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/lit/ - Literature

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14504776 No.14504776 [Reply] [Original]

Stack Thread, post em.

>> No.14504782

what a massive waste

>> No.14504785
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I'm better than you and it's because of what I read.

To the anon that asked last thread: I'm 31 and I spend $150 on books per month.

Also missing blood meridian.

>> No.14504790

>I'm better than you and it's because of what I read.

>> No.14504889

Pretty baller right? Feel free to tell me how much you wish you were me.

>> No.14504890
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is that hardcopy of Industrial Society and its Future any good? I was gonna pick one up but I dont really like the cover

Does anyone know if there are print versions with pic related as cover, or at least something without "The Manifesto" or "The Unabomber" on the cover?

>> No.14504893
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Spangler is the only thing worth reading in that stack. Seriously do some soul searching and find better books.
basic but decent

>> No.14504897

also I'm cleaning my room rn so don't comment about that

>> No.14504908

what edition of the social contract is that

>> No.14504914

The quality is OK but I don't like the plastic softcover. The print is good and the size is decent. I read it on the train and no one's given me side eye or bullshit yet and I'm actually like- done with it.
OK but hermit-pilled
Clean your room faggot.

>> No.14504925

modern library

>> No.14504928

wait nvm sorry its Everyman Library

>> No.14504943

Your 31 act your age boomer

>> No.14504964

Kill yourself you little nigger

>> No.14505043
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I'm a /lit/ newfag, but I'm gonna assume this is shit you're reading right now.
>Fuck you Gary Larson and Shel Silverstein are fucking amazing

>> No.14505074


You just read kid's books now huh

>> No.14505090

nah, I'm just honest about what I've picked up over the last few weeks. Cleaned out a lot of old shit and found a bunch of books I had buried, among it some pretty funny boomer shit, and some of the best goddamn feel good poems ever fucking written. If you can't appreciate Shel Silverstein you've died a little bit inside.

>> No.14505103

You're probably right about that one my guy

>> No.14505119
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>> No.14505258

How did you find a picture of me, you jewish?

>> No.14505308

>all that political shit

>> No.14505318

Ve have our veys, ja?
Not oy veys

>> No.14505328
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>> No.14505354

is the mark van doren piece any good? i like some of his poetry and didnt know he wrote this

>> No.14505412

Politics rules your life regardless if you like it or not or admit to it. Its there.

>> No.14505417

Some people really have no personality outside of their opinions. I really wish I could find a way to tell them that no one cares but they've put so much effort into it that they're incapable of seeing any other way.

>> No.14505425

if something goes down, i can pick a side, i dont need a million books to turn me into something im not

>> No.14505433

seeking external answers to your life's problems
oh wait do you live in Syria? I dont think so.

>> No.14505437

its probably the most passionate book about Shakesphere you'll ever read. If you like literary criticism then I would recommend it for sure

>> No.14505466

>just pick a side

>> No.14505565
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>bell curve
>culture of critique
>the decline of the west
>race and culture

>> No.14505989
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>> No.14506004

>race and culture
not even a /pol/ book, it's a great book for understanding different ethnicities and what makes a culture a culture, as well as the effects of values etc on a group's outcomes.
t. cuckservative

>> No.14506047

i wish i could afford books but im homeless and unemployed. i guess i could move back in with my mother and sleep in a corner. she's a hoarder and her house is knee deep with .... objects.

>> No.14506069

I sincerely hope you didn't actually buy all those books. Also, Frank Dikötter guy is CIA without a doubt.

>> No.14506088

>The Bell Curve
You are subhuman

>> No.14506097

says the sub human

>> No.14506316

Very based OP. The leftoids claiming those book are shit have most definitely not read them. I can also recommend you Kevin McDonald's new book about the West.

>> No.14506324

Great troll.

>> No.14506325
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I just started Moby Dick

>> No.14506329
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>> No.14506337

How's that Pelevin? I liked Omon Ra

>> No.14506384

>read that title as N I G G E R S

>> No.14506385
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What happened to the other thread? Either way I will probably read the map & territory after this stack so I’m completely finished with Houellebecq.

>> No.14506408

That arcade project edition is god tier. Great text as well

>> No.14506637

Spengler is cool

>> No.14506658
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Embarrassed myself posting this last time.

>> No.14507207

Solid selection man, just make sure to read it.

>> No.14507266

>how the west won
The west lost and you know it. You have lost, it's over. It's either the turn of the Chinese or the Muslims now, time will tell.

>> No.14507278

You did it anon!

>> No.14507335

Pretty based, anon.

>> No.14507724
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>> No.14507734

>thinking that just because whites were socially whipped to accept mudslimes into their countries they will just sit and do nothing once the war starts

>> No.14507743

Your mom just started My Dick

>> No.14507764

no one is more apathetic than modern whites. americans have been saying this shit about how they will rise up if rights are violated, but the governments called their bluff. you will do nothing.

>> No.14508244

You will do nothing. Your nations and peoples have been declawed and you sat there watching. Times are changing, I dont say this because of ill-will but such is the nature of life. Allahu akbar.

>> No.14508250
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>> No.14508278

Have you tried getting a job?

>> No.14508780
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Got this one for free at the School buffet.
I'm always looking to develop my English further.

>> No.14508828

Enjoy Shogun. I love Clavell's Asian saga books.
Prepare to be extremely underwhelmed.

