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/lit/ - Literature

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14521144 No.14521144 [Reply] [Original]

>is really into literature
>isn't trying to write his own

>> No.14521148

“I’ll take that little one, way in the back,” I said. “That little collie mix?” said the animal shelter guy. “No,” I said, “the other one behind him.” “The gray terrier?” he said. “He’s gray,” I said, “but way in the back, in the corner.” “You mean the water faucet?” he said. I realized then it was a water faucet, but I didn’t want to look like a jerk, so I said, “Yeah, that’s the one I want.” It ended up costing me almost five hundred dollars to get that faucet removed. But you know, I’ve still got that faucet, and I wouldn’t trade it for any dog in the world.

>> No.14521160

Everything there was to be said about love was said in a 1 minute long song, and we are now just waiting to die

>> No.14521164

how do you appraise your own writing realistically? i can only attack it, everything i write goes in the bin

>> No.14521181
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Everything I'm into, I also try to emulate. I feel that it's a major flaw. Literature, I'm trying to write it. Music trying to make it. Art trying to make it. Pro Wrestler trying to be one. I used to be really into football only because I wanted to be one and now I can't be bothered to watch a match because every time I do, I'm overwhelmed by envy and anger that I fire up Pro Evolution Soccer, create a character and watch myself as I become the GOAT.
WTF IS WRONG WITH ME. I am depressed because of the way I live.

>> No.14521237
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I don't have to try, faggot. I just do it.

>> No.14521249

Attempting to write my own literature has given me an even deeper appreciation of the stuff I read. It puts in perspective the difficulty of the task.

>> No.14521266

That's what happens to all new "artists", or at least the ones I see on 4chan, the ones that never get anywhere. Simply write what you want, once you finish writing you can go back and spot all the mistakes that you've made.
After a few months of consistent writing, you will be noticeably better than you were before, and the mistakes will be easy to spot. You can then rewrite it. If you still don't enjoy your own writing no matter how much time you put into it, idk what to tell you, there is something fundamentally wrong that you need to fix.

Writing is ridiculously easy when compared to any other art-form. But I guess everything is hard for a 4chan NEET.

>> No.14521307

>Writing is ridiculously easy when compared to any other art-form. But I guess everything is hard for a 4chan NEET.
What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure.

>> No.14521341

Nice platitude, substantiated by nothing. There is a fundamental difference in difficulty between writing and any other art form.
You see, you can have ideas in music, painting, sculpture, poetry, and so on, but then when you start creating you realize they do not work in reality. What you end up with is so terrible, that it is unusable. Over years you have to accumulate experience, and only then you have an instinctual idea of what works and what doesn't.
In writing, any idea can be turned into a serviceable story, no matter what it is. You come up with something you want to write about in your head, you refine it as much as you want, and then you start writing. All you need to do is to communicate your idea, in a method that has 1:1 correlation with your thoughts! It is the very language that you use to think, to an industrious mind there is no barrier. It's as easy as breathing.

>> No.14521779

0/10 see me after class

>> No.14521782


>> No.14521912

It sounds like you have shit taste in literature.

>> No.14521985

(One word is as much as you'll get from me, for such a lazy one sentence reply. Try harder next time, or perhaps stop posting from your phone.)

>> No.14522024

All my writing time is spent on my thesis anon.

>> No.14522141


>> No.14522599

This is 3 minutes long.

>> No.14522675

Literature as an art form has been dead and obsolete for a while. The entire medium will be extinct a few decades from now.

I love reading, but trying to create new literature is just wasting time that would be better spent mastering an art that is actually relevant.

>> No.14522686

>The entire medium will be extinct a few decades from now.
people have been saying this for a hundred years now, yet the book industry keeps making a comeback decade after decade

>> No.14522707

> keeps making a comeback decade after decade
This. All the best art is made at the very start of a decade, or at least that's when the public finds out about it. The world is ready and waiting for another literary superstar, don't let it be another JK Rowling.

