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14506667 No.14506667 [Reply] [Original]

>"What every woman wants is a Man, with a capital M. In other words, a man who has balls, not merely in the literal sense but also in the figurative sense. In Western culture, a woman's ideal has traditionally been "a knight in shining armor." [...] But the knight in shining armor no longer exists in Europe. The samurai has disappeared from Japan. The fierce nomad no longer rides across the Eurasian steppe. [...] And who has replaced these true Men? Behold modern man (small m): He sits all day on his fat bottom, punching keys on a computer. Terrified of losing the "job" on which he is helplessly dependent, he cringes before his boss, invents petty subterfuges and little lies to conceal his errors and his trivial misdeeds. There are no true Men left; or rather, such true Men as remain are in prison. [...] Is it any wonder that feminist[s] have lost respect for men? Or that they resent men for failing to be Men after whom (however vehemently they deny it) their hearts yearn?"
How can one man be so based?

>> No.14506678


>> No.14506680

Did Ted write that? Wasn't he terrified of women?

>> No.14506696

I believe it's from his Montana journals

>> No.14506702

>There are no true Men left; or rather, such true Men as remain are in prison.
Oh yeah all the nig nogs in prison are totally knights in shining armor.

>> No.14506723

knights were thugs though

>> No.14506727
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>In a journal entry, Ted recounted seeing a girl on
the street when he was 13: "Something about her appearance antagonized me,
and, from habit, I began looking for a way to justify hating her, within
my logical system. But then I stopped and said to myself, 'This is getting
ridiculous. I'll just chuck all this silly morality business and hate
anybody I please.' Since then I have never had any interest in or respect
for morality, ethics or anything of the sort."

>> No.14506737

by god that is actually in absolute unironic seriousness the most based thing i have ever read in my life

>> No.14506742

He wasn't referring to nig nogs as they are not human and everyone knows that independent of whether or not they will admit to so much

>> No.14506746

So what are cops?

>> No.14506747

Thank you. Now I can't take him seriously anymore.

>> No.14506750

Ted is one of the most based men who has ever lived

>> No.14506753
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Stupid sociopath

>> No.14506763

What's sociopathic about balls?

>> No.14506774

if by "based" you mean "cucked" then absolootly

>> No.14506783

Radically and indubitably based to the bone

>> No.14506788

Honestly Ted seems like he had great talent for philosophy. It's a shame he was never educated in it so he couldn't contribute anything serious.

>> No.14506797

Ted. Ted talking about balls and capital Men etc.

>> No.14506801
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lol this is what ebta cucks think

women want a daddy for sex : who provides for them and fucks them raw.
And women base their life way more on sex cravings than on safety cravings, since no man can be a good dildo and a good wallet and women have no problem to split their life into sex orgies and taking advantage of the beta cuck who writes like in op taking care of her on a daily basis

>> No.14506806
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>Ted's brief sojourn in Raynesford was also notable for a crude romantic overture he made to a 19-year-old college student who was working as a waitress in the truck-stop restaurant […] To the waitress, Sandra Hill, he was just a shy, clean-shaven co-worker, a dozen years her senior. She said she had paid him little attention, and had no idea he was interested in her until she went back to school that fall and received three letters from him. One invited her to move with him to northern Canada and be his squaw."

>> No.14506809

In order to by cucked you have to by cucked by something. What is it that has cucked Ted?

>> No.14506818

the state of orbiters

>> No.14506824
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>> No.14506825

It’s an even bigger shame that he never read Pensées

>> No.14506829

>Behold modern man (small m): He sits all day on his fat bottom, punching keys on a computer. Terrified of losing the "job" on which he is helplessly dependent,
I feel attacked

>> No.14506861

I disagree. He was exceptionally successful early on then decided society was shit so he left, killed a bunch of people, then forced his manifesto on the world. The only reason you and I are talking about him is because he single handedly FORCED his ideas onto this world. I'm laughing as I type this because I just realized this is one of the most Chad, uncucked, things any man has ever done. You don't have to agree with him or his methods but you do have to admit he did something every man as only fantasized about.

>> No.14506865

Nietzsche and Kierkegaard would like a word with you as well, anon.

>> No.14506871

Based and blessed

>> No.14506878

I cant reconcile how smart this guy was with how bad his writings are

>> No.14506882
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Ted predicted soibois

>> No.14506885

ideological murder is magic ritual, human sacrifice, equivalent exchange between conviction and actual physical human blood, and all the death or loss of freedom that comes from spilling it. we talk about him because we have to, because he left us no other choice than to acknowledge the monolith he raised through this dark magic of blood and death

>> No.14506886
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>> No.14506897

But you see, technology is indistinguishable from black magic too. Take an iphone for example; the circuits are sigils, the programming script is the magic formula, the designers are wizards, and it's all brought to you through bloody sacrifice of sweatshop children, and it's an inherently Luciferian invention because it stimulates your lower passions (dude porn and social media gossip lmao) and gets you addicted

>> No.14506901

He already said knights were thugs, dude. I'm sure there were some chill knights in the villages (real Barnald Fiefs) but the knights in the towns were absolute scum. You've seen what they do by the ramparts, but you don't want to see what they do out in the holdings...

>> No.14506909

not to mention that the Apple name/logo is a Luciferian symbol in itself.
Transhumanism in general is highly Luciferian too...

>> No.14506921


>> No.14506930

the guy was a genius in mathematics and writes only slightly better than a failed plumber

>> No.14506935

That's because his specialty is numbers, not words, duh

>> No.14506943
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>At first my brother [Ted] appeared to be in love (which I noted with pleasant amazement, since my brother had never dated or even talked much about women). He took the girl out for dinner at nice restaurants and for walks in the forest preserve. But he was utterly devastated when she politely broke off their relationship, saying she only wanted to be friends."

>They had two dates, Ms. Tarmichael recalled. She said he seemed intelligent and quiet, and she accepted a dinner invitation in late July. It was a French restaurant, David said, and Ted "ordered wine and he smelled it, he made a big deal of it." David added, "He had a good time." [...] Two weeks later, they went apple-picking and afterward went to his parents' home and baked a pie. That was when she told him she did not want to see him again. "I felt we didn't have much in common besides our employment," she said. "Ted did a total shutdown," retreating into his room [...] He also wrote an insulting limerick about Ms. Tarmichael, made copies and posted them in lavatories and on walls around the factory.

>He remembers contemplating suicide by hanging at that time, and then describes that he became full of rage and instead decided to take a knife and mutilate the woman. He proceeded to the parking lot at the work site and got into her car. At that time he changed his mind and again felt very sad."

>> No.14506945

Ted Kacyznski was right about a lot of things, but he was no saint. His obsession with rugged individualism just reeks of some kind of superiority complex.

>> No.14506948

yeah but you would expect his writing would reflect his high iq to some extent. his manifesto is largely boring both in both content and writing style

>> No.14506950

You find this mentality typically in taller-than-average dumbasses who are upset they can’t get a woman despite being over 6ft :3

We don’t live in the dark era anymore, you could use your INTELLIGENCE.

