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/lit/ - Literature

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14507228 No.14507228 [Reply] [Original]

How is a teenager a better book critic than professionals who work for newspapers? How can the old media hedgemony be destroyed when they forcefeed cultural influence that no longer exists?

>> No.14507257

Just write him a letter already OP.

>> No.14507338

is /lit/ at an all time low for traffic rn? i feel like there are about 20 of us total and most are discretely identifiable

>> No.14507485

Am I identify-able? Tell me which anon I am. Please bro.

>> No.14507501

People who work for newspapers these days are just sjw leftist commies

>> No.14507673

How ugly do you have to be to think she is not 5/10 at best

>> No.14507710

You are the abominable moth

>> No.14507972

There is no such thing as a better book critic and a worse book critic. All book critics are equally terrible

>> No.14507978

19 of those are me

>> No.14508055
File: 14 KB, 300x300, girl3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the hottest woman alive.

What are you, gay?

>> No.14508092

I am a 4chan incel and I can explain

When you don't have access to women, you lose perspective on what a real one looks/feels like, and your mind starts to collapse your unconscious instinct for what a real woman feels like into your accumulated set of associations re: how women are presented in media and on the internet

Most men who get laid and associate with women regularly can look at a woman in an instagram photo and see "past" it, see and almost feel, even taste and smell, what she is probably like in real life. When a man like that sees OP girl, he sees a short, kind of boyish, average in the face girl, he knows how waifish and brittle she probably feels. He knows that up close and in the high resolution of real life face to face contact, all of her weird facial articulations and imperfections come out, and even though he doesn't know what these are, he's experienced this picture-to-real-life transition enough that he can unconsciously guess at how disappointing she is. If you want some idea of how this works and you are an incel, think of the last time you were incredibly attracted to a girl's character in a movie, think of how your dick picked up on all the little things about her body and face that you like, like a certain pudginess or pertness or whatever. Then think about how you finally looked up real pics of the actress who plays her, and she was "off" by comparison, all of that glow or baby fat (or whatever it is you liked) was gone and suddenly she's just an average weird looking mediocre girl, probably too thin or something. And you realize, movies have a lot of control how an actor is presented, because of editing, camera filtering, lighting etc. It's the same difference between a girl's instagram self-presentation and her real life self, face to face. Often your will be like, damn bitch you look like shit compared to your instagram! It's a palpable gestalt shift.

The incel has no access to this gestalt shift in order to generalize it and expect it instinctively. For him there is no real woman in contrast to the presented woman, except insofar as the total set of online representations of a woman IS the "real thing." So an incel literally thinks/feels of the woman he likes as this loose agglomeration of heavily filtered, edited, cropped, lighting and contrast adjusted, made up and smoothed over false images of the woman in question. All the intangible human things that make a woman mundane to offset her sexy or graceful aspects are missing, because she edits those out, you can no longer see the little ugly thing her chin does when she's pensive that actually gives her character and so forth. The incel thinks that if he fucked his favorite actress, he would be fucking her character, within the movie he saw her in where her ass looked really nice in a way it never looks in real life.

When incels have e-waifus this is what's happening.

>> No.14508129

wtf you ruined her for me

>> No.14508423

Queen on /lit/

>> No.14508502

I've mostly given up on posting but still compulsively browse. /lit/ is shit, but was always shit, it's just that when you first enter it's all new and even the lowestbrow meming seems appealing — whoa, jokes about Plato, Wittgenstein! Who's David Foster Wallace? This place is so cool! — but then you slowly come to realize that the vast majority of the board is an endless repetition of trivial things:
>If the reader cannot help thinking, with me, that history is merely the constant recurrence of similar things, just as in a kaleidoscope the same bits of glass are represented, but in different combinations, he will not be able to share all this lively interest...

>> No.14508506
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>> No.14508534

Do you prefer "--"? You fucking animal!

>> No.14508602

I'm saving that

>> No.14508693

em dash best dash
he used it weirdly tho

>> No.14508980

>he used it weirdly tho
It's a standard aside dumbdumb

>> No.14509761
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>> No.14510055

>implying you'd not bang this until you couldn't walk anymore

Why are people calling her ugly? She is an 11/10.

>> No.14510111

I have notified her about this thread.

>> No.14510287

She's definitely a waifu. She's so bubbly and happy that it no longer matters what she looks like, who wouldn't want her around all the time being cute and funny.

>> No.14510306

inside she is suffering. her brain is screaming. it pushes her to keep posting videos until an alpha males comes along, and he never will because they don't read.

>> No.14510419

Please, Kat.

We all love you. Keep making videos. Don't be creeped out by autists. We do it out of love.

>> No.14510651

Hi guys. It's Kat here. My friend sent me a link to this place... umm, can you please stop posting my picture and your creepy comments? Fucking incels.

>> No.14510660

>confusing penis thoughts with head thoughts
Time to kys, anon

>> No.14510667


Stop making shill threads for yourself, you ugly cunt.

>> No.14510674

She’s a 6.5 who needs to grow her hair out
t. Normie

>> No.14510794
File: 50 KB, 332x500, umberto-eco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My love far you is far too great. I have made my life's goal into convincing you of my virtues.

Please post proof so that I can show the poems I've written for you.

>> No.14510816

Are you a lesbian?

>> No.14510831

Now this is autism

>> No.14510944

someone post her ass

>> No.14510965

I liked it. Not bad.

>> No.14511091
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>> No.14511100

Hhhhi wanna date?

>> No.14511107
File: 9 KB, 400x307, 1578084920142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14511109

Well I'm new here

>> No.14511163

Not bad

>> No.14511583

Perfect summary.

>> No.14511722

who's the fuck nugget that keeps forcing this meme tuber

>> No.14511807

Fuck you and you English degree for using more than 30 words to explain a simple idea.

>> No.14511847

that quote isn't talking about shitposters diluting conversation you midwit.