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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 94 KB, 686x1029, paterson-494875254-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14525306 No.14525306 [Reply] [Original]

Any other /lit/ movies?

>> No.14525308
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>> No.14525311

This movie was really good.

Stalker by Tarkovsky is pretty /lit/

>> No.14525312

Enemy (2013) seemed kino /lit/ but I couldn't finish it

>> No.14525315

Poetry (2010)

>> No.14525316
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>> No.14525322

Disregard this Villeneuve sucks

>> No.14525355

There's something hard to swallow about a white person living in Paterson, NJ. My suspension of disbelief only goes so far.

>> No.14525391

good threat OP. this movie inspired me to go dumbphone and be serious about poetry. Wish I could enjoy the small things as much as Paterson.

>> No.14525441

Incendies is kino

>> No.14525453

why was his gf such a dumb whore?

>> No.14525458


So fucking good

>> No.14525465

*reads Ulysses wikipedia page once*

>> No.14525486
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>> No.14525529
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>> No.14526437
File: 5 KB, 124x186, The Double.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty cool adaptation of Dostoevsky's story of the same name

>> No.14526482

is this everybody loves raymond

>> No.14526504

>one of the finest actors of the moment

How is this praise? It's like saying "this is the best meal I had this hour." Is it ironic?

>> No.14526564

Nah it's a great film.

>> No.14526570

I wasn't talking about the film. I was talking about the dubious critique that Driver is "one of the finest actors of the moment."

>> No.14526592

but that's the only good one of his like 8 films

also I know someone in a poetry class I had who plagiarized the "waterfalls" poem from Paterson for a grade, claimed he didn't think about it

>> No.14526600

in what way do you think those two statements are alike? does "of the moment" confuse you? it means of recent.

>> No.14526607

Dead Man

>> No.14526620
File: 19 KB, 220x314, 220px-The_Turin_Horse_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great movie

>> No.14526635

Yes. Do you not know what a moment is? It is a very, very short period of time.

>> No.14526692

you remind me that being retarded is sometimes just an optional thing

>> No.14526697
File: 255 KB, 960x1440, film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is also good

>> No.14526713

thanks for reminding me to watch this, I loved Jarmusch's early films but struggled with his 90s/00s stuff

The Tree of Life
anything by Tarkovsky
Yi Yi
There Will Be Blood

>> No.14526721

Yet, you're the one willingly bending the meaning of words.

>> No.14526751

>saying this in a thread suggesting the movie in the OP, or, even just on a literature board in general

>> No.14526757
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>> No.14526765
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>> No.14526933

I thought Arrival and BR2049 were really good. so was Sicario. Prisoners and Enemy were the weakest

>> No.14526940

incredibly based Has kino

>> No.14526945
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>> No.14526948

>dude potato lmao

>> No.14526962

Can we stop making these stupid threads?

Let's keep /lit/ for books.

>> No.14526970

based lads

>> No.14526975

>he didn't start eating exclusively potatoes after the movie

>> No.14527035

David Holtzman's Diary

>> No.14527048
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Polish film fag here, extremely proud to see Wojciech Has itt. Check out Mother Joan of the Angel's too, it's by Jerzy Kawalerowicz

>> No.14527057
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>> No.14527058

Watched it.Really liked the cinematography

>> No.14527195

Good film
I cried :(

>> No.14527222 [DELETED] 

Night Train by Kawalerowicz is also good

>> No.14527264

yep, a very Hitchcockesque film

>> No.14527299

infinite jest is in a few shots in the background during this movie.

>> No.14527305

good fuckin list

>> No.14527336


>> No.14527500

>Hovering Over the Water
>The Aviator's Wife
>Celine and Julie go Boating
>Il Sorpasso
>Two Lane Blacktop
>La Belle Noiseuse
>I Walked with a Zombie

extremely based

>India Song
retroactively refuted into the trash it goes kill yourself im a big guy for you

>> No.14527512 [DELETED] 

I've heard India Song sucks so I haven't seen it yet but some of Duras' other films are really good

>> No.14527535

I saw a film called bright star recently and quite enjoyed its not kino but a good /lit/ related film that made me want to pick Keats works.

>> No.14527540

its for pseuds dont bother

>> No.14527576
File: 108 KB, 654x1000, MV5BMTFkNmY0OTktYmUyNS00MjI3LWE3ZGItNWU1NzkyMDY3NTlmL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1NTYyMjg@._V1_SY1000_SX654_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related aka the only good Scorsese movie and a decent take on the book.

