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14481608 No.14481608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why Star wars sequel trilogy failed, utilizing the lessons learned by reading Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a thousand faces"
With everyone being up in arms over the new star wars trilogy i thought i'd take a moment to point out the true reason the fan base is divided. It doesn't have shit to so with a black stormtrooper or the asian chick. its entirely plot based. In his book, Campbell goes on to talk about how after the hero has completed their journey then the story is over. Luke skywalker became a jedi and redeemed his father. anything after that doesnt make the arc any better because it falls outside of the fundementals of the story arc. its just extra and unnecessary. Rey wasn't AS well written, but by saddling her arc with a continuation of Lukes to fight a new enemy that was never accounted for in the original works, then the overall story suffers. (cont.)

>> No.14481632
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theres a reason there isn't supposed to be a follow up to lord of the rings or harry potter or the matrix, despite there going to be a 4th movie this year. afer the final evil is conquered by the hero, the story ends. in the hary potter books, the reader is led to believe that Voldemort is the biggest, baddest, nastiest, undead, most dangerous fucker there is and that if the heroes can kill him then everything will be ok. well, they did. thats the end. the only way J.K. rowling could have continued her story with harry being anywhere involved, (or not involved for that matter) then she owuld have had to plant the seed of a second or greater evil by alluding to it in the original works. forgot to do it before the last page? oops, too late now.

>> No.14481638

It's less complicated then that. It's because the movies are boring. Theres no tension, to chemistry between the characters, no romance, nothing very funny or sad, things just happen.

>> No.14481642

Nah... It's really only because they tried multiple directors, like they did with Marvel.

>> No.14481658

>It's really only because they tried multiple directors
That's the biggest issue. I think there's some problems with how much of a commentary they want it to be too, like the original was a strong freedom vs fascist story, whereas the politics here is meh. That's disneyfication, they want to have Stormtroopers marching through Disneyland without people thinking "Nazis", same with merch.

>> No.14481676
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anything added after the triumph or death of the hero at the climax is entirely secondary and a sign of poor writing. i learned about this early on the early 90's when i was reading dragonlance. the characters all come together to fight Khatarsis, queen of the darkness in CHRONICLES and it was fine. grossly derivative of LOTR, but fine. in the end, the heroes come full circle and complete their journey, evil is defeated, blah blah blah, the end. good job. but as i can imagine has happened to numerous writers. youve put out your big work to a great reception and you get paid.... for awhile. after a few years the revenue stream drie up and you need to get cracking on a new I.P. or youve got to go get a job like the rest of the world. it inevitably become easier to add a caboose to the train youve already created then to start over. AND THATS WHEN IT HAPPENS. "hey! what if the character had kids?!" well,that happend to Weis and Hickman and they put out the "2nd generation" telling of the heroes offspring. Readers will never find it as satisfying because the original plot never left anything in the tank to carry over for the kids to have anything to fight with that was a serious enough threat.

>> No.14481697
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eve if the directors and studios had all agreed on a great script and stuck with it then the best you could hope for is another "heroes Journey" and Lucas did that correctly the first time when he enlisted good writers to make Empire and Jedi. it was doomed from the start to not meet expectations because it was done right the first time. i too was looking forward to seeing how things went but after leaving the theater from "Force Awakens" i couldnt shake the feeling that id just seen a rehash of A New Hope" in the same way i left AVATAR saying.."Wait a minute, that was Just Dances with Wolves with bue people in it.

>> No.14481731

to be fair, there's nothing new under the sun and theres only so many plot devices and tropes you can throw together in afinite number of combinations in the "7 stories you can tell" template.It was never about Rose Tico, or the first order becuae none of it was supposed to exist in the first place.

>> No.14481742
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look at whats been done with harry potter. The magical beats stuff is expanded lorethat noone objects to because it doesnt go against the original story and rules set into place by the story everyone read. theres no problem because it doesnt affect harry journey arc

>> No.14481781

>The magical beats stuff
So is Kerouac like a wizard or something?

>> No.14481786

if the author doesnt have presence of mind or the forethought to plant those seeds so that they can be sown later, then thats on them. the reader takes the writer at their word and doesnt ike to have the carpt pulled out from under them or to be told "oh by the way, THIS actually happened". the the reader wont buy it

>> No.14481802
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no, but burroughs thought he could "accio apple" off his wifes head with a bullet