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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 300x250, 862dbac4f19b978888936c897bdcab7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14512486 No.14512486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"So you've never had a single girlfriend yet you still cling desperately to the idea that one day it's all going to change? That your life is, what, just going to turn around overnight? Do you realize how deluded that is? You've missed the boat, Anon. Girls your age don't want cheesy romance with an inexperienced guy like you. They want stability and experience, someone who asserts themselves on life and who can be relied on during hard times. You're not that person. You're the kid they thought was kinda cute for like a week in junior high. That's all you've ever been, and it doesn't look like that's going to change any time soon, does it. You can try and justify your loneliness all you want but ultimately I know you realize it's your own fault that you've ended up like this. And when you're middle aged and get home from work to a cold, empty house you know it'll be all your fault. And when you're too old for your loneliness and personality faults to be seen as anything but creepy and weird, you'll remember all those opportunities you had to turn things around, and you'll remind yourself that you've ruined the only life you'll ever have"

>> No.14512509

imagine having your life ruled by teen movie tropes lol. do Americans really?

>> No.14512515
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>So you've never had a single girlfriend yet you still cling desperately to the idea that one day it's all going to change? That your life is, what, just going to turn around overnight?

>> No.14512525

Only the women

>> No.14512537

Oof, sounds like you have some personal problems to work out! Yikes!

>> No.14512544
File: 71 KB, 809x717, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you've never had a single girlfriend
Of course they weren't single, they were dating me.

>> No.14512556

Only those who have never had a girlfriend would care about having a girlfriend. They are overrated unless you're a midwit

>> No.14512576

yeah like even if u’ve never had a gf you are pathetic if this post offends you... worshipping women is only excusable for teens

>> No.14512795
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>You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew.
If you didn't get cunny while you were young, your life will always be shit.

>> No.14512815

This is true. The people who post that Houellebecq quote (>>14512795) make me laugh. They think those "adolescent loves" are somehow ideal when in reality they're messy and uncomfortable because you're so inexperienced. Both love and sex get better with age and experience. But incels prefer telling themselves they already missed their opportunity so they can justify their avoidant behavior.

>> No.14512817

this is like telling a starving man that food isn't that great.

>> No.14512821

Better to be messy and uncomfortable in your youth rather as an adult in your late 20s, its just the natural development of a growing mind and being excluded from it leaves you stunted.

>> No.14512825

only those who've never been in a (temporary) 10/10 loving relationship disvalue it so

>> No.14512834

Nah, high school romance was way better than dating as an adult. Everything seemed more new and exciting then.

>> No.14513363

>imagine thinking this is funny

>> No.14513366

They can't all be homeruns.

>> No.14513381
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don't care

>> No.14513439
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Ahaha adolescent romance doesn’t matter, it’s not a critical part of my social development or anything.
I mean, so long as I ignore the voice in the back of my head telling me I missed out on the purest, most naive brand of romance, noncongingent on finances, material items, status, and the myriad ulterior motives for which love is used as a pretext, I’ll be fine. Just swell.

Cope deleted

>> No.14513454

Fuck this is a next level projection

>> No.14513468

Nobody could love a phoneposter.

>> No.14513478

I don't understand this whole incel meme on this website are most of the people legit incels? I have banged like 50+ women and never had a problem getting dates

>> No.14513484

Fair enough.

>> No.14513506

post face, height and physique.

>> No.14513538

Anyone got that fucking gut wrenching quote from Houllebecq that is similar to this? I think it's from whatever?

One character is black Pilling the shit out of a 30 year old telling him he missed his shot.

>> No.14513551

>noncongingent on (...) ulterior motives for which love is used as a pretext, I’ll be fine. Just swell.

you're retarded

>> No.14513555

I've had 1 (one) gf and even though i'm not really interested in getting another, i've always been really glad to have that experience under my belt, it would be awful to know nothing of what its like and most of all i'm so glad to know that "i'm good enough" that i am capable of being loved by another person, of being attractive to another person.
Shallow normalfags wouldn't understand.

>> No.14513557

Is it the CIA making these types of threads?

>> No.14513566

why you a fag?