>> No.14506951

I thought it was entertaining

>> No.14506958
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Ted couldn't handle the dogpill

>> No.14506960

>we talk about him because we have to, because he left us no other choice than to acknowledge the monolith he raised through this dark magic of blood and death

But also because his ideas are ultrabased. There have been more than a few serial killers and most people probably couldn't name one let alone have any idea what those killer's philosophical ideas were. Ted's ideas were supremely prescient to the problems we are now facing along with giving liberals an ass blasting the likes they may one day die from, while not even being a conservative himself. Some of Ted's ideas may one day turn out to be cultural nuclear detonations

>> No.14506964

Good post

>> No.14506974
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>> No.14506982

That's sad

>> No.14506989

Well, he was MKUltra'd, and I am not surprised reading that given what else he said regarding animals. Honestly, Ted was a piece of shit. His manifesto is written in an extremely certain and convicted kind of way, which fools a lot of Americans. I can write something similar, imitating his style, which could come off as equally convincing. The reality is, it's shallow. He's good at dissecting a few problems in modern industrialized society, such as oversocialization and disruption of power process, but his solution of wanting mankind to revert back to hunter-gatherer lifestyles is retarded. Also, at the end of the day, he is a humanist no matter how much he denies it. Why even care about where mankind is collectively marching? If modern industrialized society is a definitive bad, then isn't there something fundamentally wrong with the human psyche? Why not just let mankind continue its environmentally destructive path since it will guarantee its extinction? I don't give a shit about his rugged individualism when there are deeper questions he should be asking. He's no Schopenhauer. Anyways, it's not my problem. People who think about what will happen to human civilization after they die are ridiculous.

>> No.14506995

>revert back to
revert to *

>> No.14507001

>thinks the Murray study was MK-Ultra
>thinks Ted's proposed solution was hunter-gatherer society
Holy cringe

>> No.14507005

>People who think about what will happen to human civilization after they die are ridiculous.
It was this mindset that people had that brought us to this mess today.

>> No.14507008

In his letter to the Turkish anarchist, he does implicitly promote reverting to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle or at the very least a pastoral nomadic one.

>> No.14507010

None of those traits really resonate with me though. I'm not like that by nature, but I'm incredibly stubborn and circumstances force me into this sort of masochistic stoicism where I carry myself with plenty of dignity and I'm respectable by other peoples standards. It's just that I'm not doing what I want with my life and it oppresses me. I know exactly how I'd escape this lifestyle but the mind-killer that is fear haunts me. I find little comfort that I'll make plenty of money in my lifetime, it honestly seems hollow and corrupting. I want to be a park ranger or fly fishing guide or some shit. I hate the white collar world.

>> No.14507011

no you can't write something as convincing as ted

>> No.14507018

Only if one decides to have children. If you have children, you do become responsible for ensuring the continuity of society. However, let's be honest: Very few people would survive complete societal breakdown the way Kaczynski envisions it.
Anyways, I don't want to have children myself. All I can do is speak honestly. When it comes being realistic, nothing Kaczynski promotes is feasible. All it will do is let other countries, who refuse to not cease industrialization, invade you. It's just... a bunch of bullshit, really, when we start thinking of feasibility.

>> No.14507023

When in Montana, he also confided to his brother that his ideal society would be some hunter-gatherer commune based on trust, "like our family".
But his ideas evolved over time and if you read ATR or The Truth About Primitive Life it's very much different. Not to mention he doesn't propose any specific type of society, just the destruction of this one.

>> No.14507029

Why do you think you're only responsible for your children? I could imagine many people profited off this downfall and made themselves and their children wealthy. But this doesn't mean they were particularly virtuous just because their children are well off.

>> No.14507031

Yes, I can. All Ted does is dissect problems. Then he proposes what is ideal, but anyone with half a brain can tell what he proposes is nearly impossible to manifest.

Okay, you breakdown your industrialized society. Then what? Get bombed by enemies? Honestly, all you do is wait out eventual extinction or world war.

Honestly, I feel kind of scammed reading shit like Kaczynski. Even a child can rationalize better than him in some ways. I waste my time reading such bullshit that feels kind of "jumpy in its logic", and I get immensely tired from the time wasted.

It is just humanist gibberish at the end of the day. At least many philosophers from Schopenhauer to Hegel weren't idiots and could question the **foundations** of this stuff more deeply.

>> No.14507032

Yes, and those countries will soon collapse on their own anyway once the technological machine becomes unsustainable.

>> No.14507047

I don't have time to keep reading his bullshit. Just sum up what his new views are.
I don't affirm the system or take measures to ensure its continuance after my life. Being born as a human being is more of a curse that one has put up with. I don't think being a rugged individualist in nature is sufficient in rebelling against this system at this point. Also, let's be real, could Ted Kacyznski take on a pack of rabid niggers with uzis in case of societal breakdown? Not sure his self-reliance will get him that far.

>> No.14507054

>dude hegel lmao
you're a sloppy, at best third rate thinker, miles away from ted. you'll never come close

>> No.14507063

I don't agree with Hegel from the few lectures I've attended, but I'm arguing Ted doesn't get to the nitty gritty details of the issue or dilemma at play. That's why you can't debate me in any real way.

>> No.14507071

Hopefully nothing of humanity is left by then since it is the mind of mankind that is truly unsustainable.

>> No.14507080

>I don't affirm the system or take measures to ensure its continuance after my life.
I'm not arguing for or against Ted, only that I disagree with your irresponsblity with regards to future.
>Being born as a human being is more of a curse that one has put up with.
Suppose all of your ancestors had a view like that. Then, this curse of yours would have been much more unbearable. It is a responsibility of us to minimize suffering, both in the present and of the future. Or else, this cycle might never end.

>> No.14507091

My dude, think carefully over what I am saying. In either case, both Ted and my views amount to catastrophic loss of life. Also, their outcomes are ultimately the same.

I am advocating slow death because I am not looking forward to die anytime soon. Ted Kaczkynski is advocating accelerating death.

>> No.14507105

you're yet another narcissistic midwit on /lit/
you've presented no arguments or observations

>> No.14507126

>I agreed with Kaczynski's criticisms of industrialization, oversocialization, and disruption of power process. I agree how self-reliance is not as valued as it used to be.
>I don't think Kaczynski's proposes any realistic solution
>I don't like how Kaczynski ignores the human mental foundations that led to this unsustainable situation

>I think there is something Faustian about this modern system
>I question whether a theocratic Buddhist state would have discovered technology
>I think it has more to do with something more inherent in the psyche that values knowledge or conquest for power
>some of these are dealt by better thinkers than Kaczynski

>> No.14507130

>would have discovered technology
would have valued the path for greater technology(

>> No.14507131

Look at yourself, you angrily degraded someone for no reason who was trying to give a sincere, considerate response. I mean holy shit, do you have any self-awareness?

>> No.14507156

>no proof you're a better thinker or rhetorician than ted
>admitting an intellectual debt to ted while disparaging him
>recycling spengler with no attribution
>no original thoughts to be seen
>noooo you can't just degrade obnoxious pseuds on lit, we're all in this together!

>> No.14507162

My main contention was here. Please respond to that: >>14507091

>> No.14507182

>this curse of yours would have been much more unbearable
such as?

>> No.14507334

Does this guy really think that through the vast majority of history that 90% of men. The average men, were that samurai or the knight in any given society?
Depending on the society, sure it would have been true the nomad but, not all humans have the same exact values. More over, he makes the same stupid mistake of assuming culture ever was or is static. It's just so cringe.

>> No.14507341

His point is less that alphas are rarer nowadays and more that our culture has forsaken the masculine ideal. Today the best you can aspire to be is a pathetic wageslave cuck that makes slightly more money than other pathetic wageslave cucks.

>> No.14507359

>muh samurai
>muh balls
Why do redditors idolise this midwit again?

>> No.14507371
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t. castrated soi-fueled techie cuck

>> No.14507379

Techies always win, you’d do best to remember that, injun.

>> No.14507386

Yeah, they win and then can barely function without Prozac, coffee, porn, cigarettes and Jordan Memerson

>> No.14507396

This is what women do.

