14532133

Gogol--dead souls. Chichikov is a saint.
>the senile old woman scene
literally my experience dealing with boomers.
working and scheming my ass off to get a job that pays real stacks. i am chichikov and chichikov is me.

>> No.14532146

Helmet for My Pillow by Robert Leckie. I found it at a Goodwill and I was in the mood for war autobiographies so I thought why not.

>> No.14532258

i had an ego death last night while meditating. everything feels different and yet exactly the same. i feel as though i finally understand everything and consequently understand nothing. i realised that i am merely the space in which everything is happening and i am not creating anything, but rather reflecting it like a mirror. i no longer need to search for who i am because there was no me to find.
also i just read Stoner last week and now i’m reading “so good they can’t ignore you”

>> No.14532337
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>How are you doing anons?
I feel weird. This girl I like won't take me seriously until I turn my life around, and I am turning it around. That, and my mom has cancer.
>Is the New Year off to a good start?
I guess. I'm doing okay with my job. About to ask my boss to give me a new shift, though a friend of mine also wants it. We already talked; says she's cool with it. But of course she's still mad, knowing her.
>Also, what are you currently reading?
The Hobbit, No More Mr. Nice Guy. After these two, I'll probably read Kokoro or re-read All Quiet on the Western Front.
>Pic not mine. A friend went to Kobe a few months ago.

>> No.14532358

Stupid frogposter. I've been in a bit of a slump and haven't read nearly as much as I would like. It's just been one of those weeks or two.
>Wenzi (currently reading)
>Kyougyoushinsho (next)
>Life for Sale (double next)

>> No.14532512

ready to go to classes next week. havent been to school in nearly 2 years and ive always liked going to school and the space that schools provide, just didnt do the work last time.
>The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass
this is an fascinatingly written novel from what ive read. ive always loved books from the perspective of the mentally ill. they usually have refreshing takes on life. the prose is written in sometimes beautiful, twisty, jerky ways and can be quite poignant.

>> No.14532523
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Yeah, reading Albion's seed
>Gee, America! How come mom let's you have TWO Queens?

>> No.14532530

I'm okay, unemployed. I'm half way thru The Song of Roland. Abisme's death is my favorite part so far.

>> No.14532984

Were you inspired to read it by Luke Smith? I generally have 0 interest in America, but his podcast episode was nice

>> No.14533011
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We only have one life, anon. End relationships with people you care about on the terms you can live with. If you need to talk to her to tell her what she meant or need to ask if she can move past your mom's actions, then do that. Don't be in a hurry, if you speak to her make sure you do it right. Don't be unreasonable with her, or for that matter, anyone in your family either. And if you feel a relationship, romantic or otherwise, between this girl is impossible after your mother's actions, then giving a proper goodbye to this girl is a reasonable thing to try, as well. And take my advice with a grain of salt. I'm a stranger on the internet. You know what's best
My heart goes out to you, anon

>> No.14533052

>reported to the uni for being a potential danger
That really truly sucks anon but it gave me a good laugh. Sorry about that. Hope that you won't face any sort of serious consequences as a result. Best to probably play any interest in Kaczynski close to the chest.

>> No.14533174

Complete Church Fathers, out of order though, atm I'm reading Martyr's works

>> No.14533185
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Besides reading, I've gotten back into skateboarding and basketball, as well as boxing 15+ mins a day. Hoping I get my old confidence back and get a gf (it's been 4 years)
>finished The Sun Also Rises, going to library tomorrow for the next book, probably Gardens Of Eden
Side note my sex drive is still ridiculous, I smash my balls atleast 4 times a day, when I see attractive girls at the gym it makes me angry. Hoping my hobbies will help to curve that. Blog post over

>> No.14533267

I had forgotten about him doing that but yes. I also read a bit of the review on slate star codex so that definitely played a role as well. Personally I only have an interest in America because I live here, I still hate it though

>> No.14533369

I am on a Mario Vargas Llosa binge, have read The Time of the Hero, In Praise of the Stepmother, The Green House and The Bad Girl since new year's and now I am close to finishing the Story Of Mayta. I will probably read some Salman Rushdie the next; I loved Satanic Verses, Midnight's CHildren and The Moor's Last Sigh, and now I will probably continue with Shame and Shalimar The Clown.

