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14497543 No.14497543 [Reply] [Original]

Any good non-fiction books on this phenomenon?

>> No.14497559

i like women who wear heels like that
i just thought i'd mention it. ok thanks

>> No.14497562

The truth is feminism hurts women just as it hurts men. I remember that article about a woman who was duped into the "independent career woman who don't need no man", froze her eggs around her mid-20s, decided to finally settle down in her 40s, and couldn't have children because she was too old. She "howled like an animal".

>> No.14497563
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>> No.14497567

>suck a lot of cocks in early 20s
>don't want anything serious
>decides to settle in early 30s
>almost no successful and alpha male after the 30s wants to marry a whore

>> No.14497576

Literally just need to date down lmao but thats like poison to women. Ive been saying for a while were headed for a spinster future

>> No.14497577

I got an office job and all of the woman wear heels and stockings. My paycheck is just a nice bonus.

>> No.14497596

Also an incel future. These two groups of people just need to lower their standards and fuck each other.

>> No.14497602

You've been very based lately.

>> No.14497606

>Degree saturation
>Less jobs due to automation
>Less jobs due to financial crisis "recovery" changing jobs from full time to part time
>Women have uncritically embodied the marketing campaigns of several industries and think they are better than everyone else

Can't pursue men like it's the fiftties anymore, womens capitalist standards don't match the systems organization.

Lower standards for everyone.

>> No.14497616

Standards are super low so if you can mitigate your glaring personality flaws and ugliness you could probably clinch yourself a position as a stay at home dad.
I would honestly do this if I didn't make a significantly higher salary then my future wife. Beyond this one very fun and high paying job I have, I don't have much passion for employment, but I really do enjoy keeping my space tidy, cooking, doing shit to stay attractive and sexually desirable, and I bet I would love raising some kids. If I had some other stay at home dad bros to meet up with for kids playdates and shit that would be a perfect life, as long as my wife could provide for all of me and my children's needs and my somewhat demanding lifestyle.
I think it would be good for the kids too. Dads are way less neurotic and prone to hysterical shrieking fits (in my experience) then moms so if anyone's gonna be the primary caregiver it probably should be the dad.

>> No.14497618

More desperate, horny, sugar momma milfs for me. Looking forward to this. I'm already fucking a 33 year old lawyer as a 22 year old poorfag "artist". Buys me dinners and every book on my amazon list. Loving it

>> No.14497634

I dream of the day I can find a woman who matches my 100k+ salary. I really want to live in a fancy downtown apartment with a doorman.

>> No.14497650


>> No.14497658

my man

>> No.14497662

this is what happens when we deny basic evolution and try to change our nature. Men want women who are lovingly submissive and bare them children not a co worker with tits

>> No.14497672

If true, hella based

>> No.14497705

wrong, I want someone intelligent, capable and successful enough to financially pull their own weight. As a modern American man I have exactly 0 close friends, just as most adult men have. If this woman is to be my only close friend I could not stand if they were an ambitionless, spineless housecuck whose only desire in life is to have children.

>> No.14497723

why would incels degrade themselves to the point of having relationships with used up roasties?

>> No.14497726

you are a materialistic hedonist wagecuck who only cares about such souless things as money. having a woman who bravely bares yoy many children is much more alpha then you denying your obligation as a provider for the family

>> No.14497731

This. H1B programs will provide a steady sea of thirsty men to keep roastie's blossoms beefy

>> No.14497733

For the good of mankind. Take one for the team.

>> No.14497738


>> No.14497747

all love is humiliation

>> No.14497751

it's materialist to desire a mate with ambition beyond the easy out in life of being a house wife and following the one thing her body is built to do? That's barely a human existence. I put effort into bettering my body and mind and financial situation and career and studying the world around me—you're an insecure cuck or desperate beta male if you're willing to accept any less out of a partner.

>> No.14497758

neither of you know what you're talking about or what you desire

>> No.14497761

Now THIS is the life.

>> No.14497766 [DELETED] 

>muh economic view of history
Fucking jews I tell you. The have the most short-sighted of instincts

>> No.14497774

Women like that largely dont want "mates" dude especially in the 21st century.

>> No.14497782
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>33 is considered a milf to some people

>> No.14497791

shes literally more likely to be happier to follow her nature rather then slaving away for some rich corporate owner who gets to fuck his young fertile housewife while you have a glorified wageslave for a "wife"

>> No.14497802

This is the real effect of this. If women get truly desperate, then they're going to have to start actively pursuing men instead of waiting to be claimed. The age of MILFs and femdom mommies is upon us.

>> No.14497810

incredibly based

>> No.14497818

>tfw you’ll never have this
why even live

>> No.14497825

>they're going to have to start actively pursuing men instead of waiting to be claimed. The age of MILFs and femdom mommies is upon us.

How do I take advantage of this? Where do I find them?

>inb4 dating apps

>> No.14497828

most adult men are actually not severely autistic and have multiple friends as a result

>> No.14497832

Golden Corral

>> No.14497834

move to new york and get shredded

>> No.14497836

These women need to stop being whores and let me have sex with them.