>> No.14507401


>> No.14507424

>That's because his specialty is numbers, not words, duh

>> No.14507462

How the fuck is this guy so based.
This is so true.
Read BAP.

>> No.14507463

But what is the point of ideals, when they dont reflect reality and more importantly can't be obtained by 90% of the population? Most of the population was a species of "wageslave cuck"(subject, servant, subordinate) just as much as now but simply were not self aware or clung to hope that they wouldn't be, which ultimately was wishful thinking.
Why do you even need someone to prescribe a path for you? Obviously wageslavery(simply the most modern form of subjugation from the elites) is pretty shitty and there should be a better way, but why not find your own way? Surely that requires changing how the system works through some collective effort so people may be more free to do so, but humans, with our desire for self actualization should be capable of finding our selves through our own efforts.
Relying on someone preconceived notion of what one should aspire to be rather than looking inward definitely doesnt make you maverick or "your own man."
Funny more, is his reliance on women's ideals to make this point(whatever that means not I'm not going to argue why it's probably limited because you probably won't care). I thought men didn't care what women think? It comes off as being a slave to someone else's mindset.
That's what I never understand about you people for all your talk of self sufficiency and individualism.

>> No.14507469

Meh, prozac simply took another, just as unhealthy form before. Nothing special there.

>> No.14507483

Hehe, there are more women in the world and also I believe counties like china have even more men than average that means,even more women in the west, also the Man is rare, maybe one in 10-20 men is Man so it seems if roasties want to settle majority will have to go with a beta cuck or stay single. Top fucking kek

>> No.14507493

Individualism was his only option as all the people around him were cucked.

>> No.14507494

This is supreme gentleman-tier incel rage.

>> No.14507510

no it is passion

>> No.14507511

kys commie, knights were good, noble people.

>> No.14507517

I've seen men do the same thing, dont kid yourself. Perhaps the only difference is they may be more candid about their reasons than women(often due to their appeal to courtesy).
Why are men so damn broken and reliant on the women in their lives for emotional support and validation though? This is what annoys me about men? Like, do you have no one else to confide in or be vulnerable with?
Women can be pretty emotional dependant but not solely on one person...
Why is this? Is this because men don't open up to people much?
You guys need to calm down a bit, that's a lot of pressure for one person. What bugs me is how men can be so dependent on the approval of(certain) others but pretend otherwise.

>> No.14507520

Because they’re matriarchal christcucks

>> No.14507521

Maybe most of them at certain point and time, but at other points of medieval times, they were pretty awful.
Same with samurai.

>> No.14507524

only if you judge them by modern soiboi standards.

>> No.14507526

How is it possible for a well-adjusted person to turn out this way? Can people be born like that? Or is there some deeper trauma that isn't acknowledged.
>inb4 mkultra
Ted himself says nothing sketchy happened during that experiment, and it seems this violent/hateful behavior started before he was a Harvard student being experimented on.

>> No.14507533

>Gets gently rejected by the first 4/10 roastie he meets

No wonder alt-right faggots worship this loser.

>> No.14507548
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you sure are winning

>> No.14507551

No, I mean this for men as an entire group over the centuries. I can't speak for every culture(mainly just the west)
It's normal to be depressed after a break up for both genders, but they are the ones to more likely commit suicide, even from a relationship outside of marriage so you can't blame this on finances.
Why are men so emotionally dependent on their partners. Why are unmarried men so much more likely to commit suicide then unmarried women? Perhaps that stat is skewed by the proportion of those men who were divorced. Still, men act like once you're a women in their life, you become their literal emotional rock, so much to the point god forbid you break up with them. It's kind of insane. Like borderline personality disorder insane. I mean, I guess it makes sense even you really like a certain person alot and felt you could be happy with them even when you're being vulnerable.
That may be the root of the problem though, men refusing to be vulnerable with almost all people, except her.
Idk, just thought.

>> No.14507559

Oh right, toxic masculinity is true masculinity to you.
Yeah, I guess if you pretend raping, pillaging, and instigating violence is okay which I assume you are so i can't really argue with you if that's how you feel.

>> No.14507586

i don't buy this at all. women want boys. cute boys, e-boys, fuck boys, sad boys, skinny boys, tall boys, boys, boys boys, it's all they ever talk about. i've never heard a woman talk about wanting a Real Man™ who wasn't a blown out 30 year old roastie looking for beat bucks. women don't know a damn thing about masculinity.

>> No.14507597

You love being among the soi though, since only in contrast with them can the likes of you ever appear masculine. In an actual hardcore warrior culture you would be everyone's cum rag.

>> No.14507598

>No, I mean this for men as an entire group over the centuries
>I can't speak for every culture(mainly just the west)
so, matriarchal christcuckoldry it is then

>> No.14507631

>matriarchal christcuckoldry
>women can't be priests
>God is masculine and literally became a man
what did he mean by this?

>> No.14507641

I dont think anyone truly knows anything about masculinity since it's a made up concept.
Everyone has their own modified approach.
Don't get me wrong, sex is real though.

>> No.14507643

Wtf someone better give me a source now, this unironically changes things

>> No.14507648

So they dont use birth control. Okay.

>> No.14507650

chivalric love

>> No.14507658

As opposed to which other cultures? Extrapolate.
Also, there is no such thing as matriarchy in the west. In non Christian nations, there were a couple and then some more matrilineal ones.
Even those

>> No.14507667

That's completely different to what we were discussing though, again explain.
Chivalry explains validation but what of this emotional support?

>> No.14507678
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>masculinity is a made up concept.

>> No.14507681

The lack of self awareness here is genuinely shocking

>> No.14507686

>a made up concept
What the fuck does that even mean? All concepts are "made up", are you a literal teenager ??

>> No.14507717

OK, you really changed my mind with the wojak, anon

>> No.14507727

Well yes, that's why they're concepts. Let's say idea, it confuses you.
My point is it is in no way back, but opinion.

>> No.14507729

no one cares about your fucking fluoridated mind, faggot.

>> No.14507733

Lack of self awareness because I'm calling you out on your b.s?
I'm very much aware of muself

>> No.14507737

Well, you don't that's clear. By the same token, no one cares about your mental illness, especially not me.

>> No.14507754
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okay, then go back to r*ddit if you want system approved opinions.

>> No.14507761

>true Men as remain are in prison

such coping.

anyway, he is not saying anything people dont know. he is just whining because the premodern era is gone and he cant adapt to the new one. knights and samurais belong to an ancient world where society worked based on social relations. industry changes that and what he calls 'man' (and women) needs to disappear just to become sexless, or genderless, humans that exists only to maintain industry running... and maybe build a purely private human life on the side, without past nor future.

>> No.14507767

Concepts are man made, so are fences

>> No.14507781

>mfw if he was black no one would pay attention to him

this man is just an icon put out there for people to project their frustrations on, and of course to tell them that prison is what awaits them if they dare to face those frustrations. a lifetime prison for their minds.

>> No.14507792
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Who told you ideals were supposed to "reflect" reality? They are what reality should strive to be. And yes, I'd say being a servant with confidence in his masculinity is more psychologically healthy than being a modern wagecuck who hates being born white and male because of decades of intersectionalist indoctrination?
Just look at all this sick unhealthy shit like MGTOW, incels, feminists, trannies, TERFs, etc.
A society where the two sexes are antagonistic to each other and construct detailed ideologies to demonize the other gender IS NOT A HEALTHY SOCIETY.

>> No.14507793

That bit of intimacy is all that's keeping most men sane.