>> No.14533402

>Quit smoking, last thing to give up (even coffee) before being as clean as can be
>Back to the gym (long healing process after an intensive surgery on my knee)
>Back to school
>Almost ready to move out on my own again

>Mason & Dixon

>> No.14533537

Pretty good, trying to get back to dating. Also just bought an ereader, waiting for it to be delivered.
Thinking of starting either Brothers Karamazov or Quincas Borba, leaning more on Quincas Borba, thinking of leaving Brothers Karamazov for spring

>> No.14533642

You mom sounds like one of those psychopathic religious types who latch on to religion as a way to fixate their mental instability by confining their b behavior and values to the rigid structure of faith-based morality.
It might hurt now, but she probably didn't really disown you. She'll come around to missing her son and will come crawling back. You did nothing wrong.

>> No.14533818

The Way of Hermes

>> No.14533871

>How are you doing anons? Is the New Year off to a good start?
Not good. I am late on some essays I gotta write for uni. Yesterday I had a session with my therapist, and I got her to get the most upset I've ever seen her. I didn't harass her or anything, just talked about my social relationships... Also, it's cold af. Anyways, last year was shit, and I get to finish my degree in June, so I am off to a better year (in comparison).
>Also, what are you currently reading?
"Freedom", by Jonathan Franzen. 'bout to finish it

>> No.14534098

doing fucking shit. got obsessed over a girl that i can never be with and wasted so much time and energy retaining her interest just so i could feel less lonely. i don't care about anything anymore, i haven't read anything in at least a month cause i'm depressed as hell. got an infection i need to get checked out by a doctor, therapist session about my depression and possible antidepressant/antipsychotic prescription. my parents have to pay for all this shit and i'm sitting here feeling suicidal every day, knowing that it might be all for nothing if this goes on

>> No.14534122

>How are you doing anons?
>Is the New Year off to a good start?
a start is never good
>Also, what are you currently reading?
Hegel's science of logic (essence), la colline inspirée by Maurice Barres

>> No.14534132

Life moves on, anon. You can do it. I trust in you. Godspeed.

>> No.14534142

That's what you get for reading Hegel. It's not too late to stop

>> No.14534150

i dunno, i'm in the worst physical shape i've ever been in years, quite unhealthily underweight after being hospitalized multiple times already with an eating disorder in high school. i just feel so unhealthy, like i'm just dragging my body along every day, even though i eat quite normally. those pills they gave me must've fucked up my digestion somehow cause i literally can't gain weight

>> No.14534155

>how are you
Ok I guess

>New off to a good start
Still being a neet after being unemployed for 2 months now, starting to run low on money

>What are you reading
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Ford translation) the book is horribly lucid to our current age on the subjects he talks about in the first volume. Will never be able to see him the same way again

>> No.14534207

do americans really

>> No.14534331

>Those text messages
>That "lol"
It angers me to see that there are actually people who live up to the nutjob stereotypes you can find on /int/. She writes like she might have lost a few chromosomes too.
I wish you the best anon, I hope you will make it through what is ahead of you now. Take some time for yourself and think things through and don't let it afffect your education and your happiness. If you have too much spare time, maybe start working out or lifting weights as it can be a great distraction.
Your mother probably expects you to live in misery until you come back on your knees begging for forgiveness at some point. Do the opposite, keep moving forwards and shun her and her toxicity until she is the one to ask for forgiveness.

>> No.14534339

And if she doesn't make any effort to apologize in the future, she probably wasn't worth the love you felt for her anyway.

>> No.14534365
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She sound like a Bitch dude, just ignore her and work on improving yourself. Talk to your friends or try to talk to the girl you had sex with if you feel like talking to someone

>> No.14534384
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>Is the New Year off to a good start?
Well it's kind of cold.

>Also, what are you currently reading?
Silmarillion, 2nd attempt after a fresh rereading of Hobbit+LOTR. The first 100-150 pages really do start out of kind of without achieving any momentum, I can see why I failed the first time I tried to read it as even now it was still hard and I was forcing myself to remain engaged, slowing down to consult notes, go back, reread something if I was confused, but once it finally moved on from cosmologies and lineages, it really starts picking up great steam. I just finished the chapter of Beren and Luthien and it's surely one of the best stories of Middle Earth. Contemplating if I should reread from page 1 again right after I finish.