>> No.14522827

There’s too much to try and appreciate until you start. What can anyone add? It’s all been done before

>> No.14522863

Obviously you aren't a very creative person. Anything one finds interesting or thinks about could be turned into a book. You don't really understand a topic/emotion/world-view until you write a book about it. Not many get to experience and appreciate this level of thinking.

>> No.14522872

>book industry = literature

kys plebeian consumerist

>> No.14523070

Can someone critique please?

It began to rain and splash mud onto my clean white socks. “Sabrina?” Ted’s voice struck me from the darkness. I shivered. “Why weren’t you at tonight’s game?”
“What’s the point?” Ted sighed.

“Look, Ted.” I pointed to my browned socks.
His shoulders stiffened and he asked sharply, “Are you mocking me, Cheer?” I gulped because Ted only called me by my last name when he was upset about something I did. I smiled and thought of an inside joke between the two of us and I said, “Hey, you’ve made me so wet my makeup came off!” And Ted laughed but the crickets drowned out his raspy voice. “This is it...” The defeated voice began amid the glittering mist. “I’ve peaked.”

I curled my frigid lips and complained, “Come on, it’s a Tuesday night, I have to go to bed.” The Moon’s milky spotlight drenched Ted. “Wait, I wasn’t accepted to do college football.” He said.
“I’m sorry...”
But he cut me off and interjected: “To hell with your ‘sorry’. To hell with your Cheerleading. To hell with you. You don’t deserve to be a College Cheerleader because all you do is look pretty. You are just a side piece.”

Ted stepped back into the mist and ran through the mud. I ran after him. We pretended that we were in a game of football. It was silly but momentarily fun. He stopped after what felt like an exhausting workout and he said, “I’m sorry. I’m just...” Our lips touched. “Stay with me.”
I told him, “My dream is to compete in college.” And then I added, “But you can come with me.” I was soaked from head to toe but I was happy.

>> No.14523096

You write just like a 12 year old girl writes her Harry Potter fanfiction.

>> No.14523101

fuck sake i cant win.

>> No.14523395

>popular = bad
heh, typical bitter incel

>> No.14523772

Fucking retard

>> No.14523991

nice argument

>> No.14524057

i dont know. what could i write about?

>> No.14524063


>> No.14524077

actually no, it was just a bump

>> No.14524083

all the good literature has already been made

>> No.14524091
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>is really into sex
>can't even pull fatt uggos

>> No.14524098

I regret to inform you, dear Reader, that my diary still isn't finished.

>> No.14524107

I'm really into masturbation and I can pull myself off with either hand.

>> No.14524108

I said GOOD

>> No.14524129

No, I have plenty of thoughts, mostly non-fiction related, but I’m not vain enough to care about writing a book about them. I don’t care about adding so much useless information and filler to create a novel. Most books are too long. Children’s books are better.

>> No.14524137

You flatter me, oh future Reader, to include me among the greats is an honor!

>> No.14524672

Post your work

>> No.14524705

>(One word is as much as you'll get from me, for such a lazy one sentence reply. Try harder next time, or perhaps stop posting from your phone.)

>> No.14524744

>smugly replied the phone-poster, his fat fingers too tired for anything else.

>> No.14524755

It's because i'm into literature that I don't write. I know I could never make anything great and thus I do not waste my time trying.

>> No.14524780

I really liked your first reply, but your second makes you sound like an insufferable fag. 2nd anon literally did nothing wrong, but you had to go and insult him for no reason. Maybe you should work on yourself, as well.

>> No.14524781

I’m a musician, so I don’t focus on writing literature - I just consoom it. :)

>> No.14524805
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Go back to your reddit hugbox.

>> No.14525155

Failed author detected

>> No.14525166

As opposed to what current artform?

>> No.14525226

>popular = bad
this is unironically true though.

>> No.14525264

You wanted to be a football haha?

>> No.14525545
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What if you're the other way around