>> No.14507797

>Ted is a man
>Ted is in prison
he was right

>> No.14507801

what is this manifesto lmao?

>> No.14507823

His brother recounts a few minor episodes from Ted's childhood that see him being uneasy with societal norms even at that age.
He was also bullied at school, was sexually frustrated and lonely, had trouble fitting in, etc. Of course a lot of people feel the same way but what I think broke Ted down was severe social isolation back in boomertopia when this wasn't the norm.

>> No.14507833

im always getting these deep cuts from stuff and I do notice the oxytocin when they're healing, it's quite comforting

>> No.14507850
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For you....

>> No.14507854

I think it's from the book "Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski" by Chris Waits.
It's also briefly mentioned here: http://www.findthelordsavenger.com/mkultra-and-una/

>> No.14507861


"no longer exists" as if every fucking dude and his kid brother back then was a royal knight or a samurai. The fuck is he talking about. Nobody disappeared, it's just that most men have always been in a shit and inescapable position in life. Nowadays all that samurai shit has changed to tough guys and assholes smart enough to make some money and be somewhat in a position of power so he can flaunt bossing people around. Small m men back in the day sat in shitty huts farming and being malnourished. Can't believe so many anons are falling for this bullshit

>> No.14507877
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>"One day as Ted rode from his home cabin down along the fence line on the south end of the field, the mule trotted over and began to chase him. Ted tried to outrun the mule, but the critter was faster and started to catch up. While looking over his shoulder to see how fast the mule was gaining, Ted hit a hole in the road and piled up his bike. Bitch and a couple of friends who were watching laughed, but Ted wasn't amused."

>> No.14507891

already addressed here >>14507341

>> No.14507893

Is this the new Wittgenstein posting?

>> No.14507897
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I fixed my sister's computer once and she wasn't around at the time.* It had auto log-in and start for a few messaging apps. Instantly there were tons of messages about when she was going to do private cam shows for a lot of different guys again and how much they'd pay her. She was 16 at the time. I shut down the computer and never said anything about it and neither did she.

>> No.14507899

life is not about being 'right' but about surviving by proper adaptation. he might be right if you want, but his adaptation fits a world long gone now.

>> No.14507902

that's thinking like the retards in biology academia

>> No.14507907

human adaptation is not biological, it is social. try going out there TODAY with that man's ideas in your head and see what happens.

>> No.14507913

On the dogs that replaced Jigger being covered with feces

>"In McLellan, only the dogs were an infringement on Ted's privacy. One July day during 1987 [...] Betty disgustedly told me the dogs had crossed the gulch and later returned covered with human excrement, smeared into their coats more deeply than if the animals had merely rolled in a find."


On the deaths of Jigger's replacement dogs

>"In 1988, we took a short trip to Helena to shop. We arrived home to find one of our two-year-old malamutes lying in the yard, paralyzed. He died before we could do anything for him a victim of poisoning."

>> No.14507915

based, is what it is

>> No.14507919

On more dogs being mysteriously injured

>"The dogs continued to be the targets of mean-spirited acts. Quite often, one or more of them would limp home with cuts or deep rock bruises. And on occasion we'd have to scrub them thoroughly [because someone was] plastering them with feces."

>> No.14507922

On Ted vandalizing the diesel engine of a nearby sawmill

>"my friend, and Ted's neighbor Butch Gehring, had purchased a sawmill and set it up just a few hundred yards from Ted's cabin. [...] One day not longer Butch had his mill up and running, he heard a different sound coming from the Allis-Chalmers diesel engine [...] he was startled and angry to find that a white, heavy, sandy material had been poured into the fuel system. [...] Right away he suspected Ted. Butch said he and Ted didn't always see eye to eye, and he felt Ted had a motive [...] I agreed there was motive - Ted surely didn't like having the sawmill and its noise so close to home he could hear it all day."


On Ted breaking into the cabin of a family he disliked

>"The cabin owner said he and his kids had ridden their snowmobiles up around Ted's cabin and it had made him extremely upset [...] The person responsible had devastated the cabin and machines parked there and most everything was beyond salvaging. An ax had been used to hack a hole in the cabin to gain access. After entering, he then had chopped up the kitchen cabinets and emptied the contents of the refrigerator and thrown them across the floor [...] It was a scene of destruction. Whoever was responsible was a very angry and vengeful person. At the time, I heard the damage was estimated to be from $20,000 to $25,000"

On Ted vandalizing the cabin of another family

>"During the late summer of 1980, a family moved onto some property that had just been logged. They set up a camp and had a couple of motorcycles for mountain transportation. The family left for several days. When they returned they found the motorcycles a sorry sight. All the tires were slashed, the bikes were smashed up and sugar had been poured into the gas tanks."


On Ted shooting a miner in the back

>"Two men had started a small placer mining operation in a streambed that flowed into a drainage some fifteen miles southeast of where we live on Stemple. [...] Then one afternoon one of the men was perched atop the washing plant. He bent over to inspect the machine while it was operating. A shot rang out. The man fell over, hit in the back. Miraculously he survived, but after a long, slow, and painful recovery, he remains partially crippled to this day."


On Ted shooting at helicopters and airplanes

>"From the early 1980s on, rumous surfaced from time to time that someone was shooting at aircraft: helicopters, planes, even passenger jets far overhead. [...] At the time I questioned the validity of the reports because I didn't believe anyone around Lincoln could do such a thing. There was much I hadn't learned yet."

>> No.14507926

how valid is this shit though

>> No.14507935

I don't know...this is fucking slander, if ya ask me.
So he stabbed dogs, poisoned dogs, shit on dogs, broke in and vandalized property and also shot at people planes and fucking helicopters.
Source me up, pal.

>> No.14507936

I don't know. FWIW it also says:

>"When people asked me about Ted they would say, "Who's that hermit friend of yours?" or "What do you know about your friend the hermit?" Hardly anyone who had seen Ted around or had heard about him understood him. Stigmatized by his appearance and lifestyle, he was blamed or every curious or puzzling act reported in the area. [...] If there was an act of vandalism, a theft or even a flat tire on a vehicle parked in the forest - anything - Ted was accused of doing it because he was different."

>> No.14507940

good job reveling yourself redditor

>> No.14508020
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4channel tier logic.

>> No.14508048
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>What every woman wants is a Man, with a capital M. In other words, a man who has balls, not merely in the literal sense but also in the figurative sense.
>Fails to get a woman

>> No.14508071

Where's the problem? The quote is right.
He was a bullied shy moody incel for decades and got none.
Then he killed people and literally started receiving hundreds of love letters from women after his arrest (no joke, look it up).

>> No.14508078

> I'll just chuck all this silly morality business and hate anybody I please.' Since then I have never had any interest in or respect for morality, ethics ora nything of the sort.

>> No.14508099
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Imagine introspecting on this level at the age of 13. I will now proceed to read everything he has written.

>> No.14508114

you're joking right? its literally fedors0tier.

>> No.14508116

why do people idolize this autistic tranny so much? in his journals didn't he also admit killing people was his main goal not actually stopping tech

>> No.14508118


>> No.14508137
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A normal person goes through that phase 5 years later. Exceptional energy and clarity for that age. For a counter example, I would never want to hear whatever you have to say about the world, based on your comment, assuming you're really 18 years old.

>> No.14508141

>someone disagrees with me
>I never want to hear what you say
never change /lit/

>> No.14508154
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Stoicism is a mental illness.

>> No.14508160

No, he said revenge was his motivation for killing.

>> No.14508163

why would people idolize a man who kills for revenge then passes it off as a virtuous act why he/she is so well liked is beyond me

>> No.14508164

Thanks for the cold fast food, Mr. President.

