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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 89 KB, 333x500, Gravity's Rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14505544 No.14505544 [Reply] [Original]

How much trouble would I get in for assigning this to my High School students

>> No.14505552

It's not that great.

>> No.14505566

since it contains nasal coitus, pedophilia, and coprophilia, probably quite a lot. or, none at all, considering that most of them wouldn't be able to get past the first few pages anyway.

>> No.14505577

High school students don't read

>> No.14505660

Do you have tenure?

>> No.14505683

A nazi fucks a teenage boy in the ass and has a threesome with an underage girl. there is a detailed description of a man receiving oral sex and cumming down a a woman’s throat, as well as a man eating the fresh shit as it exits a dominatrix’s ass. That’s the most explicit stuff I can think of in the first 200 pages or so

>> No.14505750

depends on the class. if you're doing some accelerated english thing you could probably do it with a trigger warning and signed waiver or something. doesn't make sense to assign it to anyone uninterested in reading it though.

>> No.14505760

Doesnt that edition contain a lot of errors? Have they fixed it yet?

>> No.14505770

You might ruin reading for your kids. Forced reading is what turns off a lot of kids off reading.

>> No.14505819

Not always. Never heard of a kid that hated To Kill a Mockingbird. Except one but he was a full-on contrarian.

>> No.14505850

Not sure if bait but it’s objective a dull book with its selling point being its blatant message.and I say that as someone who isn’t /pol/

>> No.14505904

in my TKAM fanfiction, he actually did rape her, he gets arrested again, atticus kills himself out of shame knowing he helped a guilty man avoid punishment and strike again, and then hitler rises from the grave and ends women's suffrage and everyone claps

>> No.14506012

I got that edition from the library a few days ago, is it like full omissions or just typos left in?

>> No.14506112

crying of lot 49 may be better

>> No.14506170

A white liberal mother will read "negro dingleberries" in her child's schoolbook and immediately chop her son's dick off.

>> No.14506179

If you google gravitys rainbow penguin delux errors youll see some examples. Its possible theyve fixed the errors, but who knows

>> No.14506193

Loads of kids hate that book. What are you talking about? The only upside is that it's incredibly easy to read.

>> No.14506487
File: 53 KB, 570x806, 4A8AB020-1CF9-4527-9851-33AE509D463A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give them this instead

>> No.14507445


>> No.14507691

might as well ask if you were a duck, how much trouble would you get if you flew into a power line?

>> No.14507771


>> No.14507886

Recommend them The Recognitions instead OP, you might just inspire some future greats.

>> No.14507912

>tell your imaginary students to read this book that i pretended to read

>> No.14507918

Absolutely hated it and the fact it was required reading. Precious as fuck, too long for a pleb message. Glad she died before she could harp up a sequel.

>> No.14507933

that’s what i said about gravity’s rainbow. teacher only assigned it to shill the postmodern bullshit political opinions they all want to shill. not even good literature

>> No.14507939

Are you out of your damn mind?

Give this to your good students who want challenge and extra cred; the cattle can settle for Shakespeare, Golding, Steinbeck, and like ilk.

You need your cuckbux, don't be a fool.

>> No.14507945

hate to break it to you, anon, but >>14505544 isn’t really a teacher. he might even be you

>> No.14507964

omg yes and ew

Postmod is a breeding ground for midwit pseudism. Deserves to be called GenreFic for TooAdult.

>> No.14507967

Glad to hear it. And no I dont suck cocks.

>> No.14508016


>> No.14508021
File: 21 KB, 292x475, HPMOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assign this to your high school students instead

>> No.14508044

Fuck off

>> No.14508046

>the magnum opus of 'murica

>> No.14508057

That sounds like something from a Burroughs vignette

>> No.14508068

Shut up, midwit

>> No.14508077

Pynchon is the height of midwittery desu

>> No.14508091
File: 846 KB, 460x360, 06f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you make a fool of yourself

>> No.14508100

Yeah they like it because they can say Nigger out loud in class

>> No.14508122

>unable to refute my assertion

>> No.14508127

>Magnum opus of 'murica
Its not.

>> No.14508130

No wait keep going

>> No.14509423

i liked it

>> No.14509464


If you ever let the students pick a book for some assignment you can try to steer a few towards GR. If you force kids to read it 80% of them will just hate it on principle.

>> No.14509473

What's the point? I've already won

>> No.14509484

Incorrect LMAO

>> No.14509600

stupid games stupid prizes :)

>> No.14509618

>Haha.. in-incorrect...haha
Not that guy but why are Pynchon fags so insecure about their meme author?

>> No.14509634

Nah we're just laughing at you

>> No.14509686

I sense lots of butthurt. Pynch doesn't care about you anon and nobody thinks that you are smart for reading him( quite the contrary infact) so, lessen your emotional attachment and go drink a beer. Cheers!

>> No.14509723
File: 505 KB, 925x599, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's more of a college read I think. If you want to give them Pynchon do Lot 49, but even that should probably be just for AP students (assuming you're in America). Just give them Slaughterhouse 5 instead.

>> No.14509725

I sense lots of projection.

>> No.14509732


>> No.14510037

Get checked.

>> No.14510538

Not saying everyone should hate it.im not one of those ppl who look down on others when they don’t share my interests.i don’t even necessarily dislike it.its just there r better books out there that deal with similar themes.tkamb’s selling point in school is its message which is telegraphed from a mile away.

>> No.14510568

Euro here, we had to read it, no one liked it because no one really wanted to read a story about niggers