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14517639 No.14517639 [Reply] [Original]

Books you finished this week/what you thought

pic relevant, finished Tampa by Alisa Nutting. Kind of a nabokov-esque tale of a female teacher who seduces her young students, and tackles themes of sexual abuse and gender roles in sexual abuse. 3.5/5

>> No.14517669
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>> No.14517848
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Liveblog made me fall in love with red heads again

>> No.14517925
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Started HRT after reading this

>> No.14518773

>involves pedophilia
>therefore it is nabokov-esque
You seem not to understand Lolita, let alone one of the last century's greatest writers.

>> No.14518849

I mean she's pretty good, but I wouldn't go so far as to call Nutting "one of the last century's greatest writers."