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File: 48 KB, 408x612, gettyimages-50594072-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14514356 No.14514356[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Kids nowadays are fascinated by all that oriental junk, it's nothing new, that happened in every century.
Whenever they feel Christianity has failed them they screech like Bonobos and accuse the defected moral system or corrupt judeo Christian values (whatever that means).
It's absolutely not their fault for being like grasshoppers. Listen up kid, it's not your fucking mall buffet, don't you think you can go around and taste them all then go to some Chinese restaurant serving Labrador or Donkey and be done.
At the end of your life you'll be an ass blasted third rate mystic with an house full of books nobody will want and 100s or 1000s of pages worth of speculation on incompatible systems.
Quit it you punks, you'll have to settle down at some point.

Throw in the garbage your Guenon, lay down the Vedas, burn your Dhammapada, sell the Bhagavadgita..
Get a grip

>> No.14514360

So read Plato.

>> No.14514370

Asian century

>> No.14514372

Imagine not having a premium collection of in mint condition YA fiction 2005 to 2025. It will be studied the same way nazi documents are to try and figure out what happened and why.

>> No.14514377

Your fantasy belief systems have cucked you, made you into retard.

>> No.14514393
File: 153 KB, 584x714, rcr-019-e1346689208374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Made me into retard' ?

Brain damage? Did you get hammered in the head? You alright fellow?
Need help getting back on your feet? Should I call an ambulance? Get your mom to come pick you up?

>> No.14514403
File: 228 KB, 874x900, Guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never read Guenon (pbuh), nor do you understand exactly why he detracted from Catholicism, and ultimately Christianity.

About the need to "settle down'' that's quite clear in Guenon's writings and those who followed him. It needs not be, although, on a decrepit from of Christianity. However, the latter is still better than nothing.

>> No.14514437
File: 38 KB, 568x325, BT__Alfred_North_Whitehead_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHINESE century, a WESTERN country. Pic related, the most important intellectual predecessor of contemporary Chinese philosophy.

>> No.14514480

What are you on about?
You think I give two shits about what Guenon had to say?
I said that he shouldn't be read and you come here playing the smart ass; listen wise pants I don't need to know what that fr*nch man wrote about Christianity or Catholicism. When time comes you won't find solace in your fake laughing fatass buddah nor looking back at the good times you had in your harem.

>> No.14514504

Utterly blasphemous. Is that modern Catholicism?
He saves who he wills.

>> No.14514527

I have to clarify I mean fake fatass buddah statue, not Buddah himself.
Nothing wrong with Buddhism or any other religion if practiced correctly.

>> No.14514556 [DELETED] 

Oh, then I pardon myself for going against you. That's a most righteous position. That peace be upon the Buddha and upon you, and death to America.

>> No.14514566

Oh, then I must ask forgiveness for going against you. That's a most righteous position. That peace be upon the Buddha and upon you, and death to America

>> No.14514576

Subservience as a guiding moral force is KEK as FUCK

>> No.14514614

Actually I'm a nihilist

>> No.14514668
File: 31 KB, 404x612, gettyimages-50681942-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now. See you when you're old

>> No.14514726
File: 1.81 MB, 410x230, c40d4f2f7ffa1e174b60631ef77f6de7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14514742

Maybe when I'm retired but the only internally consistent worldview as a working adult is nihilism

>> No.14514767
File: 26 KB, 232x319, randall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not, you don't have to conform

>> No.14514797

If I want to support my kids I do

>> No.14514847

Esotericism will always be popular to the Lost.
They don't seek the Truth; they seek a truth that suits them.

>> No.14514907
File: 792 KB, 1354x868, Serrano-amused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
