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File: 27 KB, 331x500, GR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1451264 No.1451264 [Reply] [Original]

Just got this in the mail from Amazon. What does /lit/ think?

>> No.1451268

I think you should read it. Makes sense, since you bought it.

>> No.1451270

Nice cover.

>> No.1451272

Well, obviously. I meant what does /lit/ think about the book itself.

>> No.1451279


Why don't you read it before asking other people's opinion. That way you go into it fairly unbiased and you can contribute to legitimate discussion later rather than parrot something an anon said before you ever even cracked the spine.

>> No.1451283
File: 46 KB, 266x400, 9780143039945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1451287
File: 847 KB, 1500x3688, 1275780225616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The general consensus on Gravity's Rainbow is that it's Pynchon's greatest work which means a little more than half the people here think its spectacular while the rest find it to be overrated tripe.

Personally, its one of my favorites, but like the last guy said you should read it to find out yourself.

Also, you should probably refresh yourself on parabolic motion, basic German, and Newtonian entropy.

>> No.1451291

Nah. The orange cover looks best.

>> No.1451297


i dunno, it looks really generic to me

>> No.1451300
File: 40 KB, 394x600, inherent-vice_cover-final2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anybody else love the shit out of inherent vice?

>> No.1451309
File: 267 KB, 227x168, Aww yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw Frank Miller designed that cover

>> No.1451304

I like it because it's simple, yet powerful.

Hmm. Well, I just wanted to know the general opinion of the book. Basic German? Parabolic motion? wat?

>> No.1451324



>> No.1451337
File: 36 KB, 450x300, LUVIT!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1451418
File: 32 KB, 316x525, classy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cover is DA BOMB

>> No.1451446

Also, you should probably refresh yourself on parabolic motion, basic German, and Newtonian entropy.

jeez, what a pretentious load of crap. this is a major part of why I loath pynchon: you can imagine the readers who actually enjoy him.

inb4 the obvious: i'm familiar with all these things (except German) yet never needed any of them to appreciate conrad, forster, dickens, lowry etc

>> No.1451458


>> No.1451508

frankly, you don't really need any of that to appreciate the book. Yes he talks about the rocket quite a lot, but it's either surface level stuff or material that doesn't really need to be understood thoroughly to follow the story. In my mind, these are not that much more important than all the other trivia that he throws at you constantly, it's more meant as a way to make you doubt, to immerse you in this atmosphere where you never really know what's real and what's not, than it is meant as a plot device or anything (the parabola thing is a bit more than just that though). And it works, I was bewildered all the way through.

>> No.1451513

finished this one just yesterday, shit rocked. Doc's definitely my favorite pynchon guy. and Denis lol

>> No.1451516

Tried to read it.Found it boring.Recommended it to friends to be pretentious.

>> No.1451523

so puny

>> No.1451543


I really think the critical "engine" hasn't had enough time to process Mason&Dixon or Against the Day, though. I've read all of Pynchon aside from Inherent Vice, and I really can't say enough about Against the Day. Not only is it more "readable" than most of his other works, it's enormous in scope and depth. Seriously, read it, preferably more than once.

>> No.1451545

I like the part with the rocket limericks :3

>> No.1451587

> implying Against the Day comes anywhere near the awesomeness that is Mason & Dixon

Mason & Dixon is his best and, correct me if I'm wrong, the book he's spent longest writing. Not only that, but it actually has some amazing, "real" characters, not just the flat caricatures in his other works.

>> No.1451593


Have you read Against the Day?

NM, I'm not talking to you anymore, anon.

>> No.1451648

Yeah, it had its moments but I think it had some of Pynchon's worst writing since Vineland. Pretty uneven overall. Not exactly sure if I could recommend it.

>> No.1451682

Which Pynchon work deals with religion the most?

I'll read that one.

>> No.1451686

Read V. and the Sacred and the Profane in tandem.

>> No.1451691

GR has a part about religion very very late in the book that feels tacked in because he probably felt that he had forgotten to deal with it before. religion doesn't seem to be his thing from what I've read (GR lot49 & Inherent Vice)

>> No.1451712
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 41RdbwJyjtL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore this faggot. Read this book instead.

>> No.1451727

hey, I was going from the three books of his that I've read that barely if ever deal with anything that could be construed as religious

>> No.1453320

Never read it, don't understand that stupid fucking title.

>> No.1453344

The title refers to the exhaust of the V2 rockets.

The trail they make is like a rainbow gravity makes. Get it?

>> No.1453362

I do now.

>> No.1453402


How do you perceive anything in this book to be simple?

>> No.1453411

wait, I just mixed up which posts you were referring to.

disregard that I suck cocks.

>> No.1453413
File: 135 KB, 601x768, rosen-kerbel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1453648

Vineland had really real characters