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14515347 No.14515347 [Reply] [Original]

It could be caused by a higher presence of psychological openness.

Regardless of the reason for this higher rate of drug use,

What drugs do you use? Which philosopher's opinion to you subscribe to relating to drug use?

>> No.14515400


>> No.14515410

They do the most drugs but the least amount of cannabis so it makes sense.

>> No.14515465

The only people who become phil students are trust fund babbies, proto-schizos, jews and commies.

>> No.14515484

Coffee, cigarette's, alcohol, occasional cigar, rarely weed, and an array of other drugs taken randomly from not in half a year to incapacitated for a few weeks.


>> No.14515488

Makes sense why there hasn’t been a breakthrough in a while. Also>>14515465

>> No.14515556

Kratom, tobacco and coffee. I've done other stuff in the past but have no intention of taking it on the regular. Weed is a real meh from me, I see no point in it. Also hate alcohol.

>> No.14515576

Acid and shrooms. Also materialism in and out of drug use. I absolutely despise retarded niggers who say shit like “we are all one and the universe experiencing itself”.

>> No.14515593

I don't do any drugs, but I have in the past. I've done weed, ecstasy, shrooms, acid, coffee, cigarettes, and alcohol. I think that's it.
>Which philosopher's opinion to you subscribe to relating to drug use?
What the fuck does this mean

>> No.14515602

Used to smoke a fuck ton of weed but it made me lazy and shot my memory. Still smoke cigarettes for the /lit/ aesthetic. Drink when I go out. Xanax for dates and other social events. Hexedrone for studying during all-nighters. A rare hit of acid here and there. Got a little bag of molly which I've been saving for half a year. Waiting to find a gf I really connect with so we can do it together.
Really wish I could try heroin at least once but I don't know where to find it. Going on a coke binge would also be fun since Hex is shit for binges.

I happen to be a philosophy student.

>> No.14515611

Tried all of them. Use regularly tobacco, alcohol, lsd and amphetamines
I hate materialist faggots

>> No.14515619
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>> No.14515630
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Coffee is the only patrician choice

>> No.14515648

Is this for meth or crack?

The philosophy guy I knew loved cocaine and whippets.. He is a professor now. So he was a sexual pervert

>> No.14515651

I like psychedelics and endorse them, I think they've benefited me a lot philosophically. DMT, psilocybin, LSD.

I don't love cocaine but I appreciate it's benefits so I'll do it when offered.

I smoke a lot of marijuana but I don't really believe in it, it's a bad habit and an ineffective cope for my restlessness.

I have phases when I don't care for alcohol, but most of the time I drink like a fish. I'm hungover right now. Strangely, I'll actually have a lot of philosophical insights while I'm drunk. A stillness of mind thing I guess.

I smoke cigarettes, not a full fledged habit but it's approaching one. I'm just anxious and depressed and it tends to be a sort of redeeming quality of a day.

I haven't done molly, but that's because I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I don't have much interest in anything beyond that and I'd never do anything like heroin

I'm all of these things except a commie

>> No.14515658
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Does anyone else on /lit/ do psychedelic research chemicals?

>> No.14515659

Stack thread?
>black coffee; no sugar/cream
>high quality multi-vitamin
Only thing I won’t do is drink booze, benzos, and high schedule drugs

>> No.14515679

>>high quality multi-vitamin
redpill me on this

>> No.14515684

Not sure if 1P-LSD is a research chemical at this point, it's more just a good legal alternative.

My first psychedelic was 1P, had a good time just 100ug. Saw some funny stuff, laughed a lot, nothing crazy or life changing by any means but a good introduction

>> No.14515706

What I wrote is what I meant

>> No.14515722

I do weed, alcohol, nicotine, Kratom, shrooms, acid, nitrous, dxm, and ketamine. I’m also a Kantian.

