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/lit/ - Literature

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14504572 No.14504572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>make a long, thorough post discussing something about a topic about culture/society
>someone replies by calling me a retard and doesn't actually refute or acknowledge anything i said
>ask them to elaborate and even just quote or say where i went wrong so that i can learn by my mistakes
>they never respond
why is getting a back-and-forth conversation impossible on this board? i started coming here because i was told i could discuss things with people but this board is just as bad as /tv/ and /v/

>> No.14504577

Welcome to 4channel.org
Now fuck off

>> No.14504578


>> No.14504593


>> No.14504610

Lurk more

>> No.14504614

Could always try discussing literature, bud.

>> No.14504630
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>literature board
>creates topic about culture/society

>> No.14504634

>mfw 0 replies
>mfw christcucks are smug retards with a 2 seconds attention spam

>> No.14504647

most posts on this board inevitably become a discussion on culture and society, the problem is the quality of those discussions is shit

>> No.14504685

its literature board, not culture and society board

>> No.14504697

it's the price you pay for freedums. Sorting through a sea of shit until you actually find gem of a thread, you can't force it. Not worth the time investment though.
Why don't you try reddit with their moderated and highly pretentious serious conversations? at least here when someone calls you a retard you know they're honest, instead of passive-aggressively snubbing you or just banning you for wrong think.

>> No.14504700

If you read books, you'd know Hell is a pagan Scandinavian goddess of death. She has meadows and orchards and milkmaids there, so if you're complaining about that not being merciful...

>> No.14504702

I know that feel, bro. I know that feel.

>> No.14504704

It's full of brainlet teens.

>> No.14504786

I've found /lit/ is pretty good for this sort of thing actually. The only thing people generally don't like is faggot OPs posting their faggot blogs.

After spending too much time on /lit/, if I go to other boards and try to talk about anything seriously, people always reply "lol why do u care so much," or something like it, with one or two zoomer memes added. I think it's mainly phoneposting. Other boards are mostly zoomer chatrooms now. They use 4chan as a variant of Twitter, not as a discussion forum. Now I automatically gauge whether a post is likely written by a phoneposter before reacting to it. Phoneposters aren't even worth acknowledging, their brains are so fucked.