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14464375 No.14464375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>US Army Col. David Hackworth recalled an episode that encapsulates how Germans viewed American troops. As a young soldier, guarding a prisoner-of-war camp in 1946, he mockingly asked a German lieutenant captured at Salerno: “Well, if you’re so tough, if you’re all supermen, how come you’re here captured and I’m guarding you?” The German officer, who spoke perfect English, calmly replied: “Well, it’s like this: I was on this hill as a battery commander with six 88mm anti-tank guns, and the Americans kept sending tanks down this road. We kept knocking them out. Every time they sent a tank we knocked it out. Finally, we ran out of ammunition and the Americans didn’t run out of tanks.”

>A German general said much the same: “The American soldier, trained for battles of materiel, appears to rely exclusively on his material superiority and can therefore easily become a victim of a surprise move and the flexible fighting power of a bold adversary.”

Or what it's like to be the only nation in history to never win a war?

>> No.14464637

Germans were just making up shit to justify their loss. In a defensive war they barely managed to break even with panthers against shermans, whenever they attempted offensives they lost horribly. The american and british forces through france took territory faster than practically any army in history.

>> No.14464670

Every quote here is cope born from a seething Hun's heart.

>> No.14464763

Nice cope.
Try winning your first war.

>> No.14464772

The Germans didnt give a fuck about Americans. Allies thought the same as them, incompetent and a risk to losing the war.

>> No.14464787

imagine losing against jungle gooks with a couple of AKs lmao.
imagine losing against desert and cave niggas with a couple of self-made bombs.

>> No.14464792

It's pretty sad isn't it. For all their bluster I bet they'd even lose to Canada.

>> No.14464826

>Running out of ammo before your opponant runs out of fucking tanks.
Not sure how to take this one lmfao. Murica.

>> No.14464862

Yeah, when you're outnumbered 20 to 1 things don't tend to go so well. But Americans will pretend they were the main force.

>> No.14464903

For context, the US killed an Iranian quds force general today, quds force being their special forces/militia trainer types, they operate similarly to actual Al qaeda. So don't be surprised by anti military propaganda especially in places where you might find people who would be skillful at technical jobs.

>> No.14464969

You're gay and so is your zog army. Eat shit.

>> No.14464996

t. Butthurt Iranian

>> No.14465016

I mean, Germans were always the masters of the "art of war." Strategy and battlefield maneuvers.

BUT that's not what war is about. War is about economics. America is good at vomiting steel onto their enemies and that works

>> No.14465020

>So don't be surprised by anti military propaganda especially in places where you might find people who would be skillful at technical jobs.
don't be surprised if you find pro-military propaganda in the same places either :^)

>> No.14465021

based and steelpilled

>> No.14465022

War isn't strategy and battlefield maneuvers. War is logistics, coordination, concentration of force. And Germany notably did not manage that. They were even routinely outmaneuvered on both fronts towards the end of the war.

>> No.14465031

>I'm a genius superman
>I instigated a conflict with an enemy I have no ability or strategy to defeat
>my women are now being raped by the subhuman slavs I tried to exterminate
>the future of my country is a mongoloid race subservient to the globalist powers I imagined but made real with my folly
can't make this shit up
>all of this proves my superiority

>> No.14465033


>> No.14465035

>I mean, Germans were always the masters of the "art of war." Strategy and battlefield maneuvers.
Meanwhile, in reality...

>> No.14465037

Wehraboo cope inc:
German main battle tanks had one big flaw: they were over engineered and costly to produce compared to main battle tanks of SU and Murica. Doesn't matter if a Panther IV is worth 10 Shermans when the 11th comes in.
Secondly, the Allies had air superiority in Europe making logistics a nightmare. Basically troop movement and refueling had to be done during night time or bad weather. This made it easy for the Allies to advance so fast as there was little to fear in counter offenses.
The big exception is the Ardennes offense that was conducted under a weather that prevented the Allies from bombing the shit out of the Germans. The problem was that after the skies cleared, refueling the tanks that had breached far was neear impossible. Also Patton and the heroic defense of Bastogne (Murican airborne were genuinely good).
Thirdly, if we go by Von Clausewitz's theories, the Germans had no chance in hell.

>> No.14465126

> be me, psychopathic manlet
> legally slaughter people at war, jack off to thoughts later
> also a faggot and proud of it
> leeching on rich hipster's income for "extra ptsd treatment"
> spend it on hookers and acohol
> stole a crackwhore's baby once
> now it's the hipster's bany daughter
> have a good jawline
pic's me before returning to afghan to shoot sandniggers

>> No.14465204
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I think a normal history book would suffice, but here's a quote

>> No.14465219

i cringe whenever /lit/ talks about /his/ stuff. same thing goes when /his/ talks about /lit/ stuff. please stick to your "expertise".

>> No.14465229

where is the lie?

>> No.14465249
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so the us is ran by terrorists?

>> No.14465344
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Thank you for demonstrating your superiority on the literature section of our japanese cartoon forum.

>> No.14465348

>Try winning your first war.
The US was literally founded by its victory in its first war.