>> No.14497837

>local recluse claims he can make any woman happy

>> No.14497861

I can't say for certain, and I don't know if it's different in the US, but a lot of career women in my experience are family orientated and love kids. Most seem to put off having kids because they aren't in a financially stable position. It makes me wonder then if really rich women then seize the opportunity to have a family.

I'd like that honestly. Imagine being a house husband for a wealthy woman, never having to work a day in your life because she's loaded. Your responsibilities being limited to taking care of the kids, household chores and sexually satisfying her. I kind of want a rich gf now.

>> No.14497870

Sounds like work till theyre old enough for school then you could basically just neet it up and read books all day, women are unironically fucking shit at chores would take me like an hour or two at most for many of them

>> No.14497884

Indeed, female happiness is decreasing year after year and frustrated immigrant males are increasing sexual violence all over the west.
All thanks for feminism and neo-marxism.

>> No.14497888
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literally me, ages and everything lmao. Except she's not as rich but still much richer than me and pays for everything.
For anyone asking, I still had to pursue her even though I'm much more attractive than her cause women are fucking faggots.

>> No.14497894

>As a modern American man I have exactly 0 close friends
I'm not American, but that can't be true

>> No.14497895

this arrangment is impossible nowadays, since she will think she's opressed and divorce rape you, and not even do house chores.

>> No.14497899

anything beyond 18 is milf

>> No.14497901

White Americans live in isolated boxes, commute alone in their cars and do not socialise with their colleagues

>> No.14497920

Raising kids sounds more rewarding than being a wageslave even though it's not an easy job. I can see myself in the role of a stay at home husband more than I can in a traditional workplace.

The fact that everyone is expected to have a "career" these days is something I find soul sucking. I'm apparently one of the best students in my university class and everyone is pressuring me into figuring out a career path, but I just want to settle down and be a good husband and father. I can only imagine what it must be like for the women who want to desperately settle down.

>> No.14497936

Sounds like dysgenics

>> No.14497939

you meant to type 15, right?

>> No.14497940

Aha. And what do they do on weekends? Just stay at home and watch netflix?

>> No.14497944

>Imagine being a house husband for a wealthy woman, never having to work a day in your life because she's loaded. Your responsibilities being limited to taking care of the kids, household chores and sexually satisfying her.
it would cost you your dignity.

>> No.14497953

i'm in the same boat as him.

>> No.14497980

Yes, unironically

>> No.14497993

Yes but instead of netflix I drink a lot of whiskey.

>> No.14498036

a-are you me? do you also drink half a bottle then pour the rest into the piss jug so you won't get drunk tomorrow but then you stop at the liquor store on the way home anyway and the cycle just repeats itself until you become your father?

>> No.14498048

Fuck, that's depressing

>> No.14498057

>it would cost you your dignity
how fucking fragile are you???? you dont have to work for money, your responsibilities are just household chores which would take less than an hour out of your day to do. your wife comes home wanting sex because she has just worked all day. so you are going to turn this down because... you are self-conscious about what people will think. this demographic consists of virgins that are either unemployed or have no free time or barely conscious 80 year olds trying to get you to work at their son's pyramid scheme

>> No.14498065

In another life, we would have been friends.

>> No.14498080

Infinitely better than being a wageslave

>> No.14498087

>household chores which would take less than an hour out of your day to do. your wife comes home wanting sex because she has just worked all day.
Exactly what I did with my last girlfriend. It was pretty great

>> No.14498098

>your dignity is just “what other people think of you”
oh no no no no

>> No.14498118

It's not true, that guy's just an autistic wagie

>> No.14498121

>you are self-conscious about what people will think
uh no, i wouldn't be able to look at myself in a mirror if i was basically LARPing as a boy who fucks his mom.

>> No.14498126

Im sorry, but man. Fuck Women and Fuck Men. No fucking wonder that women are single when both men and women fucking hate eachother. Look at yourselves, you probably havent talked to a girl in a long time yet you spend all your time talking about what a lady wants. She spends all her time looking for materialistic soulless money and sex.
Fuck both genders, I don¨t CAAAAAAARE.
Fuck you all. Do your own thing.

>> No.14498146

>t. 80IQ twitter nigger

>> No.14498195

The sperg has a point

>> No.14498564

tfw you realize 33 is an age appropriate woman for you.

>> No.14499455

lmao. feels good to have a 6, 6, 6 bf. six figure salary, six feet tall, six inch dick. straight dabbing on these sad whores without assets.
i can't even hate. you're essentially my male counterpart. get it.

>> No.14499483

this is pretty accurate
third wave feminism has def brought some unforeseen negative consequences to the female gender. and they have no one to blame but themselves.
everyones heard the cliche "you cant have it all" and "you gotta make sacrifices" but we all somehow think that applies to a vague "them" and not to our individual circumstances.
>whamen, when will they learn

>> No.14499553
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I had this arrangement for a while. It's not that great. Not to mention that not having any outside activities make normal socialization almost impossible.

She's still crazy in love with me, but she wants to do the whole "settle down in a big to medium city and wageslave your whole life, having a couple kids and spending every night cuddling and watching netflix" and the whole idea seems so emasculating that I broke up with her.

