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/lit/ - Literature

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14486361 No.14486361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ like to bookmog brainlets on public transportation?

>> No.14486461

>read guenon on the ferry
>no one is surprised or shocked
Fucking plebs might not even know about Guenon

>> No.14486464

redpill me on guenon

>> No.14486471

like here, it's all a status game for them.

>> No.14486491
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I remember all those famous speeches Hitler gave about the need to wash your penis and clean your room.

>> No.14486493

I wonder how many degrees of separation this woman's opinions on the book have from the text itself. Has she read it? Read tweets by someone who has? Read tweets by someone who heard on Twitter that Jordan Peterson is bad from someone who saw it on CNN who had their intern skim the Wikipedia article on it between posts to Instagram?

>> No.14486507


>> No.14486515
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>young man sincerely (though misguidely) seeks to improve himself
>devotes himself to the pursuit of transcending the petty, vacuous system that stifles his soul and seeks only to squeeze as much capital out of him as possible before tossing him aside for the next interchangeable cog all while calling his sex and race the root of all evil
Bros, what is even the point? Should we even consider women human? They all have the essence of a parasite but without any of the parasitic cunning.
What am I supposed to be lifting for at this point?

>> No.14486528

Seething polbabies

>> No.14486545

Literally probably one of the safest things to read in public. I can guarantee you 99.99% of the general public has never even heard of the man

>> No.14486564
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>Reading Fanged Noumena at the plane
>Man next to me keep glancing at it, almost reading it with me
>Gets increasingly and increasingly more nervous
>Take out my phone instead

>> No.14486565

>Jordan "Stay in academia, don't question the systems that bind you" Gatekeeperson
Coping il/lit/erate

>> No.14486639

i've stopped peaking at what people read on the subway because i get depressed.
last weak i saw the most nerdy looking oaf with a pro-eu, neolib piece of shit propaganda "journalist" book. he was so absorbed, with an almost religious devotion, he unironically resembled cattle

>> No.14486846

>read Junger’s wartime diaries at work
>guy asks me what i’m reading
>show him. “Its not really a book per-say, just the dairy of this German officer stationed in Paris during the 1940s...”
>”You mean during Hitler’s occupation”
>”Yeah. But he was a career soldier, and really a kind soul deep down. He was fighting for his country, but hates fascist ideology.”
>”But he was a nazi”
>”Technically he was just a soldier. Like in this passage he describes how terrible he felt rounding up Jews, and how ashamed be was of his uniform at that instance”.
>”But really most of the book isn’t even about that. Its mostly him writing about different dreams he had and having dinner with different writers and artists. Did you know he met Picasso?” I proceed to read him a paticularly beautiful passage about Junger trying to identify a moth he caught in the garden
>Uncomfortable silence for the rest of my shift

>> No.14486977


>> No.14487018


>> No.14487035

thanks for the good laugh

>> No.14487065
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I guess I bookmog brainlets simply by reading books on public transport at all. Mann's Magic Mountain was quite the brick though. Felt a bit silly to read it on the bus, but that wasn't enough to stop me.

>> No.14487104

based af

>> No.14487117

Jordan Peterson preaches individualism, liberalism and philosemitism, he's pretty much the opposite of a nazi.
I read actual nazi literature in public all the time and nobody cares, since leftists are dumb NPC's who don't know any authors outside of their echo chamber.
At most they'll know the neo-cons and alt-lite e-celebs that are heavily promoted by Jewish-owned media outlets, like Ben Shapiro, Crowder, Peterson etc.

>> No.14487137
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>I read actual nazi literature in public all the time
like what?

>> No.14487156

not him but I read Evola

>> No.14487178

i regularly read "why all fucking niggers must ufcking hang" by adolf hitler in public, and sometimes i put the dust jacket on other books i read in public (recently did this with infinite jest)

>> No.14487239

Right now I'm reading "Revolution From Above" by Kerry Bolton. We had a thread with decent suggestions for right-wing literature in e.g. >>14164619

>> No.14487272

>falling for such an obvious bait

Definitively /pol/

>> No.14487281

>nazi literature
>being a decent right-wing suggestion
That's like saying a Marx book is a decent suggestion for left-wing literature

>> No.14487298

>reading A Thousand Plateaus in local coffee shop
>girl I know comes in and notices me, walks over smiling
>asks if she can see what I’m reading
>hand her the book and she reads:
>A field of anuses, just like a pack of wolves. Does not the child, on the periphery, hold onto the wolves by his anus? The jaw descends to the anus. Hold onto those wolves by your jaw and your anus.
>gives it back and gives me a concerned look and then says bye
>refuses to make eye contact with me whenever I now see her