>> No.14515729

Drugs are for losers who can't face reality and don't think of the consequences. There are two main types of drug users:
1)Hedonistic, the ones who do it just because they can
2)People seeking escapism, the ones who are bitchass pussies

>> No.14515737

No one cares virgin

>> No.14515746

I care, virgin, I care for my /lit/ bros

>> No.14515773

bro if you're on an anti-psychotic you shouldn't even be drinking coffee

>> No.14515779


>> No.14515783

Get a load of this nerd lol

>> No.14515784
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Philosophy = Pessimism = depression. Simple as.

>> No.14515825

The red pill is that nutrition is extremely complicated so you should try your best to rely on real food. If that doesn’t work, just go to plebbit or something and search up a good multivitamin. NOW is a good brand.

I’ll buy a lot of vegetables and throw them in a mixer after eating my breakfast to get my micronutrients and fiber.

>> No.14515829
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Speak for yourself, ha... ha... ha...

>> No.14515835

t. pot smoking pseud loser not cool enough to do real drugs.

>> No.14515864

More free time lol

>> No.14515885

I study PPE, but I was surprised when I started by how many dude weed lmao bros there were in the class.

I figure they thought philosophy would be like the stuff people talk about when high, like the classic “broo like what if everything is a simulation bro”

Not hating on gang weed though, I like to smoke a couple of times a week. Works nicely with a stimulant to keep the thoughts going without falling asleep or losing track

>> No.14515934

>What drugs do you use?
>Which philosopher's opinion to you subscribe to relating to drug use?
None. I do what seems to be healthy and good.
I'm not a philosophy student in a university though I studied classics but I study philosophy on my own 1-2 hours a day and practice philosophy all the time.

>> No.14515960

I take Adderall because I have ADHD. If I don't take it I'll just hyperfocus on useless things.

>> No.14515984

Cocaine is too expensive for what it is. Speed is far, far superior. Steroids for the constant high, large doses of acid occasionally. Used to do a lot of MDMA back in the day to deliberately make myself retarded enough to get through reading Hegel which was a waste of my time and of MDMA.

Speed really is the most aristocratic of narcotics.

>> No.14516038

>If I don't take it I'll just hyperfocus on useless things.
You don't have ADHD then.

>> No.14516039

>coffee w 4% milk

>> No.14516063


>> No.14516083


I've had both 1P-LSD and normal street LSD. You can't even notice the difference. If anything, the 1P-LSD was better because it had 100ug for real while the street LSD probably has a bit less.

>> No.14516108

Kratom makes me feel retarded.

>> No.14516114

It’s for Bipolar. Keeps the depression at bay.
Most of our food is produced in such a way that it lacks most of the natural vitamins and minerals you’d expect to find in them. Mono-cropping and genetic engineering have reduced the amounts of nutrients formerly present. It’s like water purification in that purifying the water removed things like magnesium and sodium which are essential for cell growth and health. Also most normal otc multi-vitamins contain shit forms of the nutrients your body needs, so paying for a high quality brand is very beneficial. Compare breakfast cereals, and you’ll note the most expensive one (wheaties) contains a vastly different nutrient profile than other shit like Cap’n crunch. This is because vitamins, like food, depend on the quality with how much you paid. The more you look and the more you’ll see basic shit missing from multis like Magnesium, B12, B6, Folate, Selenium, Copper, Iron, etc. What’s more is that most of the nutrients they add to food are soluble through the mechanism provided, since the nutrients are shitty chemical versions and not the natural occurring forms found in normal grown food.

>> No.14516125

bro stop drinking. I’m the anon you replied to and trust me that you’re dumbing yourself down with booze. Go one month sober and you’ll realize just how badly it fucks with you.

