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File: 194 KB, 1032x473, 9poqprm3s6c21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14485793 No.14485793 [Reply] [Original]

>For each aspect of life there is an incredibly powerful god with their own character and vision, hence the chaos in the universe
>Dude theres only one God he's like the best being possible and loves humans and he can do ANYTHING except actually help humanity by destroying evil but that's like part of his super mysterious plan that's not for us to understand lmao

>> No.14485805

A thread died for this
In an ideal world, you would die for this too

>> No.14485810


>> No.14485830

"depicted as a frail old man"

lmao, the depiction of God as an old man literally comes from the first Greek converts to Christianity who depicted him as Zeus. So the image literally comes from Paganism.

Checkmate polytheists.

>> No.14485834

Why would God use primitive mortal weapons? He IS the weapon.

>> No.14485860
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>> No.14485869

>frail old man
Nice try christcuck.

>> No.14485880
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>if you kill your enemies they can't be badgered into fellow miseryguts

>> No.14485895


>> No.14485897

Polytheism is groovy sex and drugs my man! But I'm also a very spiritual person

>> No.14485906

>dude the Dawn is *literally* performed by one of Zeus's helpers lmao
the greeks were cringe. Only relevant for anthropological reasons.

>> No.14485908

It shouldn't be that difficult for the almighty logos to decipher.

>> No.14485911


>> No.14485919
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>spend 2000 years copying them and trying to reach their level
>only because they were cringe

>> No.14485921

God is never even depicted as anything.

>> No.14485922

>monotheism/polytheism dichotomy
Only the Hindus got it right

>> No.14485929

To be fair, that doesnt like Jupiter.

>> No.14485933


>> No.14485935
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>> No.14485949

If you're going to play make believe polytheism is the way to go. So much more room for nuance when you break the good/evil duality imposed by monotheism. All of our progress stemmed from polytheism. Monotheism's glory days spawned the dark ages. Fuck monotheism and its too rigid structure to describe the complexity of subgroups existing in a society.

>> No.14485955

look like*

>> No.14485957

You mean Guenon.

>> No.14485963

>All of our progress stemmed from polytheism.
It's being dead for thousands of years.
>Fuck monotheism and its too rigid structure to describe the complexity of subgroups existing in a society.
Muh diversity. Fuck off.

>> No.14485971

Monotheists are the dumbest dimwits to ever exist. Death to all abrahamists.

>> No.14485991


>> No.14485992

>good/evil duality imposed by monotheism
You are so retarded lmao.
Good/evil is imposed on us by freedom which turns us into moral agents, not to mention that a dualism implies that we talk about to equivalent forces, when in fact, good exists regardless of evil, while evil depends on good.

>> No.14486010

virgin "odin", "thor", etc vs Chad God/Allah/YHWH

>> No.14486013


>> No.14486020

Imagine typing this shit with a straight face.

>> No.14486027

It's pretty standard neoplatonic thought.

>> No.14486029

wow you really showed them

>> No.14486031

>Allah/Yahweh btfo's every other pagan god from the east to the west
really makes you think

>> No.14486036


>> No.14486042

what level of retardation is this

>> No.14486048

Imagine actually believing that shit

>> No.14486066

Holy fucking Christcuck spam.

>> No.14486081
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>> No.14486119

The image is literally the same, regardless of OPs choice of words

>> No.14486283

It took the Renaissance and a bunch of rebels covertly inserting polytheism influence into Christianity to jump start progress again. But, by the time the revolution bore fruit, it had fueled progress to the creation of technology.

Subgroups exist regardless of race. If we killed all the niggers we would just focus on hating and killing the white niggers. Just because a culture has a propensity to churn out a high rate of undesirable individuals, doesn't mean every culture is immune from producing undesirable elements. I'm not arguing for cultural parity or against racism, but the problem runs deeper than merely race.

>> No.14486284

>good/evil duality
Good and evil are absolute. Ditheism is better than polytheism.

