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14480218 No.14480218 [Reply] [Original]

How could a man be wrong about literally everything.

>> No.14480219

You take that back! He saved my marriage

>> No.14480247

hehe argonne aCOOMulator hehe

>> No.14480287
File: 107 KB, 1200x800, FAE82D55-D89A-42EC-B90C-35A75B3290EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reich established the Orgonomic Infant Research Center (OIRC) in 1950, with the aim of preventing muscular armouring in children from birth. Meetings were held in the basement of his house in Forest Hills. Turner wrote that several children who were treated by OIRC therapists later said they had been sexually abused by the therapists, although not by Reich. One woman said she was assaulted by one of Reich's associates when she was five years old. Children were asked to stand naked in front of Reich and a group of 30 therapists in his basement, while Reich described the children's "blockages". Reich's daughter, Lore Reich Rubin, told Turner that she believed her father was an abuser, although she did not say she had been abused by him, and she acknowledged that she had no evidence. She believed that Reich himself had been abused as a child, which is why he developed such an interest in sex and childhood sexuality.

>> No.14480506

is this cioran or evola? sorry im retarded

>> No.14480541

Wilhelm Reich. Probably the dumbest person to have ever lived.

>> No.14480597

wtf he looks like neither
who's worse, reich or john money?

>> No.14480606


>> No.14480614
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Turner made everything up retard. It was a hit piece and you took the bait because of the Jews. The one time a Jew defects and tells you exactly how the Jews control everyone, you take the bait hook line and sinker. You are the ultimate good goy.

>> No.14480622

it's like normal ways of being wrong were insufficient, so he had to go and invent entirely new methods of idiocy, to make his mark in history as an imbecile of astronomical scale

>> No.14480643

john money was at least right about gender having a biological basis. reich has literally nothing.

>> No.14480665
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t. butthurt Stacey who thought that Reich is the epic sex liberation man and read his works only to have the fact of her and Chad sexual pathology thrown back straight at her.
De-armor yourself and become a healthy woman.

>> No.14480672

He's a genius.

>> No.14480876

By what metric? That he was an expert grifter?

>> No.14480902

He wasn't stupid. He was a Jew wanting to molest children. He just found a cunning way to molest children with no consequence.

>> No.14480932

His "Mass Psychology of Fascism" is dangerously overlooked by leftists. A quite fine and critical read.

Well orgoned, my fellow frens

>> No.14480939

The shills are out in full force today.

>> No.14481279

could you possibly explain why he’s so dumb

>> No.14481392

Im way too tired to type out anything sensical. But as some people have stated, the guy was right, and will be proven so in due time. Of course with corrections to his theories, but he was also like 200 years before his time.

That´s right!

>> No.14481501

Then please enlighten me because I think it is obvious he ignores and excises the essentials of human life to focus on the lower of it (or what is even non-human).
Would he think that we still live in a [insert adjectives incessantly bawled by modern leftists in whatever situation] society that represses sexuality, onanism and other sexual depravities?

>> No.14482068


>> No.14482131
File: 340 KB, 1844x1240, 95CCD406-7A3A-4405-B8C7-33A4607AEAE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does reich bring out all the schizos

>> No.14482151

Reich thought sadism, masochism, homosexuality, pedophilia, perversion, sexual crimes, and even sexual fantasy - all kinds of degeneracy were disease. Of course he did not think people should be persecuted for these things (except for sexual crimes). He thought that each one could be resolved with analysis. I just read a case study in the Journal of Orgonomy about a gay man who became straight after orgone therapy (and became orgastically potent).
Since there is so much sexual depravity today, and since most of these things are becoming mainstream and even celebrated, he would 100% say society is even more repressed than 1900s-1930s Austria, where he made many of his theories and did research and therapy.
Sexuality is for the regulation of biological energy first and foremost, essential to human life. It isn't "low" just because their are a bunch of rapists and coomers floating around, or because this or that person was disappointed by it, and now to defend themselves, need to "transcend it."

>> No.14482323

I don't understand how current society is sexually reperssed while we are easily in contact with sexual stimulation all the time, anywhere (this I say in everyday life, I don't need to mention online). No one is ashamed of masturbating, no one is raised by parents who condemn masturbation in the pubescent years, even women are in television, school openly advised to start masturbating. And do you not think we have countless kinds of paraphilias? Obviously they have always existed, but some have even gotten ''accepted''.
I agree that the ''orgiastic potency'' is indeed real (not as an ontological factor of human condition or thing-in-itself like Reich probably did) and that is another point as to why sexuality should be viewed as sacred, as if initiatory to a realm of the Divine.
Don't know if you are aware of Kundalini, but how you should look about it and see how it treats with the same kind of energy but in a very different way of Reich's.

>> No.14482615

because constant sexual stimulation is indicative of very constipated (repressed) libidinal economy. People need to have sexual discharges way less often if they are orgastically potent. Btw orgastic potency describes the capacity to have the orgasm reflex, it is just an analytic/medical term, but it does have to do with "being" as it were because orgastically impotent people constantly have to busy themselves and keep the illusion of their functionality alive by doing repetitive bullshit, such as watching porn. Masturbating is only pathological insofar as it prevents one from confronting the facts of their sexual dysfunction and that is what 95% of masturbating is today, i'd guess.

Of course paraphilias have always existed but they have always been pathological. At least throughout history, everyone had enough sense to know they were pathological, although they dealt with it in a barbaric way. Now they are being promoted, which is even worse in my estimation.I don't know, maybe it is a necessary part of the mass healing that may still happen.

Like that anon's post from Reich's book said, it is not "sexual liberation" for a woman to go around fucking people she doesn't know - a new man every week - because she's at the mercy of some unconscious complex she doesn't even know she has. Sexual liberation is psycho-somatically quantifiable (ordinarily), the degree to which one can surrender to sexual feelings when appropriate, and defend against various toxicities when appropriate.