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File: 96 KB, 799x532, 800px-President_Trump_signing_Hurricane_Harvey_bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14503381 No.14503381 [Reply] [Original]

What does he read to learn about the situation in the middle East?

>> No.14503385

20-word briefings

>> No.14503387


>> No.14503394

Does he actually read? I remember a report that said he has people explain things to him.

That being said all American presidents should read guillotine blueprints and then get beheaded for war crimes.

>> No.14503400

reading and memorising his script provided by ZOG

>> No.14503406
File: 71 KB, 1024x930, 00 0 0 2220 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faces of his advisors, then he either follows their advice or, if he believes them to be traitorous internationalist scum, does the exact opposite of their recommendation.
It's worked 100% of the time so far, you goddamn question-asking psychopath.

>> No.14503731


>> No.14503744

Culture of Critique

>> No.14503953

culture of madique

>> No.14504010


>> No.14504015

One thousand and one nights

>> No.14504020

Spongebob and Spiderman comics.

>> No.14504026
File: 54 KB, 312x500, 51ow311FQQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14504053
File: 61 KB, 900x618, pinktrump_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xenophon, Thucydides, probably Sallust

>> No.14504063

love letters from his faggot boyfriend netanyahu

>> No.14504102

The Complete Works of Benjamin Shapiro

>> No.14504181


>> No.14504356

im gonna miss this nigger when he's gone :')

>> No.14504370

Why is Trump the only president in the 340 year history of the United States to break tradition and not wear a tie? This shatters America's credibility on the world stage. Does he have no respect for the office?

>> No.14504382

1 paragraph abstract of a 1 page memo summarizing a 50 page intelligence report

>> No.14504392

next president will be boring in comparison for good or bad

>> No.14504397

buttertranny, are you a self hating Jew?

>> No.14504398

Something in Hebrew

>> No.14504414

It definitely has pictures.

>> No.14504418

Jewish pictures

>> No.14504484

Laura Ingraham's Twitter.

>> No.14504500

Brothers karamazov, but written in French.

>> No.14504836


>> No.14505480

what his seniors tell him

>> No.14506152

Letters from tel aviv

>> No.14506169

He watches clips of Sean Hannity and Fox & Friends that his staff cut out for him every morning.

>> No.14506691


>> No.14506735

This and “based”


>> No.14506761
File: 88 KB, 621x412, The-House-That-Jack-Built-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is what I want to do to you and every last Ashkenazi. Might try it one of these days. Live in fear.

>> No.14506764

he's too retarded to tie one and he knows melania will probably try to strangle him with it if he asks her for help

>> No.14506771

The Talmud as translated by Bibi

>> No.14506776

I ain’t jewish, and I’d make minced meat out of you, Jack.

>> No.14506780

My friend Jessica looks just like that native girl they kill and then impale in Cannibal Holocaust. They shove a pole right up her ass and out her mouth.

>> No.14506791

probably the one time a thread actually needs this to be posted

>> No.14506807

You're an idiot if you think Zionald reads that.

>> No.14506811

butterfly, do you really hate the jews like pol does. or is it just a problem you have with israel

>> No.14506841

You fucking nigger, it was obviously meant in a "what should he read" sense, in which case, yes, Zion Don should fucking read the culture of critique
And so should (You) and so should everyone else here.

>> No.14506854

I think !!oI3er5KKetj is butterfly, not !mxvabIoSIE.

>> No.14506855

I hate heebs.
You think wrongly, bug.

>> No.14506857

One of you, or better yet, both of you, need to go back to /tv/

>> No.14506864

You are a bit more intelligent than butterfly, so I can tell you're not the real butterfly.

>> No.14506903

Ben Shapiro's tweets.