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14473838 No.14473838[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are their favorite books, /lit/?

>> No.14473847

The unchaste and voluptuous are like the raging sea, constantly agitated but in the end, all waves of bitterness and rancor.

>> No.14473849

Ugly, I could do better.

>> No.14473850

Ugh, those body’s are just a testament to the soul of those women. Such disregard for personal health always alludes to disregard of less overt characteristics. Never trust a fatty or chubster when it comes to procuring a mate. I personally prefer long-distance runners. They’ve got the mental and physical aptitude to handle the stresses of life due to their conditioned athletic lifestyle.

>> No.14473853

but they're sooo soft and fleshy and squishy

>> No.14473855

If you ever reciprocated love for an attractive woman you wouldn't be saying.

>> No.14473860


>> No.14473861

somewhere there's a baudelaire quote calling you a homo but I'll let it slide for once

>> No.14473866

Fr. De Malleray has asserted the nature of the soul influences one's physical development, as early in the womb, and also later in life in the case of obesity.

>> No.14473871

Why do all girls have bellies like this? I never met one who has titties who doesn’t have a little belly fat

>> No.14473883

This is peak female physique desu

>> No.14473888

I had 1 last night and this morning

>> No.14473890

because girls store fat. men don't. testosterone turns you into a lanklet. the highest T population on earth are ethopians

>> No.14473893

On the contrary.

>> No.14473899

Sure but are there any girls with nice bellies AND nice milkers?

>> No.14473909

>On the contrary.
I said love you fucking retard.

Do you think the love of Tristan and Isolde was wrong?

>> No.14473910

height trumps all. what does any of it matter if she gives you manlet sons? i ask you again: what does it matter if your sons are manlets???

>> No.14473911

>the highest T population on earth are ethopians
surely you jest?

>> No.14473916

All five

>> No.14473917

>disregard for personal health
None of them are an unhealthy weight, you boob. There are a range of body types an individual can be before it becomes a detriment to their health, and they're all clearly within that range. Even statues of antiquity present the ideal figure of a woman as being thicker than this.

>aptitude to handle the stresses of life
they're definitely gonna need it if they're dating someone like you.

>> No.14473919

based lesbian pedophile

>> No.14473924

the feeling is not reciprocated

>> No.14473925


> I was not in love as yet, but I was in love with love; and, from a hidden hunger, I hated myself for not feeling more intensely a sense of hunger. I was looking for something to love, for I was in love with loving, and I hated security and a smooth way, free from snares.

>> No.14473932

Which one are you?

>> No.14473940

no I don't wanna coooom pls someone help me

>> No.14473947


>> No.14473948

oh god the fun i'd have with orange bikini girl

i think you are probably a homosexual anon

>> No.14473951

>get blood tested
>T is on upper limit
>but also balding
>nice beard
>but also have gyno
T is weird

>> No.14473953

>needing a religion to tell you not to cum
doesn't get more cucked than that, think about it logically

>> No.14473958
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this is what pornography does, it continually lowers your standards until you find anything that moves, even a landwhale, fuckable.

>> No.14473963
File: 130 KB, 900x783, solomon-worshiping-the-pagan-gods-domenico-antonio-vaccaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Christopher Moore's lighter works, maybe Game of Thrones on HBO with subtitles for the more high brow among them. Archie comic reboots, Harry Potter and one of them was in Our Town at drama camp and she really connected with the piece.

Suffice to say, as long as 1 maintains roughly the same BMI she could look just like that for the next 30 years. Safest choice.

>> No.14473971

Machiavelli's The Prince, even though they've never heard of it.

>> No.14473972

Why should I cum anon?

>> No.14473973

There is no logical reason to cum in the first place, with the exception of procreation.

>> No.14473977

no one does anything in life because of "logic", except maybe autistic austrian economists

>> No.14473984

And that’s why this is the autist century - autists literally run the world

>> No.14473990


>> No.14473998

Then your point makes no sense: >>14473953

>> No.14474000

To be great is to be weird. There’s nothing normal about ascending above humanity.

>> No.14474002

The Bible.

>> No.14474004
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>> No.14474007

The number 1 is disgusting. She is a square.

>> No.14474038

4 is the best by far. 1 is trash.


