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/lit/ - Literature

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14508207 No.14508207 [Reply] [Original]

Hit me up with some essential lit about disengaged, morose, solitary 20-somethings.

>> No.14508214

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.14508228

Severin's Journey into the Darkness

>> No.14508252

White nights by dosty;
Damien by Hesse (high midwit content but short enough to be bearable);

>> No.14508293

your diary desu

>> No.14508340

Thanks, have only read Siddhartha thus far.
Gotta git myself a copy of Steppenwolf too

>> No.14508387

my diary desu and nothing else

t. 21 year old KHV who only leaves the house once a month to get prescription meds to prevent a school shooting

>> No.14508424

Sounds more like a manifesto desu

>> No.14508696

How has nobody said Notes from the underground

>> No.14508703

Nigga was old

>> No.14508715

Not in part two, he wasn't

>> No.14509546


>> No.14509565

..isnt that most literature

>> No.14509574
File: 288 KB, 1600x1500, 09E3DBAF-AF08-4CEC-80E1-ABA1E4D137BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just woke up at 6pm

>> No.14509775

to post a picture of literally me?

>> No.14509800

this is me except I take good care of my physiological needs, I am not in denial about depression but I don't know what the hell to do about it