>> No.14508965

>yokai watch

>> No.14508975

Keep dreaming shitskin

>> No.14509195

read some fiction dork

>> No.14509734
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>> No.14509887
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>> No.14509893

Is on my to read list bro lol

>> No.14509952

>*tips fedora*

>> No.14510024

you seem basedd

>> No.14510060
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Read the top, bout a hundred pages left of the bottom. Four of these are rereads actually, now that I think about it. Only the Tolstoy is new to me.

>> No.14510609
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>> No.14510676

pretty hardcore stack senpai
Deleuze alone would keep me busy for half a year

>> No.14510801

>anything over than a stack of ebooks

>> No.14510840

i love threads like this where people post the books they don't intend to read

>> No.14510863

I assure you I intend to read 91% of the stack I posted

>> No.14511113
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I am a nufag here in /lit/. Is it normal here for people to buy books and not read them?

>> No.14511215

>also I'm cleaning my room rn
Then the philosopher J. B. Peterson should be on your stack.

>> No.14511360

It's probably normal, the sheer volume of purchase and the relatively slow pace of reading means that most will end up reading only a few books they've purchased.
I'm pretty much stuck in a cycle where I read a book a week but might end up buying 3-4 books the same time if they catch my eye.
Naturally this means my stake of 'to be read' grows far too quickly.
The only way for me to get caught up is to read more quickly and institute a ban on purchases.

>> No.14511400

pretty weak anarchy shit. having bookchin and no kropotkin/bakunin/goldman/berkman/malatesta is pretty bad

>> No.14511408
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Here's my stack

>> No.14511415

How is the Case for Christ? Currently on my reading list.

>> No.14511423

Same question as >>14511415 but for the bottom two Jewish books.

>> No.14511471
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AK was having a fifty-percent-off sale anon, but here's the have read stack since you inquired xP

>> No.14511516

That's an lgbt nu-anarchism. The old anarchists are probably all problematic now. Coz they were mostly white men that wouldn't have liked smartphones.

>> No.14511526

I haven't been posting on /lit/ very long. Are stack threads recent buys? Recent reads? Or stuff you're about to try to get through? Help me out here fellas.

>> No.14511625

Only halfway through but pretty good so far. He's very biased towards Christianity and so he suggests some things that aren't really backed up by research but it's pretty interesting and makes some good points.

>> No.14511636

Are stack threads supposed to be books you've finished recently or your reading list?

>> No.14511640

Reading list

>> No.14511641

The bias is unfortunate, but also somewhat expected. Will keep an eye out for it as I read through it. Thanks for the reply, friend.

>> No.14511651

Be sure to double check a lot of what he and the people he interviews said. A lot of it is pretty accurate but there's some parts that are very obviously wishful thinking.

>> No.14511669
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>> No.14511753
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Thank you sir.
In that case I just finished the 47 Ronin Story, kinda trash but the ending redeemed it.
I've nearly finished Confessions of a Yakuza, very interesting.
I'm in a weebish mood so the rest of my list is mostly Japanese stuff including finishing The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea which I got nearly halfway through last year.
I fell out of reading for pleasure a few years back so my goal is 50+ books this year to work out those brain muscles again.

>> No.14511867

That happens to be the case for everyone who has books.

>> No.14511869

Wi-five for Aeschylus!

>> No.14511884

I love Philip K Dick, is the Exegesis worth reading? Kinda worried its just hundreds of pages of insane ramblings

>> No.14511937

I'm going to assume this is a joke because I see Captive genders in there, truly the stereotype can't be this common.

>> No.14511948

Bookchin is the only respectable libsoc

>> No.14511953

Do you have any books that will tell you how an anarchist society will survive when the rest of the world is imperialistic states with jets with bombs and big armies?

>> No.14512031
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They would do it by investing in their own capacity to fuck imperialistic states shit up. Sometimes a situation requires violence, why would anyone need to write/read an anarchist oriented book on that?

>> No.14512033

Dikotter is right regardless if he is CIA or not.

>> No.14512040

Race and Culture is based. Sowell in general is very based.

>> No.14512083
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>> No.14512104

the plauge is great if you havnt gotten into that one yet, its also a pretty quick read

>> No.14512113

halfway through it now. love how he goes into detail how each city/region was infected and how they specifically dealt with it/were affected by it. very cool.

>> No.14512116

God I want to fuck this moth

>> No.14512138

So how do you expect to build a country wide army with people who have control of missiles and arms without it becoming a state? Does the entire country vote on whether or not to use a missile each time they decide to shoot one. Seems kinda inefficient or are you gonna suggest the people are going to delegate a single person or group that has a monopoly on violence (not a state ;) )

>> No.14512145
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>l'etranger en espanol

>> No.14512151

Look if you want to fight about this we can, make a relevant thread and I'll go to it, but I refuse to shit this one up with this anymore.

>> No.14512153
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>> No.14512154

fuck man remined me my faggy ass sister lost my copy of the plague fucking need to go get a new one now

>> No.14512160


>> No.14512164

How did you embarrass yourself, friend? These are all respectable decent selections. Perhaps you are too hard on yourself!

>> No.14512361

In a round about way I guess there's books on the external violence that helped undo Anarchist Catalonia, the Ukraine Free Territory, the Shin Min autonomous region and what's currently happening in Rojave. I guess you could learn from past examples of what you're talking about but no, I don't think left anarchists have ever addressed the problem of having no authoritative hierarchy in their paramilitaries while facing large clusters of very diverse enemies (fascists, Bolsheviks, western democracies, theocrats and terrorists) who all agree on one thing, they don't like left anarchism and don't want it to succeed.

>> No.14512390
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>> No.14513038

I had trouble orientating it right.