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14517092 No.14517092 [Reply] [Original]

Bible BTFO

>> No.14517101

He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings

>> No.14517102

Atheists don't believe already, but it may convert some of them by reading the bible.

>> No.14517112

>Jews are god's chosen
Holy shit I'm Christian now

>> No.14517121

Yeah, you might be an atheist jew.

>> No.14517129

Atheism has never been or will ever be a non-belief, but a belief.

>> No.14517134

Obviously, if someone is truly convinced of an idea, they will look into the source of opposing ideas, and create arguments against that source to further their belief.
I'm not looking to prove a point for either side right now, just leaving this here.

>> No.14517142

So you are saying that christians should read the bible to learn more about atheism?

>> No.14517152

isn't this a mainly verbal distinction though? I don't think any (non-stupid) atheist actually cares or doesn't realize that you can say that they "believe there is no god"

>> No.14517158
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>I'm not looking to prove a point for either side
>dude im just gonna be a spineless fence sitter all my life lmao
>omgg thanks for 5000 upvotes guys!!! Cant wait to show this to my wife's son!!

>> No.14517165

>reeeeee i don't BELIEVE ANYTHING I KNOW
Its a real phenomenon

>> No.14517170

this isn't obvious at all, because most people don't do this

>> No.14517188

but I am aware, yeah

>> No.14517191

Indian: Do u know how to swim?
Britisher: No
Indian: Then a dog is better den u because a dog can swim
Indian: Can you swim?
Britisher: Yes!
Indian: Then whats the difference between U& dog?... Britisher Schocked,Faints!! Indian Rocks!!!

>> No.14517209

Unironically try to debunk this
You literally cant. Hell is such an absurd concept

>> No.14517217
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Forgot pic

>> No.14517245

What's below you is only fire, what's above you is the blazing star that gives life to the rock you sit upon.

>> No.14517258

That's not the correct dogma is it? I thought pagans did go to hell

>> No.14517272


I am not a bible-scholar of any kind but I'll assume Dante did his research and according to his Comedy all the pagans pre-christian and otherwise were in the outer circle, which is where he meets all the ancient greeks, etc. It's not exactly a hellish existence, just a limbo of sorts.

>> No.14517309

There are many theories regarding Hell. Not all branches of Christianity believe in blatant Western heresies...

>> No.14517318


>> No.14517349

Somehow I doubt the priest in that macro is meant to be Orthodox (if that's what you're talking about)
I remember this, but I don't know either if Dante's hell conforms to what Catholic theologians actually say about it
is this in the Catechism?

>> No.14517354

That's because Dante fetishized the greeks. He knew he could get away with it to if he dangled enough torture and suffering in front of his audience's faces. Punishment is like catnip for christians. Razzle dazzle them with the ole medieval inventive cruelty and hide the Greek seed in the mashed potatoes. By the time the world had digested his work, the renaissance began sprouting out of Christianity's cultural shit pile.

>> No.14517359


>> No.14517380

>t. doesn't know what purgatory is
>t. doesn't know what a catechism is

>> No.14517410

Why not other holy texts?

>> No.14517412

isn't a catechism a book of answers to questions relating to church dogma? this seems like the sort of thing that would be in a catechism. do you know what the Catholic church actually says about pagans and hell? because I'd like to know

>> No.14517443

Hell is the absence of God; complete spiritual death. Do find your own middling existence to be absurd?

>> No.14517453

Yeah, non-belief is still a belief but most atheists are rather dumb.

>> No.14517472

sort of. it doesn't really answer questions, it just defines in easy terms what the faith is. most people think its some kind of dogmatic book, but it isn't at all, in fact the new catechism is pretty shitty and obfuscates church dogma a lot. the official stance of the church is that there is no salvation outside the church, but also that no one can say for certain who is in hell. basically we just don't know.

>> No.14517490
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i hate christians with an infinite hatred.
their dead faith has no place in modern society. they are parasites who seek to defame life until it fits into their warped, nihilistic preconception of it. they despise life and love and want you to hate it too. i refuse.

>> No.14517508

I can't believe some weeb on 4channel.org hates me.

>> No.14517517

fpbp, I really love how /lit/ is becoming intelligent again. effort posters please stick around.

>> No.14517519

hey, at least we don't have shit taste tho

>> No.14517523

>dead faith
pretty sure you mean the Jews, then. *that* is a dead religion, it exists mostly as ethnic identity anymore.

