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/lit/ - Literature

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14521378 No.14521378 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain our relationship with music?

why the fuck do we like tunes¿¿¿¿¿¿ are we the only species to like tunes? why do we have a transcendental sensation listening to our favorite tunes?? Why can a guitar solo touch our soul??? have philosophers touched on this?


Not going to /mu/ they can't explain stuff or read

>> No.14521442

it might be a few levels removed from exactly what you are looking for but go find some of Schopenhauer's writings on aesthetics

>> No.14521467

/mu/tard here
Nice genre tourist album OP, you fucking faggot. Literally jazz for people who don't listen to jazz. What's next? Miles Davis? John Coltrane? Mingus, perhaps? you fucking faggot. ECM is a tourist label for clueless rockists who want to appear """cultured"". I haven't heard a single ECM record that wasn't embarrassing tourist fusion. Literally the niggers of jazz labels. RYM faggots love this shit as well, which is absolutely cringe, bunch of fucking trannies I tell you. I hope at least you're not a tourist in other genres you pathetic failure. Don't tell me you like garbage like Radiohead and fucking Swans because that would be the cherry on top of your pathetic life. Get some self respect and stop droning the essential fucking faggot. And you dare criticize /mu/ LOL. Granted most of them are a bunch of equally touristic faggots you're not better in the slightest way.

>> No.14521530

this has to be pasta

>> No.14521541

I've been wondering the same thing. Good thread OP.

>> No.14521550

Jarrett is a fine example of an artist that en public experiences this transcendental sensation I am talking about. I'm merely using him as an example because of this quality, it's a shame you don't see that. Proving exactly my point about you shits.

Thanks anon

>> No.14521559

my retarded theory:

rhytm takes load from our brain that struggles to make sense of everything and predict stuff

harmony and chord progressions set the mood as they mimic the tone "people arguing/conversating"

good vocals induce "mirror neuronal" response (condfidence/sadness etc)

lyrics are self expanatory

>> No.14521601


>> No.14521608

/mu/ is definitely the worst board on 4chan. Just look this retard.

>> No.14521614

this is a great thread

>> No.14521655

because our heart generates a constant rhythm, and all music has rhythm. (if you try to counter this by saying you listen to some experimental dogshit that has no rhythm, this can be explained by you having a severe mental aberration (very likely on /lit) so you're not a real counter-example)

>> No.14521675
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>> No.14521683

Brainlet spotted.

>> No.14521688

If you can't explain it without deferring to the book, it means you haven't read it or it was a massive piece of shit. Modern "marxists" are an example of the former.

>> No.14521693

OP literally asked for a book rec

>> No.14521697

this has to be pasta
the average /mu/tant knows fucking nothing about music and treats it as some disposable spectator sport

>> No.14521804
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The Singing Neanderthals by Steven Mithen. It discusses which parts of the brain are responsible for enjoying/making music, how it seems to have evolved, what the evolutionary benefits are and so on. It's the only book I've read on the topic so far so I can't say for sure how credible it is, but it was very enjoyable. Very interesting topic.
I've seen pic related recommended in a similar thread.

>> No.14521812

My birdie loved music

>> No.14521821

>this transcendental sensation
Is that a euphemism for grunting?

>> No.14521848


thanks anons

This is what puzzles me as well. I've seen birds jam to music, dogs howling to piano, and even the youngest babies enjoy rhythm. This suggests that music, or the ability to enjoy it, is not just cultural but probs natural.

More recommendations welcome

>> No.14521881
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>which parts of the brain