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14485813 No.14485813 [Reply] [Original]

I hate everyone but I'm very lonely and desperate for love, friendship, and affection. I also hate myself. What should I read? Nothing too difficult, I'm pretty dumb.

>> No.14485833

Don’t worry Anon one day you’ll find the love you’re looking for.

>> No.14485841

12 Rules for Life by Jordan B Peterson.

>> No.14485855

If I do they won't want anything to do with me.
I don't want to improve. That's too difficult.

>> No.14485858

>I don't want to improve.
So what the fuck do you want?

>> No.14485866

You love your self-pity and are wallowing in it to make yourself feel better instead of risking the pain of permanent change. Read Plato.

>> No.14485896

I think it's pathetic that policitized anglo children team up on discord to raid boards and forums. Lmao, think about it. This is the lowest humanity has ever gotten to.

absolutely nothing to do with this thread, just sharing my thoughts.

>> No.14485938

You said you’re desperate for human connection, and you hate yourself?
Improvement is the only option. Are you afraid that you’ll turn into the very people you hate?
You don’t have to, just become the best version of yourself.
Read ancient philosophy.

>> No.14485948

try knight in a rusty armor. its short and you can find it online

>> No.14485970

wtf are you talking about? is this some sort of conspiracy theory? anglo children? pls elaborate

>> No.14485977


>> No.14485998

This guy is not gonna gain anything from reading ancient philosophy. Best case scenario, he's still miserable but now has an insufferable air of self-importance

>> No.14486006

my diary desu. Today my therapist asked me why I don't want relationships and after doing a schizoid explanation of why for half an hour, I had a dissasociative episode. Maybe just mildly related to your request, but a large theme in American Psycho is about contrasting selves and apparent desires.

>> No.14486131

stop making these threads, you’ll never get an actual answer

>> No.14486164

the bible

>> No.14486668

Books are not meant for self improvement.

>> No.14487213

Try reading Notes from Underground. It's not difficult to read and it's about a self hating & everybody else hating dude (he gets his love and affection from a Latvian prostitute).

You can more explicitly LARP love and affection by reading erotica written by females.

>> No.14487230
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>> No.14487572

Why would I ever read translated fiction?

>> No.14487869

This shit seems obscenely gay, my man