>> No.14513594

Yikes what a beta cringe post
kys you xenooestrogen filled sõy pussy

>> No.14513610
File: 69 KB, 583x451, BA95A0D7-7B83-4A0A-B371-22FA9B8EBF53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“I mean teens just want lose their virginity and brag about it afterward, man!
You’ll never find yourself counting stars with a girl at makeout point, past nightfall and on the cusp of your sexual dawn, because moments like those just don’t EXIST in the real world! Get your head out of your ass and pull yourself up by your bootstraps, buddy!”

>> No.14513613


>> No.14513647


>> No.14513649

You seem to be strawmanning yourself with this post and its absurd parameters for young love. I can't tell who you think you are trolling or if this is in earnest and that picture is of yourself.

>> No.14513673

Strawmanning the guy who responded to my initial comment. Decided to have him make some derisive comments about high school movie cliches to seal the deal, counting stars is retarded and not something I ever aspired to

>> No.14513682

Genuinely chuckled.

>> No.14513685

I keep hope whatever u know

>> No.14513699

>sex is better if she's wrinkly, her body is sagging, she smells worse and just HAS to have 87 layers of makeup to look remotely attractive
>BuT mUh eXPerIeNcE

>> No.14513720

he's a self hating fag but he kind of has a point

>> No.14513782

I'd rather live and die alone than be with a girl who doesn't value innocent childlike romance over stability and a soulless old bio-ATM.

>> No.14513822

People idealize young love in the same way they do with their first video games.
Our memory tends to distort past events, and the pleasure they brought to us.

>> No.14513836

i have had 4-5 good chances to have sex but not known how to make a move. like not at all. it is not obvious to me. one time a girl was in a bed with me (it was at a party not my bed) and rubbing my cock through my pants. i was half hard. we slept in the bed together and didn't fuck. we never talked about it after.

>> No.14513838

Carrément minable.

Also, not /lit/

>> No.14513840

The pragmatic roast beef, broth to you by Chad's pumping and dumping her assistant a done times.
>oh but how wise they've got now
Their wisdom is just resentment and bitterness.

>> No.14513844

Just put peepee into one of her holes?
There have been multiple occasions when girls flirted with me, but I didn't know what to do. So instead I just fucked prostitutes.

>> No.14513846

>assistant a done
*ass a dozen

>> No.14513855

Nearly incomprehensible yet exactly right

>> No.14513885

>I mean, so long as I ignore the voice in the back of my head
Take your meds schizo normal people dont hear voices.

>> No.14513914
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1574499447962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what voice? Is it god? Lol. Yeah, life isn't a beautiful romance, dude. It's hard. Everyone goes through that, even people that have had girlfriends.

>> No.14513923

so perfectly /lit/

>> No.14513935

Was perfect before desu

>> No.14513952

All I need in this life of sin, is me and my girlfriend
Down to ride to the bloody end, just me and my girlfriend

>> No.14514007

i know that feel, maybe not as explicit/physical as that but just girls flirting with me and only realizing it later, I can't pick up on body language or signals at all and I don't have the confidence to just ask to kiss them.

>> No.14514027

>I dont have the confidence to ask to kiss them
>to ask

Holy shit, this generation of men is fucked. Like, I’m definitely worse than you, it’s just that your statement triggered an epiphany regarding how baseded and pathetic we are.
I would hang myself, but I dont have the self-confidence

>> No.14514046

>nigger music

>> No.14514051

>not the mr.bond version

>> No.14514085

i have aspergers bro, i'm not representative of the population at large.
if you're autistic but have confidence and low inhibition you can still fuck a lot.

>> No.14514097

>I'm so cool because I know it's funny but I pretend it isn't
I bet this guy gets so much poon being all anti-fun and all.

>> No.14514141

And if you look ok

>> No.14514208


>> No.14514225

tfw dating a qt 16 year old and 12 years older than her

>> No.14514236

how'd that happen?

>> No.14514246

Girlfriends can be alright, just be ready for them to be upset for no reason and start fights to make themselves even more upset so they can blame you for upsetting them.