>> No.14516127

I smoke alot of weed because I am incapable of being bored for longer than 1 hour without wanting to die.
Psychedelics are the drug I endorse the most, as I think in some ways it can be very helpful and sobering experience, roots you in yourself and the world kinda, the experience of being is made clear.
Smoke cigarettes because I can't stop smoking, but it is a filthy and expensive habit.
Don't do cocaine anymore since my best friend is addicted to stimulants.
Alcohol is literally my biggest vice, every single stupid thing ive ever done is thanks to alcohol. Still drink like a fish.
Haven't done molly in a long time because I usually get such bad comedowns that I want to die, and such nights usually end up in me not remembering shit and doing stupid things.
In my opinion drug use is not bad nor good, it is a past-time, only truely eye opening experiences ive had with drugs is doing dmt or having a nice shroom trip.

>> No.14516134

>I don't love cocaine
liar, disregarded the rest

>> No.14516157

Talk to me about this im willing to listen, like what does drinking do to you that marijuana doesn't, and vice versa? What type/country's weed are you smoking because most i've come across in the US is pretty disabling to m

>> No.14516201

Different anon but if you want a depressant/sedative, then take 30mg promethazine & 15mg DXM with a pint of red wine. Red wine is good for the heart. Before sleeping, take activated charcoal and turmeric with electrolyte water. When waking up, black coffee with butter and coconut oil.

You can find promethazine & DXM in "Night Nurse" cold medication, there is probably an equivalent brand in the US.

>> No.14516212

Literally me except I snus instead of smoke and I’m reliant on stimulants for drinking. It’s horrible, I know, and makes the hangovers much worse but I get sleepy without them.

I’m trying to find new hobbies to replace my urge to smoke weed or go out drinking on weekdays. I have a very impulsive personality and although I’m not a heavy user compared to the stories you hear online, I have a creeping feeling that I may have done some damage to my cognitive performance and reward system because of alcohol and stimulants.

I seriously regret starting to pop ADHD pills when drinking. Makes for a great time but I don’t recommend starting it. I throw up after 2 beers without them nowadays.

>> No.14516219

There are also those adventurous fellows that try it in order experience another facet of life.

>> No.14516241

You'd have to be smoking crack to think that majoring in philosophy is a good idea LMAO :)

>> No.14516246

I should not that when I say I smoke marijuana, it’s a very small amount. Im from the US and am able to get high quality strains of whatever I’m interested in, although I prefer a hybrid of Indica and Sativa. When I smoke it’s usually just a small one-hitter; only once a day maximum around two hours before I go to bed. Personally, any more than that and I experience extreme dissociation and paranoia. The amount I consume gives me an ability to slightly dissociate from my thoughts for the day, and I’m able to evaluate what I’ve done and am currently thinking about in a manner which is novel. Essentially it’s like having two personas with access to the same information, which allows me to self-corroborate information a little more easily.

With booze I tend to yield no benefits. I used to be that guy who walks around a party with a liter of vodka (no chase just straight) and drink it all night. I’d do stupid shit, make a fool of myself, waste money, time, and generally have a negative effect on my health. The hangovers did produce an interesting state of mind not too dissimilar from weed, but you feel so retarded that you can’t do anything with your thoughts. Booze also takes longer to recover from as you get older. Personally, I’d need almost three days to get back to baseline while my body slowly detoxed the alcohol from my system. I was never an alcoholic, but even a few beers during the week with a six pack on saturday tended to fuck my mind up enough that I didn’t enjoy having to work around the side effects.

Overall, weed just has less downsides if you can control yourself from being the person who gets high during the day. I don’t really enjoy weed for the high either, it just is nice to get that perspective shift with the ease of lighting a ciggie for a second.

>> No.14516262

I did cocaine on your mom's sweet tush

>> No.14516346

>these are the losers i share a board with
i dont understand. you were given everything, you will be given everything. yet you have the soul whipped slave.

>> No.14516387

What kind of school do you go to? Where do you find dealers for the hexedrone, acid, and xanax?

t. masters student in CS + NLP who wishes he'd just majored in phil instead of minored.