>> No.14474042

This... subjective experience of a mans own particularity, what a psychoanalyst would call a complex, pulls the "other" out of the experience and as a result destroys all forms of love when applied as an objective rule which you aim to see it as. No better than Stirner.

The erotic also has its Platonic ideal.

>> No.14474050

Don't worry anon, T doesn't always manifest as a gay retard.

>> No.14474058

Anon I agree with you but in this case you're a virgin.

>> No.14474060

the only acceptable opinion

>> No.14474062

To learn more, should I read the transference seminar by Lacan?

>> No.14474074

This isn't surprising. BMI is inversely correlated with testosterone and the less muscles and body mass one has, the more likely serum testosterone will be higher anyways.

>> No.14474081

They seem like the kind of girls who would claim to love Harry Potter.

>> No.14474083

>less muscles and body mass one has, the more likely serum testosterone will be higher anyways.
>less muscles
wait what? damn man i must be really high T. i have the BMI of an auschwitz inmate

>> No.14474097


>> No.14474106

post body

>> No.14474107
File: 105 KB, 1024x896, EAEA82DF-8BA8-4365-8881-6BCCB224CD49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s why I date cat boys exclusively

>> No.14474111

It is still easier for you to build muscle.

>> No.14474117

Eww no who gives a fuck about that gay retard.

You should merge Kant, Schelling, Hegel, Carlyle, Jung, Wittgenstein and Heidegger into a coherent, independent and individually formulated philosophy with maybe a few others for advice. Jung and Schelling are what really add a mix to the bowl here.

>> No.14474125

End capitalism, you end the exchange of sex for money

>> No.14474128
File: 158 KB, 674x445, BASED department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14474149

Nah, he's right, they're gross. Too much corn syrup, drugs, sitting down, and instagram.
Dancers and figure skaters have the best physiques.

>> No.14474161
File: 86 KB, 634x858, 1562540144269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 is literally a single panty remover away from

>> No.14474172

Anyone have the catholic sex chart to determine when it's okay to proceed? I saved it but somehow got one of those blank img types.

>> No.14474190

>a single panty remover
a what?

>> No.14474195

the one where the answer is basically never?

>> No.14474208

yes exactly

>> No.14474212

lemon gin

>> No.14474222

don't have it but i know what you're talking about

>> No.14474612

dude I'm fat as fuck

>> No.14474618

Bra size?

>> No.14474628

The hottest these girls will ever be. ALL women age like milk. Have you ever seen the third season of Twin Peaks? Give me a woman of virtue.

>> No.14474640

tits or get the fuck out

>> No.14474647

>a woman of virtue.

>> No.14474652

>These girls are too fat!
>These girls will age!

Sick and tiered of this same old shit the loveless shouting out out how unlovable they are because they don’t know what love is.
Grow the fuck up or retreat in kind to the non-arms of your anime waifus
I don’t recommend the latter.

>> No.14474654

dont question a good thing

>> No.14474658
File: 240 KB, 926x1235, sss'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could probably fit nicely into some As ;)

>> No.14474690


>> No.14474799

Just stop eating like an elephant

>> No.14475028

its just a defense, most of them have never been intimate with a girl. pity them lol

>> No.14475057

you'd have to teach them to read first.

>> No.14475096

As soon as they stop exploiting their mediocre looks for social credit gibs

>> No.14475154

2 is sexy as fuck. 3 and 4 are alright, nothing special but definitely bangable. 1 is the only one i'd consider fat, she's got good skin and a cute face so if she lost like 40 pounds or so she'd be hot.

>> No.14475184

1. Harry Potter
2. Hunger Games
3. Game of Thrones
4. Handmaid's Tale

>> No.14475211

Honestly I would do 2 or 4, and 1 if I'm drunk.

>> No.14475369

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.14475374

Ending capitalism would not end whoring though. Plenty of cavewomen were willing to accept an extra chunk of meat from the latest kill to willingly spread their legs.

>> No.14475383

I do. I’ve tried to help.

How about you catch up.

>> No.14475386

You think prostitution is a product of capitalism? Its one of the oldest jobs in the world, you moron.

>> No.14475387

Is this copy/pasta? Hilarious take, kid.