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/lit/ - Literature

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14479561 No.14479561 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 11 am in my flat
>London, home... at least it was before, after, and while I fucked everything up
>too tired to go to gym
>browsed internet, drank not very good coffee
>slept for another hour
>went for my usual walk, listening to CumTown and another podcast
>saw Staceys and felt demoralised
>saw a girl wearing leggings and who had a really good but strangely blocky ass and thighs; she looked like a PS1 character from the hips down
>saw more Staceys and qts taller than me in a few hours in London than Staceys for two weeks in my home town
>went through a park
>went to a famous museum and saw old stuff
>sat on a bench and then a Chad and Stacey (I think) couple sat on it and kissed, which was demoralising
>currently restarting the weekend evening tradition: drinking coffee, browsing alt right Twitter
>told myself I'd only have junk food on Saturdays but I smelled fast food and am now thinking weekends only
>unsure what I'll do this evening; will likely waste time

I'm reading through a history book on my phone and I really don't care about it. I decided to take notes for interesting stuff for a few of the chapters and I noted nothing. The author wrote it just to go against the grain of some popular views.

The wagecuckery starts again tomorrow. I don't have a job where I can sit down and just do stuff. I have to get agreement, clarify stuff, get approvals, all sorts of stuff like that. It's all so tiresome. And I have no fixed ideas for how I want to approach it. Put in lots of effort? Work the bare minimum hours? My mood changes. Currently I do just enough and no more because some effort could be wasted.

I'm currently feeling sad about not being a millionaire. I wish I had the work ethic of a typical Asian American. And the ability to not want to walk around aimlessly on weekends.

Yesterday I looked up the weather during some summer weeks in 2019 and my nostalgia was high.

>> No.14479577

i always fucking laugh when this is posted. i can't tell if its the same copy pasta because i never read more than one word, too busy laughing. heopfully you arent actually doing blogposts OP. hopethis is some kind of pasta

>> No.14479596

You're in London, go lift heavy weights in a gym then take some garlic pills and go to a high end hooker and fuck her brains out ffs.

>> No.14479605


fuck off newfag

>> No.14479607


>> No.14479639

Fucking hoes is junk food for the soul. Unless you're some sort of animal theres really no joy to be had in fucking a used up, vapid, reptile brain whore.

>> No.14479651

Stop feeling sorry about yourself and do shit

>> No.14479661

I said high end, dicks are higher quality as well.

>> No.14479662

i don't understand? is he a regular poster? are they all different

>> No.14479681

>went to a famous museum and saw old stuff
Based londonfrog I hope it was the dinosaurs. What's the history book?

>> No.14479700


It wasn't that museum. I'm reading the rise and fall of the British nation

>> No.14479724

I assume you’ve read Hitchens?

>> No.14479727

Is it the one with the weird mice in the South.

>> No.14479757


I've read the abolition of Britain.

This book in reading nkw isn't really what it sounds like. It's less a polemic and more a high level history of the UK from 1900 to 2000. I guess there is some overall view (and at the end he'll undoubtedly compare Britain in 1900 to 2000 and that can only be as a less influential country) but it mainly goes against the grain of various smaller narratives.

>> No.14479801
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>> No.14479803

The one next door? Srsly LF, what do you have against the dinosaurs, it's right next to it. >>14479757
Does he blame the abdication? I love the people who argue it has all been downhill since they married Americans for money or love, and choosing 1900 on is common for those people. Or is it a "waves of Irish, Indians, west Indians, and people we didn't even know we owned" polemic?

>> No.14479847


The natural history museum and science museums are so fucking reddity, although the rocks section is kino. The v&a museum is based, though that wasn't the museum j was at.

No, the book isn't that polemical. It's by a mainstream historian so he'd never be so edgy. I assume the fall will simply be the stuff I mentioned previously.

>> No.14480179

>are so fucking reddity
They have suspended dinosaurs and a fucking wing dedicated to birds. V&A is Reddit as fuck a lot of the time. Especially around exhibits.
The book does sound boring but mainstream historians can be pretty edgy just because the people who disagree with them. But there's also all the mainstream ones that are edgy anyways but give no fucks (Starkey is nuts, though he does argue against some bigger nutters) Can you tell us what smaller narratives he's upsetting at least?

>> No.14480448


He goes against the ideas that Britain stood alone at any point in WW2. He points out that the UK's welfare state relative to other European countries was extensive before WW2 but not in the early 50s and that Britain was more "industrial" than any other country in 1950. And some stuff about how Britain was liberal, not protectionist, in 1900 and the opposite after WW2.

I'm sure this is all interesting to people and we'll researched but for someone like me who reads only for pseud cred and has little interest in anything, it isn't very sticky in my brain.

>> No.14480492

Where do I find the energy to fuck a girl's brains out? It's just so much work and it's uncomfortable

>> No.14480604

Oh kind of like Burke was a whig and the 1922 committee decided to take on his views wholeheartedly when even the whigs didn't go that far. Losing Ireland as a breadbasket just when the Queen is inflating herself to Empress in case she has a German empress for a daughter towards the end of the Victorian age kind of falls before that period, but now you're explaining what he's talking about the kind of decline he's tracking makes sense. The Empire was pretty tenuous compared to before Victoria was an Empress, so you're right about the obvious decline from then to now, but most of the UK did not then and doesn't now know that the empire was a piece of death throw hype. The Empire was hype because the cracks were showing and they needed hype, not because it was inherently strong. If they compared it to 1700 it wasn't that pioneering in world domination in the 1900 period, but the UK does believe the arc of the fall came after the hype, rather than Britain hyping herself because the arc was already on a decline. There's this weird ability to stick to the hype narrative that keeps going (people forget how long rationing lasted in the UK post WWII, why Thatcher's never had it so good was plausible, etc.)
You should read some shit you enjoy for Chad cred. That's why I read nerdy shit about history openly. Pseud cred is worthless.

>> No.14480609

>do shit
how specific

>> No.14480650

Shut the fuck up. I'll come in your mouth

>> No.14480670 [DELETED] 

Learn Greek and memorize the Iliad. It is the only /lit/ way to go. Ἀλαλά, ἀλαλά!

>> No.14480676

Learn Greek and memorize the Iliad. It is the only /lit/ way to go. Ἀλαλὲ Ἀλαλά!