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/lit/ - Literature

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14508121 No.14508121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are books that show logical consequences of the liberal madness? Like 1984 or Animal Farm, but considering this contemporary form of tolerating everything? Except everything WHM present (Captain Sweden doesn't count)

>> No.14508128

Brave New World?

>> No.14508144

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.14508146

There's a cottage industry of these beginning in the 90s. I think there's one called Liberal Fascism or something.

>> No.14508150

>give me books that validate my worldview

Intellectual poverty.

>> No.14508165

>Liberal Fascism
I looking more of fiction. When every other book IMPLICITLY shows how bad racism, bigotry, religion, patriarchy, whiteness or what not is so horrible, I want to see scenarios where gullible bleeding hearts get what is coming to them

>> No.14508173

>it's an Americans think liberal means social democrat episode

>> No.14508189

No, I mean how """liberal""" is widely used every where, you know the green-red area on a compass. I know: the walking contradictions.

>> No.14508218
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fiction? why would you need fiction?

>> No.14508222
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>> No.14508225
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>> No.14508226

brave new world you idiot

>> No.14508230

Raspail's Camp of the Saints

Houellebecq's Submission

>> No.14508235

Social democracy and ultimately socialism is the inevitable conclusion of like liberalism. You can see it as far back as back to Leviathan.

>> No.14508242
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>> No.14508248
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>> No.14508259

welcome to /lit/ my friend.

>> No.14508261
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>> No.14508265
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muh race-mixing bad

>> No.14508273

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.14508277


>> No.14508280

Can these poltards be culled somehow?

>> No.14508284
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relax and go back to /pol/ where your nazi-propaganda is accepted

>> No.14508288

You're the one advocating mindlessness

>> No.14508301

based black guys patrolling white thots when you won't

>> No.14508307

there is no greater midwit giveaway than disliking /pol/

>> No.14508315

because I'm sick and tired of this liberal propaganda everywhere, I wanna see converse.

>> No.14508317

you can find problems and fallacies reading texts that validate your worldview as well. Also you're going to have to assign yourself one either way

>> No.14508318


>> No.14508323

Life is not a game of sport

>> No.14508327

The Strange Death of Europe

>> No.14508333

the right wing doesn't use propaganda, we use bullets.

>> No.14508344

I liked the madness of the crowds.

>> No.14508351
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>the right wing doesn't use propaganda, we use bullets.

>> No.14508353

I don't consider brave new world liberal per se, but socialist-technocratic view on humanity.


Thanks for all recommendations.

>> No.14508360

I'am sure you have transcended the need for world views

>> No.14508361
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This article


>> No.14508362

just look at history you faggot. the only reason the left has to use propaganda and usury is because they're too scrawny and weak to actually conquer anything.

>> No.14508369

The strange death of europe and madness of the crowds isn't fiction.

>> No.14508374

just read the day of the rope you faggot.

>> No.14508405
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I'm not op tho

>> No.14508431
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The books about mooslamism are cool and all but I'm more looking for books that explore this phenomenon. Also preferably fiction.

>> No.14508539

>so I like to take social media screencaps of girls who have been abused by black partners, what are your hobbies?

>> No.14508591

I hate Americans so much.

>> No.14508595
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Industrial Society And Its Future

>> No.14508606

oh you know, watching netflix, posting pictures to my instagram, liking pictures, eating kale and soilent. i'm a very well-adjusted and normal member of society and people who think bad opinions scare me and they should be put in jail.

>> No.14509858
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>implying 1984 was pro capitalist

>> No.14509873

fahrenheit 451

>> No.14509891

Anything by:
Thomas Sowell
Walter Williams
Milton Friedman
Ben Shapiro
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Liz Wheeler
Amity Shlaes
Christina Hoff Sommers

>> No.14509895

>not having read 1984 but going off of what Hillary 2016 said about it
go back

>> No.14509990
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>> No.14510213

t. propagandizes under the guise of "critical thinking"

>> No.14510235

That's quite the strawman there, anon

>> No.14510248


>> No.14510251

Fuck, I hate women. Why are they so fucking retarded? Giving them the right to vote was the worst mistake we ever did. Fuck you, Woodrow Wilson.

>> No.14510320
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>I wish I was a sexy iconoclast, like /pol/

>> No.14510374

Haha. A list of shit authors.

>> No.14510379

You do realize Orwell was a socialist, right?

>> No.14510558

Mein Kampf.

>> No.14510574

fuck you

>> No.14510594

Why do conservatives pretend like they didn't totally allow this bullshit to happen? You guys are such fucking idiots. No one ever honestly asserted that feelings trump rights until recently. You guys paved the way with your retarded strawmans. It wasn't fucking foresight. It was literally you implanting the idea in their heads.

>> No.14510642

The thing that most amuses me is the way conservatives actually do think their feelings about minorities should supercede the rights of minorities

>> No.14510740

minorities shouldn't have rights

>> No.14510753

That's because most political shit flinging is literal projection. A basic search into porn and political affiliation will reveal this.

>> No.14510757

I agree Moshi, the reign of wh*te people should come to an end.

>> No.14510765

What it say? Righties like BBC cuck shit? And leftoids like Domination porn or something?

