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File: 79 KB, 960x960, feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14507407 No.14507407 [Reply] [Original]

I love Hegel

>> No.14507408

Lose weight

>> No.14507412

Disgusting ape feet

>> No.14507413

Ugly feet.

>> No.14507487

That's not Megan! You got some chutzpah, I'll give you that!

>> No.14507503


>> No.14507504

No you dont

>> No.14507573

Your feet are disgusting

>> No.14507607
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, this shit slaps.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Plato

>> No.14507630
File: 182 KB, 680x680, Cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry ladie's I'm not interested. The other 50 high school girls with no academic interest whatsoever will do.

Femoids always looking for attention, even if it means capitalising on philosophy, the love of truth, to do it.

>> No.14507646

Sure..Sure..You just LOOOOVEE philosophy.

It's totally not like your reptillian brain is just following your attention whoring instincts.

>> No.14507702
File: 257 KB, 1700x1273, 5IvlDkh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine LITERALLY using the complete works of Plato as a tool simply to advertise yourself as the worthless hole you are
I honestly hope whoever that is dies a horrific death

>> No.14507720

Fuck outta here dorks she has nice legs. All you gotta do is be nice and she might let you touch them. You cels need to understand how mating works lmao of course she's attention seeking, that's her fucking job.

>> No.14507735

How about you and her both get into a car crash
You're worth just as much as a mangled corpse

>> No.14507758
File: 429 KB, 1280x720, 1578166192899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so offended over something so trivial?

>> No.14507800

When you're depressed your patience for things wrong with this world drops to a mininum. I think the very fact that a person using something you hold dear to achieve something that in itself perpetuates many of the things you dislike while simultaneously abusing an inherent flaw in a man's psyche to draw their attention from things that are "worth it" is annoying on multiple levels.

>> No.14507804


>> No.14507810

based and articulatepilled

>> No.14507820

I'll tell you where we'll go. A nice picnic where we have a superficial conversation about philosophy and I tell her how smart she is. Then we go back to mine where I tongue her legs and holes. Meanwhile you'll still be here whining about how women ruin everything.

>> No.14507825

What a fucking crybaby Jesus Christ if op was male nobody would give a shit

>> No.14507829

Also your starving for pussy is not an "inherent flaw in a man's psyche"

>> No.14507832
File: 23 KB, 112x112, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to have uglier toes? That bitch must be at least 400 lbs 5'3"

>> No.14507885

she has more orbiters than you will have women picking you for sex

>> No.14507895

im aware of your jewish tricks

>> No.14507906

Schopenhauer on Hegel:

>he said things that made me want to put a pistol on his chest and then say: "Now you must die without mercy; but for the sake of your poor soul, tell me whether you had a clear idea about the Gallimathia or whether you were just foolish for us?

>> No.14507920

Where is this from desu?

>> No.14507946

Thats easily the most disgusting picture I have ever seen on this shit website, kys.

>> No.14507952

I wonder what would Hegel have thought if someone would have said to him that in the future people will handle his works with their ugly feet
does not feel like progress has been made

>> No.14507953

machine translation of obscure german passage from his student diary or something and fuck, it was about Fichte, not Hegel

>> No.14507963

>Fuck outta here dorks she has nice legs. All you gotta do is be nice and she might let you touch them.
Why would you post bait so controversial, yet so cringe?

>> No.14507973
File: 7 KB, 200x195, Pepe with shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you so offended over something so trivial?
Ahh yes, the good, the true and the beautiful are trivial.

I was never mad, but I was always cool>>14507630

>> No.14507996
File: 1.38 MB, 1334x750, 1577214416773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame incels for being so desperately inept

>> No.14508004
File: 118 KB, 1147x825, 1577493911572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you overcome your depression and learn to love life again, anon. i'm glad you care deeply about literature, but being a jealous lover will harm your own mental state more than a dumb picture will the dignity of your hobby. very few people in this world are truly malicious, more often they are misguided or victims of circumstance, so why be angry with them? it's likely that these women were seeking attention, yes, but is that really such a sin? most people in the world want to be recognised and appreciated by others, and many can only find value through the validation of others, however vulgar. but that should be a cause for pity, not hatred. i'm afraid i can't relate to much of your post, as we seem to hold quite different worldviews. but even still, i wish you all the best, and i hope you can find happiness in a world you find so harrowing. it's a shame I can't do more to help you out than some will probably find naive and superficial.

>> No.14508010

Foot expert here. Those are men's feet.

In the coming wars, governments will hire footfags to identify trannies like how they used to use colorblind people to spot camouflaged enemies in photos. Feet always give away a tranny. Even if the tranny is genetically lucky and has freakishly small feet for a man, they're still man feet. Gas all trannies.

>> No.14508289 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.35 MB, 2592x1936, 1578665824687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toes are too long to be Megan Boyle, plus she doesn't have second metatarsals that are of that ratio to the rest of them.

>> No.14508447

>very few people in this world are truly malicious, more often they are misguided or victims of circumstance, so why be angry with them?
How convenient! — I was just 'misguided' when I allowed all if my decisionmaking to be driven by endless avarice and indifference for others' wellbeing! Oh, I was only a 'victim of circumstance' when I turned away from all of the light and good in the world!