>> No.14508166


>> No.14508168

He didn't pass it off as a virtuous act, tf are you on about?

>> No.14508169

then why are you engaging me now?

>> No.14508171

he wrote an entire essay on why he's making the world a better place and trying to stop the evil that is tech but in reality he was just a big brain elliott rodgers

>> No.14508177

>heh, when i was 13 i wondered why a moral God would let bad thing happen, so i became an atheist and never looked back.

>> No.14508186

He killed partly out of revenge and partly to have his manifesto published. There was nothing "noble" in the killings per se if you remove the second motivation, and I don't think he ever claimed otherwise

>> No.14508190

Point is he found no love even during his cabin phase.

>> No.14508193

BASED. SAME COULD BE ASKED OF NIETSZCHE. I FOR ONE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO THE OVERMAN RETHORIC. The real ubermensch will be the anti-prophet of dedomestication.

>> No.14508195

lad stop posting and go to bed

>> No.14508564

Is he saying every man in mediaeval times was a knight in shining armour? Weren't knights just a small portion of population?

>> No.14508573

no, that's not what he's saying - it's not even implied. maybe try being intelligent.

>> No.14508635

But he says modern wage slaves in offices replaced knights and samurais which implies knight was a default profession back in the day like being a wage slave is today. When in reality military and police are the true successors of knights and samurais.. and police wives aren't the happiest bunch of women today

>> No.14508651

Dude, where's your capability of symbolic thought? The knight and samurai are masculine IDEALS. Today we don't have such ideals, your biggest aspiration is to be a self-hating cuck wageslave.

>> No.14508655

>military and police are the true successors of knights and samurais
lol not at all. knights and samurais have honor, and the jews fear them. the real successors to knights and samurais are "memers." jews fear the memers.
but also what >>14508651 said.

>> No.14508669

Man, I don't give a fuck what women want

I won't make myself into something just for a woman's sake, fuck that, women aren't that special.

>> No.14508677

>police wives aren't the happiest bunch of women today
is this really true? people say they get "domestic abuse" more often, but i'm not sure that actually makes women unhappy

>> No.14508688

No you midwith, they don't use it, and you use it to much, so much that you're going extinct.
Put this in your fucking head.
Your kind is on its way out.

>> No.14508689

what if she had the perfect set of tits and alabaster skin?

>> No.14508700

Women find that attractive.

>> No.14508704

Leaded gasoline

>> No.14508731

knights and samurais were just enforcers for the ruling class. Which actually does kind of reflect the LE/Mil situation today, although I wouldn't really say they're their successor

>> No.14508770

Because he never looked. His views on the ideal society evolved quite a bit over time and eventually was more interested in a 18th century or earlier agrarian life rather than primitive hunter gatherer life. Had he lived free longer he probably would have tried more to join society in the form of a small likeminded community rather than live alone innawoods which would make it more likely he could find pussy..

>> No.14508800

>thinks he's smarter than ted

>> No.14508899
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our guy

>> No.14508915


>> No.14509057

you think it's a stretch for someone who mailed bombs to people? like he was a good boi all up until one day

>> No.14509212

the punk rock n-

>> No.14509245

midwits like you can't comprehend the heights of aesthetic commitment people like ted strive for. I bet you also think mishima actually wanted succeed in a coup.

>> No.14509247

Yeah, i do think it's stretch.
An incident or two i can understand, but this guy was apparently the fucking terminator in middle school, when any other source would say he's a quiet, reserved dweeb who's good at math out of nowhere i hear that he mutilates canines for fun every other day and tries to shoot down planes...It's complete conjecture and slander as far as i'm concerned until there's an actual reliable source for any of this shit.
He seems to me to be more of a guy that closes himself away in solitude brooding over stuff for years before finally lashing out with the bombs.

>> No.14509248

yes? he has explained his resons for the bombs and as bad as it is they make sense. we have no reason to believe this. especially since someone else has also said that people treated him like anything bad in the town was done by him because he was a weirdo.

>> No.14509290
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>brooding over stuff for years before finally lashing out with the bombs
assuming that the bombing was some irrational and psychological reaction, and not part of a highly rational revolutionary program.

All of this psychological speculation is just a way to deflect attention away from the truth of what Kaczynski is observing and onto ad hominems. It's enjoyed by normies who find it too disturbing to think seriously about the topic and it's pushed by people and organizations who also find the alternative disturbing and usually have vested interests in the status quo.

>> No.14509306

That book has been completely debunked. It was written by an idiot who wanted to cash in on the media spectacle surrounding Kaczynski's arrest.

You can read "Truth vs. Lies" for full documentation of all its errors and outright lies. Even reviewers point out obvious errors and lies.

>> No.14509345

>this guy was apparently the fucking terminator in middle school
Holy fuckin based

>> No.14509349


What makes this so "based" and true, is it's recognition that morality is a psychological policing system that evolves in a society to serve the needs of that society. Ted clearly distinguishes "morality" form "human decency" and argues strongly for obeying human decency, but to always question whether one's moral decisions are made on the basis of education and propaganda (social conditioning) or whether it is basically decent. He observes how much of morality in today's world is designed to support and grow the technological system.

You can read more about this in his essay "Morality and Revolution" which is really one of the most important works on moral philosophy in the last century.

>> No.14509356

lol yeah women want a samurai, continue with your cringe

>> No.14509364

because you said so right.

>> No.14509365

notice how 80% of people hear don't address the ideas in this piece, but immediately shift to ad hominems.

>> No.14509370

Because the cucks and soiboi fear the teddy

>> No.14509377
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The only thing in this list that I can apply to myself is the second, and even that is a stretch. I identify and try to emulate Count Fenring. Honestly I've found that it works.

Despite being awkward and unimposing, I've found that I get some degree of respect from men. Women call me sketchy, and then a week later are trying to get into my pants. I'm sure that to no small degree being handsome helps, but I'm not really a 10/10 and I am borderline autistic so there really is some genuine usefulness to this strategy. Thus, I disagree with Ted in his absolutist phrasing.

>> No.14509380

Has anyone in this thread looked at the history of the samurai to see how noble they actually were?

>> No.14509382

brainlet. he's using metaphors to illuminate a principle. I expected better from /lit/

>> No.14509389

no. on the strength of the reasoning and the evidence. please stop it with the ad hominems it's so tiring.

>> No.14509395

Umm yes??? There's even a song about it....


>> No.14509404

They were an organized band of rapists, thieves and violent psychopaths. In other words, they were beloved by women and were about as noble as your standard warrior caste.

>> No.14509405

just like ted doesnt address his opponents ideas but attacks their character and psychology instead :)

>> No.14509408

t. only read the manifesto

>> No.14509409

you are making stupid claims about what women right using pathetic samurai metaphors

>> No.14509413

He was nuts but based.

>> No.14509416

He wrote about never having a single intimate experience with any woman his whole life in one of his journal entries, so yeah he was an incel. Shocker

>> No.14509453
File: 3.52 MB, 4800x7200, Anti-Tech Revolution_3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His use of the samurai metaphor is very appropriate.

The core idea Ted is articulating, is that people NEED power. Power is fundamental to living a healthy and fulfilling life. Not power over other people, but power through nature. the ability to set your own serious and life-and-death goals and accomplish them autonomously. Women are becoming miserable in our society because they are wired to a great extent to have power THROUGH men (i.e. by manipulating and controlling THEIR men). But as men become weakened by industrial society, women's power is also weakened. Instead, they are encouraged to experience power not through individual men, but by participating in the industrial system (through technical roles, careers, businesses etc.). But in this case, their experience of power is far more restricted than what it once was through men in less technological contexts.

