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14490998 No.14490998[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When this goblin cackles, I feel joy like no other. I know the battle is over. Brainpower wins yet again, and the pseudo intellectual rhetoricians go back to their holes. It feels good to think. It feels good to win.

>> No.14491031
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>Reminder to ignore all pseudointellectual rhetoriticians and instead go and read the complete works of Śaṅkarācārya, Guénon, al-Ġazālī, Plotinus, Abhinavagupta, Ibn ʿArabi, Jñāneśvar, Plato, Böhme, Kabīr, Ismāʿīl Ḥaḳḳī al-Brūsawī, Ānandavardhana, Iamblichus, Najmuddīn-e Kubrā, Palamas, Dattatreya, Gauḍapāda, Dölpopa, Han Yu, Mulla Sadrā, Coomaraswamy, Vaśiṣṭha, Bonaventure, Sanā'ī, Vyāsa, Ya'qūb al-Sijistānī, Vidyāraṇya, Longchenpa, Kṣemarāja, Damascius, Gurū Nānak, Baba Afzal, Śrīharṣa, Laozi, Matsyendranātha, Porphyry, Jāmī, Meister Eckhart, Madhusūdana Sarasvatī, Zhuangzi, ibn Khaldūn, Syrianus, Frithjof Schuon, Asaṅga, Bhaṭṭa Kallaṭa, Suhrawardī, van Ruysbroec, Kūkai, Jean Borella, Bādarāyaṇa, Clement of Alexandria, Vālmīki, Nṛsimhāshrama, Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi, Gorakhnath, Eriugena, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Chitsukha, Qūnawī, Somananda, Rangjung Dorje, Patañjali, Namdev, Aṭṭār, Rāmānujā, Shao Yong, Uždavinys and Ibn Bājja

>> No.14491055
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rent free

>> No.14491151

I already won, wee ant.

>> No.14491272

site was better when yotsuba edits got banned