>> No.14517529

bruh. you realize he just ripped off the bible with that post

>> No.14517543

>they are parasites who seek to defame life until it fits into their warped, nihilistic preconception of it.
Imagine being this worldly

>> No.14517551

>ripped off
it's called quoting, and yeah i know. he's erudite because he effortlessly and quickly showed how OP and his image had been retroactively btfo thousands of years ago

>> No.14517583

I find your false authority profane.

>> No.14517595

>Lie's constantly, even to himself.
>Calls self Christian.

>> No.14517634

Haha I love how it's fashionable to bash Christianity, but I guarantee OP would never bash Islam or the like. Just a testament to how much they hate the true faith. If the Bible was all just nonsense, *they* wouldn't spend all their time trying to undermine it and ruin Christmas. Sage

>> No.14517660

Its true I read through the bible and I have never felt further away from god

>> No.14517676

> but I guarantee OP would never bash Islam
islam is getting bashed all the time from conservative/centrists news outlets, there is only one abrahamic faith that doesn't get enough shit, you guess it

>> No.14517721

at least devout jews actually go whole hog, unlike most Christians. and American evangelicalism is one big heresy

>> No.14517788

probably because the bible made you realize subconsciously that you were in a state of mortal sin

>> No.14517818

yes now what the fuck do i do

>> No.14517879

Stop sinning friend or just sin less.

>> No.14517913

you go talk to a priest

>> No.14517972

There is more to it than that. Many of them are genuinely evangelical about their atheism.

>> No.14518055
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Based St. Paul the Apostle.

>> No.14518063

Go to a priest and make a confession.

>> No.14518068

Lol, the reason OP is shitting on Christianity is to trigger reactionary homos like you who only adopted Christianity because your political enemy, the modern left, has demonized Christianity. If they demonized Islam and cherished Christianity, you would convert to Wahabism, 100% sure of this.

>> No.14518144

>he says, while posting Arthur, Christian king of the Britons

>> No.14518178

What's wrong with not having strong opinions on everything? If stupid people didn't feel the need to have strong opinions, we wouldn't need to deal with all these retarded opinions.

>> No.14518244
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hell is empty

>> No.14518258

Christianity is now pointless.

>> No.14518268

Their assholes, actually. The only thing that atheists think about and derive knowledge from would be their own assholes, or more specifically their prostates. They derive pleasure (and thus, for them, meaning) from sodomy and excess, and that is the sole source of their desires. The idea that some childkilling whore decided to crush the skulls of unborn babies because of something she read in the bible is funny but nonsensical.

I'm sure that somewhere in the world there is an atheist who is atheist because he has in his study of Aristotolean logic come to the rational conclusion that God does not exist--but I have not met him, and neither has anyone else here. In actuality, the motivation for 100% of atheists before you go out to the tenth decimal place is that they want to do something, that something is evil, and they do not want to be judged for it. They are angry that they are evil people, and they want it to be socially unacceptable to call them evil people as they rip their own children apart with pliers.

>> No.14518283

"Synagogue of Satan." The Jews are a damned people because they rejected the Messiah. This is biblical canon.

Moreover, the modern Jews are descendants of the Pharisees, which is laid out rather clearly in the Talmudic histories. The claim that Christianity is somehow compatible with Judaism--indeed, the very claim that Judaism existed before Christianity--is objectively and provably false. The religious tradition of Judaism postdates Christianity by many years. It was formed in response to Christianity depriving the Pharisees of their social and political power, and is based almost solely around attempting to find loopholes in God's law.

I dare any Jew here to debate me on this, I will crush you utterly in front of all observers. You are all damned souls and you are cursed creatures, a blight of traitors and bearers of false witness against the entirety of the human race.

>> No.14518525

wrong. you can't just go to confession. you have to be a confirmed catholic (if we're talking adults) or it has to be a life or death emergency.

>> No.14518530

>calling jesus a liar

>> No.14518719

Christianity is responsible for literacy. Books to the ancients were the toys of richfags, plebs in the Empire didn't give a fuck about play doh

>> No.14518900
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It’s not that. It is impossible for them to disprove the existence of God, so it is as much a leap of faith they are taking as they accuse theists of taking.

