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14504526 No.14504526 [Reply] [Original]

>God will send most people to Hell, but he is a merciful being
>God will send all unborn babies and virtuous pagans to Hell, but he is a merciful being
>God doesn't give a fuck about the innocent and about animals, but he is a merciful being
>God uses the existence of Evil to educate his masochistic followers, but he is a merciful being
>God created a world where suffering is abundant and misery is the rule, but he is a merciful being
>Most followers of the Christian God are bloodthirsty egoistic hypocrites, ,but he is a merciful being
>God already knows what you are going to do and your free will is meaningless, but he is a merciful being
Explain this to me Christcucks.
Explain to me how Satan or Moloch aren't the good guys.

>> No.14504679

What are the best Christian writers you have read on each of these questions?

>> No.14504729

>T. Hasn’t read the western canon
No seriously. You don’t even have to go to Christian shit. Just read Plato and that explains most of that. If you reee about it being pre Christian most of the dogma had Neoplatonism smeared all over it. You don’t have to agree with it numbnuts just understand the thought behind it.

I’m not spending a whole hell of time answering all that shit, but on the question of evil there are multiple interpretations, but a usual kosher one is the existence of free will requiring detractions to actually be worthwhile. Like how no one who has ever experienced cold can enjoy warmth and so on. It’s the ability to do evil that allows one to be truelly good, for otherwise you would be an automaton without the liberty of personhood.

>> No.14504732

Well it's hard to explain you know? It's just a feeling.
When I'm having a tough time, I pray and read the Bible, and it makes me feel better. Over time by God's will, I've seen myself becoming a better person, e.g., less angry, spiteful, selfish.
I didn't believe it either at first. I saw all the evil in the world and wondered how a God could let it exist.
Then, a few years ago, I discovered a church. The people are very friendly; I think they are the nicest people I have ever met. The more I got to know them, the more I aspired to be like them. But, as I would find out later, it was really Jesus's character that I was working towards.
If that isn't God, I don't know what is.
As I read the Bible more, I realized that people are the source of evil (God gave us the free will to do wrong because he didn't want to just make robots), but God gives us many chances to repent and do better with his power.
I'll pray for you anon :)

>> No.14504749

Religion isn't a D&D rulebook you retard, stop applying your autistic logic to it.
God is humanity's collective unconscious. He is good simply because God is good, and good is God. Satan is evil because Satan is evil, and evil is Satan.
I won't even get into how that nitpicky shit is plain wrong and has been answered a thousand years ago which you would know if you actually read.
Ironic that the moral values with which you judge christianity are the very same born out of it.

>> No.14504766
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This has already been debunked. See the infograph for details.

>> No.14504784
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>God will send most people to Hell, but he is a merciful being
Not a universal position of the church. Sts Irenaus and Gregory of Nyssa would think otherwise
>God will send all unborn babies and virtuous pagans to Hell, but he is a merciful being
On unborn babies, see CCC 1261. On virtuous pagans, see Romans 2:14-15.
>God doesn't give a fuck about the innocent and about animals, but he is a merciful being
God loves animals, see Matthew 6:26. See also the chapter on animal suffering in C.S. Lewis' The Problem of Pain.
>God uses the existence of Evil to educate his masochistic followers, but he is a merciful being
Love outweighs every evil. Only people choose to reject that love.
>God created a world where suffering is abundant and misery is the rule, but he is a merciful being
>Most followers of the Christian God are bloodthirsty egoistic hypocrites, ,but he is a merciful being
You've outed yourself as an American. Christians in most parts of the world are anti-war.
>God already knows what you are going to do and your free will is meaningless, but he is a merciful being
You don't understand free will.