Now I'm polishing my application to the military with the goal of saving enough money to buy some land in BC/Alaska and build a cabin where I can read and write. I wish I could blame capitalism or women, but really the problem is myself.

>> No.14499568
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Incels ITT should read this

>> No.14499603

my last gf also pushed this on me too. I eventually got burned out because it felt emasculating.

>> No.14499639

>why lone hurts
It sure does

>> No.14499677

As I get older I realize that masculinity only really feels fulfilled by other men. I wonder if the real problem of most 'incels' isn't just a lack of positive male relationships and role-models in their life.

You never see military guys or hot-jumpers or other people like that in very masculine fields complaining about lack of sex, even though they're constantly surrounded by men and can go months without even seeing a woman. Same with monks, priests, etc. It's always men who are surrounded by woman that turn into 'incels', and the urbanite city slickers who actually do have active and varied sex lives often are the most maladjusted of all.

>> No.14499693

>I wonder if the real problem of most 'incels' isn't just a lack of positive male relationships and role-models in their life.
I think this is spot on.

>> No.14499701

Hegel, Lordship and Bondage

>> No.14499755

I have never bothered women. At my age and with crappy job why bother to start now.

>> No.14499880

Seeing this getting posted on every board and all the men going apeshit about women makes me glad I’m single.

>> No.14500492


>> No.14500505


You'll find an outdoorsy family oriented women, they exist. Go on YouTube and search for "family homestead" and have at it :)

>> No.14500531

*makes me wish I was glad about being single

>> No.14500559

I did this when I was 19. I told her I wanted to be a writer, so she started mailing books to my house. Shit was great. I let her go, though, so that she could marry and have a kid before she dried up. I talked to her the other day, and she just got hitched. Happy for her, honestly.

>> No.14500645

If you were to be a stay at home husband, you’d need hobbies and a social circle to keep you occupied just like a housewife would. That much is obvious.

I’d have no problem fitting into that role, being “emasculating” wouldn’t even be an issue provided I still had my own life, but living in a city would be the turn off for me. I’d want to live at least semi-rurally— That’s why she’d need to be quite wealthy or have a traditional family who lives in the countryside.

The incel mindset is created by having bad experiences with women or a lack of positive female role models. So many incels seem to have terrible mothers, I’ve noticed. A lack of male role models seems more likely to result in a strong idolisation of women and in extreme cases, autogynephilia.

>> No.14500655

Fuck mankind.

>> No.14500664

>(((Eva Illouz)))(Arabic:إيفا اللوز;Hebrew:אווה אילוז) (born April 30, 1961 inFes,Morocco) is aprofessorofSociologyat the(((Hebrew UniversityinJerusalem.)))

>> No.14500726

>tfw can't handle women with hell's because 5'8" (1.73m) manlet.

>> No.14500736

Porn has taught me that milf as a category begins when teen as a category ends.

>> No.14500838

At this point i can't be anything but impressed at how easily your goverment has turned man against women while continuing to fuck over both. The only thing i don't really get is why do the jews actually want low birth rates, wouldn't they want more consumers for the future, or are they just doing one final harvest before it all goes to shit?

>> No.14500839
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It's 7,7,7 now dear, you're dating a poor, small manlet

>> No.14500870

What phenomenon? Bad statistics?

>> No.14500937

Dignity is about what I think about me not what others think about me. I become one of those psychos who smashes in mirrors to avoid seeing their face.

>> No.14500943

The problem is also capitalism and women.

>> No.14500947

Ultimately the fault of men for letting them do this

>> No.14500951

I would

>> No.14500954
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>> No.14500976

roastie getting frosty

>> No.14500995

>Why me? What did i do wrong?
Everything you dumb cunt. Also how stupid do you need to be to decide that at 45 is the prime age for you to have kids as a women even with frozen eggs?

>> No.14500997

That's not the real Butters

>> No.14501002 [SPOILER] 
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But was it life? Only cool kids will get the reference.

>> No.14501018

You guys wouldn't be able to provide a living for a woman anyway.

>> No.14501030
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Oh yeah? I always get my girlfriends signed up for SSDI and SNAP, which affords them over $1000 a month typically. The money comes out of your paycheck, not mine.

>> No.14501078


>> No.14501094

if women departed from the work force they would

>> No.14501109

I've dated people with fertility problems and reading this feels bad. I've always said it's amazing what can be done and maybe egg creation is around the corner if it really got that bad that it was impossible (you almost can do SCNT, but it's too close to unethical and also expensive, and the oocytes are poorly understood).

She can still adopt though.

>> No.14501117

Do you seriously think that people like that are going to adopt?

>> No.14501118

Based Augustine Chad

>> No.14501122

One can only hope.

>> No.14501125

>no sign for Mr. Right
she had suitors but waited for Chad and payed for this.

>> No.14501149
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Thanks for the neetbux wagie

>> No.14501164

How does it feel to know that all the inherent worth of your relationship is weighted on one side? If he drops you, would you be able to say that your life still has value?

>> No.14501173

Women have always been miserable. Misery is their nature.

>> No.14501178

Incel misconception. Professional women are universally desperate for degradation and rough sex.

>> No.14501180
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I know her!

>> No.14501189

Is this phenoma caused by lack of masculinity?