Warning: some people said they got triggered by the NY accents of the actors. I'm not American so I didn't care.

>> No.14527635

that scene in the restaurant when people were looking at him and cringing like that meme picture of cringing at the camera holding plastic cups in a college party, christ lads.

>> No.14527654
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Directed by the author, too

>> No.14527676

IJ appears in nearly all of Jarmusch films, dood

>> No.14527680
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>> No.14527682
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>> No.14527689
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Идиoт (1958)
Legit Soviet Dosto-adaption

>> No.14527712
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>> No.14527714

How do i delete this thread?

>> No.14527716
File: 668 KB, 1654x2337, MV5BYjUzYjAxY2EtZGRjNC00Y2MwLWFjNGMtYWQwNjI4ODNjYTE4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjA3NjI2NDA@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is somewhat similar.

>> No.14528193


>> No.14528222

Pic related only good movie everything else is for posers.

>> No.14528245
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Find a single flaw

>> No.14528490

you cant

>> No.14528511
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>> No.14528515
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>> No.14528540

Based. It's my favorite movie of all time and I found out about the book through it, which I've read and it's one of my favorite books now.

Based as well. Inferior to The Saragossa Manuscript, but it's still an outstanding movie. Still haven't read the book it's based on.

>> No.14528543

Does anyone know any movies similar to it in structure?
For example what >>14527716 says

>> No.14528553
File: 11 KB, 182x268, Passion of the Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest movie ever made, and the closest one has brought me to crying.

>> No.14528597



>> No.14528636


>> No.14528687
File: 259 KB, 1280x720, a47371b5-bff9-41ca-9d52-fe87a8e514bd-7e981337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched this recently and was blown away. It felt like watching a relationship blossom on hidden camera more than a movie and it was beautiful to see.

>> No.14528895

>none of these movies are better than Drive

Goes to show you all are gay.

>> No.14528918

>he's literally me

>> No.14528964

I'm not a car mechanic or a stunt driver. You all just can't grasp why someone would model themselves after a character they deem as cool. Drive has the acting, soundtrack, and cinematography of a masterpiece. Again, you are just gay.

>> No.14529163

BR2049 was the better Gosling kino

>> No.14529199

It was good but not as iconic.

>> No.14529290
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>> No.14529295
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>> No.14529310
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>> No.14529312
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>> No.14529320
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>> No.14529427

Movies are fucking stupid and are of no value other than as a propaganda tool
Watching movies is literally the equivalent of being fed regurgitated worms

>> No.14529457
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Any Kaufman really

>> No.14530050

Bump All anons should watch this

>> No.14530062

I'm guessing you've only ever seen studio films since the mid 2000s. The highly regarded films nowadays (on Metacritic at least) are humanist films and not propaganda (Moonlight, 12 Years a Slave). The problem is the medium-high films are overt propaganda and horrible (Selma, Black Panther, Get Out, Blackkklansman, Coco, etc.)

>> No.14530073

But why? Just take 10 mins to read the short story. Hollywood can't even do a short story without fucking it up.

>> No.14530222

"a moment" !== "the moment"
Retard detected.

The quality of this board would be significantly improved if a basically literacy test was required before posting.

>> No.14530233 [DELETED] 

Petla > The Hourglass Sanatorium > The Saragossa Manuscript

>> No.14530243

based and gibsonpilled

>> No.14530265

Added Petla to my backlog, thanks. Judging from the premise of the movie, it seems to me almost impossible that it's better than The Hourglass Sanatorium and The Saragossa Manuscript, but I'll give it a watch.

>> No.14530285

Based and hankpilled

>> No.14530287 [DELETED] 

It's stunningly bleak, it's like a precursor to Tarr's Damnation (1988) and not like the other two films at all

>> No.14530292

Great style like all of Refn's movies, not much else

>> No.14530294

That's a bad sign for me, since all of his movies that I've seen were extremely pretentious to me and I always found a few excellent scenes mixed with shitty ones. I'll still watch the movie, though.

>> No.14530322 [DELETED] 

I mean story-wise, Tarr's style is a lot slower with intricate camera pans.

>> No.14530328
File: 309 KB, 800x598, 876fd4f233d8ad05ed82dbdbe1f3df68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope more people will see this, which I regard as the quintessential /lit/ film.