>> No.14487312

Id literally spit on someone if i see them reading guenon in public

>> No.14487313

>reading in a coffee shop

>> No.14487322

Is this book any good? I disagree with him a lot on politics but I've heard he gives good advice to young men

>> No.14487336

No; just be yourself bro

>> No.14487341

Yup, pretty much

>> No.14487350

>the man who in some way influenced all leftist thought after himself
>not a decent left-wing suggestion
Everyone after Marx was in some way playing with his ideas, everyone should at least understand his main ideas if you plan on dealing with anything political across the spectrum after him.

>> No.14487373

>one woman
>all women

>> No.14487376

>sweet man
that's a vile lout in trackies and runners. Avoid such scum whatever tome they're clutching

>> No.14487378
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You'll unironically get more out of this image

>> No.14487379

This is ironic

>> No.14487393

Was reading Madame Bovary while getting my emissions checked today. The tech commented on my bookmark which was a dollar bill I had lying around in my truck. It's okay though I don't read to be noticed

>> No.14487419
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>oh how sweet, a man reading in the cafeteria...wait...no...fuck

>> No.14487451

t. hasn't read Evola

>> No.14487461

I like the ambience and being around people when I read

>> No.14487474

> genuinely claiming anon seethes and then turning around and pretending it was a bait from the start

Definitive il/lit/erate

>> No.14487498
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I'm 100% convinced physiognomy is real. Every single woman I have met with this facial structure was a dumb whore.

>> No.14487513

>this is in nyc
there better not be lib sluts taking pics of me reading dostoevsky on the train and making fun of me on twitter for not reading something gay and feminized like tolstoy instead

>> No.14487543
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I sometimes wonder if anyone has ever taken a pic of me reading

>> No.14487560

I’ve tried reading on the subway but focusing on the text while the car bumps around plus the pee smell and noise made me want to vomit

>> No.14487565

How many women could you have possibly have met and interacted with long enough to make that judgement?

>> No.14487567

he’s right you know

>> No.14487571

A lot, because I'm not socially inept.

>> No.14487579

How many is "a lot" compared to the entire population of women across the globe?

Perhaps, but he isn't convincing.

>> No.14487610

I'm convinced I stumbled across a nerve-stricken roastie, for you to persist over a half-joke on a Cantonese corn shucking forum.
"A lot" as in enough.

>> No.14487616

Your sense of balance is a pussy

>> No.14487621

>he isn’t an amateur physiognomist

>> No.14487623

I'm no roastie, just a run of the mill retard.

>> No.14487636
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>I'm no roastie, just a run of the mill retard.
A bit redundant.

>> No.14487651

I don’t understand why women think that book is some alt-right handbook. It’s literally just a boring self help book. There is nothing in there that could be considered controversial

>> No.14487661

>Perhaps, but he isn't convincing.
It's not supposed to be convincing. He pointed out something that was self-evident and other posters agreed

>> No.14487680

Self-help is alt-right. I hate to use the term but it's literally a shit-test. Alt-right is a term to denote social heresy to the dominant worldview and self-help is a way low-status males attempt to make themselves high-status males. The neo-puritan feminist thot naturally is hostile to low-status men potentially "tricking" other women that he's high-status and reproducing with them so she denounces his attempts to better himself in the hope that his genes are filtered out of the gene pool.

>> No.14487718

Yes, it's a good book. I'm an atheist and I enjoyed even the parts about religious symbolism.

>> No.14487737
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>social heresy
>high-status males
>neo-puritan feminist thot

>> No.14487742


This is how these people think about Peterson's book. Everything he says is recontextualized, striped away from who his audience is (that's not to say mass shooters, but generally alienated young men, who at the extreme end up along those terms), and also every generalization he makes that may be very accurate for this subset is nitpicked to hell. I don't care for Peterson, but I think the people trying to tear him down for trying to help a group of people that society has no care for are ultimately sociopathic .

>> No.14487759
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>> No.14487794

>I don't care for Peterson, but I think the people trying to tear him down for trying to help a group of people that society has no care for are ultimately sociopathic.
Yes, perfect remark. He's just trying to help people teaching for instance to be careful with "bad" (delinquent) friends, or that you should always tell the truth, or at least not lie. Only some sociopath would hate Jordan Peterson for this.