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14485226 No.14485226 [Reply] [Original]

I think Marxism is a bastardization of Hegelianism. Hegelianism is idealistic, which means mind and matter are part of one universal idea. Marx cleaved Hegel's idealism from the universal idea and left only the materialism. Subsequently you have a cult which worships "science" and "the inevitable downfall of capitalism", as opposed to Hegel who declared the end of history. Francis Fukuyama declared the end of history after the fall of the soviet union I believe as a homage to true Hegelianism.

Marx is essentially bypassing the problem of induction, the one which says science can't predict the future, or that in the future science will be the same as it is now, and says that it, "dialectical materialism" (as opposed to "dialectic" between subject and object), is "scientific", in its prediction. It not only trips over the problem of induction, it makes deductive claims about reality in "the material world", like the shadowy Bourgeoisie and Proletariat, as if these are not both dichotomies which exist within us all.

Marx is an antiChrist of sorts. He has his own judgement day, the revolution, his own bible, the Communist Manifesto, his own spiritual belief about materialism being the true substance of nature. It even has original sin - the bourgeoisie.

>> No.14485377
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Liberalism and marxism are both secularized protestant dogma. The opposition between liberals and marxists is not one based around excludent desired ends but around the avaible means.
Only principled anti-humanism could ever hope to win against them in the long run.

(Read "The Leap" by Bill Hopkins)

>> No.14485414

Cringe. Never gonna make it.

The real answer is meta-zealous pro-humanism.

>> No.14486712

You are just placing the word ironic in front of something cringe and pretending it became based. Non-religious humanism is pure cringe and religious humanism is a waste of time. The only answer is anti-humanism.

>> No.14487809

Stop incentivizing retards to outbreed. Any system should reinforce productive incentives.
To attempt to eliminate failure is to increase the net amount of pain in any system by pricing the helpless out of the labor market. Utopia will never exist, there must be allowed room for failure for evolution to occur. The contrast is imperative.

>> No.14487946

And you’re just figuring this shit out?

>> No.14487960

how come his predictions are spot on then lol

>> No.14487991

>Francis Fukuyama is a truer Hegelian than Marx
off yourself you literal retard but read Hegel first