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/lit/ - Literature

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14511430 No.14511430 [Reply] [Original]

Considering how large the numbers of books (and generally all other media), how do you actually keep track of what you really need to read/play/listen to/watch and what is purely optional? I just always feel overwhelmed looking at all the unread books collecting dust on my desk and shelf, especially considering that even if one's life consisted near solely of reading, your backlog easily grows larger than what you can realistically read.

>> No.14511480

Don't worry about it too much. Just keep cranking through the things you want to read at the moment. If you get to a point where you don't have something obvious coming up next in your queue, go to the shelf and just pick something.

>> No.14511504

It's just that I feel awfully overhelmed trying to juggle university, learning and uni-related stuff I need to read, not-uni related stuff I want to read, friends, family, household and everything else.

>> No.14511534

like write it down nigga?

>> No.14511665

Well, I hate to break it to you, but if you eventually graduate, start a legitimate career and have kids, you are going to lust for those days when those things you listed were all you had to worry about. I'm not going to go full on "you kids have it so easy" on you here, but just try to enjoy the relative freedom and time you have now and don't stress too much about the books you don't have time for.

>> No.14512325

>have kids
this is just generally not a good idea

>> No.14512337
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