>> No.14534387

You have to start somewhere and the books are good, not groundbreaking high literature but they are entertaining

>> No.14534430

>you literally did nothing wrong
He did, though. Mommy is crazy, but he did something wrong too.

>> No.14534446

>putting a hole on such a pedestal

>> No.14534545

Lloyd basically went to the old Yugoslavia to be a voyuer. It's a lot of him just observing.

>> No.14534593

What did he do wrong

>> No.14534743

Good job anon. Sounds like you're on track to having your health together. Mental, physical and emotional.

>> No.14535331


>> No.14536603 [DELETED] 


>> No.14537328


>> No.14537333

Ok doomer

>> No.14537835


>> No.14538006
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bout three-fidy pages into pic related. I'm enjoying it.
>How are you doing anons? Is the New Year off to a good start?
could be better, could be worse

>> No.14538176

I just started reading seriously for the first time in my life. Starting with Frankenstein, then Sherlock Holmes after. :)

>> No.14538216

I've been on break for over a month now and have been enjoying making money again. On my days off I drink with friends or go to the library/cafes to read and relax. It's been great but I'm also ready to go back I feel. I'm going to Brooklyn this weekend to hang with college friends I haven't seen in a bit which should be a great time. I'm doing great and I hope all of you are too. Very excited to read the lit quarterly :)
>Currently reading
East of Eden. It's fantastic

>> No.14538372
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Two weeks into the new year and I feel unfulfilled and very upset with myself. I started a new job that requires me to get up at the asscrack of dawn and I’m still too stubborn to get to sleep at a healthy time, so when I come home all I do is nap until eight thirty, stuff my face with processed garbage, masturbate, sometimes smoke pot, and listen to pointless youtube videos to try and fall back asleep. I dropped out of my dream uni last semester so now I’m home at my parents’ taking a few classes at the community college but I skipped my first class on Monday because I haven’t showered since before the new year. Also just broke things off with my girlfriend of almost two and a half years. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been and I haven’t worn a clean pair of clothes in weeks.

I started moby dick and a farewell to arms in the fall and got about a third of the way into both but haven’t got the gumption to pick either back up right now. I read carrie as an easy low-brainpower read and it went well so I might continue the trend and read the shining next, just so I can read something at all.

>> No.14538386

Beast Men and Gods by Ossendowski. I intend to make a long winded and unnecessary thread about it when done.

>> No.14538400

good job, smash it bro

>> No.14538645

hey anon. i was in a very similar place as you just a year or two ago. dropped out of my dream university after a suicide attempt. took a few community college classes, but failed most of them because i never showed up. i gained like 30lbs and got up to a 29.5 BMI. i looked disgusting and grew a neckbeard and smoked weed all day.

this is where i am now: still taking community college classes, but im transferring back to my dream college this fall. i have a great GPA. I lost 70lbs and am at 14% body fat now. I literally track every hour of my day down to the half hour interval. and i cook and eat my own meals every day while still having time to do homework, hang out with an occasional friend, read for at least 30 min per day, and meditate.
how did i get there? i really don't know. it was all just a lot of small steps. going to classes. eating less crap. i started counting calories and set a hard limit. i think the two most important things were these: meditating every day, and going to bed at the same time and most importantly waking up at the SAME TIME no matter what the next morning. the exact same time. no snooze. no five more minutes like a baby. get up. make a damn cup of coffee and meditate or read for the first 30 minutes of your day. get up as soon as you can. I get up before the sun even rises every day even though all my classes are in the afternoon.
you can surely do this anon. may you be purely happy and free from the worst suffering in this world.