>> No.14504800

>God is humanity's collective unconscious
post proof please

>> No.14504823

Kill yourself neurotypical
>Ironic that the moral values with which you judge christianity are the very same born out of it.
Kill yourself Nietzschean faggot

>> No.14504970
File: 92 KB, 850x400, quote-as-a-religious-problem-the-problem-of-suffering-is-paradoxically-not-how-to-avoid-suffering-clifford-geertz-76-4-0432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if evil didn' existed the term good would be meaningless. if everyone was the same hight then the concept of someone being tall would have lost its meaning.
>>God will send most people to Hell, but he is a merciful being
he is merciful beinging because he gave us free will and our free will only means someting because good and evil exist and we can choose between them.
>>God will send most people to Hell, but he is a merciful being
this is not true, John 10:16
>God doesn't give a fuck about the innocent and about animals, but he is a merciful being
God cares about innocent and will repay them in the afterlife. animals have no souls they are just biomachines.they have no free will, they cannot distinguish between good and evil thus they are out of judgment. they don't deserve nor happines nor suffering.animals aren't consciouss they way we are.
>>God uses the existence of Evil to educate his masochistic followers, but he is a merciful being.
Yes. your parents probably did the same.by disciplanting you they made you into an adult. God being merciful doesn't mean that suffering will case to exist. God could show you mercy if you actually regreted evil you have done.this is what being merciful actually means.
>>Most followers of the Christian God are bloodthirsty egoistic hypocrites, ,but he is a merciful being
Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
he is merciful because he gave them free will and ability to do so he wont punish them and will wait patiently until they repent.this is his mercy.
>>God already knows what you are going to do and your free will is meaningless, but he is a merciful being
God already knows what you are going to do but you don't know what you are going to and from your perspective free will exist. God knows all the outcomes of your decisions but the decision to choose good instead of evil,now,depends only on you.
>Explain to me how Satan or Moloch aren't the good guys.
Black and white fallacy.Greater good and lesser evil don't exist.The true goodness,the truest virtue stands undisturbed, above false dichotomy of pleasure and pain, happiness and sadness.

>> No.14504978
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not very christian post fren

>> No.14505362

>God will send most people to hell
Most people seem to be quite shit. (You) too.

>God will send all unborn to hell
Where did you get this strawdeity.

>And virtuous pagans
Incorrect; the ones who are not given the Law will be judged without it.

>DGAF about the innocent
I suppose you think you or your neighbors are innocent? Stop watching tv.

>DGAF animals
Noah's ark has more animals than humans in it.

>God uses the existence of evil to educate
Again, source needed. (You) wouldnt burn your child to teach her not to play with fire, and here you are assuming God would. You have already made up your mind about God aand are just tacking on charges.

>Most christcucks are egotistic bloodthirsty hypocrites
How on earth do you confuse christians with atheists?

>God know what you are going to do
>Therefore freewill is nilwill
I know my brat is going to try steal the cookie before dinner; i tell him not to and wait. He still gets to choose. He doesnt get to choose the consequence, but i am not interfering at any stage till then. Free will doesnt and shouldnt mean free rein; /b/ and /pol/ are living proof of this.

>> No.14505407

You cannot confine good and evil to be totally dependent on subjective experience. What seems good to humans is good and what seems evil is evil. But this totally disregards God’s conception of good, which is more objective. A world in which humans only perceive good is therefore not necessarily objectively good.

God’s objective omnibenevolence/goodness/justice is not affected by our subjective views. God is good because God is Truth and is a glorious Creator. In the same way that I eat animals for my purpose, making it good for me, God does whatever he needs to do for his objective standard of good. Unfortunately this allows suffering to exist for us, but God is merciful, so he allows a way to salvation, which we can either accept or reject.

God is objectively good, but also subjectively benevolent to humans. But God can also be subjectively malevolent. This has to be the case, since some people hate God, and some people go to hell.
Proverbs 8:17
>I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.
James 4:8
>Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
Deuteronomy 7:9
>9 Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.

>> No.14505502

> collective unconscious
that is a poorly defined natural thing, and the Bible says God is spirit

>> No.14505864

>Noah's ark has more animals than humans in it.

>> No.14505906
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I mostly agree with you but how the fuck is Odd Job the “good guy” if he’s working for Goldfinger? Don’t think of the devil as a free spirit. He’s literally fulfilling a purpose God intends for him. I was once a very devout Christian. I was fooled by demons while I experienced my “dark night of the soul”. The Holy Spirit left me and I later had my soul consumed by the devil. Do you think any of that made ne sympathetic to the devil and his designs to drag everyone down into hell with him? Fuck no. I became an antinatalist. I’m trying to establish a cordon-sanitaire that says “turn back, existence in this reality is not equitable”. I’m basically the 90s Lego ghost. True neutral.