>> No.14516388
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I do not understand the appeal of drugs.
I have tried lsd, shrooms, cocaine and they were a fun 'experience' and all that but at the end of the day they felt like some temporary escape from reality. For me being sober is the most trippiest thing in the world

>> No.14516492

I guess I don't really see what the issue is, I think the case against drugs is weak and irrationally motivated. Half of it is just political dogma of recent years. Drug use has been common throughout human history, among all sorts of respectable individuals.
Perhaps you've misunderstood drug use as a way of groping for fulfillment. That would be unhealthy. But for myself as well as (I'd assume) most drug using philosophy majors, it's more instrumental in nature. I don't do drugs to feel good, I do drugs because they're useful and pragmatically valuable. So I listen to the opposition, which is really nothing more than a pile of vague sentiments from people who are in a basic sense the least informed on the subject, and I weigh that against the obvious, tangible yields that drugs have in experience, and then it's fairly easy to resolve the debate.

It's no coincidence that these moralistic anti drug people are never people who've actually experimented with drugs. Of course they treat that as a moral triumph on their part, but empirically speaking it means a lack of credibility. And yet they're incredibly confident about it. I distrust that sort of confidence.

I don't even like drugs that much. I was excited about acid and shrooms in the beginning but I'm fairly over it. Coffee is the most important thing to me right now.

>> No.14516518

It makes me feel kind of soulless, like anything I experience matters less. The only thing I enjoy is being focused and high functioning

>> No.14516572

Cannabis is better than ethanol, but worse than nitrous oxide. NO is the lowest drug I've had epiphanies with.

>> No.14516586

You should get some Xenon.

>> No.14516592

I had a friend in college who was a mathematical genius and drug aficionado. Went out in the club with him once and he did weed, ketamine, alcohol and mdma. I was really starting to get worried for him but he was fine. 4 days later he participated in a maths contest and he came in first.

>> No.14516659

Exactly the same with me, I used to do alot of cocaine with said stimulant addicted friend. Now I am so incredibly sleepy when I drink that I basically fall asleep after getting a little bit more than drunk.

>> No.14516785

bruh Radium is so much liter xD

>> No.14516808

From what I understand, 1P-LSD converts into normal LSD (LSD25) upon consumption, so it literally is the same drug

>> No.14516810

Alcohol in very excessive amounts. Almost non-functioning. I need it because the world and everyone in it are so fucking boring/horrifying I'm afraid of what I might do unless I'm sedated/entertained to near poisoning. Tobacco very rarely, maybe once a month. Nothing else. I've never done any kind of illegal drug except mexican ditch weed once.

>> No.14516844

Do you smoke cigarettes?
If you're taking tobacco only once a month I hope you're actually doing something more interesting with it, like dipping or smoking pipe

>> No.14516867

Even though I want to cut down on drinking, the habit is really hard to kick. If I decide to skip the stims I barely have the energy to socialize - if I take them I drink like a gopnik and get way too fucked up.

Sooner or later I’m gonna have to quit stims 100%. It’s a difficult habit to kick when social drinking is the norm.

>> No.14516872

Philosophy students are absolute morons so it's not surprising

Classics or bust

>> No.14516896

i have a bag of loose dried tobacco, shredded and crinkled or whatever. daughters and ryan venguer. i smoke it in a briar pipe like i said once a month usually very late at night outside. one bowl and done usually, sometimes two.

>> No.14516905

Listening to the the philosophy students ITT talk about drugs make me cringe. You guys manage to still be squares even when doing something illegal.

>> No.14516936

>I cannot think unless I am high on drugs
No matter what sophistry you come up with, the whole "discussion" boils down to the following: you, a drug addict, are rationalizing a terrible habit.

As a drug addict, you defile the greatest gift bestowed upon man, his consciousness, under the pretense of "expanding your mind", while in fact you are a slave to short term pseudo happinness in the form of a "high" or however you junkies call it. It is least to say ironic that you are a student of philosophy.

We live in a day and age where people generally believe that gender is not the same as sex, and that a human can be something else than either male or female, so I do not really expect you to understand what I have written, even though it should be obvious to any sane person (an endangered species nowadays) that drug use is bad.

