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/lit/ - Literature

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14493584 No.14493584 [Reply] [Original]

>picked up a copy of "psychological writings and letters" from a used bookstore yesterday containing Freud's writings
>also picked up a very short intro to Jung

Everything else I see online are just shitty self help books written by people who aren't qualified

>> No.14493738

Freud at least is an interesting read and his theories are compelling but if you want to know about psychology that's relevant to the modern academic field you're better off finding some textbook pdfs online and reading those.

>> No.14493744

literature is a good way to get into psychology.
Freud is more of a literary commentator than a psychologist
Jung is some type of sage

>> No.14494146

The obvious suggestion is straight up textbooks, but I'm guessing that's not what you're looking for. Try The Man with a Shattered World by A.R. Luria. The subject matter is definitely not entry-level in terms of psychology, but the book is high in aesthetic to educational value ratio and accessible to laymen. It's been said of Luria's writing that 'science became poetry.'

>> No.14494363

Eros and Civilization by Marcuse is a good intro to Freudian psychology imo

>> No.14494374

Read a critique of Freud before he drags you down the rabbit hole.

>> No.14494838

Wtf is this thread. I love Freud, but if you are looking for a psychology book how about visiting the psych-aisle of your nearest book store? Stop wasting space here, get a life. How am i the first post to point this out, wtf.

>> No.14494974

>I love Freud
I hate jews

>> No.14495117

Well, that’s really hurtful. How would it feel to be more thoughtful?

>> No.14495120

>t. /pol/tard