>> No.14538703
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It's going ok, op, thanks for asking. I've been at work and away from home for over three months (left early oct) so I can't wait to be home. But I've gotten some good reading done while I'm out here, including
>Blood Meridian - first time reading, loved it
>Into the Raging Sea - story of the 2015 sinking of the El Farro, which killed all 33 of the mostly American crew
>The Comedians - a BAP rec about an Englishman that goes to Haiti in the 60s to take over his family's hotel
>Consolations of the Forest - nonfiction account of a guy's 6 months spent living in a cabin on Lake Baikal with a pile of books
>The Picture of Dorian Grey
>The Name of the Rose - would have enjoyed more if I'd been more familiar with the late middle ages, but still a fun story
>My Struggle Vol. 1 (Knausgaard) - very addictive read, will probably read all six volumes, but I think I'd have enjoyed it more if I'd read it when it was first released, when I more enjoyed the kind of neurotic style of DFW and the like

>> No.14538744

reading to kill a mockingbird for the first time, its pretty good.
ordered the first three books of the black company series based upon one anons praise of it.
pretty alright year, still having a bit of a breakdown over studying a degree i hate, completely flunked an exam today, oh well.

>> No.14538916
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Just started The Dead, hope to have Ulysses banged out by the end of the year

>> No.14539760


>> No.14539901

Got upto chapter 45 of "The way of Kings" By Brando Sando, and just gave it up, i remember myself not enjoying part 1, then I'm 100 pages into part 2 and just have the same feeling, feel shit now that i bought the paperbacks...
On the other hand, I've been reading "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" and just finished part 1, it's an interesting read and much heavier in context and thought than most fantasy that I've read. Phaedrus was pretty based even if he went mad in his own work.

Up for any recommendations on things that will educate. Not just be a shitty fantasy story.

>> No.14539936
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have the book on my shelf, glad you're enjoying it!

also just finished reading some Terry Pratchett

>> No.14540507

felt like i wanted to kill myself i was so depressed, realized i'm mostly just immature and overreacting to things all the time, took some time to get into a normal schedule and go to a therapist and it's already going better. depression is apparently not as bad as it seems, you just need to force yourself to take the steps to get out of it slowly

>> No.14540516

might start reading again once i get out of the house more as well

>> No.14540566

I read the Will to Power and it kinda fucked me up. On one hand he's insane, and not a philosopher. On the other he's right about so many things and woefully intelligent so its hard to not be taken in.

>> No.14540569

the anxiety only goes away when you become strong enough to deal with it. Anxiety is very normal, the world we occupy is dystopic by any reasonable standard. You can only survive with strength, but it comes if you endure.

>> No.14540592

i've always been a weak dude, lots of genetic issues etc. i've often wished i was born into a different family but that's fucked up thinking about it now cause i do love my parents. it's just that i turn to irrational thoughts when i can't deal with my issues anymore

>> No.14540610

this guy (>>14538645 ) kinda has the key, anon. Small steps with some planning. You can't just wake up one day and be a totaly different person. Set up a plan, do what you're gonna do next, so you can focus on it, and also you don't leave anything behind (specially core things like laundry or showering).

It's just like reading Moby Dick or The Shining. If you intend to finish those, you can't expect to do that on a week. You gotta read a little fraction of it everyday. Forcing down your throat 7 chapters in one morning ain't gonna do you any good.

>> No.14540619

If you ar enjoying TKAM, "Go set a watchman" is gonna blow up your mind. I can read till there... ;)

>> No.14540640

anybody can become strong if they don't give up

>> No.14540710

Lost Tales

>> No.14540736

and how are you doing?

>> No.14541254

those are nice words but i don't know if i'll ever become strong. maybe 'strong' is a relative term though. i guess the fact that i'm still here trying to progress in life means i'm not ready to give up yet.

>> No.14541925

sorry, I'm not into capeshit

>> No.14542528
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care to elaborate?

>> No.14542706

well, i shouldn't say that, it's just that the cause of my depression is something i can currently endure. for other people who have severe trauma in their life it's probably a lot harder

>> No.14542732

Grr. Stop guessing. Start proving.

>> No.14542819

>but that’s another story
Tell it

>> No.14544033

Shut up

>> No.14544916

I read the 'benedict option' and 'a mind for numbers', both pretty neat but not amazing.

