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14467489 No.14467489 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14467498

not literature

>> No.14468694

Never read. the series was ok though

>> No.14468875

So is it like dexter?

>> No.14469177

fun show

>> No.14469662
File: 23 KB, 563x417, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, le broke book store employee struggling to make it on minimum wage
>minor issue arises in my life? k, lemme just move to LA, rent an apartment and a massive storage container on my minimum wage salary.
>oh, and to top it off let me also buy a massive indestructible glass cage worth thousands of dollars and conveniently transport it to my massive and oh-so-conveniently soundproof storage container.
honestly the first season was pretty good and believable, but the "creative liberties" they took this season in an attempt to make things fall into place just ruined the immersion, and the show altogether felt like a cash grab this season.

>> No.14469818

That Mooney guy who owns the bookstore in S1 treats him like a son, so it's not unreasonable that he would have $ from that relationship. Mooney made him manager of his store and gave him his classic car after all. They take plenty of other ridiculous creative liberties though.

>> No.14471312


>> No.14471325

I don't watch garbage like this, and you're a retard if you do. Entertainment media like this is designed to keep you a docile slave of the Jews. Read Adorno.

>> No.14471413

It’s better than Dexter imo

I liked this season. The storage container would be about $800, rent would be around $2k. Joe ran a high end book store and he’s the type to save money, and he was running out from the start.

I agree this season was a lot more far fetched, but it was fun. They managed to keep the tone without skipping a beat. It’s easily one of the best shows on air, though I wish they just ended it at 2. Apparently there will be a season 3.

>> No.14471418

Cringe, dilate

>> No.14471425

You can’t rightfully make this statement unless you’ve watched Too Old To Die Young all the way through.

You is good