>> No.14516944

hmm, that's interesting
Does it feel "nice"?

>> No.14516969

>30mg promethazine & 15mg DXM with a pint of red wine. Red wine is good for the heart.
Lol, I hope nobody is stupid enough to listen to the health advice of some anonymous retard online.

>> No.14516992


you are a square too bro. never forget

>> No.14516996

Coffee, alcohol and weed
I think I'd like psychedelics and plan on trying them but I'm waiting until my mental state is better overall so I can avoid a bad trip
I'm starting my philosophy degree soon.

>> No.14516998
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it's alright i guess. i have so much of it and smoke so infrequently it has lasted me two years. it burns a bit hot and has a fair amount of bite if you take long drags. would like to try something wetter tbhwy, maybe flavored with cognac or something. maybe try some half and half, something out of a fresh packet. i'm not a fancy guy, i'm satisfied with cheap booze and vengeur is good enough. i used to smoke cigars more frequently, romeo y julieta is my favorite. *that* will give you a buzz. probably gonna try smoking a few bowls tonight, enough to fill a cigar and see what happens.

>> No.14517007

>We live in a day and age where people generally believe that gender is not the same as sex
>it should be obvious to any sane person (an endangered species nowadays) that drug use is bad.
I'm not the same anon but you write like you're underaged with no friends and no social interaction outside of posting on /pol/.

>> No.14517044

I enjoy psychedelics
I've been trying to extract dmt but haven't had any success with it
Can anyone recommend me some methods? I've tried a/b with vinegar and lime/lye and stb with both also
How the fuck do I do it bros?

>> No.14517078

Case in point.

From my claim that drug use is bad and that one can be either a male or a female you have immediately deduced that I am a stupid, hateful, paranoid lunatic.

>> No.14517150

You're either a boomer, or a teenager LARPing as a boomer.

>> No.14517348
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>a drug addict, are rationalizing a terrible habit.
I don't have anything resembling an addiction. I drink a lot of alcohol I suppose, but it'll always happen that I get tired of it and I'll lose the desire to drink for weeks or months. Same for marijuana. As for other drugs, they're exceedingly rare for me. Not an issue.

And I'm less rationalizing the habit, more pointing out there lacks a credible case against it. I'm fully open to reasoning.

>As a drug addict, you defile the greatest gift bestowed upon man, his consciousness, under the pretense of "expanding your mind", while in fact you are a slave to short term pseudo happinness in the form of a "high" or however you junkies call it
In other words, you didn't even read what I wrote. I just told you that it's nothing to do with happiness for me.
Why are you even responding to me? What the fuck is it with you religious people that you are so willfully oblivious to everything outside their religious feelings?

>We live in a day and age where people generally believe that gender is not the same as sex, and that a human can be something else than either male or female, so I do not really expect you to understand what I have written, even though it should be obvious to any sane person (an endangered species nowadays) that drug use is bad.
> so I do not really expect you to understand what I have written
>>after not even reading the post he's responding to
You're destroying your own credibility, if you're trying to be an agent of God you're doing a terrible job. If I were religious I would approach people with consideration and reason, as befits the importance of the task of guiding people to the right path and away from self destruction or hell or what have you.

>> No.14517750

Comment me on this. I experience the same. My high me organizes my agenda and thouhgts and somehow I commit my sober me execute the task and observe

>> No.14517760

Find an ayahuasca center. It's a much better way to experience DMT

>> No.14517775

There are people who dont do drugs?

>> No.14517971

Phil PhDs score the highest on IQ tests, my nigga.

>> No.14517978

Source? What is their average?