>> No.14518975

Denying someone to hear the word of God is the most hateful thing you can do as a Christian.

>> No.14519004

Based. I'm starting to realise that despite anti-semitism being popular among low-IQ people, it is also shockingly common amongst high-IQ people who are educated on the topic of Hebrew history(but are not a Jew themself).

>> No.14519017

Many but not most. Majority of the population, whether atheist or theist, is pretty apathetic about thinking on religion.

>> No.14519019

Only partly true. One must make a good confession before being confirmed, and confirmation and baptism are done at the same time for most adult converts

>> No.14519030

Guenon btfo

>> No.14519033

Unique bait, interesting.

>> No.14519083

well yes, but you have to go through rcia first, you can't just go to confession all willy-nilly

>> No.14519114

Credit goes to the printing press. Christianity actively worked to keep the masses ignorant by not translating the text into the common tongue. The history of Christianity is designed ignorance and gatekeeping.

>> No.14519264
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>Christianity actively worked to keep the masses ignorant by not translating the text into the common tongue. The history of Christianity is designed ignorance and gatekeeping.
and here's why that was a good thing.

>> No.14519395

Consider who coined the phrase "anti-semitism" and the fact that it is a strawman to conflate Jews, many of whom are not Semites, with a wide swath of Semites that are not Jews. The entire argument against "anti-semitism" is a strawman. The well of reason was poisoned from the start.

>> No.14519412

Yes, but many atheists seek to fill various gaps in their identity/worldview with various constructs from science, gender-queerism, etc. that were previously filled by aspects that were addressed by religions. Most people are religious in nature and have knowledge/faith gaps that are uncomfortable to leave empty.

>> No.14519413

man fuck jews and fuck you for defending them

>> No.14519423

>fuck you for defending them
Please, point to the part where I defended their crypsis. I am only drawing the curtain to reveal their dialectic.

>> No.14519531

fuck kikes

>> No.14519540

There is no such word as 'Britisher'. Its British you street shitter.

>> No.14519640

>That's not the correct dogma is it?
Correct dogma of who?

>> No.14519649

>atheists read the Bible

>> No.14519653

Yes. And all Catholics rape kids.

>> No.14519686

SEETHING britisher

>> No.14520056


>> No.14520067

Homosexual priests raping boys. Call it what it is.

>> No.14520441

Reddit is left wing. Being an absolute centrist is as much of a radical choice as taking a "stance" on things - because it IS a stance.

>> No.14520458
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>> No.14520466

First you say that christianity made the people literate and the, when disproven, you say it was good that they didn't literate them. Christcucks are the niggers of spirituality.

>> No.14520967

you are thinking of antitheism, atheism is simply the rejection of the claim that a god or gods exist.

the gumball analogy is always a good one here, if someone shows you a jar of gumballs and says "im convinced there are an odd number of gumballs in this jar" rejecting their claim isnt the same as claiming there is an even number

>> No.14520982

this fucking thread
religitards are the absolute worst

>> No.14520984

what books did jesus read?

>> No.14521082

Sometimes homosexual priests commit blasphemies.

100% of the time, Atheists advocate for murdering children.

>> No.14521103

What is carolingian minuscule and who is charlemagne

>> No.14521122

isnt murdering children before they reach the age of accountability just sending them to heaven quicker though?

>> No.14521284

Nice meme answer but really, a good atheist reads history, philosophy and psychology.

>> No.14521306

The only book of the Bible that matters is the Ecclesiastes and

>> No.14521330

>quoting a relevant passage
larping newfag

>> No.14521403
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Atheism is different from that type of nonbelief because it occupies a part of your brain that is powerfully inclined to form positive beliefs. Very few atheists lack a positive belief that there's no god.

>> No.14521484

There's no relationship between adult sexual preferences and pedophilia

>> No.14522340

>3rd world mudslime name
yikerino, is this what /lit/ looks up to now

>> No.14522348

>copy and pasting a bible verse
How about no

>> No.14522361

Stop talking about "strife" you faggot.

>> No.14522619

Nietzsche ?

>> No.14522663
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In Islam, people who didn't hear about Islam or have it explained to them will be tested on the Day of Judgement.

Goodness, Christianity has so many holes that require faith to patch up with slight mental backflips. This is most likely because it's an incomplete corrupted religion which was only for specific people at one point in time. I feel bad for bible thumpers.