>> No.14514258
File: 912 KB, 291x316, inter-dimensional wizard pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I've had friends, female friends, but they never solved my loneliness. They've only intensified it, because they've only showcased how unlike them I was. They would talk about Pokemon or Facebook, I would ask if they believe in God, or if they have an internal monologue. Then they'd call me creepy or weird or just ignore me entirely. Sometimes they'd say, seemingly randomly, "He's just like that." and laugh. Point is, IF you're able to find a truly good person, they are as plain water to the salt water of a fool. I personally, however, have difficulty finding people who's waters I mix with. I'm always on a different wavelength. In my solitude, brought about from various incidents of self-induced public embarrassment, I've discovered something. That being alone isn't that bad. In fact, it's much more liberating then being with others. The mind, when allowed to rest in a comfortable place, or anywhere really, and become nothing, is a perfect bliss that cannot be matched by others company. Though loneliness may seep in, it is solved easily. Create in your mind an imaginary friend. I'm serious. Don't speak for them, allow your mind to wander and show you what they say. I tell you, the pleasures of being alone outweigh the social comforts.
>tl;dr use your imagination to imagine having sex while masterbating to a perfect personality of your own creation

>> No.14514263

Based, roasties can fuck themselves

>> No.14514271

>I would ask if they believe in God, or if they have an internal monologue.
based turboautist retard
this alone is so cringeworthy I'm starting to believe it's pasta

>> No.14514291

I've had a girlfriend, and you're wrong. It's great. Now that I haven't had one in years, I'm absolutely miserable.

>> No.14514314
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, OP strawman kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14514368

I dated a 16yo girl at 23 and experienced a cheesy teen romance and everything.

>> No.14514376

It was. Get out you humorless git.

>> No.14514379

Don't feel bad. That one killed the ump.

>> No.14514385

Cos ur not good looking enough. This is why writing was invented by the way to hide ugly people behind their ideas.

>> No.14514390

Imagine being this obsessed with love.

>> No.14514400

You have my condolences

>> No.14514441
File: 128 KB, 1298x1080, ENVQT2eWkAUCZVc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not understand women
women do not understand me
I am content to pump and dump until I die

>> No.14514446

What's your point?
I'm average looking. I know it's not about the looks, but the inside.

>> No.14514457
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Too much Pessoa

>> No.14514516

If you actually asked people whether they have an internal monologue, what was the average answer? Did they say yes, insulted by the mere notion that they didnt?
Did they think the mere concept of an inner monologue was weird? What?

>> No.14514524

How does one obtain a gf? Non even memeing. Just give it to me straight.

>> No.14514528

just met her online and agreed we'd meet up

>> No.14514530

Be yourself

>> No.14514537
File: 972 KB, 1080x1049, 1578739544651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it
sokushinbutsu time

>> No.14514542

I literally met my first gf on a /soc/ thread. We happened to be going to the same uni.

>> No.14514557
File: 44 KB, 655x527, Apu Apustaja is reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never read him.
Generally the answer was "Yes." and they also tend to confirm they can imagine sensations like sight, sound, ect. One time this guy was really shocked when I asked "Can you visualize stuff in your head?" and he was like "No, are you crazy? Are you serious or just pulling my leg?" but that was a single event. I also asked this girl is her internal voice is in her own voice and she said "No, it's just a kind of voiceless, like when you feel a bass line instead of hearing it."

>> No.14514571

don't be a submissive faggot and be outgoing and spend time around lots of people and have a decent life someone would want to join

>> No.14514681

seems too much, have you ever looked around and saw what kind of men have gf's and wife's

>> No.14514698
File: 109 KB, 548x349, 760ADC1C-97E0-44DD-8FC7-895612231D1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, you worthless orangutan prostitute. If I hear another word out of that sensuous, defiant little mouth of yours, I’m going to fuck you like a fat-lipped jigaboo on his first day of parole. Pic related.

>> No.14514777

Bilbo is not looking too good since the ring was destroyed

>> No.14514809

Nice of you to say I ever had a chance in the first place.

>> No.14514820

I have a gf but I hate her and wish she would go away

>> No.14514838

I am good at repulsing women, you should send her to me

>> No.14514850

So what do you do if girls your age don't want cheesy romance with an inexperienced guy like this and instead want stability and experience, someone who asserts themselves on life and who can be relied on during hard times? And if you're too old for your loneliness and personality faults to be seen as anything but creepy and weird?

What do you do to cope if you can't fix yourself?

