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14489229 No.14489229 [Reply] [Original]

Remove if off-topic, but...

Is it possible that becoming a NEET is true enlightenment in the post-industrial revolution world?

>> No.14489260

Yes or marry a traditional catholic girl who does not watch tv or netflix

>> No.14489267

Those who are NEETs often find themselves in that lifestyle because they've failed, or were unable, to become well-adjusted individuals who can contribute to society and maintain a stable education/career unlike normies who are usually able to do these things pretty naturally. It's rarely a conscious choice, people who tell themselves that are often just coping. There are tons of people who are miserable being wageslaves but they simply know the reality of the world as it is. If you care at all about having financial stability, a house/car, true independence, healthcare, a lifestyle you can proudly claim you've cultivated yourself, a good reputation among your peers, etc. you have to play by these rules 9 times out of 10. "Don't hate the player, hate the game" is a pretty much the case. If you don't serve the interests of modern American capitalism, you'll become disposable and much more likely to be eliminated from the gene pool.

>> No.14489277

Not the OP but I'm actually saving money to become "NEET". I don't care about the rat race. I want my daily life to be nothing else than leisurely appreciation of the arts.

>> No.14489280


I work 40 hours a week and I still can't afford to live on my own and support myself, it's truly over.

>> No.14489291
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What do your genes matter when they submit to the ultimate slave morality of banal masochism?

>> No.14489294

Why should we care about our genes anyway?

>> No.14489310

The economy is in the shitter and the president is a dead-beat pettifogger/Illuminati prick. The Young of America are fucked, especially if you come from a broken home.

>> No.14489324

I agree. Over the next few generations modern capitalism will cull anyone who doesn't submit to the mindless worker ant standards that it desires. It's already beginning. Many people of good caliber who value other things above material comforts, consumerism, and status will go extinct. That includes many people on this board.

>> No.14489325

All I want is a house and independence but I’m confident I can attain those without working. The rest is trivial folly only uncultured swine would ever strive for

>> No.14489342
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Transcendental Darwinism

>> No.14489349

It's true. The Chad is simply the exterior of the Ubermensch, a husk of the Last Man.

>> No.14489362


That's a frightening and penetrating oracle Anon.

>> No.14489368

I don't know what this "Transcendental" refers to but yes, there is a competition in nature. But just because there is a competition doesn't mean you have to compete. Absolute retards have beget tenfolds while many great men have died childless. It doesn't mean anything

>> No.14489456

>you'll become disposable
Most of us are already disposable.
>eliminated from the gene pool.
Don't care. I have bigger problems.

>> No.14489528

A period of NEETness seems fine. Full commitment to NEET as an identity is admirable in only the rare exception where the individual is creating something meaningful to them, but their society deems their industry worthless.

>> No.14489534

like pottery

>> No.14489551
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>I wish my slaves would stop crying after I whip them. It makes me feel bad.

>> No.14489676

As former neet for years currently back in studying I can attest that neetlife is truly enlightenment. I will go back to that lifestyle after I graduated.

>> No.14489684

enlightenment is never an empirical thing, but simply a matter of a certain degree of consciousness about how things work.

>> No.14489706

seven years NEET here. experienced everything from having a group of friends made in my twenties who are now gone (I've never really had friends it was a first), falling in love only to watch them go, to dying twice from overdosing. I feel I pushed myself in every which way to experience life in all aspects. When I was younger this was a more reckless feeling and got me out the house. Now it's seven years later I'm back at my mother's house posting on the computer like I did as a teenager. Full circle. I feel pretty enlightened about the world, I've seen and experienced things that if I had gone a typical route I wouldn't have. But I'm also tired and defeated. Simply put this world wants you dead, or to wind up crazy and relying on state support. Sometimes I see myself ten years in the future. I'm still at my mother's house, I'm overweight, I let the depression eat at my brain, I look all the marks of a loner shut in too mentally retarded for the world. There is a balance as a NEET, you can improve and expand yourself in ways beyond the mechanisation of the world but also you fall prey to your own self constructed precipices.