>> No.14530330

>Tarr's style is a stillborn clone of Tarkovsky

>> No.14530351 [DELETED] 

Nah, he actually reminds me more of some of Miklos Jancso's B&W work in regards to how he explores space with the camera.
I know people compare him to Tarkovsky a lot, but I don't see that much in common except for long takes

>> No.14530433
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>> No.14530446

the opening of Damnation feels like a cheap imitation of Stalker for sure

>> No.14530460 [DELETED] 

What? Why?

>> No.14530548

>black and white
>long takes of decrepit architecture (Stalker and the door, Damnation and the wall)
>industrial dystopia
>the opening dialog
>the decrepit bar
I haven't seen Damnation in a while but this is what I remember off the top of my head

>> No.14530565

>not posting the english cover
what a pseud

>> No.14530572 [DELETED] 

Yeah but Stalker is in sepia not pure B&W, and tbf Iron Curtain Europe was a decrepit industrial shithole so not exactly a ripoff

>> No.14530597

at the very least it felt like an obvious nod, at worst it was borderline plagiaristic.

>> No.14530608

Tarkovsky died for that film, along with much of the cast and filmers. They had to reshoot the film several timers (partly due to defective film) while rolling around in the waste runoff of an Estonian powerplant. It's still debated whether the area was radioactive, despite the Soviets clearing them for it.

>> No.14530617

based and I DON'T EAT-pilled

>> No.14530618

Dostoyevsky is the master at capturing sincere cringe. It's wonderful.

>> No.14530623 [DELETED] 

Nah it's just Communism mate

>> No.14530640

Anyone here watch anything by Bela Tarr?

>> No.14530662 [DELETED] 

Yes, I've seen all his films
>Werckmeister Harmonies
>The Turin Horse
>Autumn Almanac
>The Prefab People
>Family Nest
>The Outsider
>The Man from London
>Journey on the Plain
>Hotel Magnezit
Hungarian cinema in general is quite underrated imo

>> No.14530669
File: 259 KB, 1347x834, ivan_02-1347x834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you haven't watched much Soviet films lmao

>> No.14530673

Which one do you recommend one starts with? I've heard nothing but praise for his films and he's one of the only "mainstream niche" directors I haven't seen a single film of

>> No.14530689 [DELETED] 

I actually have
Werckmeister Harmonies is maybe the most accessible

>> No.14530690
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Marketa Lazarová was kino

>> No.14530695

then you should know they don't all take place in industrial dystopias, in fact, it was much harder to get a film like that produced under Soviet censors

>> No.14530701
File: 158 KB, 620x877, leviathan-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is his other films as good as this one?

>> No.14530702

Accessible in what way?

>> No.14530731

he's calling you a plebeian

>> No.14530752 [DELETED] 

You know what fuck it, here are all of my Hungarian cinema recommendations, get them while they're hot:

>Werckmeister Harmonies
>The Turin Horse
>The Red and the White
>My Twentieth Century
>Red Psalm
>Sweet Anna
>Memories of a City
>Son of the White Mare
>The Round-Up
>Ten Thousand Days
>Narcissus and Psyche
>Autumn Almanac
>Punitive Expedition
>Electra, My Love
>My Way Home
>The Prefab People
>Family Nest
>Little Valentino
>Hyppolit, the Butler
>Diary for My Children
>The Outsider
>The Man from London

>> No.14530753
File: 185 KB, 878x1200, 71XMkwGxk4L._SL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourself a favor and buy the 4k version of burning before it's too late.
Not only do you get the 10/10 film on dvd, br, 4k br and a nice media book but it also includes a br of peppermint candy, which is arguably his 2nd best movie.
At only 25€ this is a fucking no-brainer.

>> No.14530774 [DELETED] 

Eisenstein is literal full blooded propaganda tho.
Tarkovsky had the balls to make religious films under USSR and Tarr made made his pre-Satantango works before Communism fell somehow, maybe they were more lenient in Hungary

>> No.14530786

What? Ivan the Terrible part 2 was literally banned for its portrayal of Ivan and they refused to let him make part 3

>> No.14530792 [DELETED] 

Was it?
I actually didn't see ItT lol, just Strike, Potemkin and some early shorts from him

>> No.14530796

Asian kino best kino

>> No.14530825

I've seen Potemkin and I can see the propaganda there, Alexander Nevsky is arguably even more propagandistic. I haven't seen Strike tbf. Eisenstin is top kino though I can't judge him

>> No.14530831

But all I wanted was a friendly recommendation

>> No.14530848 [DELETED] 

Relatively short but retains his signature style (unlike his early films), music is top notch, the scenes are very tightly paced and composed, themes are essentially Tarr to the core, has plenty unforgettable images

>> No.14530886
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>> No.14531434

What's the "start with the Greeks" equivalent in film? Eisenstein and Keaton?

