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14478152 No.14478152 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the average human unaware that he is "controlled" by ideology that often times might not be in his best interest?
What should an anon read (besides Stirner) to make sure he is aware of whether his actions stem from himself and not from whatever ideology that was imposed on him.

>> No.14478173

Hume, Stirner, Nietzsche, Marx as well as at least an entry level education in the natural sciences is how to best bust ghosts.

>> No.14478181

why is the average anon unaware that ideology is reality

>> No.14478191

12 rules for life

>> No.14478212

What is ideology?

How do you know you actually fully removed ideology from your thinking?

If you remove ideology what is there left of how someone can think?

How do you know if what you chose to think about and how you think about something isn't always rooted in ideas that come out of ideology or are tainted with ideology?

>> No.14478216

"Ideology as a cultural system" by Clifford Geertz
"Capitalist realism" by Mark Fisher
"Welcome to the desert of the real" by Slavoj Zizek

This just as an introduction

>> No.14478224

>What is ideology?
A poorly justified or non-verifiable idea. The most obvious ones rest on mystical thinking.
>How do you know you actually fully removed ideology from your thinking?
You can't, that's why you must continually be self-critical and check yourself.

>> No.14478232

Actually, nevermind the last two. They fail to understand that comunism is an as flawed ideology as capitalism.
Geertz, on the other hand, is a cultural anthropologist and does a good work without citing alternatives for the supposed ideology problem.

>> No.14478236

His mind is dictated by the conditioning he receives. Most have not been taught to generate this conditioning from within or be critical and derivative of outer conditioning, environmental and social. You must parse 'reality' through something so it's inescapable. It's pretty much impossible to rewrite it all on your own terms, 'your own terms' aren't your own terms to begin with. Just think how hard it is to see an imaginary person (if your mind isn't 'defective' (mentally ill)). It takes a lot of effort to condition it whereas some 'fact' you take for granted is effortlessly socially conditioned despite being less concrete than the imaginary person. Social is stronger than environmental too, especially in today's world. So your brain's model of things is going to be easily bound to social mechanics and hierarchy. Particularly if all you've got pumping into you is social media. Then you have no hope whatsoever.

But this is a broader scope than your thinking. What is the difference between being controlled by ideology that is intent on his best interest and controlled by ideology that is not? Functionally identical despite the different end.

>> No.14478265

But even if you are critical and self checking how do you know your way of critical thinking isn't totally ideological?

>> No.14478270

This is why it is important to also critique your method.

>> No.14478294

Both individuality and ideology are memes. Genetics determines the majority of your impulses and behaviors. If you gravitate towards a particular way of thinking it means you're genetically hardwired to think that way, and you're just following your nature. The only thing that might cause you to follow an ideology that goes against your nature is social pressure, but even then your dedication to it will be superficial and you'll end up following your own nature in the end, even if it's only in secret. Look at 4chan: it's racist and perverse as all fuck, but most of the people here were to some extent raised in a normie environment and taught normie values. Your actions will always stem from yourself.

>> No.14478316

Totally incorrect. The way you think and what you think about is mostly the result of your environment, similar to language.

>> No.14478349
File: 158 KB, 478x463, 1578065803022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis nigga be like: the reason people post frogs on 4chan is because if you didn't laugh at the tribal chief's fart jokes 70,000 years ago you would get the sour berries. hahahahahaha, can ya believe it. hahahahahahaha

>> No.14478415
File: 49 KB, 640x466, I, on the other hand, am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.14478609

Bit of both, ain't it lads? Although more environment than genes. Environment is the king that decides whether genes live or die after all. It also directly inserts itself into your genes. The chad environmental pressure and the virgin self determination.

>> No.14478628

i'm gonna give you the sour berries, and you're going to eat them

>> No.14478692
File: 72 KB, 660x495, 1755890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What should an anon read
Acting in your self interest is a skill. You should train it. No one learned to drive a locomotive in his room reading books.

>> No.14479249


>> No.14480206

They fail to understand that comunism is an as flawed ideology as capitalism.
neither thinker embrace communism lmao. Even if they would, prefering an ideology over the current one is not a reason to dismiss them.

>> No.14480245

>comunism is an as flawed ideology as capitalism

>> No.14480338

Yeah, let's go to a guy who has literally spent the entire last sixty years shuffling from seminar room to doctoral programme admissions committee to annual meeting of the Board of Expert Consultantson Social Harmony and Combating Racist Attitudes, stopping occasionally to write an op ed piece for the Frankfurter Rundschau or Sueddeutsche Zeitung or some other liberal propaganda sheet about how Germans still don't hate themselves enough or how not enough political power has been handed over to Brussels yet and ask him to tell us how we can learn to think for ourselves free of all government and institutional brainwashing.

>> No.14480482


>> No.14480484

>What should an anon read

Marx, Gramsci, Zizek, Foucault

>> No.14480488

The Bible

>> No.14480501