>> No.14501198

Yeah, pissbabies need to man up and step up

>> No.14501216
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>> No.14501266
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>Hight tech industry and automation everywhere
>Can't provide a living for a family
I think threre might be something wrong with the >society

>> No.14501337

It is spot on. Men have become hated by the economy because:
>they don't spend as freely as women
>they are generally more focused on accumulation of wealth, or acquisition of power, status, or achievement and don't want to get stuck in traps like debt or marriage which are way too risky now
>they are socially expendable because the western system no longer bothers developing it's people or strong families, it has the option of accepting an effectively endless supply of immigrants who will provide labour and consume goods and services
>they are being stripped of all social status as citizens unless they serve the ideology of the system... traditionally masculine roles like breadwinner, father, landowner, head of the family, etc. are being weakened.
>LGBT splits a once atomic social category: "men", by cleaving off "gay men" and "mtf". This actually substantially weakens masculine identity both because of the balkanisation of men and because (whether you like them or not) some gays and gender dysphoric men overcompensate by becoming hypermasculine. Taking them out of the pool of "men" and turning them into special consumer groups and freakshow spectacles diminishes men and reduces the social clout of men. Everyone becomes a niche consumer to be domesticated and milked dry.

>> No.14501351

Warhack was a self proclaimed homo and died a virgin.

>> No.14501370

Man how many fucking dipshit posts are we going to get where someone posts a politically charged photo and just asks

>books for this feel?

And then the majority of replies is just /pol/

>> No.14501397


the samsara wheel did a turn

>> No.14501398

>homo virgin
arent homos obsessed when it comes to fucking?

>> No.14501431

A lot. Mods are fags

>> No.14501447


>> No.14501457

lol okay

>> No.14501576

>I can't say for certain, and I don't know if it's different in the US, but a lot of career women in my experience are family orientated and love kids. Most seem to put off having kids because they aren't in a financially stable position. It makes me wonder then if really rich women then seize the opportunity to have a family.
They all say this, but it's just a cope, rather than sincere. There's a reason that birth rates decline with wealth rather than increase. These women care more about career advancement and making money than taking the living standards hit needed to pay for a kid. They just don't actually want kids that badly.

To the extent that it's true, they've just been fooled about how much money they need to spend to raise their kids well, mostly in terms of schooling - schools don't matter in the slightest in all reality with "good schools" just being schools attended by high IQ students, while "bad schools" are schools with low IQ students. If you have a smart kid he will do well regardless of which high school he attends. Getting into elite colleges is also a meme, entirely based on signaling, and at best, networking rather than any actual value added to the student in terms of human capital.

My own parents were good examples of this - my mom's family only cared about her getting a religious education on Sundays and sent her to an absolutely dogshit school and couldn't have cared less how well she did. So long as she got married and had kids, she could be a cashier for all they cared. But she was born smart to smart parents and so she excelled in school and got into an excellent college and went on to make good money at a good job.

In any event, the real reason all of these women are single is that women will not date men that make less than them, generally speaking, and they won't date men who are less well educated than them, generally speaking. So these professional class women are all competing for a shrinking pool of men that only gets smaller as they get more successful, and as the education gap between men and women grows. This is how feminism is hurting them.

>> No.14501600

>tfw didnt go to college and my gf did and she makes more than me

She did go to a "fashion school" though so she cant be to elitist about it lmao

>> No.14501607

real feminism is about choice for women. sounds like she was just an idiot who didn't know what she wanted.

>> No.14501611


>> No.14501635

>Men want women who are lovingly submissive
don't project your insecurity-driven fantasies onto me. I want a partner, not a fucking pet.

>> No.14501659

What's fake?

>> No.14501674

>If you have a smart kid he will do well regardless of which high school he attends.

Loads of smart people don't do well and don't succeed.

>> No.14501687

t. Smart but lazy

>> No.14501691

There is truth that people are easily duped into thinking that prestige matters. I dated this one girl who had really high career ambitions (high enough that she wanted to move abroad to study), but still went on about how much she loved kids and how she really wanted to be a mother one day. I couldn’t help but think to myself the paradox of that, since having a career with as much responsibility as she wanted would mean having to significantly sacrifice family time in order to do that job (I think this is part of the reason why a lot of high flying women give up their careers after having children). She was a great girl, and I really hope her ambition doesn’t come back to haunt her in the end.

Still though, I’ve noticed that a lot of mid-tier female professionals end up striking a healthy work-life balance. My mother is a high-ranking manager at a company and she’s actually turned down promotions because it would have taken time away from me. I’ve noticed a lot of her colleagues and also other women I know of a similar position on the career ladder have had no trouble getting married and having kids.

>> No.14501694

Your post, dummy

>> No.14501705

Right, but that isn't really contingent on going to a "good school". Look, we've studied the effectiveness and value add of schools, teachers etc. and it's basically 0. School quality is a total meme that is propped up because no one wants to admit that their kid is dumb and there's a multi-billion dollar industry supporting it. I should know, I went to an elite school where everyone had to pay through the nose to get in, everyone's parents were smart and successful and cared about their child's education - none of the 'extras' made a difference though - smart kids were always smart, dumb kids were always dumb, and lazy kids were always lazy. It's the way they were born, more or less. Just read stuff like The Case Against Education or Blueprint to get an idea of how little a difference education actually makes, empirically speaking.