>> No.14544953
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I’ve got a hell of a cold and I’m snowed in, but it’ll pass one way or another.
All things considered, the new year is off to a pretty good start. I’m gonna restart Parasite Eve, hopefully it picks up at some point, finish it in the next day or two, and then I’m going to start No Longer Human.

>struggling to overcome my hedonist, coomer ways
Me too, bud. Used to have some semblance of self-control and discipline, and somehow adulthood really just fucked me. I’m not trying to give up the hedonism just yet, but I’m trying to avoid cumbrain meme. We’re all in this together, I guess.

To my knowledge all boards correct f*m to senpai and tee bee ayych to desu.
I use both frequently but I’m fine it with it. Gives me a giggle when I forget.

>> No.14545078

Doing better than I was around christmas, making some decisions and taking control of some things in my life
as for reading, I'm just reading some old sci-fi books for comfort right now

>> No.14545191

That text reminds me of something my psycho dad would send. Broad rhetoric and personal judgment with some projection mixed in. Don't dwell on the specifics of what is being said because she is leveraging the fact that you are likely to defer to her judgement to fuck with your head because she's trained you to be that way. She's trying to drag you down off your high out of jealousy. I know it sucks but I urge you to reinterpret your feeling for your family. I've been in this situation before and it fucking blows. The implicit "no sex" thing and threatening to make you a pariah. Classic cluster b psycho bullshit.

>> No.14545200

You make money to live not live to make money.

>> No.14545216

>He did, though. Mommy is crazy, but he did something wrong too.
Don't fuck with the dude. She's already trying to instill self doubt and is clearly a psycho bitch. Now you are trying to do it too when the best option for the poor bastard is to cut ties.

>> No.14545510

Three finished books by now. Currently reading "Dormir al sol" from the master Bioy Casares

>> No.14546423


>> No.14546549

No, I found out that I'm going to lose my apartment in a couple of months. Thankfully I never did buy that TV and bookshelf during winter sales.

Just finished Augustus by John Williams, going to dive into Child of God by McCarthy when I get home from work.

>> No.14546581

Umh new year started pretty badly honestly,
but I'm reading "Runaway horses" by Mishima and I'm enjoying it so far, I just wish I had more time focusing in reading.

>> No.14546672

What happened?

>> No.14546709

year's going well, reading Something Happened by Joseph Heller, liking it, kind of like a Northeastern WASP version of The Sound and the Fury, finished Bolano's Nazi Literature in the Americas, which might be worth a second read, and Been Down so Long Looks Like Up to Me which probably wasn't worth the read, always disappointing when something allegedly so influential is underwhelming.

>> No.14546725

idk man it seems sincere.

>> No.14546865

what, you want me to kill myself or st? fuck off

>> No.14547283

Reading John Milton's Paradise Lost
I have read Lolita before
I now realized I will never be a great literary author

>> No.14547305

I’m not sure how it’s going, but I’m currently reading The Picture of Dorian Gray.

>> No.14547330

Stop guessing.

>> No.14547343

sure dude whatever that means

>> No.14547380
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>How are you doing anons?
Threw my back out which sucks, but I'm currently on nice strong painkillers which is nice
>Is the New Year off to a good start?
See above
>Also, what are you currently reading?

>> No.14547389


>> No.14547458
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One definitely could beat Nabokov. Oh yes. However, I'm not sure, if you can beat Milton, but this Milton fella stole much from the Bible, which is unbeatable anyway, unless Jesus come back and we'll get a Newer Testament, which, and I cannot stress this enough, will not happen in America.

>> No.14547491

>I'm okay, bored mostly
>It seems okay but hasn't really started
>The Iliad and Brave New World
Based Latin learner, were you made aware of it by Luke Smith?
Where did you get a copy?

>> No.14547508

>Not great
>No, I just experienced an hour of unbearable chest pains, I think caused by smoking
>Faust by Goethe

>> No.14547522

I'm doing good. New year started nicely and I'm reading the republic by Plato

>> No.14547524

I have pretty good reading comprehension, but I am not a fast reader, which is disheartening because I have such a wide array of interests and so many books I want to read.