>> No.14465367

>Well, it’s like this: I was on this hill as a battery commander with six 88mm anti-tank guns, and the Americans kept sending tanks down this road. We kept knocking them out. Every time they sent a tank we knocked it out. Finally, we ran out of ammunition and the Americans didn’t run out of tanks.”
"And then I would have taken out 20 men myself if not for circumstances...." lol typical losers cope

>> No.14465977

>your country
>hardly kills ANY muslims at all

>kills muslims by the THOUSANDS

what exactly does your country do that's so beneficial to the rest of the world? at least we're out there actively working towards a better world while you sit on your pussy.

>> No.14466109

"Americans don't think, yet they are."

>> No.14466111

pathetic sore loser cope

>> No.14466115
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ok boomer

>> No.14466129
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>Born To Shit Forced To Wipe

>> No.14466160

all these blustering sharts

>> No.14466189

>"Americans suck at war because a captured German soldier said so!"

Im sorry our latest military action has engendered such butthurt in you

>> No.14466204

>“Well, it’s like this: I was on this hill as a battery commander with six 88mm anti-tank guns, and the Americans kept sending tanks down this road. We kept knocking them out. Every time they sent a tank we knocked it out. Finally, we ran out of ammunition and the Americans didn’t run out of tanks.”
So why not fight differently if you know it's a losing battle?

>> No.14466308
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>wow so based murica

>> No.14466373

How does it feel to know our retarded president can do whatever he wants and there's literally nothing you can do about it. Your impotent government (whichever one it happens to be) is literally gonna sit there and take it.

>> No.14466389
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ok qoomer
>gradually, then suddenly

>> No.14466402
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>How does it feel to know our retarded president can do whatever he wants and there's literally nothing you can do about it. Your impotent government (whichever one it happens to be) is literally gonna sit there and take it.

>> No.14466407
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>americans are caught in the second era of warfare
still better than their memes

>> No.14466423

Notice how burgers try to blame their allies for their own failures.

>> No.14466427

people who talk about 'war' as something distinct from considerations of material superiority are the weeaboos of armchair historians

>> No.14466437
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Nice cope mutt. Enjoy the blowback of 'material superiority.'

>> No.14466443

Why did you post a video of a hood in Queens/BK? I don't get it.

>> No.14466451

>air superiority in Europe
If you lose air superiority over ground you control, it's not a war you should've started.
> after the skies cleared, refueling the tanks that had breached far was near impossible
Not like they had any fuel to fill them with after kicking off the offensive anyways, the entire push was relying on the idea that they'd capture fuel as they went.
Also shermans were clearly better than panzer IVs, and honestly beat panthers and tigers in a lot of ways. Crew comfort, awareness, survivability, and stabilized guns matter a lot.

>> No.14466470

The war had nothing to do with burgers Russia did 80% of the lifting, so all this talk of material superiority etc. is just cope.

>> No.14466525
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>> No.14466538

first based murrifat in this thread.

>> No.14466675

I'm not American, but I'm not retarded either. If you want to talk about the blowback of material superiority look up pictures of Dresden and Berlin, 1945. There is nothing beautiful or artful in 20th century warfare.

>> No.14466852

That wasn't blowback, so yes you are retarded.

>> No.14467141
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>A German general said much the same: “The American soldier, trained for battles of materiel, appears to rely exclusively on his material superiority and can therefore easily become a victim of a surprise move and the flexible fighting power of a bold adversary.”

That's like the perfect explanation for why the US had to withdraw from Vietnam, because the homefront denied them using their material superiority in full force and therefore they were stuck on the ground with what little material they could get (which was overwhelming, but not over an extended period).

>> No.14467154

Typical ESL, neurotically clinging to the definitions as they are. Did you not understand my point? Or did you grasp it somewhat, but couldn't think how to respond?

>> No.14467164
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It's not that the Americans were bad but rather that the Germans were excellent.

>> No.14467193

What was your point if there was none?

>> No.14467200

Any books that discuss all the Vietnam failures? Or D-Day? I remember a good article on the latter but can't find it now.

>> No.14467227

That war can't be understood properly apart from the resources it's fought with, and that people who romanticize fighting into some sort of art are generally the type who jerk off to Hideo Kojima and talk to strangers on the Internet about how many people they'd kill if WAR came to the front doorsteps of their peaceful suburbs.
And I'll add this now, that the sort of material superiority that allows a nation to crush another nation does not directly lead to >>14466437. Remember, the first decade after the postwar was the prim, conformist, economically booming 1950s, not the 60s.

>> No.14467250

Shh, you'll trigger the Wehraboos who still can't get over losing El Alamein

>> No.14467269

Maybe you're reading too much into the comment.

>> No.14467276

Go back.

>> No.14467297

What did Germany do that was impressive?
Surprise attack an enemy to the west or flatly refused to modernize their military?
Attack and enemy to the east which had just killed its entire military leadership?

>> No.14467310

No one said anything that. Although the answer should be obvious.
Why are there so many T_D retards here?

>> No.14467329

>two quotes from Germans about how American's were bad at war
>Question regarding whether Germany was any better
>Hurr no one said that