>> No.14501714

What in particular? Everything? The points about women not dating down? My mom's life story? The bit about women coping about money? What makes you think it's fake?

>> No.14501739

Inductive Fallacy
Fuck you CNN

>> No.14501766

To be fair the blame is like a 90/10 split between women and men, women have all the selecting power in the dating scene and just choose to aim astronomically high.
Most incel talk online is just hot air used to vent frustration, and would instantly crumble if a woman ever actually gave them any positive attention

>> No.14501829

>real feminism

>> No.14501850

Let these females work for us. They are the new working class. If they want to be cogs in the machine, let them do it.

>> No.14501861

That's not what submissive means, and no one cares if you are an exception or not.
It's about role delegation to have a functioning team. In ballroom dance, for example, you have the lead and follow. Both are equally important to the success of the dance, but the roles are broken up because it's way beyond inefficient to have some fucking debate about how to proceed for every action, so one decides leads and the other follows and completes. Same in a functional relationship. That is a partnership. You seem to want a friend, which will never work as a fulfilling domestic relationship.

>> No.14501865

Let me ask you something, as a 20 year old man.

What If I don't want to make six figures, waging my life away in some dredful tech job, making products that no one really needs because the market runs on memetic competition and I refuse to participate in it. What if I want to do my own things, eventually I want to buy Land to build a house and completely retire from work, I want to follow my hobbies, grow my own food, maybe some bees, make candles, clay artwork, exercise, maybe start some sort of business if I feel like what I'm doing has true value, but money will never be my goal, I find modernity both emasculating and completely pointless, I'm happy in a rustic house in the woods, hopefully with a big family around me.

What would you say to this? I know all women aren't like you, and, it will probably be hard for me to find some women that agrees with this deal, (they're generally philosphy/teology majors and they're a scarce resource), but would you date someone like this? I'm wondering what's going on in the mind of a women, are you constantly looking for status? Sometimes I think your kind are all retarded. (no offense.) you remind me of the chinese, bless those poor souls.

>> No.14501876

no one is duped. women instinctively pursue the most high status men they think they can for the sake of security in raising children (and themselves). It isn't a great idea in a developed society, but we didn't evolve to live in a developed society.

>> No.14501879

This is a part of the solution. Female want to work, let them. However, stay at home dad is a cushy number, but it only works if you lift.
Capitalism is inverting everything, so it's only normal that now more and more men are stay at home dad, and women "working women". Honestly, with stay at home dad, males get the better side of the bargain.

>> No.14501885

it seems as if you already know the answer and are merely hoping it isn't true desu

>> No.14501904

But most men don't want an emasculating position, even if they think it appears really comfy from the outside looking in. They want to succeed at responsibilities, provide for people. It gives a certain level of purpose and thus fulfillment which they seek.

>> No.14501910

Of course I'm hoping, I know it isn't (I live in the real world), but it's going to get worse. I'll have to find a smart women who thinks about the world, who reflects, who wonders, who has independent thought. In other words, a man. Fuck.

>> No.14501920

>providing for children and being a father isn’t a responsibility
Being a stay at home parent isn’t a cushy job. It’s just not a soulless as wageslaving.

>> No.14501928

Tipical degenerate

>> No.14501958

Before the agricultural revolution:

>Men hunted food, made tools, provided, spent time with children.
>Women mae textiles, cooked, collected food, spent time with children.


>Both work, competing in the same job market, task "equality" was never ever ever present in 300 thousand years of evolution.

We are such a dumb species.

>> No.14501966

Can I borrow your time machine?

>> No.14501967

You've gotta appreciate the importance of the role of the parent, and have a partner who does that too.
In the 50s when the gender roles were swapped the couples who really worked had a mutual understanding that they both contributed to the relationship and did not disparage the work of the other person.
Honestly regardless of jobs and social context this is the only way to have a functioning marriage. Never, ever disparage the work the other person puts in.
You can call them out when you feel they aren't putting in work obviously.

>> No.14501970

whoa, can you tell me more stories from the 50s? Its not often you meet an octogenarian on the Internet

>> No.14501975

lmao I'm just talking about my grandparents faggot

>> No.14501982

You have atrocious reading comprehension. I'm saying they want to provide. child rearing and being the provider are two different tasks and the former is one one of the few things that women actually excel at, generally.
And you don't necessarily need to wageslave for Jeff or Zuck to provide for a family (even if that type of work is increasingly the norm). Honestly, most people could make do on a less impressive income doing something that doesn't make them want to do avant garde spatter art on the wall with changes to their insectoid consumption habits. It's not perfect because things are mega fucked right now, but it's still true.

>> No.14501990

All women are classist, what do you expect? In a world of declining full time work, increasing cost of living, and automation it's only going to get worse.