>> No.14547549

Then read faster. Stop sounding out words in your head, you don't need to. You can parse the meaning of a word ten times faster than you can rhyme off its syllables. For instance, watching a show with subtitles on. Try it: just open your favorite book and let your eyes flit quickly over the words and be amazed at how simple it is to not mentally pronounce every syllable of the word "ejaculation", but infer its meaning from the simple pattern of the letters.

>> No.14547554

Not him but for me I have to force myself to read slower because otherwise I read too fast and skim too much and then I miss lots, or don't take it in properly and have to reread it.

>> No.14547580
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Les Miserables
Just month ago, like in the book story about Marius stalking Cosette in the park, happened with me, but instead of handkerchief with initials I found piece of paper with phone number and female name. I thought it was sign fom her, but it was some clueless cunt.

>> No.14547614

abominable taste

>> No.14547879

Go back to /v/ please

>> No.14547930

>How are you doing anons?
Depends on the weather. Today it's sunny.

>Is the New Year off to a good start?
More or less. Bands tore heals well.

>Also, what are you currently reading?
Elementary Group Theory
Symmetry in Modern Physics
Two short essays by Derrida

>> No.14548197

Doing quite well thank you. I’m on vacation on Cape Verde right now. The sun is shining and I’m chilling by the swimming pool. The local niggers are a bit annoying so I would recommend going to the Canary Islands instead. Just finished Serotonin by Houellebecq and started reading the savage detectives by Roberto Bolaño now.

>> No.14548855

still wasting time hoping my brain will somehow magically be able to deal with this world if i wait long enough

>> No.14549844

i still don't know what i said wrong to who desu but there's clearly something wrong. i just thought it was some random dude trying to tell me i should kill myself instead of posting about it cause that happens on here

>> No.14550270
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Is the New Year off to a good start?
It was at first. I got a bunch of stuff done that I've been meaning to do but have merely been postponing for about half a year or so. For one thing, I managed to successfully dual-boot my computer, I started working on my website project (for fun), wrote a research plan for my master's thesis, finished a book (mere 170 pages long, but still), I'm still holding on to my promise of doing an alcohol-free January, and generally speaking I've held my good mood/ positive attitude for about two weeks now. In addition to all of these, I have had troubles with establising a stable sleeping pattern for months now, but the last week went pretty smoothly, which brings me to the downsides...

First of all, I trashed the spree which I held in having a stable sleeping pattern, so I'm now back to square one with that. Secondly, I'm back to the old cycle of "bad thoughts" and negative attitude, because a) some nigger stole my rusty, age-old (made in the 50's) bicycle (just today wandered around the city for three hours trying to find it and another two hours scrolling through online stores to see if it were there for sale) and b) my thesis writing instructor is proving to be a handful one to deal with, so I'm mentally exhausted every time I have to sit in the seminars with him. And to top it all off, I have financial issues to deal with, so I probably have to ask for extra hours at work...

And it was all going so well... :<

>> No.14550305

Oh, almost forgot.
>Also, what are you currently reading?
Pragmatism by William James and Marquise de Sade's 120 days of Sodom.

>> No.14551271

You will never know. Asking questions to the void is inviting any voice to guide you. I was the voice this time. Next time you might not be so lucky.
So, stop guessing.

>> No.14551331
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pic related os the first book of the year for me, probably will be finished sometime next week. I feel like im starting slow. fuck it w/e.

>> No.14551344
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Reading a few at the moment, but I've just about finished this.
As a newcomer to the world of H.G. Wells but having read War of the Worlds and The Time Machine, this was a must-buy, since it's a combination of them, and is prequel/sequel (time travel is weird!).
Great book, anons. I recommend it.

>> No.14552292

Are you the one with atheist parents?
If that's an atheist, you must be Asian lmao.

>> No.14553164

I’m trying to combat both apathy and an excess of passion. I fear for my life. The New Year is off to a fairly average start. I am reading Finnegans Wake.

>> No.14553419

i know this place is bad and that my mind has been influenced by it too much already, but sometimes it feels like there's nowhere else to go. i'll stop guessing

>> No.14553455

I'm doing pretty good and the new year is treating me well. Just started the semester of college and I'm enjoying it. I'm currently reading a few books my girlfriend likes because it's been a little bit so I wanted to start kinda light and also we'd have something new to talk about. It's kinda fun