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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 585x775, analyse-the-red-line-movie-la-ligne-rouge-film-terrence-malick-cinema-critique-poster-585x775[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14491029 No.14491029 [Reply] [Original]

What are some actually philosophical movies ? I.e. movies where non trivial philosophy can be found, like Terrence Malick movies which are argued to be heideggerians, I'm not talking about those hundreds of movies about utilitarism vs deontology

>> No.14491041
File: 26 KB, 220x314, 220px-The_Tragedy_of_Man_film_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14491045

Good Time unironically believes in good and evil. Haven't seen Uncut Gems yet but I'm looking forward to it based on GT and daddy long legs.

>> No.14491047

The Lighthouse

>> No.14491056


>> No.14491068

What was philosophical about two dudes gping crazy on a rock?

>> No.14491074

Harold and Kumar go to white castle

>> No.14491078

Literally everything.

>> No.14491091

Please develop

>> No.14491108

The Matrix is Plato's allegory of the cave

>> No.14491115

This is genuinely not related to literature in the slightest.

>> No.14491147

/lit/ is basically a philosophy board though

>> No.14491154

Not really.

>> No.14491157


>> No.14491167

The last temptation of Christ

>> No.14491170

/lit/ is still much better equipped to answer OP than /tv/

>> No.14491177

It's full of mainstream feminist theory if that's what you're after

>> No.14491224


>> No.14491236

there's anons on /tv/ with much better film recs than the average /lit/ pseud

>> No.14491250

Those are rare. /tv/ is just edgy r/movies for the most part.

>> No.14491258

don't watch movies for philosophy and don't post here for movies

>> No.14491269

/tv/ does have some real kino connoisseurs but, I'm not being hyperbolic when I say this, the board is 99% shitposting about Current Year nonsense.

>> No.14491281
File: 1.84 MB, 2300x2184, patrician films (2012).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Movies aren't meant to be philosophical. They're meant to dazzle and entertain. Contents can approach genuine feeling though.

>> No.14491305

>the thin red line
I didn't get the point of this movie. Did Witt just decide to embrace death as being better than life or what?

>> No.14491308

I didn't get the point either. So that must be really heideggerian

>> No.14491316

It is essentially a leftist film about how masculinity is an artifical construct, and in a wider (more religious) sense it's a Luciferian film about how humanity fails to tame nature with higher principles.
You have the Dick (the Lighthouse, the men, the civilization, the sailor code, the "beans") and the Pussy (the stormy sea, the unstable weather, the mermaid, animals, nature). The struggle between the entropic and firm, the Feminine and Masculine. The two men's identities are revealed to be fabrications later on (and they're apparently latently gay), implying that masculinity is invented and false. Then the dude climbs the dick and the dicktip makes him insane because the lighthouse actually "works" for the sea, its civilizational dignified context is a lie.
And I didn't pull this out of my ass, Eggers and Defoe both said the film is about "toxic masculinity", and his previous film The Vvitch is also about some Luciferian mainstream feminist cringe IIRC.
The Greek mythology shit is mostly window dressing, at least I can't find a way it's linked to the main point of the film.
One very similar film to this is The Lighthouse Keepers by Jean Gremillon, which is also about two dudes going insane in a lighthouse and also about nature vs. civilization, but without the gender shit.

>> No.14491320

>Marketa Lazarova
>Holy Mountain
>Come and See
>Funny Games
Just a couple off hand

>> No.14491324

Life? He was surrounded. Even if he didn't know how Japanese treat their prisoners it's not unreasonable to see it as something that happened on the spur of the moment.
I don't think the important part of that scene or the movie is what Witt thinks, but what happens to him.

>> No.14491334

I found them great except "Marketa Lazarova" which I couldn't finish

Could you elaborate on this one ?

>> No.14491336

Thanks for this post.

>> No.14491343

What do you even mean by that? What classifies a film as philosophical?

>> No.14491348
File: 193 KB, 450x418, Cancerous Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end of art is nigh.

>> No.14491351

Not really honestly, its one of the hardest movies ive seen recently and I really need to rewatch it to start to form a more concrete view of it

>> No.14491352

Marketa Lazarova is utterly beautiful, I think aesthetics-wise it either speaks to you or it doesn't.
It's based on a novel that's a classic of Czech literature, that eschews classic narrative in favor of aesthetics, experimentation and playing with the beauty of Czech language. The film is along the same terms, but through visual, filmic grammar.
The very first lines of the film just say that the actual story isn't that important, and this is the key to how you should view it.
There's also lots of Paganism vs. Christianity stuff that people who are more knowledgeable about the novel might know more about. It's been years since I've seen the film and I haven't read the book.

>> No.14491361

This makes me like the films a little bit more. I'm not such a huge fan of eggers. But, these things you discussed are prevalent ideas that form the basis of a lot of feminist thought which drives a ton of mainstream shit in the current year. I'm glad somebody's excavating the foundational principles and putting them out there for people to think about. I don't believe the thesis of "the vvitch" and "the lighthouse" is blatantly in favor of these feminist liberationist principles, rather it presents them to the audience to chew on.

>> No.14491380

This thread was moved to >>>/tv/127236115

>> No.14491380,2 [INTERNAL] 

someone said uncut gems, I recommend it! gives u anxiety, but it's an extraordinary movie and adam sandler is such a good actor, not how u used to see him

>> No.14491380,5 [INTERNAL] 

My friend was just looking for this information. Thanks