>> No.14509467

But he does. To take one example, leftism is based on the premise that the development of society can be rationally predicted and controlled. He dismisses this I think convincingly in the manifesto, but above all in the first section of "Anti-Tech Revolution"

He spends the rest of the time describing leftism both to illustrate a physiological phenomenon as it relates to technological growth and as a warning to potential revolutionaries.

>> No.14509500

The problem with this kind of position is that it's based on a distorted, idealized view of history. It sees the samurai as an honorable individual acting freely according to some internal code of honour. It forgets that most people are just a function of their enviroment and don't act according to a set of internal principles. Rather they behave in a manner that the system they are operating in demands. If the samurai acted honorably then because society demanded him to do so and anything else was brutally penalized. It was a useful role within a hierarchy of power established to preserve the collective. In other words, this was never about individuals acting honorably, which in itself was just a random secondary effect within a power system.

>> No.14509538

men still have power retard

>> No.14509547

You sound like some kind of hipster.

>> No.14509550

volcel autist

>> No.14509554

Not NEARLY the amount of power they used to wield as individuals. Not the kind of power that matters, specifically.

>> No.14509557

kek. triple kek. I've been on /lit/ for 6 years and Kaczynski threads always end up like this. What you just typed is an argument found in anti-tech revolution.

>> No.14509572


>> No.14509583

Squawpilled af

>> No.14509599

>It forgets that most people are just a function of their enviroment and don't act according to a set of internal principles.
Human behavioral ecology has limitations in many instances too.
Everything you said is bullshit and one reason I hate Ted Kaczynski. I absolutely hate materialists, and I feel materialists are just as big of a problem as pro-industrial or transhumanist type imbeciles.

There is nothing wrong with theocracy. It exists to pummel the same internal principles in people. The best empires or kings throughout history have been theocratic.

>> No.14509629

you're arguing against ideas you have thought a part of the OP, not what ted is saying. address points made not those you wish were. he is just using samurai as an example of the strong, noble, and honourable and it could be replaced by an example of something else if you like as it is not the point of the argument.

>> No.14509648

i REALLY want to read that letter. fucking squaw

>> No.14509657

Brutal squawpill
It's not for everyone

>> No.14509660

What? Seething midgets like you can't walk down the street without raging impotently at people 2 inches taller than them for existing. I don't really blame you though, maybe that inch would be the one that made the difference in your life eh? Lmfao. You would be pathetic scum in you were 9 feet tall

>> No.14509668

Made me chuckle.

>> No.14509681

t. incel who worships mentally ill terrorist incel

>> No.14509776

imagine being this brainwashed or conformist.

>> No.14509803

he's probably just unhappy at the idea that a world without technology (or one where things matter to the point that people are willing to kill over them) would mean less time watching shitty netflix shows and masturbating
people like that can be safely ignored

>> No.14509854

I'm pretty sure nut jobs like Ted can be ignored also

>> No.14509916

I suppose all the magazines and reviewers and professors and students who have also reviewed his work are nut jobs too???

The cognitive dissonance is amazing. It's astonishing the degree to which someone will go to preserve their world-view. It calls to mind the first chapter of Anti-Tech Revolution:

One is tempted to ask whether the schemes concocted by people
like Ashford, Hall, and Klein148 are meant as an elaborate joke of some
sort; but no, the intentions of these authors are quite serious. How can
they possibly believe that schemes like theirs will ever be carried out in
the real world? Are they totally devoid of any practical sense about human
affairs? Maybe. But Naomi Klein herself unwittingly offers a more likely
explanation: “[I]t is always easier to deny reality than to watch your
worldview get shattered… .”149 The worldview of most members of the
upper middle class, including most intellectuals, is deeply dependent on
the existence of a thoroughly organized, culturally “advanced,” large-scale
society characterized by a high level of social order. It would be extremely
difficult psychologically for such people to recognize that the only way to
get off the road to disaster that we are now on would be through a total
collapse of organized society and therefore a descent into chaos. So they
cling to any scheme, however unrealistic, that promises to preserve the
society on which their lives and their worldview are dependent; and one
suspects that the threat to their worldview is more important to them than
the threat to their lives.

>> No.14510038

fucking dogs always seek approval from big daddy
king of the jungle is a cat

>> No.14510273

Tommy Pynchon was his mkultra director and that guy's bananas!

>> No.14510368

But the reality of a fence is certain, certain concept such as gender are not. Quite being so obtuse; it's embarrassing

>> No.14510565

The VigilantCitizenPill

>> No.14510675

Ted is a CIA actor

>> No.14510700

He was actually played by Tobey Maguire this whole time

>> No.14510710

isn't there a movie made on him

>> No.14510724

There's the (((Netflix))) show, some German doc and a few experimental films by James Benning

>> No.14510788


>> No.14511004

She's still cute.

>> No.14511079


>> No.14511120


>> No.14511139


>> No.14511141

She realized she's not beautiful so she's squeezing the juice while it's fresh before she ride the carousel and settles for betas.

>> No.14511233

there's nothing to address. superficial 'analysis' at best. muh knight in shiny armor, what is he a kid? and how the fuck does he know what others desire, unconsciously or subconsciously. muh lil' m v big M. laughable. what a hack. mediocrity is celebrated after all.

>> No.14511243

But this girl I met got married one year before and she is unwilling to leave her husband for me.

>> No.14511254

>But the reality of a fence is certain, certain concept such as gender are not
Yeah but that's just like.. you are opinion man

>> No.14511258

I think people like Elon Musk would bail him out but guess what he never read his thesis because it's pure garbage.

>> No.14511770

It's not because we have all these opinions though. Like literally every culture has their own opinion about what it means to be a man or women and this has varied throughout different times too

>> No.14511792

Birth control includes condoms.
Anyway, as accessibility continues to spread in many countries, they will be using it too.
And by "they,"yes, I mean married women because contrary to popular conservatard belief, married couples are also huge users, particularly when they realized they've had enough kids/one is enough. Particularly forms like tubal ligation which generally are permanent or any other hormonal or intrauterine ones desu.

>> No.14511919

But they aren't antagonized. If there is a hint of antagonism, it has always been there(battle of the sexes). Men trying to enforce their will on women and what not.
Ideals are silly imo, especially there is no real rhyme of reason as to why that specific one is the one everyone should follow.
Anyway, so now we are back to the crux of this argument. Why the fuck should anyone care about what YOU(or he says) is objectively a better way for humans to live?
Why are you the all knowing doctors that knows what is healthy for everyone?
Maybe it's just healthy for you or particular people. Why does it have to be healthy for everyone and how do you even know?
Everything you guys say always just boils down to "I said so" with no reall reasoning or proof of it's objectivity.
All you say is "it was like that and one point and time and it kind of worked"...or maybe it didn't; we dont know considering no one at that time tried anything else and we can't go back an time or look for an alternate dimension. That is just what happened to occur.
Honestly, I'd argue that "ideal" still left a lot to be desired for alot of people.

>> No.14511952

Yeah, but perhaps men need to seek other forms of intimacy? Perhaps it shouldn't be shameful for men to express their concerns and feelings with just their wife as a secret. Why not friends and other family like, you know, women tend to do?But that's all too much I suppose for your pointless egos...

Anyway, dont know what specifically cooking and cleaning etc has to do with anything for one gender only. People on both sides can value that kind of help. You are speaking of an extreme first of all(fat woman). Regardless, who are you to define any given person's value or when they are most valuable by preconceived notions? That depends on the individual person and what they themselves are capable of and are good at.
>inb4 all women are just good at that
Men can be good at that too anyway.

