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14476485 No.14476485 [Reply] [Original]

I hate sex. It is the downfall of us all, the most devastating aspect of the human condition. It is completely base, primitive, and the way it consumes us is absolutely horrific to observe. It has ruined lives, inspired wars, changed the course of history on large and individual scales. To lose one's innocence is to be exposed to sex. It is Satan incarnate. If I could make one change to humanity I would remove our desire for sex. It drives us all to madness. Its like a crippling, addictive drug that is pre-built into every one of us. Especially the dregs of society - pedophiles, homosexuals, transexuals, etc. And its only getting worse. You look at something like a pride parade, or to catch a predator, and it just legitimately depresses me.

What is some literature that can allow me to see some joy in this hellhole, someway for me to retake a sliver of innocence?

>> No.14476497

have sex

>> No.14476502

have sex

>> No.14476507
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>> No.14476512

but the primary concern of our physical form is survival and reproduction for it's own sake
It's an unavoidable suffering that's part of being an organic organism and human

>> No.14476513


>> No.14476526


>> No.14476543

the only beauty in life is birthed from madness

>> No.14476572

You wouldn’t be here if not for sex. Just because some let their desires consume them don’t make those desires inherently bad. Do you hate eating as well?

>> No.14476588

Something makes me think your not getting any

>> No.14476596

Artificial Wombs. If I ever have the money, I will donate to that area of research.

>> No.14476609

>ah yes goy, let us make an artificial womb for you! don’t mind if we also use CRISPR to make your child an obedient little sla- er, bundle of joy, do you?

>> No.14476661
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Slavery is inevitable without any machinations actually. People will just breed kids to be as economically effective as possible until it's no longer necessary to even have parents and corporations print people on demand.

Not like I give a shit. Humanity was never my ingroup.

>> No.14476674

Have children idiot. Lots of them if you can.

Of course sex divorced from what it literally exists for is nihilistic.

>> No.14476738
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You must not succumb to sex in the way you are describing it.
Sex should be only done with your wife, it should be something deeply connecting, not something where you only use the other to gratify yourself.
It is a double edged sword. It's either an act of love or a deadly sin.

>> No.14476756

Sex is beautiful and a vital drive, though should be held sacred. There's nothing more disgusting than casualizing sex.