>> No.14501994
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>they still fantasies the bleak and impossbile dream that women actually want stay at home dads
LFUCKINGMAO, do you idiots really thing that women like this >>14500954 didn't get a family together because they simply couldn't get a "stay at home husband", no they couldn't get a husband because no matter how many steps women climb up on the professional ladder they will always be looking for someone on a further step as a potential mate. Their desire to be dominated will find it's calling somewhere in societ and it won't be from their "stay at home dad". But keep fantasising i guess, truth is women would rather die childless and alone sustenating on the dreams that one day chad will come along and pick them up. Women "settling" down for someone whom they find below them is simply a hedging of bets and even then it isn't something they will approach unless they know the potential of having a save exit isn't present at all time for when chad "surely" comes around.

>> No.14501995

>Women excel at childrearing
Dude no. Did you have a stay at home mom? They go fucking stir crazy, their psyches are so fragile. I think moms are good for kids up until they turn about 5 or 6 and start to develop personalities outside of what their mom has taught them.
She's too close to the work, she fucking made them with her body, so it's seen as this supreme offense when they start to reflect personalities that are not-her back to her. Or she goes the other way and loves and cherishes their precious uniqueness and fails to teach them to control themselves.
Dad needs to step in around this time and begin to correct the child without as much nurturing care. Harsh truths, tough love, rub-some-dirt-in-it-and-walk-it-off, etc.

>> No.14501999
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>> No.14502001

>Le evpsych gender theory
You're as bad as a women's studies major, this is nonsense.

>> No.14502005

this is perfectly inline with what i said. But the roles are not detached from sex and function as sex specific. Also this, I guess >>14501861

>> No.14502007
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They hit the wall at 29, plus after that age they are likely to birth potato kids...

>> No.14502008

guess I'll die childless.

>> No.14502019

Because they do nothing outside the house. nothing is exclusive in a society, everything about it exists in a mesh that effects other parts of life. The suburbs and the death of community cause this among other issues. They basically have very little to do of value related to childrearing outside of the house anymore and have little interaction with other parents and children, unfortunately. Obviously the father needs to be involved with the child too, especially activities away from the home without the mother, since you are already delegating domestic tasks with children more to them.

>> No.14502026

This actually reflects reality, though.

>> No.14502045

Capitalism is inverting this. In Capitalism you don't need physical strength and physical violence anymore. Working in a an office is closer to a women biological role (make textile cook) than a male one.
Males don't really have a purpose in Capitalism.
Simulation of masculinity works pretty well however, that's becoming muscular as fuck. Even if a gym guy is very far from the hunter gatherer in term of role and function, it simulates the body type of a very successful and strong male.

>> No.14502052

Simulates and exaggerates. The "successful and strong" male of the evolutionary environment would have been running a constant caloric shortage or barely running maintenance.
Would die before reaching old age, slowing activity, and getting fat.

>> No.14502059

Choice doesn't make women happy.

>> No.14502064


>The happiness of man is, "I will." The happiness of woman is, "He wills."
>"Lo! Now has the world become perfect!" Thus thinks every woman when she obeys with all her love. Woman must obey, and find a depth for her surface. Woman's soul is all surface, a mobile, stormy film on shallow water.

>> No.14502092

Pic disproves you

>> No.14502095

Most women only "want" what society allows, imposes and expects of them. (>>14501607)
spot on

>> No.14502108

True, but it simulate a very successful male hunter/warrior, at the peak of his life, around 30 of age. A bodybuilder physique is indeed fucked up, and even some women find it somehow unattractive, for being unrealistic, but a rugby player physique probably existed in the paleolithic era.

>> No.14502111

we should have some more wars, for fun

>> No.14502133

Also, At that age when kids should be spending less time with mommy they should have more responsibility and ability for self-determination provided by the parents (though this can also be bad if the society around you sucks and will be an awful influences, I suppose).

>> No.14502141

>Most women only "want" what society allows, imposes and expects of them. (>>14501607)
Society wants to make more profit. That's what trads don't understand.
You cannot have both Capitalism profit and a stay at home women.
Trads are in constant cognitive dissonance. They want Capitalism, but they also want an obedient, stay at home, submissive wife, not a working women. Not gonna happen. You'll have to decide if you want authentic human relationships or Capitalism. You cannot have both.

>> No.14502163

War today aren't even male oriented anymore. Wars today are made with missiles, drones, direct energy weapons, and troops carry a low recoil assault rifle. It's not the paleolitthic or even the middle age where physical strength was key.

>> No.14502199

Yea a lesser man has no future with a greater woman unfortunately. Anything else is just playing around. Most of these women don't have any interest in younger men either. I say this even though I personally like older woman of a higher class than me.

>> No.14502204

I've tried to explain this to other "trad" (I don't want to be called that, though) people and they just can't conceptualize it at all.

>> No.14502215

>though I personally like older woman of a higher class than me
I feel you. Against my better judgment, I can't let go of my fantasy of having a nice, loving, thankful Christmas cake in my arms.

>> No.14502225

wtf you can't project a stat like that

>> No.14502670
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Can someone explain the phenomena of heels? Typically men prefer women shorter than them, and women prefer men taller. Shouldn't making your self taller be an attempt to a appear more masculine and appeal to women?

>> No.14502679

A lot of women like feeling powerful and sexy. That’s why heels exist as a status symbol.

