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/lit/ - Literature

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14519736 No.14519736 [Reply] [Original]

Is it ethical to reject certain authors because of their jewish descent?

>> No.14519747

No, ethics vary from person to person, but it's retarded to judge their literary output in those terms. They aren't the Jews screwing over your country. They're long dead.

>> No.14519749

Do you do this, OP?

>> No.14519766

The only Jewish works I plan on reading/have read are the Bible, Kafka, Spinoza, and probably Marx at some point. Granted, it's partly because I can't think of any other Jewish writers that interest me and that includes Proust.

>> No.14519771

Yes species incorrect have bad idea

>> No.14519772


>> No.14519779
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, UNLESS ITS A FARM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two schools of thought:

1) I harbor no ill will towards Jews of either ethnicity or religion. Therefore I only care about the merits of the literature in question.

2) I do not like Jews of either ethnicity or religion, therefore I have to read Jewish literature in order to understand the Jewish people and be better prepared against their Jewish tricks. As a famous chink once said "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles"

>> No.14519829
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3) I do not like Jews but harbour them no ill will simply because it's an exercise in empty frustration since the Jews long won the culture strife for the possession of the western soul long before I was born, so the least I can do for myself is avoid jewish thought altogether and give them no luxury of invading my mind like they invaded my homeland

>> No.14519839

proust wasnt even full jew

>> No.14519840
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Yes obviously
In fact its unethical to propagate Jewish nonsense, lest we create another godless Soviet Union.

>> No.14519877
File: 169 KB, 220x172, Goebbels Giggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like you are trying to surrender and declare victory at the same time

>> No.14520024

Literally who?

>> No.14520236

Go back to your containment board


>> No.14520289

I’m Jewish and don’t read black writers. It’s your call anon, doesn’t make a difference either way, but don’t do things because of ‘ethical’ obligations.

>> No.14520302
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Reminder that they are one of the closest ethnic groups to the Greeks

>> No.14520303
File: 36 KB, 743x418, Negro Poetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Jew. Black writers are all terrible

>> No.14520313

I don't think ethics applies to a personal choice of literature. You read whatever you want to read, it's not a moral issue.

>> No.14520322

Proust renounced his jewishness so he's fine.

>> No.14520325
File: 7 KB, 148x186, herman-broch_148x186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hermann Broch? One of the best German-language writers of the 20th century?

>> No.14520665


>> No.14521279

It’s completely retarded. Even if you hold grudges against some ethnic group for whatever reasons, to not read and appreciate or at least critically evaluate their insights is narrow-minded. Or do you think the mere act of reading them will twist your mind and brainwash you? Furthermore -contrary to many /pol/tards point fo view- Jews are not a single hive-mind. Their opinions do in fact differ.

I personally hate most women for their irresponsible irrational ways of viewing the world and consider their behavior to be one of the prime reasons why the West has become such a consumerist nihilistic abominable hellhole. But even I recognize that these are merely statistical and probabilistic statements. There is in fact a standard deviation from the expectation value and there are outliers. So on the very rare occasion, whenever I find something that might be of interest to me written by a woman, I do not hesitate to read it.

>> No.14521386

> He was scathing enough about some kinds of Jew, though never out of racial or religious prejudice. “Have you ever been to the Marais,” he said, “–the Jewish commercial district?” “No, monsieur.” “You haven’t missed anything, Celeste. The ugliness and meanness! On the other hand, it would have been an interesting experience for you. Fortunately they are not all like that–far from it. You don’t have to be a Jew to have those faults, or many others. But those merchants! It is not surprising Christ drove them from the Temple!”
> … a Jew, making his entry as though he were emerging from the desert, his body crouching like a hyena’s, his neck thrust forward, offering profound “salaams,” completely satisfies a certain taste for the oriental.

What did Marcel Proust mean by this?

>> No.14521751

His family on his mother's side was jewish, on his father's side they were christians. He loved both religions, but you can tell in his writings he was way more into christianity than judaism. He loved the Chartres Cathedral, St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice, he loved western religious art. He lived close to the Church of St. Madeleine in Paris and visited it often, it was his favorite church in Paris. I've not heard of him visiting the temple at all.