>> No.14518064

17IQ points above your prefered field

>> No.14518627

Ayahuasca is easy enough to do, I'm interested in smoking dmt

>> No.14519979

you said you smoke to cope. it's not a far stretch to say that you also use other drugs in the same capacity, even if there are other uses you think you glean. the fact that you have insane privilege and need drugs to function means you are subhuman to me, someone who has negative privilege yet no problem with facing what i am and how things are without the inclination to even try any drug (including medicinal) except expressly for the purpose of cognitive rearrangement and exploration. more so, i put little stock in this because i know it's more delusion than not. your conception of what these drugs should do and be, and the culture surrounding them, is coincidentally identical. your experience aligns to this because the change of state allows convincing experience of it, and lack of critical thought. this is suspect. how do you know your explorations are not merely the surrounding culture's memes, implicit or otherwise, experienced in such a way that you mistake them as meaningful and deep- not to mention proof of that culture being valid. it's like a myth spreading through a workplace selectively perceived and confirmed individually but something made up nonetheless.

>> No.14520180

Yes. 4 aco dmt and the Gathas.

>> No.14521015

I used to. 4-HO-MET was my introduction to psychedelics in high school. Good times.

>> No.14521089

I did dmt, different RCs, lsd, pcp, few stims and even 3fpm, which is basically meth, aome hypnotic benzos, xtc and other stuff I probably can't remember. But since I started going to uni, I mostly only smoke tobacco and take t and sarms, which is different. Sometimes I still snort speed, drink ok take xtc with a qt I meet, but that's not common. CS student btw.

>> No.14521133
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Yes, some sniff glue

>> No.14521138
File: 48 KB, 546x546, honk pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4-HO-MET is the literal honkpill. For someone like me who is prone to weltschmerz, it makes me stop stressing out over everything and it makes everything funny.

>> No.14521154

>What drugs do you use

>> No.14521185

The biological degeneration of Man's substance is such that you can not understand philosophy without regularly consuming cocaine. I leave cigarettes and coffee obviously unmentioned since they are not drugs as much as oxygen and food are not drugs

>> No.14521234
File: 7 KB, 300x180, Goyist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I absolutely despise retarded niggers who say shit like “we are all one and the universe experiencing itself”.

>> No.14521719

Congratulations, you passed the test! Ignore ayahuasca faggots, smoking DMT is way better than shitting and vomiting all over yourself in a condemned Brooklyn apartment while a "shaman" fingerbangs you.
>but mun authenticity!

>> No.14522044

• Mimosa hostilis root bark (powdered)
• Distilled white vinegar (5% acetic acid)
• Naphtha VM&P
• Distilled water
• Pure lye
• Deiodized salt
• Large pipette
• Scale (flat-top and milligram)
• 1.5-2 liter mason jar
• 2x 2-liter bottles
• Glass dish

Before starting:
• Mix 70g deiodized salt and 200mg distilled water to a 2-liter bottle to create a saturated saline solution.
• Mix 60g sodium hydroxide (lye) and 200ml distilled water to another 2-liter bottle to create a basified solution.

1. Place 50g MHRB in mason jar
2. Add 500ml distilled water and 50ml distilled white vinegar
3. Shake every 5 minutes for 30 minutes
4. Soak for 30 minutes
5. Add 200ml of saturated saline solution
6. Add 200ml of basified solution
7. Shake every 5 minutes for 30 minutes
8. Soak for 30 minutes
10. Add 100ml naphtha
11. Shake every 15 minutes for 1 hour
12. Let layers separate for 1 hour until any bubbles dissipate
13. Use pipette to siphon the top layer (napththa + DMT) into a glass dish (be careful not to take any of the bottom layer; use an eyedropper to siphon the thin layer)
14. Freeze at ~18C (0F) for 24-48 hours until the naphtha evaporates
15. Scrape up crystals and enjoy!

>> No.14522063

There's quite a strong correlation between intelligence and novelty seeking, including drug use.

Philosophy students, AFAIK, are only surpassed by Math and Physics students in IQ so even ignoring that they study Philosophy it would be odd if their drug use was not above average.

>> No.14522072

if you're not completely useless in a kitchen and prepare your meals from scratch this won't be an issue

>> No.14523244

>do the most drugs
Why are British "journalism" outlets so fucking garbage?