>> No.14502686

Ass looks bigger in heels and legs look longer

>> No.14502694

Several women told me they just wear them because it makes your ass higher and tighter, ass aesthetics are probably one of the major beauty standards right now

>> No.14502703

>Most incel talk online is just hot air used to vent frustration, and would instantly crumble if a woman ever actually gave them any positive attention
This. This is how it always is, but the term is used to refer to some terrorist threat or something equally idiotic. Angry, sexless boys and nothing more. I blame everyone.

>> No.14502714


>> No.14502777

>It's 2020 and he's still ascribing agency to w*men

>> No.14502799

if someone is willing to procriate in such an artificial fashion why not just adopt...
probably also because instagram and other shit brought a resurgence of fertility worship that had been fortunately lost.
woman are so stupid... which breaks my heart because I know we are the same at birth and always believed I would have an actual partner and not just young pussy to fuck around with
the number one scientific priority should be to find a way to fully grow embryos to newborns outside the womb; even more mportant than developing reliable batteries

>> No.14502808

>I put effort into bettering my body and mind and financial situation and career and studying the world around me
nice ego trip you got going

>> No.14502900

this. Makes their legs look toned too

>> No.14502922

Unironically this

>> No.14502967

It's good for both ass and tits posture and taller women are hot as fuuuuck

>> No.14502972

I dont think so
what happens when women make up the majority of the working population?
either birth rates will plummet national productivity will
and what about manual labor, women sure as hell arent doing that and it isnt being automated for at least 2 decades
maybe immigrants will do it lol

>> No.14502979

What happened to the real butters?

>> No.14502985

She's Lao Tzu now.

>> No.14502990

But if she married would she be happy?

>> No.14502995


>> No.14503031

Women date and marry down all the fucking time. Just go out in public. Was at the airport and played a game with myself the other day. Count the couples where the man was objectively more attractive than their female companion. Didn't get out of the single digits. Maybe it's being from the Midwest, but there's so many qt3.14 waifish blonde chicks who end up marrying oafish mouthbreathers whose only pastimes are binge drinking and calling into local sports radio.

>> No.14503036
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This, give all adult men a small basic income and let women rule the world.
We'll sit back and watch them do it, should be fun.

>> No.14503559

This is mostly true in the country. Youi'll find many couple were the man is on the same sexual value as the women, and sometimes even lower. However, in cities, women never downdate. That's why you have so many single women in their 30s. Cost of living is also super high in big cities, so women, since they don't want to downdate, have a hard-time to find a man who is both physically attractive, earn good money, and want a stable relationship with them.

>> No.14503638

Interesting. I just moved out east to a reasonably sized city and it seems like men and women are generally the same in terms of average attractiveness.

I'd still reckon there's a bit of downdating going on for women in cities, it just depends on how you define downdating. Women are socialized into caring more about their appearance, presentation and manners than men, plain and simple. Men figure it out on down the line and I think living in densely populated areas facilitates this latter day socialization too. But, on average, women are just generally better at the things that matter on the modern dating market because they've been trained into it. Like think about how many fucking guys on tinder have a picture holding a big fish or some bloody deer carcass in their bio. People who don't have success on the dating market (people who make these threads all the fucking time) tend to group together and complain how they're not getting anything but rarely do they do anything to make themselves more amenable to the standards of the market.

The difficulty of owning a home and the increasing amounts of debt among twenty and thirty somethings are much more direct causes of the phenomenon OP brought up anyway

>> No.14503896


>> No.14504824

Imagine actually believing women (and men) were happier in the past. The perfect 50s was a facade. Except for the select few normies, miserable people were probably equally as miserable. Women were probably just better hiding depression so their husbands didn't force them into a lobotomization. Any real happiness that probably existed then, but not now is most likely attributed to a growing western economy and the end of a war.

>> No.14504856


>> No.14504990


Interesting observation...I dont think you can look at a man and evaluate their value in the same way as you can looking at a woman.

I am a believer that women value status over looks, and for all you know that midwest goober might have been the captain of the football team, and the most popular guy in school. His social standing in the eyes of their shared peer group (including other men) is more important to her than looks in many cases.

Maybe thats why you see it more outside of cities, where shared peer groups are more or less the status quo on the basis of just not having many options. In the city, social life is (ironically) more fragmented.

>> No.14505008

i bet fish guy does fine on tinder

>> No.14505014

Violence and war were always a means to an end, the true goal of men was always status. Men had a clear monopoly on this route to status in the past, but now that its effectively gone, it is interesting to think about what replaces it.

Status seeking through other means (business, wealth, social media) is now a co-ed game, and no one is quite sure what to do now that we are all on the same social ladder in some sense.

>> No.14505025

japan is the future
work until you die and go to cafes for human interaction

>> No.14505037

Why? My reasoning is I know plenty of fish guys irl and they're pretty hopeless when it comes to getting laid. They do occasionally but have a tough time landing long term partners.

>> No.14505046

I know absolutely no fish guys, I simply like the idea of fish guy

>> No.14505816

At the place I work at one of our customers got pregnant in her fifties, she hadn’t gone through menopause yet. So egg freezing sounds kind of stupid considering the cost

>> No.14506848

one-two-three punch of a) the amount of oversocialization recorded in your account b) if you're not following the latest Insta-trends, you don't reproduce and c) the degree to which market forces dominate every cunting aspect of american life.

demented shit.