>> No.14509055
File: 198 KB, 624x799, Wolter_von_Plettenberg_(1450-1535).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14509072

Imagine languidly dragging feathers between those toes and watching them writhe haha

>> No.14509082

>very few people in this world are truly malicious
I am

>> No.14509152

have le sex

>> No.14509284

Im the poorly articulated poster you replied to. I was not really describing myself but perhaps that degree of empathy implies that I am closer to the problem than I would like to accept. That being said being "misguided" doesn't change reality. What you've done has brought you where you are and is also the statistical data one can have to extrapolate your possible behaviour for the future. I hold no anger towards such women because I am still able to surround myself with non-misguided people. They are howver getting fewer by the minute, and if and when my situation becomes dire the world will burn.

>> No.14509393

How about these fucking subhumans take some responsibility for once in their pathetic little lives

>> No.14509957

no man would ever do something this retarded.

>> No.14510527
File: 726 KB, 254x401, 1577836992817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you truly think any of the two above could fit such a dramatic description? one can only change when one knows what they are doing is wrong, and even then it is difficult. can you truly say that you have never held a belief, or acted in such a way, that is contrary to what you now believe is good or just? I doubt anyone could answer yes to that.
how much of your own views are truly of your making? much of our perceptions and views are a consequence of our upbringing, education, and social conditioning, which happens before we are even conscious enough to question it.

>> No.14510619

disgusting attention whore disgusting feet neck yourself

>> No.14510652

Doesn't this more accurately describe most men?

>> No.14510734


>> No.14510885

Disgusting feet. It's always the girls with ugly ass feet that show them off

>> No.14510907
File: 76 KB, 511x679, 762830c3-0db8-4584-ad40-f3e66c12dd16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn what beautiful feet look like before you decide to post this filth

>> No.14511067

you too you finger toe loving fuck

>> No.14511076

Like what, making a post about liking Hegel? Can you not be full of shit for once

>> No.14511487

>beta power fantasy

>> No.14511533
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 65CF96CC-79EA-4230-BB13-EE185D0B4FF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14511565

These are male feet.

>> No.14511727


>> No.14511856
File: 174 KB, 948x1234, 6dcdd28f-0615-4809-90dd-fc8bf37e0888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking stumpy hobbit toes over thin delicate toes

>> No.14512003

I have a thing for chubby feet, gonna fap to this pic later

>> No.14512370

people store fat on their feet?

>> No.14512378

Same haha

>> No.14512415

i think you are confused, this is the internet and that is not a real girl but rather a picture of a girl, you can't be nice to the picture and have it give you sex, so why bother teasing us with it by posting it?

>> No.14513581

from one footfag to another, your taste in prehensile monkey-hands-as-human-feet is downright bizarre, and doubling down to call them "delicate" of all things makes it much, much worse

>> No.14513589

Ah yes because the guys I responded were totally talking as though that was a picture. Bet you thought this comment was smart.

>> No.14513679
File: 418 KB, 2014x966, 34C3419F-C00E-4423-ADDD-222644B3DD1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a homo footfag, do straight men who like breasts feel the same malaise when exposed to unaesthetic boobies? deviations from the platonic form.....

>> No.14513695


>> No.14513707

I think that the pic you posted doesn't apply to today's world almost at all, since women are almost never alone and have guys orbiting around them, as opposed to the example in that image where a woman actively approaches a group of guys and ruins whatever they're doing.

>> No.14513752

Would you be less triggered if she just did it figuratively?

>> No.14513760

>Very few people are truly malicious
Lmao the absolute naive reality in which the average roastie lives.
I'd kill you and rape dungeon for 20 years and feel no regrets

>> No.14513828

How many people have you killed and rape-dungeoned so far?

>> No.14513894

That doesnt mean anything you dumb fucking walking axe wound, it just means self preservation prevails over jail and becoming public enemy number one and risk getting shot, funny enough self preservation triumphing over selfish desires is related to race, niggers are more likely to dont give a shit

>> No.14514002
File: 83 KB, 352x356, 1577838469633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there were no consequences to doing so, would think it would be wrong to murder/rape dungeon me?

>> No.14514050

post tits you slut

>> No.14514715

Are there attractive male feet? What aesthetic markers do you value in a male foot?

>> No.14515561

minecraft feet

>> No.14515641

It's difficult to describe, because if I say the words "masculine" or "feminine" a certain image pops into your head which I don't think quite captures the qualities I like. Like, I like male feet which are soft and smooth, and that could be counted as a "feminine" quality, but I also like the way that male feet tend to be a little broader and thicker than female feet. I don't like too much muscularity or pudginess, but I don't like thinness and vascularity either -- and yet I don't mind a sort of graceful petiteness. It's hard to explain without visual reference. And there's so much variation within the sexes that it's difficult to generalise.

Basically I just like feet which are soft and shapely, feet which have beautiful contours. I prefer if they're sensitive too.

>> No.14515681


>> No.14515727

Yummy yummy