>> No.14510783

I just want to know who keeps going for that incest shit

>> No.14511165

Turner Diaries

>> No.14511221

Can anyone recommend anything similar to this book?

>> No.14511252


>> No.14511290

Not all white people are going to make it. We need to shed the fat and what better way than to weaken the subhuman races with our underclasses.

>> No.14511303


>> No.14511362

Harrison Bergeron

>> No.14511384
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i didn't choose this life. the jews chose it for me.

>> No.14511576

You do realize he realized what a moron he had been for being duped into it right and wrote books about it right? Obviously not you fucking idiot try actually reading the books you want to act like you know about instead of memes then trying to act like you know wtf you are talking about

>> No.14511610

never before seen levels of woke

>> No.14511617
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I love seeing leftards enjoying the strength of diversity

>> No.14511648

I guess you don't know where you are. /lit/ is not "your people", leftard hivemind you need to go back to pleebit friend, you took a wrong turn somewhere

>> No.14512095

>Liberal Fascism

Jonah Goldberg, author of the book you just cited, is a hypocritical moron bereft of all self-awareness, locked in the periodic release of books filled with terrible prose, milquetoast conservatism, and self-contradictory talking points.

Read suicide of the west and resolved not to ever consider another book by that derivative hack.

>> No.14512303

The whole 'muh fucking tumblr college campus SJWs' and 'alt-right' era is drawing to a close lad. It started winding down after Charlottesville in 2017 tbqh.
Don't get me wrong, identity politics pretty much defined the culture of the 2010s.
God willing the 2020s will bring something new and more interesting to the table.

>> No.14512326
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days of rage, the last boat out of shanghai, and gulag archipelago. the anti-commie trilogy.

>> No.14512380

Why are "leftist" ideas grouped the way they are? The SJW shit, race mixing, pro sluts, etc doesn't really have anything to do with their financial views like a better social safety net, taxing the rich, having higher minimum wage, universal healthcare etc. The former is stupid identity politics trash and the latter is things America actually needs. Problem is, by conflating them you alienate double the people.

>> No.14512493

because american politics is brainlet trash. the 2 party system is the absolute worst thing you can possibly have. most voters get caught up in one issue that they absolutely cannot compromise on, so their party views get set by that even if everything else is bullshit. then they're pressured into conformity to the whole kit due to risk of social alienation if they don't tow the line.

so for a rational, intelligent human being, there is NO PARTY that represents him. i have a handful of views in common with leftists and a handful with rightists. the result? both parties would utterly despise me. normalfaggots would choose, at least, to be friends with 50% of people rather than 0%.

>> No.14512541


What? No he didn't. I've read most of his works and he was at best critical of Stalin's communist party and the Catalan socialists during the Spanish Revolution who were taking aid money directly from the Kremlin.

Orwell was a libertarian socialist sympathizer, he went so far to say that he wished he had "joined up with the anarchists (true communists)" when he witnessed Barcelona under the control of the C.N.T/F.A.I. Unless you can point me in the direction of some books of his or interviews he participated in where he says "I'm not a socialist", your words have absolutely no weight to them.Orwell was literally a self described socialist. Right wing U.S. Libertarian types love to try and manipulate his words of warning about fascist authoritarian governments to suit their deregulation agenda while conveniently ignoring the fact that he was a well read hard leftist.

Fuck you you reactionary shit kicker. Neck yourself.

>> No.14512687

Too Like the Lightning/Terra Ignota series. Did it so well some of them managed to think it's utopian.

>> No.14512893

Yeah, I assumed it was a troll post

>> No.14513081

Underrated post.

>> No.14513096

The Wanting Seed by Burgess.

>> No.14513296

Ah yes, because white fathers never abandon or beat their wives. Flawless argument anon.

>> No.14513307

cnosider suicide

>> No.14513391

Yawn. While 1984 and Animal Farm may have relayed incisive, illuminating political insights for their times, their message has been reiterated in so many books, movies, and TV shows that what was once a poignant, startling observation has achieved the status of platitude.
Go masturbate to Trump Jr’s ‘Triggered’, boomer scum

>> No.14513508

>seething this hard hard and calling me the reactionary

stfu you stupid cuck

>> No.14513514

In terms of pop literature, this is the seminal work.

>> No.14513519

It 100% accurately describes modern neoliberal society though.

>> No.14513521
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>> No.14513536

Camp of Saints

Also you can read Nazi propaganda, pretty much everything the Nazis warned the people of Germany about. very much came to truth.

>> No.14513971
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>> No.14514147


Id bet that youre a bitter old conservative who suffers from male pattern baldness and resembles the onions meme a little more closely than hed like to admit.

Bet that you have tits bigger than the mudflap on an eighteen wheeler, but sell yourself as the masculine ideal by disparaging others for their onions

>> No.14514177

he could be carl the cuck himself and he'd still be in the right for calling out faggots who say 'yawn'

>> No.14514178

The librarian gave me a real nasty look when I returned that.

>> No.14514212

Anthony Burgess used a time machine to write The Wanting Seed

>> No.14514466

Submission by Michel Houellebecq

>> No.14514733
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>> No.14514849

The Controversy of Zion

>> No.14515752

My rights begin where your feelings end: By law I am not compelled to sink that low.