>> No.14511967
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>>He sits all day on his fat bottom, punching keys on a computer. Terrified of losing the "job" on which he is helplessly dependent, he cringes before his boss, invents petty subterfuges and little lies to conceal his errors and his trivial misdeeds.
WTF He literally described my wagecuck life in detail, how is this possible? Where can I read more?

>> No.14512079

The best place is the book "Technological Slavery" after that, "Anti-Tech Revolution"

>> No.14512105

He was bullied a lot, was placed in classes with kids older than him because of his boomer parents desire to see him become an ultanerd that makes a lot of money, and he was also very very mildly autistic.

>> No.14512130

>Western culture

Was he retard?

>> No.14512140
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major cringe

>> No.14512553
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>human adaptation is not biological

>> No.14512571

But it's not enough to think about the environment that people are forced to live in now. We must also ask ourselves where technology is taking us all. If technological growth has us all on a wildly reckless path toward destruction, then there is no reason to try to adapt to technology. In that case one should seek to destroy it.

>> No.14512790
File: 399 KB, 714x447, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted, like all incels, have much to say about what women want yet nonetheless can never land one for themselves.

Like Rodgers, Brevik et al; they write lengthy autistic manifestos that are all one big cope. They'll blame technology, feminism, immigration, jews etc but they will never look inwards to see that their steaming resentment inhibits them from succeeding in modern society and relationships. It's much easier to blame outside factors than confront the realisation that they perhaps need some serious self-improvement.

Ted was a bitter, resentful loser who killed people, smeared dogs with faeces and couldn't maintain a romantic relationship for any meaningful period of time. But of course none of this is Ted's fault, it is technology and the modern woman who doesn't want a """real""" man (with a capital M, no less). The fact that some people on here still idolise this evil person is sad.

>> No.14512978

>and how the fuck does he know what others desire, unconsciously or subconsciously
Holy bluepill

>> No.14513012

Lmao at the castrated key-punching bugman. Dude, gender roles were there for thousands of years for a reason, it's not something some random asshole made up. And the more you stray from traditional sexual morality in general, the more fucked your society gets. Read J. D. Unwin

>> No.14513029

appeal to nature/tradition fallacy (i.e. - Ted's whole schtick)

>> No.14513080

t. hasn't read Ted like 90% of people here
Read The Truth About Primitive Life.
Also you don't even know what a fallacy is. To appeal to nature is to claim that something is good BECAUSE it's natural, whereas Technological Slavery for example offers concrete reasons why natural is better.

>> No.14513090

Military and police are just as much wage slaves as the rest. The point is wage labor is inherently emasculating/humiliating. People have been saying this since Cicero.

>> No.14513159

>Ted clearly distinguishes "morality" form "human decency" and argues strongly for obeying human decency

Was he obeying human decency when he killed people, dogs and attacked his neighbours because they didn't live exactly the way he thinks his "right"?

>> No.14513244
File: 171 KB, 906x1110, he will return.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raping, pillaging, and instigating violence is okay


>> No.14513249

Autistic man can't get gf, blows up people and stabs dogs. Many such cases!

>> No.14513253

This and the dog shit are bullshit made by a greedy kike for money.

>> No.14513257

Have sex

>> No.14513273

>she is a woman and never loves anyone but a warrior

It's a very simple and self evident idea, faggot. Maybe it's only untrue when women are on the pill. Ovulating chicks want a man with the spirit of a warrior. They don't have to BE a warrior, but they must approach the world like one, instead of some oversocialized office drone like yourself that sucks dick for promotions. Faggot

>> No.14513281

I'm a key punching modern man (not fat though, because I lift), and I agree with this. Even more so - I think that everyone likes a confident man. Everyone like the man with the firm handshake, the confident silence, the kindness that comes from having nothing to prove.
That man still exists, even if he works in IT now and not as a lumberjack.

>> No.14513306

It's funny how plenty of office-workers have wives and kids but masculine warrior-larpers like Ted can't even hold a gf for a month. Judging by your post you're in the same boat. Faggot.

>> No.14513330

>He also wrote an insulting limerick about Ms. Tarmichael, made copies and posted them in lavatories and on walls around the factory.

>> No.14513402

he will be remembered long after you are forgoten.
you are an actual non importante person that dosnt and will never matter. die

>> No.14513423

If Ted posted on 4chan today, would he just get replies of "careful with that edge" and "have sex?"

>> No.14513683

Every woman wants an embittered slightly narcissistic schizo with fear of intimacy

>> No.14513702

>he will be remembered
by retarded fanboys like you

>> No.14513714
File: 76 KB, 600x870, 03-06-57-cba07b409e791834e32e84df6062761a39e95ea5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg yes Daddy i want a Man in my life to make me His little boiwife preg me daddy

>> No.14513723

>Wired to a great extent to have power through men
My goodness. How do you guys think you can just do that? That's not how science works dammit! You dont just think of a hypothesis that kind of makes sense to you in your mind and present it as fact. Stop.
Women. An get power through men just like any one can get power through anyone. Whatever er makes you think it is wired and not simply a way to adapt with our ability to be resourceful as humans is another story.

>> No.14513776

If you're going to say that feminists and MRA are antagonizing men and women respectively by creating ideas that demonize each other, this behavior certainly isn't new.
Men have been doing that to women for ages, just look at what Aristotle and most of the Greeks in general had to say about them. Roman's were only slightly better.
Asians, well they were more polite about it to be fair, and saw it all have yo do with general balance of the universe along with other roles people need to play.
The way MRA demonize women is basically playing on ideas from the past desu.
Gender roles existed but that doesnt mean why are absolutely necessary or that they have to be the way they were.
They were certainly useful but in the end, it was just one of the ways of humans to organize themselves.
I'm sure it was a group decision based on how humans were living AT THE TIME, not just one asshole. Humans are capable of adapting by their own accord outside of instinct you know. That's what kind of makes us special (insight learning and planning).

>> No.14513785

As opposed to actually slavery?
And yeah. It's pretty bad but we can't shake that as long as we have power imbalances like we have always had in most human societies.
Communists had the right idea, too bad it just wont work because you probably wont get humans to cooperate that way.

>> No.14513793

>>"What every woman wants
Stopped reading there.

>> No.14513801

The real problem is that women have power to refuse.

>> No.14513808

No I just don't care about some inferior femoid's opinion.

>> No.14513817

I will and it will be noble and non-consensual

>> No.14513819

The Greeks, Romans and Chinese thought men are superior to women, and a lot of MGTOWs think so too. But this isn't what this is about.
These societies had strict gender roles. Meanwhile all of these modern groups appeared because of a profound dissatisfaction with today's gender roles (or lack thereof)

>> No.14513839

>It will be non-consensual

Well at least you still possess the insight that you're repugnant to women

>> No.14513849
File: 43 KB, 479x479, wojak stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never stop ted from maiming all those people
>you will never tell him that he can't change society by acting the way he does
>you will never sit him down as a young man and explain to him that there are better ways to make people listen
>you will never catch him in your arms as he breaks down crying
>you will never console him and keep him out of prison
>you will never save him

no homo

>> No.14513858

what a legendary thread

>> No.14514210

based and normalpilled

>> No.14514359


>> No.14514444

We need to smuggle some pussy into ADX Florence for him

>> No.14514521

It makes me fucking cringe when i hear "incel" used as some kind of winning argument against this guy or anyone really. Like it is a smoking gun or sonething. Why in God's good name is desirability to women an indictor of the truth. Either Ted is right based on the merits of his argument... or he is not. What else is there?

