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14472235 No.14472235 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, he produced thirty-three bushels this October and twenty more to come. Long blade rose to rank over hand and drop of sweat. The painting shined as if it was pastel and not oil. Fifty degrees and rising, stakes that ran for miles. They winked in the heat and gave way their roots to electrolyzed Martian green-fodder, 60 fossil a kilogram. The reactors built pre-singularity became obsolete in fewer years than it took to acclimatize the Blagovich sector. Two-dozen strike teams were incinerated in less than a millisecond, fusion-wave technology never encountered since. The herd shifted West and the suns targeted the paddock center until the goats moved to the edge of the corral. Their shadows danced and fought, trippling Donimer's yield. He looked at the rapid horny animals, put out his Titan Frosty and started for the outhouse. He was brewing an enourmous shit from his first wive's birthday dinner and he intended to enjoy every second. Breaks were few and far between, usually a Frosty and a tart chew of cud, 4 times a day, no contact. This he could tolerate, if only for occaisional trip to the vacubatory. He loved his wife for that.

>> No.14472275

Yes, stein, it was like that, I'm in chrome browser, in a box, a line is moving where I am writing, is this a paragraph yet, no, probably not, Ill probably have to write for an additional 20 seconds, thats how long I have to wait before I can post anyways, well, what? yes, fuck, no

>> No.14472388

Well done

>> No.14472391
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His wife was looking intently at the Transgal Corp model 34 radiator letting out steam in their living room.

"Just now, it just started hissing like a.. and then I heard a pop, my drapes are already soaked, my wallpaper.."

For the first time since the ruckus, she actually looked at the wall above the rad.


A Transgal Custom-Servitor spouted pre-recorded apologies into the headset.

"What is this..what is this?"

She yelped a little

"Servitor, connect me to a first-tier representative"

The headset buzzed.


Mrs. Gilroy reached out a well-established hand and felt the blood that was oozing out of the wall beneath the painting. The 7 foot-tall oil on canvas was pissing the stuff. Only it wasn't blood. Number #9 Chrimson found it's way into the carpet. It crept, staining deep until it stopped an inch from her painted toes.

She gawked at the stain with her mouth like a bass's gaping maw and stepped backwards.

>> No.14472410

18 years had really done a toll on him. 18 years and none of his sweaters had penguins on them. He hated penguins. Wanted to to stich one to his sweater. It would writhe hilariously. Do penguins chirp? Do elephants chirp? He could not stich an elephant to his sweater but he could fuck his sweater.

>> No.14472444

Holy based

>> No.14472470

Silliness and shame over and over as I delay again and again so full of it so tired of the daydreams and yet shriveling up when opportunity comes knocking. Why. I always wish and pray but it is not genuine for I wish for things to lay down for my pleasure in my lap. Lazy fuck I want nothing is what I say but I go back, always going back, to the daydreams. Things to be done, no things done. Try it for fun, anything, please, it is already the next year. TICKTICKTICKTICKTICKTICKTICKTICKTICK

>> No.14472500

This paragraph has to be done. The architectural drawings he has to finish lose all importance, as the counterweight in his mind dragges him away from a pressing workload. How do you stop thinking? Do you just write what you see, the jumpiness of thoughts or the underlying layer of lashing moral judgements that want to drag you back into fucking working you goddamn lazy hedonistic maggot. FUCK YOU

