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14513353 No.14513353 [Reply] [Original]

Why are traditionalists so homo erotic?

>> No.14513387

women ruin everything

>> No.14513392

because they are gay

>> No.14513406

Purely philic love = not gay you jew pushing faggot

>> No.14513410

The Symposium will explain it to you.

>> No.14513416

because butt sex with muscle chads is hot

>> No.14513417
File: 168 KB, 683x939, 096F5C15-FF26-4C25-B8A8-71BEBE102359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14513418
File: 165 KB, 500x375, fat-guy-on-scooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because peak male physique reminds us of a time when our bodies were naturally (unartificially) tested and shaped by the daily business of living.

>> No.14513492

Just because a good looking, fit make turns you on doesn't mean it is homo erotic you fucking faggot it just means you are a fucking faggot

>> No.14513494


>> No.14513498

because liking women is gay

>> No.14513523

this..being attracted to women and femininty is literally the gayest thing there is.....

>> No.14513527

Philia is Eros retard pervert cumbrain

>> No.14513532

fuck, i ment NOT, not IS.

>> No.14513542

>Because peak male physique reminds us of a time when our bodies were naturally (unartificially) tested and shaped by the daily business of living
Is being a starved peasant peak male physique?

>> No.14513860

You're the one that saved that image anon.

>> No.14513867

im a full homosexual though (unironically)

>> No.14513869


>> No.14513980


Can you become like him without steroids?

Is he natural?

>> No.14514037

Almost certainly not.

>> No.14514069

lol the guy has a job to do, no time to do it natural

>> No.14514081
File: 3.65 MB, 2268x1269, Schermata 2019-11-24 alle 14.30.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You truly are a wise Jacques Bonhomme

>> No.14514086

Yeah, average person 500 years ago didn't look like OP, they were about a foot shorter with shitty bones, teeth and posture.
You can see it today if you're European and visit a third world Asian country, you literally look like a God to them.
The lardass in the scooter is unironically healthier than the normal person back in the middle ages.

>> No.14514131
File: 20 KB, 296x500, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, pic related is realistic upper potential for most people, pic related was before steroids and hgh was synthesized.

>> No.14514261

not exactly a scientific conclusion me thinks :) Is it really the case that this early bodybuilder actually managed to make his training, diet, and every other aspect involved in the proliferation of muscular hypertrophy 100% optimal? That his "genetics" were "perfect"? And that the only missing thread are steroids? Anon.. me thinks... that you have reached a hasty conclusion!

>> No.14514278

Then you're projecting. Another 4chan mystery solved! Thread/

>> No.14514695

> why are body builders such massive faggots who overemphasize useless parts of the body and end up with a retarded looking physique because they are wholly modernist and disconnected from any real sense of strength?

you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like


>> No.14515012

>my guy lifting heavy things is better than your guy lifting heavy things

>> No.14515036

Modern people have trouble imagining the male appreciation of male beauty as well as deep male friendships without a sexual connection. Part of that reason is because there isn't much beauty and true friendship is rare. Sad really. I partially blame Jews.

>> No.14515045

Holy shit imagine thinking this, we were “weaker” when our living conditions were a whole lot harsher.

>> No.14515062

Homophobia is a double edge sword t,b,h

>> No.14515075
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He would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids...

>> No.14515313

homosexuality is a nazarene concept

>> No.14515326

Because men are so fucking attractive bros.

>> No.14515359

>The lardass in the scooter is unironically healthier than the normal person back in the middle ages.

americans are diseased

>> No.14515436

because conservatives project

>> No.14515461

Homosexuality among men in the factory/on the battlefield/throughout thr Academy has been replaced by a faggotry-in-high places thanks to bureaucracy and corporatization. Any view of the former is corrupted by the lense of the latter.

>> No.14515932

yes, you're a brainlet if you don't understand that some exercises are inherently better than others

>> No.14516814
File: 21 KB, 602x425, Height.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, just wanted to say you are a strawman faggot. Here look at this chart

>> No.14516827
File: 1.80 MB, 1800x1800, 1565917869601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink more milk, work harder, read more, wake up earlier, and get /fit/. Stop eating fastfood, drinking onions and being a f4g

>> No.14516892

yes if you have genes + dedication

>> No.14517352

>literally proves his point
Look at that spike since the 80s, that's the eastern Med.
Fuck I hate Wil Wheaton, we need to go back to Roman times where actors were below slaves in the social hierarchy.

>> No.14517804

Because the male body is beautiful, something that we've totally forgotten in the modern world.