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/lit/ - Literature

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14526319 No.14526319 [Reply] [Original]

I've just turned 20 and realized that I haven't really read a book since I was 12.


>> No.14526330

then read a book you fucking failure

>> No.14526334

Suicide is always an option

>> No.14526346

If your problem is that you can't sit and read more than 100 words, then go read classic children's books.
Winnie the Pooh is a good one.

>> No.14526363

there's a lot of stuff to read anon. are you interested in:
>history, geography, politics, race
>aesthetics, philosophy, religion
>propaganda, ideology, technology, futurism
>sex, women, heroism, epics, fairy tales

>> No.14526391

start with In Search of Lost Time, it'll help you get back into the swing of things

>> No.14526421

Don’t take this advice, OP. If you need some help getting settled into literature, try ‘The Stranger’ by Albert Camus

>> No.14526444

don't take this advice op. read hegel

>> No.14526456

Nice one

>> No.14526463


>> No.14526491

What is the sauce on that image? I remember seeing that years ago when I first went on 4chan. Such a sad picture.

>> No.14526502

hmm i think i would suggest you to start reading some manga/comics and once the act of reading is placed and the mortar is laid with daily repetition, you can pick up a book you think sounds interesting. there is no point in telling you what to read. the most important thing is that you want to read (it)

>> No.14526907

Start with some easy-reading to get things going. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series or something like that. The most important step now is to reignite your desire to read.

Also, try to read a little everday - or if it is not possible, try read most days of the week - to create a habit in your brain.

Only after that I'd recommend you to pick up books from the big players

>> No.14526997

Don't take this advice, OP. 'Ulysses' is famous for being a book easy read if you haven't read in a long time.

>> No.14527000

>The most important step now is to reignite your desire to read.
Pretty much this. Find something you like that isn't overwhelming and roll with it. I'd recommend two things, but it's up to you:

1) Pick a novel (novella is even better) and a non-fiction book e.g. some "intro to ..." history book to go along with the theme in >>14526363
2) Try to pick a time and dedicate it to reading. My time was bed time; the 30 mins before sleep was spent flicking pages instead of scrolling through shit on my phone. Eventually that 30 was upgraded to 60 and sometimes even 90 based on sheer will and desire to read more.

Good luck.

>> No.14527031

Good advice.

>> No.14527288

You have to ask yourself why you haven't read since 12 if you want to start reading again.

>> No.14528488

You don't even need to post here OP.

You're literacy level is so low. Just read anything that is better then Harry Potter and keep at it.

Come back in a year or two.

>> No.14528499


>> No.14528577

same boat, my first full read at 20 was society of the spectacle.

>> No.14528610
File: 15 KB, 263x379, FlowersForAlgernon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend Flowers for Algernon. Fairly short and very easy to read, but still a great classic.