>> No.14531448

shhh you'll summon Griffithfag

>> No.14531454

german expressionism

>> No.14531455
File: 42 KB, 348x490, through a glass darkly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based retard

>> No.14531478

kurosawas is better

>> No.14531501

home alone

>> No.14531588

would also like to know. I loved The Tree of Life and quite liked Tarkovsky’s Mirror—albeit not feeling completely “ready” for it. What’s a good path to follow for a plebeian such as I?

>> No.14531627

Is the Solaris movie worth watching? Not the new one

>> No.14531711
File: 59 KB, 383x599, SolarisSovietPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As in Tarkovsky's Solaris? Absolutely. It's essential.

>> No.14531733

Barry Lyndon.

>> No.14531860
File: 24 KB, 297x396, gg-the-white-ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Haneke's most patrician film

>> No.14531894

no one is ready for Mirror, you passed the filter anon

>> No.14532046

Alright, thank you anon

>> No.14532054

Such a great film.

Wow you just made me realize how retard that expression is. I'd never recommend silent films for people starting to get into film.


Dead Man Walking? Underrated film

Sicario was horrendous. He unintentionally made an anti-affirmative action film. The white woman was comically incompetent and overly emotional, and the black guy was naive and arrogant. However, it was obvious he tried to make them the heroes and show how the world is unjust because of men but failed terribly.

Unbelievable film

Out One would be the most /lit. 13 hour version

>Pic related aka the only good Scorsese movie and a decent take on the book.
Why do people say things like this? He's clearly made many good movies, although I would say he's made more bad movies than good movies and aside from his five masterpieces- Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Irishman, and Mean Streets, - he's a hack. I loathed Departed, liked Hugo and King of Comedy, despised Casino, Shutter Island, After Hours, Cape Fear, and Wolf of Wall Street. Was underwhelmed with silence and didn't bother with the Aviator or Kings of New York. I haven't seen pic related, but it doesn't seem to appeal to me. Maybe I'll give it a go, but I would also like to see Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore.

Underrated, but barely a 6/10.


Overly-sentimental and exaggerated. Great film nonetheless. 9/10 at worst.

Drive was awful

Why has this turned into /tv. Gosling's only two kinos are First Man and La La Land.

kek. Need to see this. Dillon as Buk though?

Absolutely not. With the exception of Anomalisa.

What is this?

Werckmeister and Satantango.

Based as fuck. Hard to be a God and Andrei Rublev complete the middle ages kino.

Yes! Loveless and Elena are essential kino. Haven't seen The Return or the Banishment yet.

Yup this and Poetry were amazing.

Potemkin is unique insofar as that it's a literal propaganda piece, but has a humanist theme. Contemporary propaganda pieces like Blackklansman or When They See Us pretend not to be, but fail so terribly and are so fucking worthless.

And Ozu is the best


>> No.14532091

Loumieres, Melies, Porter, Griffith, Demille, Gad

>> No.14532113

Flaherty too
After these go to Stroheim, Chaplin, Bauer, Dwan, Sjostrom, and Arbuckle.

>> No.14532173

Stopped reading there. Get out, you retard.

>> No.14532194

underrated post

>> No.14532211

>Sicario was horrendous. He unintentionally made an anti-affirmative action film.
wat? there was pretty much zero racial commentary in that movie, you have read all this in on your own

>> No.14532226

He's a retard, don't worry about it.

>> No.14532227

>Stopped reading there. Get out, you retard.
"Muh it's modern and long, so it must be bad." And even worse "muh I don't agree with everything you said, therefore you're wrong and dumb." So you get out fucktard and stop acting like a Jewish woman.

Affimative action is gender and race. It's obvious that that is what he's going for.

>> No.14532242

You have no visual literacy or sense of aesthetics. Please peruse the bugman vocation you were made for.

>> No.14532261

>You have no visual literacy or sense of aesthetics.
Because I recognized a film as studio propaganda? Or because I liked a modern film? Either way you're living in a fantasy world getting mad at people online for not agreeing with you, and instead of explaining why I'm wrong you just become a screeching retard. Grow up.

