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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.84 MB, 1875x2852, Darthplagueis-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14464032 No.14464032 [Reply] [Original]

Why would an absolute genius like Darth Plagueis be so stupid that he gets drunk and lets his guard down in front of his apprentice? What did he think was going to happen??? They are literally in a psychopathic cult in which it is the apprentice's goal to kill the master and take over.

>> No.14464091

He was an idealist who thought that achieving immortality would break the cycle of the rule of two, and he didn't really expect his apprentice to give zero fucks about living forever (or more likely, palps figured rightly that once he was the only game in town he would have lots of time to fuck with sith science and shit.)

>> No.14464159

>fuck with sith science and shit.
Why do you talk like this?

>> No.14464188

I've been unable to avoid 3rd hand exposure to african-american internet and musical culture causing me to habitually mimic their speech, and also because the contrast between ebonics and even the plainest english makes for good comedy when they appear in the same sentence, and shit.

>> No.14464203
File: 49 KB, 650x425, arctic fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that you need to stop listening to hip hop, anon. Cleanse your mind with classical music and other European art.

I have not listened to rap music in a long time and I feel much better now.

>> No.14464234
File: 2.17 MB, 1872x1938, img_20190914_124923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the rappers I listen to have read more than me, and I feel that listening to opposing extremists like nsbm and black nationalist rap helps ground my worldview and prevents me from being seduced by ideologies and shit.

>> No.14464281

What an inane thing to focus on

>> No.14464349

I would hope that people on a literature board would speak like grown adults rather than foolish teenagers.

>> No.14464357


>> No.14464396


>> No.14464404

>the contrast between ebonics and even the plainest english makes for good comedy when they appear in the same sentence
It does not. It's stale and overdone.

>> No.14464450

Actually it's already post-ironically funny at this point so it's probably got quite a bit of life left.


>> No.14464473


>Darth Diseaseius Killius Badguyimus Evilpus

Is this /lit/? What books explain why George Lucas comes up with stupid character names?

>> No.14464547

You have to go back.

>> No.14464561

What’s always bothered me is that in the original trilogy they clearly treat Darth as a name, not a title.

>> No.14464582

At least George Lucas never named the main villain of a movie "Snoke".

>> No.14464602

Darth Plagueis was probably depressed.

>> No.14464621
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x816, Theed_Plaza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would have won if Sidious and Plagueis engaged in a real fight? I think that Plagueis would have won.

>> No.14464710

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.14464723

Kill yourself, zoomer.

>> No.14464795

this desu

>> No.14465371

Any SW book recommendations, I gave up on the Admiral Thrawn book (which is unlike me) I did read Darth Maul and Darth Bane, enjoyable but a little silly. Cheers.

>> No.14465422

>Why would an absolute genius like Darth Plagueis be so stupid that he gets drunk and lets his guard down in front of his apprentice?
Senile dementia.

>> No.14465447

The Bane books are good. The Revan books are good. The Tarkin book is good.

>> No.14466238

The Episode 3 novelization and Traitor are also very good.

>> No.14466539

The X-Wing series are great pulpy works if you don't mind flight scenes. And Disney book, sure, but Lost Stars was also pretty good.

>> No.14466648
File: 61 KB, 840x560, 1570809184491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't seen the new star wars movie where the retcon the entirety of sith lore and replace it with "when the apprentice kills the master, the master literally inhabits the apprentice, therefore all sith have been Palpitine himself for all of time"

>> No.14466707

It's just like Ex Machina.

>> No.14466728

>t. foolish teenager
Why do you always do this you autistic sperg lord. I remember beating your ass up and down the street in an argument once and all you could retort was “muh muh why do you speak like this?” It’s called character, you fuckstick. Maybe get out of your parent’s basement and build some. I know literal niggers who are more articulate than you. The irony is your diction displays a greater separation from linguistic reality (and thereby a greater social offense) than anons.

tl;dr you’re a huge faggot and I cannot wait for you to an hero when you realize how much of a bugman you are

>> No.14467703

Never post again.

>> No.14468077


>> No.14468701

>they clearly treat Darth as a name
Maybe in the first movie, but it's clear when they commit to Vader being Luke's father that it isn't.