>> No.14514862

go monke mode

>> No.14514882

I spent years wondering what was wrong with me until I decided I'll be happy on my own and stopped caring (happiest time of my life), and just a few weeks later I met a 16 year old and we dated for a few months until I broke up with her because it was horrible.
When you fill your mind with thoughts like I need a girlfriend etc you end up with an empty mind when you finally get one, that or you become obsessed with your girl
I don't know what to do with my life now

>> No.14514908

>I don't know what to do with my life now
get TOPPED on grindr
how does it feel to be such a faggot child?

>> No.14514917
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>> No.14514924

>tfw sex-repulsed, so can't ever get a real gf

>> No.14514928


>> No.14514929

Why was it horrible? Could you explain?

>> No.14514940

Retarded teenager incel trash shitpost #34345324556
You are worthless
Low iq faggot leave this board

>> No.14514944

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.14514950

She was a narcissist due to shit parents and she was such a tryhard in our relationship, trying to take control over it by making me jealous or needy near the end of it
I guess our first month together was nice though

>> No.14514953

the only thing i hope for anymore is an early death. you're right, its too late for me, raostie, now fuck off.

>> No.14514960

the irony on this post is unbelievable
you seriously think needing other's approval is not being shallow? are you that dense?

>> No.14514964
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>> No.14514973

Tbqh they should make a worksafe containment board for feelsposters.

>> No.14514991

>some nigger dancing with a blondie
every time

>> No.14515060

I'm 21 and only fucked 2 girls. But I was an incel until I was 20 and here's what I did to change. Just my two cents

1. Maximize looks (go to gym, get good haircut, good facial hair, good clothes etc...)

2. Cultivate personality traits that are attractive to women (be extroverted, dominant, be a leader, be calm in stressful situations like dates, being able to set boundaries is super important)

2.a) Status also falls in this sphere. Get a high status job, either something artistic or something where you have authority over other people (manager, professor etc.). Sports are good too. Status is complicated, because being the captain of the football team might mean nothing to an art hoe and everything to some basic bitch. But these are the guidelines.

3. The Most Important Step. YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY INTERACT WITH GIRLS. The above two points are null if you don't follow this one. It's like making the best product in the market and then burying it in your back garden. Disregard the /fit/ and MGTOW guys who tell you "girls will come if you stop chasing". It's complete bullshit. You should have other stuff going on in your life, and you shouldn't chase in the sense you shouldn't be needy or clingy. But unless you're A. Famous or B. Chad (and if you were you wouldn't be asking how to get a gf on 4chan) then you're going to have to do most of the work to get sex/relationships.

You can either approach girls IRL (do it in bars and clubs, don't be one of those daygame weirdos) or, if you're a bitch like me, you can do it online. I DMed dozens of girls on twitter/insta + alot of swiping on tinder

>> No.14515096

putting everything but 1 and 2 out of your mind will develop everything naturally
once that is done you can be banging a girl an hour after meeting her, the tinder trawl is for betas to be quite honest

>> No.14515163
File: 189 KB, 462x450, 1575066270398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many normalfags in /lit/? Was facebook taken down or something?

>> No.14515177


>> No.14515183

Who fucking writes this cringe shit?

>> No.14515200

If you think that the problem is confined to /lit/ then I envy your innocence.

>> No.14515205

This is seriously embarrassing. The fact you people need pussy as a motivator for improving yourself is really sad.

You do realise if you apply these things and get a partner you're not finished? (If sex is your goal you are a lost cause. What after sex? You have no purpose.) You will never be able to bring stability and other necessary things to your relationship.

You need to reevaluate your life and its values before you venture into union with other people.

>> No.14515238
File: 1.03 MB, 2160x1956, P00111-104741(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and Manaka Chan are we too busy reading together to care about such matters

>> No.14515244

I stopped browsing 4chin a while ago and only come to /lit/ to get a random book recommendation once I'm done reading one because I suck at choosing. Seems like reddit and twitter are in full capacity and they spilled over here or something.

>> No.14515249
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>She was a narcissist due to shit parents and she was such a tryhard in our relationship, trying to take control over it by making me jealous or needy near the end of it
So how would you have preferred she was? Like what specifically would you have changed in her and what would you have replaced it with

>> No.14515309

>girl calls him out of the blue
fuck off chad

>> No.14515315

Saged and frogpilled