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File: 489 KB, 1152x1600, Thomas-Aquinas-Black-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14520832 No.14520832 [Reply] [Original]

>Okay,i give it to you.There is god,and he is perfect and eternal.but how do you prove that he is the god of abraham,issac and jacob?

what to do?

>> No.14520841

Bible says that God is One.
Philosophy says God is One, granted.
Therefore they amalgamate.

>> No.14520848

Nothing. My job is done. Don't care what religion he picks as long as theres one less fedora tipper in the world.

>> No.14520852
File: 191 KB, 106x106, 8C40382C-9AB4-4950-8C38-452AA9803FBE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can God be one? We’re practically going to be gods ourselves of some poor AI chumps. There’s probably thousands of these Gods

>> No.14520855

All religions that preach for true love and kindness are one in the same so it doesn't matter.

>> No.14520860

For once it would be appropriate to tell you to read Guénon.

>> No.14520861

>Therefore clearly infactual "history" present in the Bible must be correct
The only reason I even consider christcucks is that it is so small-brained that it might actually be hot-air-balloon-sized-brained

>> No.14520877

The 'history' can be interpreted a myriad of ways so it is impervious to critique, Aquinas demonstrates Christian theology isn't contrary to reason but doesn't 'prove' it as such then it wouldn't be faith but another philosophy.

>> No.14520879

you can't, and it isn't.

>> No.14520903

Metaphysics is approved by God.

>For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: (Romans 1:20)

>> No.14520937

You need to take baby steps retard anon. First start with God and once you've realised that He is real, then move onto the Gospel of St John.

>> No.14520959

If he is perfect and eternal I don't see why he couldn't also be the God of the Bible

>> No.14520975

No it can't, you have to believe angels fucked antediluvian broads otherwise you can't believe the Flood, and you have to believe the Flood otherwise all the arguments for Judaean antiquity fall apart and you might as well believe Julian the apostate's arguments that jews worship Saturn.

You have to believe the entire book otherwise the narrative falls apart