>> No.14532263

there is even less gender commentary so that doesn't clear anything up

>> No.14532269

You are the worst samefag I've ever seen

>> No.14532293

So the two leads are conveniently a black male and a white woman and both act stereotypical and that's not a social commentary or an attempt at one? It doesn't need to be overt or preachy in order to be clear that that is what it's doing, but I also said it as a hackneyed pithy to explain why it's bad that's obviously not the only reason. If you like it though, then so be it, but I'm guessing you've seen very few films that are not America or not from before 1970 in your entire life if you do.

>> No.14532299

Denis Villeneuve? What planet are you from?

>> No.14532321

Ah okay, he referred to Denis Villeneuve not myself, I wasn't samefagging. Also, don't interject in order to reveal how retarded and presumptuous you are next time, faggot.

>> No.14532327

if those two characters were white men literally nothing about that story changes lmao you are a schizo

>> No.14532335

Yeah it would be equally as worthless.

>> No.14532368

They mean moment in a broader sense than that you absolute sperg

>> No.14532405

I honestly can't see all those words on blurred backgrounds as anything but Jarmusch ridiculing typical Jarmusch fans.

>> No.14533623

hurr durr look at me im replying to everyone hurr durr look how many (You)s i can give

>> No.14533883
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>> No.14533994
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>> No.14534316
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Stalker (1979)

>> No.14534323

Turin horse, Damnation and Werkmeister Harmonies. All were great
"All stories are stories of decomposition"

>> No.14534325

Rick and Morty pickle rick

>> No.14534406

based on rupi kaur

>> No.14534675

None of the above. Your problems go beyond taste. I've won here.

>> No.14535470


The Plea by Tengiz Abuladze, Werckmeister Harmonies by Bela Tarr, Hour of the Wolf by Ingmar Bergman.

>> No.14535519

It’s literally a terrible movie lol. Only a retard would think they won anything after screeching like an autist. Why is it good? There’s nothing interesting of profound about the entire debacle. As for the issues going beyond taste, that’s comical. It was an action film for boys pretending to be something deep, I’m sorry you’re a retard with adhd that likes to pretend to be smart.

>> No.14535563

It’s a problem with every denis villeneuve film they’re completely reductive and insincere. Blade runner 2049 was contrived and shallow, arrival (his best film and his only good film) was unfocused and hardly great, prisoners was about bullshit philosophical hypotheticals that show a fundamental misunderstanding of philosophy. Honestly, there’s very little positive to say about him, and if you don’t notice a trend of liberal themes in his film you’re a bigger retard than I thought, so get your head out of your ass and make an argument why I’m wrong instead of just saying you won, you fucking fuck. Everyone on this post has posted indie, old, and foreign films, but you’re shilling middle of the pack contemporary blockbusters. Who’s really the retard? If you said Fury Road, then I’d agree more so, but you’d probably say that didn’t have a feminist theme either (which I didn’t even criticize in itself, but how Sicario failed and went about it lol).

>> No.14535754

requesting a chart for film theory (both books and movies)

>> No.14536079
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Violette (2013) XXth century lit paris society basically

French ones:
Moulin Rouge (1952) - fiction about Toulouse Lautrec if you like the end of XIX France, lots of parties, painting
Le trou (1960) - this one is really good, it's kind of like shawshank but a lot more talking and slow, while keeping your attention
Le Procès (1962) - really enjoyed this adaptiation
La carrière de Suzanne (1963) - this one i really liked especially because main characters are students and i also was one when i watched it, and for me it's like clocest what student's life should be like
Ma nuit chez Maud (1969) - you should at least watch it until main guy lives womans apartment, also lots of talking
Pickpocket 1959 - basically anon living alone trying to make a living stealing people's wallets and having other problems on the side
M - 1931 german serial killer
Il bidone - 1955 italy, frauds taking advantage of plebs
12 Angry Men - most of you know this one, reasonable men talking and concluding
La notte 1961 - italian couple walking and talking to other
La grande bouffe (1973) - i didn't get this one but i guess it's lit
Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma 1975 - idk why but actors here act like they're newbies and it's really weird sometimes, other stuff why it's worth a watch are poo, piss, slaves, gore etc.

i post old ones because most of them there's only a little or no action, still scenes and lots of talking, in french ones there are even philosophy talks and it's what lit kino is to me
if you like any of them and want more just search for the director

>> No.14536164
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>Nocturnal animals
a recent, but a great engaging movie. Not a classic-tier ambitious movie, but a genuinely enjoyable flick
Gyllenhaal and Michael Shannon are absolutely based
>Gone girl
>Lynch's Dune
>Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
hated this
If you don't like Jesse Eisenberg already, don't watch this
fucking love this
the whole movie is like a blissful romantic dream

>> No.14536986

You don't need theory to watch l'Atalante.

