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14485689 No.14485689 [Reply] [Original]

Is this any good?

>> No.14485700

yes its very good you should read it

>> No.14485702

A friend of mine that likes politics and economy said that it's interesting.

>> No.14485704

haven't read but it's probably neoclassical bullshit
read marx instead

>> No.14485718

Endorsed by Goldman Sachs. Something tells me it will not question the status quo.

>> No.14485782
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Go for it. I just finished pic related and highly recommend it. Protip: familiarize yourself with the place names of Russia, Asia, and the middle East before if you plan on reading Cohen.

>> No.14487195

Bump for intellectual discussion

>> No.14487284

read zeihan instead

>> No.14487538

Ignore the 3rd world, anon. Read Gilpin, Waltz, and Jervis instead.

>> No.14487617

It’s on the list, so yeah.

>World History and Geography
- Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty - Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson
- Atlas of the World
- International History of the Twentieth Century and beyond - Antony Best
- The Heritage of World Civilizations - A.M. Craig
- Guns, Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond
(Heavy emphasis on geography to the point of dooming races even though he set out to combat racism. “geographic realism” was a failed centrist project to avoid racism. the right tore it apart for avoiding the obvious but politically correct answers while the left tore it apart because they realized that it led any person with a brain straight to the same unpleasant conclusion )
- The Spirit of Democracy: The Struggle to Build Free Societies throughout the World -Jared Diamond
- Civilization: The West and the Rest - Niall Ferguson
- A History of the Twentieth Century - Martin Gilbert
- From the Ruins of Empire: The Revolt against the West and the Remaking of Asia - Pankaj Mishra

>> No.14487685

Source on the list?

>> No.14487690

>Guns, Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond
absolutely no serious historian takes Jared Diamond seriously. It's an infamously terrible book full of drooling retarded "maked dende so mudtst be thru" conclusions. The explanations in your parentheses understate how garbage his books are

>> No.14487692

It's pop political science. The argument the authors advance is that inclusive and stable institutions, both civil and political, are the most important factor in determining why any state is successful. It's an easy read but once you start paying attention to this genre you'll realize that every few years or so another "keystone" factor to solving the problem of comparative politics is discovered. If you go into this book understanding that you're reading a slightly more elevated Jared Diamond I think you'll enjoy it.

>> No.14487816

That’s a terrible list

>> No.14487937


>> No.14488537
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What are some actually good books on this subject?

>> No.14488545


>> No.14488588

egregious faggoty shilling for the US state department that was so gay that even fukuyama thought it was shit

>> No.14488616

you're a fucking retard.

Read Braudel and Zeihan

>> No.14488754

This seems like the geopolitics thread so I'll ask here
In Peter zeihan's book the accidental superpower he mentions some very interesting features of the Chinese economy (and state control over it) which books are a good resource on the Chinese economy and government influence on it?

>> No.14488756

>the origins of poverty

Nature? Poverty is the default state of existence

>> No.14488848
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Also, https://opensyllabus.org/results-list/titles?size=50&findWorks=geopolitics

>> No.14488851

Neck yourself

>> No.14489542

Obviously its pop science, since this is simplified and easy to consume conclusions to his research papers. If you wanted to learn anything in-depth you wouldn't be reading books, but research papers. It's a common problem in economics and I-R field.

>> No.14489721

Why do people waste their time reading this drivel
why not read about hard reality, you have the names of important figures and people who were on important positions during important times, go read their diaries instead of this trash

>> No.14489774
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>Guns, Germs and Steel

>> No.14489917

Bro, seriously?

>> No.14489960

You will come to that conclusion as well
Reality is so much simpler than all this drivel

>> No.14490028

Yo, where do I find these books? Are these research papers? You've got source anon?

>> No.14490248

All you've done is restate what I've said with slightly less information on the book we're trying to discuss.
Francis Fukuyama and Schumpeter have produced some really relevant and readable books on this subject. In particular, I recommend Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.

>> No.14490538 [DELETED] 
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>Yo, where do I find these books?
Libgen, archive.org, b-ok, etc.
Are these research papers?
Some are journals, which you can usually find free using Google + scihub

Other suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated

>> No.14490568
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>where do I find these books?
Libgen, archive.org, b-ok, etc.
>Are these research papers?
Some are journals, which you can usually find for free using Google + sci-hub

>> No.14490645

Hopkins blew the fuck out their 'Why is Africa poor' research