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14474228 No.14474228 [Reply] [Original]

Should catgirls be made by science in a factory or by magic in a tree?

Trying to decide the backstory for my novel universe.

>> No.14474237

They should be made from hell

>> No.14474245

They should be their own natural race like elves.

>> No.14474253

thats too played out. i would go with science lab

>> No.14474258


>> No.14474261

why are you doing this

>> No.14474328

Magic, science isn't sexy

>> No.14474363

I believe their stated goal was something like 'i will wear a trip until all the trip fags are destroyed, yada yada, butterfly was mean to me :'<' i'm paraphrasing of course

>> No.14474565

have them kidnap young men off the streets to upgrade them in the factories, so they're still genetically male humans

>> No.14474616
File: 433 KB, 1446x2048, 1577555573378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write a series of BDSM novels about catgirls getting spanked and trained to be submissive.
You have me confused with someone else.

>> No.14474623

eye dew knot

>> No.14474630

What’s the universe like? Because that could shape whether science or tree is better.

>> No.14474703
File: 114 KB, 600x849, EGlt_lcU0AA8zz_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catgirls are submissive luxury pets/sex toys. I haven't decided if they're trained in a school or trained by their owners yet.

>> No.14474732

>trained in a school
yuck, who the fuck would want a used up slut catgirl?

>> No.14474743
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At school they're probably just trained to do domestic stuff and be polite. Every catgirl is a virgin when she's given to her owner.

That's assuming I do the school thing.

>> No.14475020


>> No.14475041
File: 236 KB, 740x674, 2020-01-04_2319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the book moon over soho by ben aaronovitch has magical cat girls in it

>> No.14475075
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Nobody will be shocked that catgirls exist in my story.

>> No.14475110

You won't get far if it's just cat girls getting railed over and over again. Maybe have one of the cat girls fuck her way to the top of some secret society to bring it down from the inside. Also keep your degeneracy to one thread.

Nah, this would get bashed for being "magical realm" which it is. Try /h/, /d/, or /trash/

>> No.14475111
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Wow, this sounds really autistic OP. Are you thinking about selling this stuff?

>> No.14475169
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They'll get spanked too. I'm also thinking about some kind of catgirl battle system. So there can be explosions and karate. I didn't mean to have two threads going at once. I honestly thought the other had 404d.

I'm pretty high because I'm a degenerate.

One day I hope to. I will really write it and publish it. I might be the shittiest author ever, but I'll try.

>> No.14475229
File: 51 KB, 320x320, 221-2210456_anime-girl-confused-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you would be the "shittiest author ever", you sound like an average XXI century american writer to me. Spergs here publish their autistic stuff too, so i don't see a reason why you wouldn't sell a few copies.
What i don't understand it's why would you want to have your name associated to some degenerate fanfiction tier novel.

>> No.14476285

By science from a tree. Have them be born from stonefruit pits like peach, plum, cherry, almond etc. because they had to engineer feline DNA into trees to save them from plague like the corn in Interstellar and now kittens are a consequence of eating fruit.