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14466546 No.14466546 [Reply] [Original]

I hate my own idealogy

>believe life is a boltzman brain
>tend to be materialistic
>suffering outweights happiness
>love is just evolution
>everything beautiful is boring
>consciousness is in a void
>science is not that "strong" since everything is made up with axioms
>hate for science, before that i loved physics etc.
>not living hedonistic fucks you
>living hedonistic fucks you
>deep down there is only the ego
>no thought without phosphorus
>living is escaping
>we are fucked either way

How can i change this retarded ideology?

>> No.14466553

Read philosophers who retroactively refuted your retarded ideology

>> No.14466557

Read kant

>> No.14466566
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>> No.14466705

moby dick, nietzsche, stoner, siddhartha i guess though i didnt care for it. Just calm down, it's stupid to get sad over your beliefs when you are ignorant as everyone, just live in the moment, if nothing matters just try to enjoy yourself, meditate if you think nothing matters and see how nature deals with that.

>> No.14466716

Jordan Peterson.

>> No.14466821

Run with the evolution theme and simply consider yourself the animal that you are. If you inject sentimental nonsense into it like you do with everything else then you're just retarded and shouldn't bother thinking. Understand what you are, play around with it, and unconsciously fall into enjoyment of that. I mean you can literally convince yourself to believe in an imaginary friend wtf are you doing with your life just change everything and see what happens. Your conclusions are lead by culture and history, your own musings merely surface-level splashing that amount to banal reiteration of culture-given thoughts hundreds if not thousands of years old. Actually see if you can step out of the mode of thought in which everything you think is 'right' is reevaluated as 'wrong' or better yet no longer makes sense (incoherent). At that point you will find true alienation too, as no one will see as you see.

Consider the categories 'suffering' and 'happiness' to start with. Why should I believe in the general concepts let alone the shaky categories?

>> No.14467061
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You could try to determine the historical arc and ideological aim of the ideas you articulate. None of us are free from the wreckage the angelus novus observes until all of our historicist narrative is subsumed by historical materialism, so you can work towards reframing your philosophy in those terms. For that I'd advise research; you probably know where to start.

You could also always do the easier thing and buy into esotericism and theology. Its very very simple and gives sense to the abstract pain caused by capitalist alienation by removing it from its attendant difficult cause. Instead of a complex intellectual history of political economy determined by interdependent ideological forms like nation and race and so on you can call it 'the fall of man' or 'the kali yuga' and stare towards the horizon as if it represents nirvana or apocalypse. It's not a bad way and lots of people have managed it well enough. Esoteric abstraction has an expiry date of course but that won't be for a while yet.

There are lots of things you can do, maybe even therapy if you want to do something for yourself. Good luck!

>> No.14467081

>hates scientism

Ouch, thats a tight, flat, grey place.

You need Buddhism.

>> No.14467098

Start with the Guenonians.

>> No.14467148

Its not necessarily a bad place if he were to understand why he hates scientism. Its intellectual history deploys precisely the abstraction he hates through its inevitable servitude to the alienation of political economy. Science and regimes of fact are not inevitably materialistic.

Buddhism is not a bad idea either though. It can definitely make him happier.

>> No.14467155

Read Kant's Critique of Judgement you stupid faggot, this type of ideology stems from not reading enough, your entire post reeks of "huh im smart enough to figure things out on my own" professional tip: you're not, you're probably really dumb (genetic ceiling)

>> No.14467157
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tao te ching