>> No.14537180

>arrival (his best film and his only good film)
Arrival is not as good as Incendies stop embarrassing yourself anon

>> No.14537319

God I love this film

>> No.14537462
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>> No.14537516
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The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq (2014)

>> No.14537526

I genuinely think it's a good film and Sofia Coppola gets a bad reputation because she makes movies about rich people instead of poverty porn

>> No.14537566
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>> No.14537598
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All of Pasolini's movies.

>> No.14537640

Will reading Kierk really turn me into this bros?

>> No.14537837

This but none of Pasolini's movies because Pasolini sucks ass

>> No.14537920

Only a retard would say this about the man who made Accattone and Mamma Roma

>> No.14537943

Ahh yes, shit tier neorealism that tried to not be neorealism, superb!

>> No.14537963

I haven't seen it, fuck off.

>> No.14538129

I never said anything about Villeneuve, retard. I'm was just talking about you.

>> No.14538262

Oasis is his best film fuck off

>> No.14538323
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I can see if "moviefags" don't appreciate it as much, but with the /lit/ perspective, this is a 10/10.
>reads the bible (and other books) throughout
>makes jokes about the ancient greeks
>acid and cynic character
Won't say much more so as not to spoil it.
I find it somewhat similar to >>14527654, though Naked is much more pessimist, dreadful, depressing.

>> No.14538331
File: 388 KB, 1646x2416, ninthgate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this one, extremely cheese, but the delicious kind of cheesy.
These two movies are my go-to when I need a little boost to read more, and it always work.
Ninth gate, dare I say, comfy.

>> No.14538350

>that scene with the security guard
also the rapist is the best character

>> No.14538356

Harry Potter

>> No.14538377

I like it so much, man. Never been able to find a similar movie, closes I've found is Pi, which is one of my favorite movies.
I just love the /x/esque talk he has with the guard, surrounding religion, the bible, literature, conspiracies, prophecies...

>> No.14538387

I haven't watched a lot of Leigh's films but Another Year is really good

>> No.14538436

I liked Another Year a lot, but Mr. Turner was one of the best films I've ever seen. Surprised that hasn't been posted on here. Is Naked the next logical step?

>> No.14538484
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Some films from Gus van Sant (Gerry ( Also Casey Affleck's The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford was dope) , My Own Private Idaho), Roy Andersson, Emir Kusturica (especially Arizona Dream) etc. from the top of my head.

>> No.14538517

Mr Turner has been on my list for a while, will watch it this weekend, so can't answer if it is the next step, but it's a good movie, go for it.

>> No.14538539


>> No.14538749


>> No.14538775

I don’t usually watch movies. I study for coding interviews about 9 hours a day and in my spare time I read or hit on high school seniors at the school close by.

>> No.14538828

The Return is fantastic (especially considering it's his first feature), The Banishment is probably his weakest but still pretty good

>> No.14538835

This is very well respected, unless by "moviefags" you mean "filmbros"

>> No.14538884

>First man and La La Land
>Not The Believer and Blue Valentine

>> No.14538898

Haven't seen Blue Valentine, looks good though and have been meaning to watch it for awhile. The Believer was okay. I need to see Half Nelson too.

>> No.14538906

Have been meaning to see this

>> No.14538933

>you mean "filmbros"
Yes, /tv

>> No.14539053
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Persona (1966)
The best Bergman movie

>> No.14539296

Which other movies? I'm seeing that it's in Only Lovers Left Alive as well.

>> No.14539785

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Rotten Tomatoes® 96%
3:10 to Yuma (1957)
3:10 to Yuma (1957)
Rotten Tomatoes® 96%
3:10 to Yuma (2007)
3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Rotten Tomatoes® 89%
9 1/2 Weeks (1986)
9 1/2 Weeks (1986)
Rotten Tomatoes® 64%
The Accidental Tourist (1988)
The Accidental Tourist (1988)
Rotten Tomatoes® 79%
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Rotten Tomatoes® 100%
The Age of Innocence (1993)
The Age of Innocence (1993)
Rotten Tomatoes® 80%
The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965)
The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965)
Rotten Tomatoes® 86%
Aladdin (1992)
Aladdin (1992)
Rotten Tomatoes® 94%

>> No.14540823
