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/lit/ - Literature

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14500397 No.14500397 [Reply] [Original]

After years of introspective thinking and consideration I have come a conclusion that the only cure for my nihilism and finding meaning is for me to embrace tradition and reject modernism. I have found that religion is a huge part of traditional values and would like to turn to "God" for answers. That being said, which is the best version of The Bible?

>> No.14500528

>That being said, which is the best version of The Bible?
for me, its Young's Literal Translation

>> No.14500529 [DELETED] 

Brother, you are on the right path. I can't say for sure which version of The Bible would be best, for it would depend on which Tradition you wish to follow.
With that being said, the KJV is quite appraised, and its english, majestic. There isn't in, however, a commentary on the Bible from a Christian standpoint, which could be of great help and, if I'm not mistaken, both The Orthodox Bible and The Roman Catholic one have those.
Read Plato and the Fathers- I'd recommend Gregory of Nyssa and Palamas.
A small addendo: if you seek true Tradition, steer away from Papism- for, in its degeneracy, in a hundred years it may be unrecognizable next to the preserved Eastern tradition. It already is, perhaps.

>> No.14500533 [DELETED] 
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i agree

>> No.14500542

Brother, you are on the right path. I can't say for sure which version of The Bible would be best, for it would depend on which Tradition you wish to follow. With that being said, the KJV is quite appraised, and its english, majestic. There isn't in it, however, a commentary on the Bible from a Christian standpoint, which could be of great help and, if I'm not mistaken, both The Orthodox Bible and The Roman Catholic one have those.

A small addendo: if you seek true Tradition, steer away from Papism- for, in its degeneracy, in a hundred years it may be unrecognizable next to the preserved Eastern tradition. It already is, perhaps.

For your nihilism, seek metaphysical knowledge, for it's a sure remedy. Read Plato and the Fathers- I'd recommend Gregory of Nyssa and Palamas. The Confessions of Augustine could be of great help, too.

>> No.14500545

>cure for my nihilism
no book can cure retardation anon

>> No.14500552
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Plato (pbuh) and the Golden Race (pbut) surely can.

>> No.14500554
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>embrace tradition and reject modernism
Can you elaborate on this? What exactly is it that is right in tradition and wrong about modernism? (I don't disagree with you, but it is important that you understand why it is that tradition is good.)
>best version of The Bible?

>> No.14500555

>turn to god for answers
Typical coward, good luck with the schizophrenia, see you when you start your own cult

>> No.14500561

>steer away from Papism- for, in its degeneracy, in a hundred years it may be unrecognizable next to the preserved Eastern tradition
because russian nationalism and government collusion is so much better

>> No.14500570

Anon, the Russian Church isn't all of Orthodoxy. The Greek Church and its preserved Academia in Mount Athos are worth all that's left of Papism.

>> No.14500573

Within reason. For me, "God" is a figure of ethics and values, not a supernatural omnipotent spirit.

>> No.14500578

This is why the Hoi polloi should submit to metaphysical knowledge. Stupid.

>> No.14500579

Modern art is trash. Modern music is trash. TV poisons our minds. More people are moving into cities. We are out of touch with nature. The rate of suicide is going up. Degeneracy is rampant. Embrace tradition, reject modernism. This is the only way.

>> No.14500584

Do, anon, please, read the Enneads.

>> No.14500590

>Russian nationalism and government collision
At least they don’t pretend on my soul unlike Bishop in Rome

Seriously guys I don’t know how anyone could be Papist after Dostoyevsky’s Grand Inquisitor.

>> No.14500592

>Embrace tradition, reject modernism. This is the only way.
But why? And what tradition? Islam? Bushido? Catholicism? American Constitutionalism? The Twelve Tables? This 'embrace tradition, reject degeneracy' is such a crude /pol/-tier parrot-cry. Can you actually substantiate your claims or is it nothing more than a knee-jerk?

>> No.14500599

*posts pictures of crusaders and pretty white girls in a grassy field wearing a veils on her head*

:) yes i have saved civilization now

>> No.14500602 [DELETED] 
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J totally agree with you. You are very intelligent

>> No.14500606

this thread is disgusting

>> No.14500610

where did you get that picture of my enormous magnum-sized cock

>> No.14500640

>embrace tradition
>the bible
>not paganism

>> No.14501156

Usually people choose their own traditions or get a boner for any of those other one's thinking they'll find some mystical forgotten truths in them. People want to go with any tried and true way to think instead of the struggle to understand a world which gets more and more complex. It really is an intellectual version of larping a time you think was simple and comfy.

>> No.14501184
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>after years of introspection and consideration, i have concluded a literal meme

>> No.14501981

I use multiple translations, the Living Biblr (an easy paraphrase) the Amplified Bible, and the KJ V. Start with John

>> No.14502000

Try some extrospective thinking

>> No.14502013
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>> No.14502023


>> No.14502610

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

>> No.14502617


Your efforts are vain and rootless.

>> No.14503456

The Orthodox have done nothing but decline throughout their history. Lost the Middle East they so love claiming ancestry to, lost the Eastern Catholics, lost virtually every country to Communism, and now they lose to the husk of the USSR, schisming what is considered the very center of Orthodoxy’s image to the rest of the world. What do they have to show for their efforts? The sound of their failure rang and echoed through the entire world for the 20th century, the weight of their failure a burden shattering Christendom forever.
And yet, I still love them, and see them as our closest friends against a collapsing Christianity and a West in spiritual depression. Do not throw away your closest brothers, the Roman Catholics. The fight against atheistic Leftism outweighs what disagreements we have over Christology and ecclesiastical hierarchy. We only want to be your brother in arms.

>> No.14503467

you see lit, undergoing the hero's journey and returning back to his origins but changed, he realized he had the magic inside him the whole time.

>> No.14503479

Retroactively refuted by Muhammad

>> No.14503793

>reject modernism.
It's »modernity» lmao, modernism is something else.

>> No.14503875
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>instead of becoming a pessimist who spends his life trying to mitigate the suffering of others, latch onto some crazy story that appeals to arbitrary standards of optimism bias.

You’re a coward.

>> No.14503895

>trying to mitigate the suffering of others
>optimism bias
Not him but how does it contradict?

>> No.14504830


you're reading to understand, not to larp for a time past

>> No.14505179

You can live a simple and comfy life but not in a city. In a city you can only larp.

>> No.14506936

>muh suffering bad!