>> No.14505919

just lol at the christcucks itt deflecting instead of refuting

>> No.14505927

If God is infinitely good then why does he also have an infinite craving for foreskins?

>> No.14506043

Based schizo

>> No.14506117
File: 71 KB, 800x444, santisimo_cristo_de_las_3_caidas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ is true

>> No.14506143

Nice bait, but this board is exclusively for people who read

>> No.14506216

Wholesome post. Thanks for sharing anon.

>> No.14506230

Basically my experience too. Familiarity with the person of Jesus just melts all doubts away.

>> No.14506381

>he believes in an entity that wants to punish a limited amount of sins and crimes with an unlimited amount of suffering

>> No.14506386

>the number of possible crimes has any relationship to the magnitude of actual crimes

>> No.14506567

you forgot the most important one:
>god doesn't care about his servants

>> No.14506663

You are wrong on all of that there is nothing to explain.

>> No.14507746

Spoken like a true npc.

>> No.14508178

still no reply fuckin hell man

>> No.14508200

These are true - OP look to Jesus:)

>> No.14508311

God is merciful, humans are not.

>> No.14508551

Why does magnitude matter when the consequence is suffering for eternity?

>> No.14508571

What I don’t get about the religious is how comfortable they are with putting themselves into roles of pure servility. To willingly put a fictional being before yourself, to the exclusion of your own enjoyment of life, is nonsensical. Hitchens put it best when he related divine rulers to eternal despots; at least Kim Jong Un and Erdogan will die eventually, God won’t. An undying dictator, that you have to believe exists on faith, and you’re his willing plebe. Doesn’t make a lick of sense to me.

>> No.14508629

>god doesn't care about his slaves

>> No.14508648

>A world containing creatures who are significantly free (and freely perform more good than evil actions) is more valuable, all else being equal, than a world containing no free creatures at all. Now God can create free creatures, but He can't cause or determine them to do only what is right. For if He does so, then they aren't significantly free after all; they do not do what is right freely. To create creatures capable of moral good, therefore, He must create creatures capable of moral evil; and He can't give these creatures the freedom to perform evil and at the same time prevent them from doing so. As it turned out, sadly enough, some of the free creatures God created went wrong in the exercise of their freedom; this is the source of moral evil. The fact that free creatures sometimes go wrong, however, counts neither against God's omnipotence nor against His goodness; for He could have forestalled the occurrence of moral evil only by removing the possibility of moral good.
- Plantinga

>> No.14508676

And now for an encore, Plantinga will tell us how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

>> No.14508853

This makes no sense. God could have easily made humans to have free will while not being able to sin. But why would anyone sin if we were truly free? If I know that sin is bad, and I’m able to freely will what I know is good for me, then why would I ever sin? Why is there no one on Earth who is perfect like Jesus? Surely if we were free, then we could be perfect? So it makes sense that sin is caused by the absence of freedom, not the presence of it, and that God values a world with suffering over s world with non-suffering.

>> No.14508880

>For if He does so, then they aren't significantly free after all; they do not do what is right freely
What does it mean to do right freely? How can you do something without causes? What exactly are we free from?

>> No.14509019

>greater good justifiying an evil
So will said evil persist in heaven? Or may good create a good to which there is annexed no evil?

>> No.14509037
File: 8 KB, 247x204, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are atheists/anti-christians so scared and mad?

>> No.14509250

Why do you subject yourself to something that doesn’t exist, slave?

>> No.14509275

Why do you claim the non-existence of a thing when you cannot prove it?

>> No.14509371

I'm staunchly atheist, but as a rule of thumb I do not argue with or shit on people who truly benefit from their religion. Are you 13 and just discovering atheism by any chance?

>> No.14509537

An actual Christian author would not address these questions because OP does not even know what hell, virtue, or god is. This is a 5 year olds understanding of religion.

>> No.14509784

yeah, the only thing to say to such a man is what do you make of Socrates