>> No.14486333

A modern problem we have is the benefits of the tools created by polytheism, but we discarded the cultural values and knowledge that produced those tools. It's like inventing the calculator and then not teaching children multiplication. For all they care, multiplication is entering inputs into a machine and reading the result. As if monotheism's all encompassing "love" could stand in for a pantheon of motivations. One where love is a respected member, but not a tyrant.

>> No.14486340

Job is postironic though. And your criticism is retarded when directed at a pagan since they generally have far more cruel gods.
Your false religion simply exists as an abstraction between faith and knowledge, never attaining either.

>> No.14486583

smar and succinct post

>> No.14487098
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>worshiping women
>cherry picking historical facts

>> No.14487251

worst post on lit

>> No.14487253

The proper way to critique a virgin vs chad meme is to swap the virgin and chad around not just nitpick.

>They're all strawman with cherry picked facts

>> No.14487337

Goddesses are not women, retard.

>> No.14487430

Uh, yes they are. They’re “gods” with vaginas

>> No.14487456

This guy gets it

>> No.14487827
File: 225 KB, 768x1118, 128-lord-krishna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thesis: Polytheism
Antithesis: Monotheism
Dialectical-Synthesis: all the gods are emanations of the one Supreme Being

>> No.14487899

Polytheism is ancient capeshit, prove me wrong

>> No.14487919

It’s something between capeshit and celebrity lives, although much more entertaining.

>> No.14487923

this is seriously my mentality

>> No.14487930

yeah, you're not supposed to take religions seriously

>> No.14487955

You’re supposed to take them very seriously, just not literally

>> No.14488099

My own reflections on this subject have led me to the following ideas:
>Everything is an expression of will of some kind. A seed becomes an oak tree because the seed wills it, not from a mixture of outside material such as dirt and sun coming together in a purely mechanical process.
>Awareness of being is not the same as being. A rock is. A human is aware that it is, but both are, and exist in some concrete form, and exist due to their own will-to-existence. Spengler described how this same principle applies to nations. Polytheism applies this principle to aspects of reality.
>There is a highest will in the universe, since no one thing could will the entire universe to exist on its own, and any thing is never simply the sum of its parts. This is why any reasonable person must accept the truth of monotheism
>HOWEVER the individual aspects must also exert some kind of will and power on the universe. Giving them an image, a name, invoking them with rituals and so on can be extremely powerful and beneficial if done properly
>putting any one aspect alongside the great and singular one in the universe is a discrace however. Since it takes the lower and places it on the thrown of the higher.
>Christians tend to place aspects, peace, love, truth, etc. In the place of the highest principle, since it makes it more palatable for them. These things are certainly valuable and good, of course, but they are the mere shadows of God/YWAH/Allah at best. Therefore most Christians are engaging in Idol worship and that is why they are constantly disappointed with the material world.
>Prophets and revelations are true, but since God is beyond good and evil, so to speak, I earnest believe that some revealed prophecy could potentially be lies. Heaven and hell in paticular seem like noble lies made to trick naturally resentful and jealous people into acting well
>Athiests think of God as some kind of tyrant because they are naturally tyrants themselves, and cannot imagine or accept anything higher than themselves from the darkness of their minds eye.
>Prayer is done to escape yourself and your ego, and to recognize what is highest. Expecting divine rewards for it is petty and miserly. Job had it right, and most theists are absolutely wrong in this regard.
>Langauge is magic, since it allows for meaning to be imparted into the symbolic. Therefore for ones own sake you should hold your tongue.
>Death is like a tree shedding its leafs, or a changing of clothes. We do not differentiate one fire from another, but we differentiate the divine fire inside peoples because it is given one form or another, and the external varies in shapes and names.
>The cleanest water in the world would be dirtied if poured into a filthy cup. For this reason taking care of yourself, exercise, healthy eating, abstinence from sin, etc. Is a necessity. Expecting reward for this is the expression of resentment and ego.

>> No.14488675

Missing the point this hard.

>> No.14489182


>> No.14489215

>t. samefag

>> No.14489503

Jesus died young and healthy

>> No.14489543
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>> No.14489590
File: 10 KB, 282x179, Ahura Mazda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noone mentions Zoroastrarianism
Funny, considering it inspired Abrahamic mythology with its theme of duality