>> No.14514569

You act like the world continues as normal save for these handful of people that cannot form the relationships the rest of us enjoy. But actually the rest of the world can't either. Marriage is falling and divorce is the majority result now of all matrimony in the west. Young people are having less sex than ever and birth rates are collapsing. There is clearly some kind of inter gender conflict that csnt just be brushed under the rug.

>> No.14514579

However you look at it, the guy ultimately lost the game and has to spend his life in prison, while his "ideas" are completley irrelevant and are only discussed by a bunch of autistic retards online who daydream about antimodernism and taking a stand for something while slurping fat-reduced coconut milk.

>> No.14514642

t. seething keypuncher

>> No.14514644


>> No.14514657

The people he killed were not "innocent." promoters of tech and industry are some of the worst criminals who have ever lived neither hitler nor stalin could ever dream of the horrors continued technological development has in store for humanity. So, yes, he was a freedom fighter obeying human decency when those people were brought to justic to promote an ideology that is pivotal to a potential revolution.

The dogs and attacking his neighbor stuff is just B.S. propagated by Chris Watts dishonest book and a lazy media reporting rumor as fact.

>> No.14514678

except that the man who works in IT has far different from the ancient lumberjack. The man who works in modern society has far less personal freedom and autonomy, and as an individual is powerless in the face of massive organizations and systems that dictate his life and career. Also, his "courage" is a joke. There is no need or room for courage in the modern world, along with a host of other attributes. It is these things which women resent having eroded from men.

>> No.14514722

Daily reminder if you punch keys for a living you're gay

>> No.14514765

Hate to break it to you man, but you're homogay

>> No.14514892

Daily reminder that Ted almost became a tranny and had fucked up sissy fetishes and this is him coping hard.

>> No.14514957

The quote is still correct

>> No.14514986
File: 215 KB, 1198x1280, SZDSUD2LKZ47V5LKF6AHTX2NUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah man, this is what im talking about. reading this old man makes you think like that. that story about destruction and the whole demonization of industry is a black/white game that leads nowhere because industry is not going back, it is here to stay for a long time. but this doesnt mean that the mess through which it came about is industry itself. industry is just a tool, and as such it is neutral. the thing is, we never see things in an abstract sense but only in their use and above all in their effects, so we end up confusing the two, tool and use. but industry, by being conscious of the radical changes it implies in human adaptation, can be used otherwise. reading this guy's work uncritically is an obstacle in that path and just keeps us in the same hole.

to give a classic image, you dont ban knives just because some thieves use them to stab and rob people. likewise, industry is being misused right now due to ignorance, but it can be used in other ways. this just needs a reframing of our own categories and criteria to organize society and educate the new members.

a man whining in jail is no help for us, who need to face the present world and adapt to it. justifying ones failure to adapt, no matter how grandiose might that justification be, is just pointless.

im not saying it doesnt involve a biological aspect, of course it does. but that biological development only takes place through social means in collective contexts. and those contexts are always man-made and are maintained only trough social means.

im not against this guy's work per se. he has certainly a message of value, based on first hand experience, from which we can learn. on the other hand, admitting it uncritically and reading the present world through that fix frame leads nowhere. the best way to honor his legacy is by destroying it and building something that takes us farther than his attempt.

>> No.14515391

more like ted should sit you down and explain why the world cannot be saved on it's current path and the technological system is taking us towards a collective suicide

>> No.14515402
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Nice fresh take. Sadly It's a symptom of a much larger disease, so an analysis of it would take awhile.

>> No.14515414
File: 56 KB, 420x555, tie shoes thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your survival is based off dependence. No wonder a woman's attention gives you worth.

>> No.14515448

you think he did some bushdrag while he was in the woods?

>> No.14515472


>> No.14515498

Nah its rightwing bullshit

>> No.14515610

Is that cover supposed to be ironic?

>> No.14515721

He's a quintessential forest-man, mostly in the metaphorical sense: The more intimate the scale of matters Ted surveys, the less he sees, so no surprise that his views on office politics are beneath criticism--though as a test-case it would be interesting to assess his aptitude for botanical lore and such, where a longer look at leaves is key. Yes, it's almost certain that the species will be hoist by its own petard, given how predictive past conduct is of future performance in weaponizing technology, but there is something very fishy about his way of equating guns and butter: Tyrants love all that, like they love to make creature comforts the enemy, and browbeating bosses heroes--rather than what they really are--objects of ridicule that any community worth living in collaborates to undermine. I'd trust him not to plunder my stock of devil's-food cake when putting him up in a spare room, but that's not what I'd lose sleep over when letting him get that close.

>People who think about what will happen to human civilization after they die are ridiculous.
Ridiculous as foresight itself, without which none of us could function even as hunter-gatherers, never mind evaluate books.

>> No.14515847

>views on office politics
LOL. dude, what on earth are you talking about???

>> No.14515867

In what sense?

>> No.14515968

>by being conscious of the radical changes it implies in human adaptation, can be used otherwise
You're dead wrong.Technology can not be used “wisely.” In view of
our society’s past record, anyone who thinks that technology can and will be used
wisely is completely out of touch with reality. Technology will take us on a
course that we can neither predict nor control.
All of history, as well as understanding of complex systems in
general, supports this conclusion. No society can plan and control its own

Your example of knives doesn't apply here. An anti-tech revolution does not eek to control or restrict use of technology, it simply seeks to destroy key systems that support the ability to make the technology to begin with.

I could go into more reasons why your argument makes assumptions and has basic premises that are wrong, but for brevity I'll just say this: your entire position is simply a defeatist and hopeless one. Your like the 97% of people throughout history: the U.S. colonists who said "hey man, just adapt to British rule, chill out and adapt to the taxes and the tyranny, it's in human nature to adapt to circumstances" or the allied defeatists who happened to be under german occupation during wwii: "just adapt, this is the new normal, humans must adapt to change" etc. etc.

So I doubt that any amount of reasoning is going to convince you, since I think you've settled on your defeatist conformity for psychological reasons (of coping with harsh realities).

>> No.14515987
File: 2.41 MB, 3024x4032, Anti-Tech Revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14516034

Now this is mental masturbation. The thoughts are so sporadic and uncollected with no resolution. I bet a mid-wit would be tricked by this though.

>Tyrants love to make creature comforts the enemy.
Comfort is a great tool of pacifying.

Really though this whole post reeks of flighty emotions and undeveloped ideas plastered over with a "quirky" writing style to hide a weak foundation.
But my assumption of your foundation is just that, an assumption.

>> No.14516075

Technological advances have always been and will continue to be shaped by unpredictable and uncontrollable power struggles among rival entities each competing for power in the short term, jus at in biological natural selection.

If you still hold on to the naive view that we can "control" the development of technology and learn to use it "wisely" then I have a simple question for you:

Of all of our technology-induced problems, the problem of nuclear weapons should be the easiest to solve through reform. The danger they present is obvious and clear. While genetic engineering and AI might appear to offer some benefits that offset their danger, nuclear weapons offer no benefits whatsoever--only death and destruction. Yet nuclear weapons proliferate, and no progress has been made to eliminate them.
If reform can't solve the problem of nuclear weapons, than how can it solve the far more subtle, complex, and hard to predict problems that technology has created and will continue to creat as it continues to grow and expand and interact in complex and unpredictable ways with the biosphere and society???

So I think we can let go the idea of reforming or controlling technological society, and there is no reason to hope controlling it will ever work. So it's time to try something else: revolution.