>> No.14506918

No really. Seems like she disappeared.

>> No.14507432

Is there a book on the japanese phenomenon?
Modernity is killing japan.

>> No.14507436

physical attractiveness is not the only value of a male, you can't just judge them physically.

>> No.14507464
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>> No.14507466

How is that different from western nations?

>> No.14507468
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Industrial civilization

>> No.14507471

You mean China

>> No.14507474

>trying to outbrainlet buttertran
A valiant effort

>> No.14507596

the incel worry

>> No.14507620

i unironically hate women a little more everyday and i'am pretty sure at some point it's going to get hard to hide it

>> No.14507625

>wont date men who make less
>require men to be assterive and dominate while also being respectful and listening
women are a paradox

>> No.14508434

Why the FUCK wouldn't a woman want to be a housewife NEET? It's still exploiting a male for your female convenience and dare I say supremacy. The dumb husband goes around being a soul destroyed wage cuck and you get to reap the rewards, spending time with your kids, developing unironically useful housewife skills, and hanging out with your fellow NEET neighborhood wives. You just have to have sex with the husband to keep him from blowing his brains out. The only """work""" is sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, and cooking. Which literally amounts to like 1 hour of work a day, maybe up to 3 if you need to get the house clean for guests.
But no, they want to join the men in the cuckery, and instead of filling the void by raising a loving family they just fill it with drugs, frivolous pointless sex, and the brain-rot of social media brainwashing them into thinking they're some kind of superhero for doing the shit men have grudgingly put up with for centuries.

>> No.14508474

Atomization + hyperindividualism + capitalist austerity = solitary, incel-ish tendencies with lowered sex drive and marriage/birth rates, as well as the collapse of ability to communicate with the opposite sex. We see that in incels the strongest, but they've astroturfed everyone into thinking women can't fall into this pattern either. They're so sex-starved everything becomes essentialist.

But the same thing happens to women, and probably triples in effect because of birth control and other wickedly detrimental health consequences of modern society.

>> No.14508642

they do it simply because it enables them to fuck multiple men instead of only getting to fuck one. why do girls go to college? to fuck many men. why do they get jobs? so they can have enough money to rent an apartment to use as a base for fucking many men. why not just live with one cuck and fuck many men behind his back? because if he finds out and you're a NEET and he kicks you out, you're fucked and you can't fuck as many men as you could if you were self-reliant. this is why you NEVER even BOTHER with a girl who goes to college, because there is literally only one reason for a woman to ever go there and that is to increase the amount of men she can fuck. if an 18 year old girl planned on finding one man to live with and be a stay at home mom she would never bother with college because it would be a gigantic waste of time and money for her and would not further her towards her goal.

>> No.14510081

>stay at home dad
Doesn't work at all. The average time for divorce for a couple whose man stays at home unemployed is just a handful of years.
Women don't accept a househusband, at all, no matter how much she makes.

>> No.14510245

how could women applaud this when they are just being sucked into the machine to CONSOOM

>> No.14510362

10/10 ready to saddle up and ride through the fondue fountain and into the bold new future

>> No.14510369

not if you convert to islam

>> No.14510519

we just need to encourage the brown grooming & groping gangs to hook up with the desperate christmas cakes

>> No.14510707
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>>In any event, the real reason all of these women are single is that women will not date men that make less than them, generally speaking, and they won't date men who are less well educated than them, generally speaking.
You would think that given that traditional gender roles are no longer being restricted by gender, women would be looking for a man who is a good cook, can sew, etc. But we're seeing women being told to take on traditional male gender roles while still being encouraged to maintain the wants and needs of traditional female gender roles. This has far reaching consequences for both the economy and social stability.

>> No.14510728

date programmers

>> No.14511570

a woman in her 50s has like a 30x probability of having a kid with down syndrome.

i dont know if freezing the eggs between the ages of say 30 and 50 would decrease this risk, but that might be one issue.

Plus, fertility (prob of getting preggers) starts falling at 20 years old, so even pre-menopause, getting preggers at 50 is very low chance.

>> No.14511661

>Most seem to put off having kids because they aren't in a financially stable position.
Their definitions of "financial stability" are almost uniformly either vague or insane.

>> No.14511672

You seem to have no idea how pervasive and effective the propaganda telling women not to do this is, though. I mean, there's plenty of anti-NEET propaganda/social memes for men. Pretend it's 10x worse for women.

Also, you're leaving something out: these women don't want to be the sole sexual property of some schlub. Imagine you had to fuck a 2/10 fat uggo for the rest of your life. Of course, if you decide you can't get it up for her anymore, you get to take all of her stuff and everyone you know will tell you what a fucking Chad you are. That's what it's like for them.

>> No.14511673

Literally >>14497563 and >>14501904 but applied to women.

>> No.14511684

>your wife comes home wanting sex cause she has just worked all day
Anon I...

>> No.14511719

Women are all whores. We need to start creating humans via artificial wombs to get rid of the female equation.

>> No.14512056

I'm sure there are probably a few animu books on this issue.

>> No.14512202

33 is approaching GILF