>> No.14472513

Bruh take a day off. The world will go on

>> No.14472927

I want some fuck, yes. The tought of it makes me think more about it. Do i feel it? Is it wrong? Do I care? A man screams outside, a man of my childhood. A red kid in town is born, the new man is coming. I sear for a grand new castle wich will give me peace and a home to live. Is there an old man inside it, is it the man await? I'm lost in everything everything! Everything is the exact same representation of my myseri in this hole! I'm lost, thats my excuse, that's my life. How to cope, I don't know; I don't even know what's to cope. Is it to cope, for example, to fuck ugly girls because you can't get close to a beautiful female? Is it to cope when you hate life and want to destroy everything? Is violence a cope for infinite hate? I love the smell of a girls hair; hugging them till I feel them melt in my skin; I love to see pink nipples, touch them, feel them so soft, so hot; I like the feeling when my tongue touches the teeth, the taste of saliva and some other things. Some kinds of love seem more irational than others, I can understand the love of a man or woman for his/her crippled partner, yet I can't find someone who will love me like I would love her. I've been waiting patiently, but nothing. The moments I feel like I've found love is when it beggins to fade and torture me, when I want to keep it alive it becomes a shade of what it was and dies. dies quickly. I don't know what it is like to be loved, yet I have loved with all my heart more than once. I think I'm a big looser, but success is in the eyes of the judge. Jesus might be the biggest loser in earth but is the son of god. I'm not the son of god but I feel good, feelings of all kind are inside my heart (like everyone elses) not just good. It is what I am, it is what we are. Females surround me, I reject most of them. I don't just want some fuck, I want to make love, to be loved, to not pass much more time alone. the be someone in someone's elses eyes for once. I don't want to die so quick, not without the experience of some things. I wish I had no memories, I wish my life could be what I want it to be. I'm inside my misery for my own fault. I'm my judge and my executor, the rest are the ones watching at me hanging, hanging out with death and sorrow. Tunnel vision is my day to day experience, my friends are getting tired of my things, my exit out of the routine is a routine, my future is the abyss, my desires (so pure in my eyes) are my perdition. Figures and colors form my world, forms and time makes it edible. I wish dreams were true so I could live in my nightmares. My old friend is like me, I know it, I know him since we are 9; we 21 now and still chilling. Just heard that the bf of my gf left her, now i will be the bf, if I can, I'm so stupid that when I wanted to give her a kiss I licked his nose, it was so funny and embarrasing that I think she will never forget it. I have a good intuition and I know it was funny for her too. It was akward but it doesn't matter, I remember.

>> No.14473613

There's no way in hell she loves me. I can't believe it. No, she must be confused. She must love some artificial idealization that makes me better. But she's known me for such a long time, I can't belive her to be confused about me. She knows me as well as I do. What does she see that I don't?

>> No.14473795

letters on letters on letters like the Gladstone brick of a walk to work that grinds and grinds and grinds on you until you feel like taking an ice pick and quickly yet deliberately leveraging secrets secrets secrets from your own brain matter

>> No.14473817

The sidewalk goes on and on into the endless sea. Of what? I don't know. But it just goes on to a place that is too boring to even think about and yet we still walk across it, walking and continuing on this dreary treadmill. When will it end? Is there an escape?

>> No.14473820

Enough get out here this. LISTEN. GET/ IN/ OUT/ REMOVE/ RESTRAIN/ Provide snide side applied dried, fried, all stuff sniff juggle arrange buster. Fat beats and beaten and eaten. Freaks and geeks, chimps and wimps and pimps and gimps. Dream scheme regime meme supreme. Doe dear dot dash.

>> No.14473829

That's incredible. I grew up in Canadian suburbs but I've never seen anything like that. It's almost frightening.

>> No.14473867

There's potent potentiality in a green green soul. Inside the head of an ostrich three flies buzz, aplomb. Oh yes oh yes, we'll go to death. Soon enough. Misty mornings lead to headache inducing singularities of a peculiar kind. I don't know - it's probably enough, but perhaps not quite necessary enough?

>> No.14473942

I am crestfallen at the sight of Juggalos drinking Faygos. Jacuzzis and bright stars. The blaring circus music made me look up over the hill and I was taken aback by a most abominable view. Faces being worn and thrown as if they suddenly dropped from Uranus by some miracle, representing this endless waste of human resources that is currently crippling our minds and most importantly, our hearts. My dick has ruined my brain. Everything is cope, forevermore.