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File: 34 KB, 530x298, Lacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14463904 No.14463904 [Reply] [Original]

> And in a word, spending my last weekend in a series of rebounds, trying to see the meaning of some words of Muslim mystical technique I opened some things that I worked on at one time, like everybody else. Who has not looked a little at these indigestible and deadening books on Hinduism, on philosophy, about some ascesis or other, which are presented to us in a dust-laden and in general misunderstood terminology, I would say all the better understood when the transcriber is more stupid, this is why the English works are the best; above all I would ask you not to read the German works, they are so intelligent that it is immediately transformed into Schopenhauer. And then, there is René Guénon, of whom I speak because he is a curious geometrical place. I see from the number of smiles, the proportion of sinners! ... I swear that at any moment, at the beginning of this century of which I am a part - I do not know if it is still going on, but I see that this name is not unknown, so it must still be going on - the whole of French diplomacy found in René Guénon, this imbecile, its maître à penser. You see the result! It is impossible to open one of his works without really finding nothing to do with it because what he says the whole time, is that he ought to shut up.... This has a probably unextinguishable charm; because the result is that thanks to this all sorts of people who probably did not have a lot to do - as Briand said: "You know that we have no foreign policy, because a diplomat must be in an atmosphere that is a little unbreathable....!" - well, this has helped them to remain in their little carapace.

> It has to be said that shortly after the time when, thank heavens, I met Joyce, I was to come across a certain Rene Guenon, who was worth no more than the worst of initiation. Hi han a pas, to be written like the hee-haw of the jackass to which Joyce alludes as the central point of the four terms North, South, East and West, as the intersection of the cross - borne by a jackass, goodness knows Joyce makes enough of this in Finnegans Wake.

>> No.14463913

t. brainlet materialist with a superficial reading in Shankaracharya (pbuh)

>> No.14463926

cope. Guenon btfod Lacan in a random unimportant letter to Evola

>> No.14463933


>> No.14463966

samefag? Cope!

>> No.14463972


>> No.14463983

>this entire thread
Based & cope.

>> No.14464068

lacan seems defensive. also lacan is a faggot
(and i read theory...)

>> No.14464090


>> No.14464099

Less substance than a Guenon thread.
Get situationed.

>> No.14464104

pretty based

>> No.14464123
File: 1.01 MB, 960x755, p7nedbskpwpx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14464144


>> No.14464169

Can someone give the ELI5 of what all this obscurantist shit means? I can't read bullshit

>> No.14464179

I'm not sure but I think Guenon banged Lacan's wife or at least that's the impression I get.

>> No.14464201

This, but metaphysically. He sent an Evolian-spiritual double to impregnate her with a vile seed.

>> No.14464241


>> No.14464247

kek, I can kind of see him being a cuck and trying to justify it like "if you don't let your wife fuck another man you are just being pathological" or something

>> No.14464377

Lacan famously cucked Bataille.

>> No.14464389

He started dating her four years after they had already separated. They just technically didn't divorce for over a decade after they had broken up

>> No.14464401
File: 31 KB, 350x529, CC7s3ULW0AEcaHV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF does that look they are giving each other mean. Something is up

>> No.14465567

Link? I can't find it

>> No.14465572

Its in the archive

>> No.14465682

>And then, there is René Guénon, of whom I speak because he is a curious geometrical place.
???? what does this mean

>> No.14465691

>People taking this as real without bothering to even verify its authenticity
I bet you believe that Evola "jungle" copypasta as well

>> No.14465695

I read this as 'curious geometrical face' for a second. I thought he was making fun of his oblong shaped head

>> No.14465997

You just know

>> No.14466212

That is the simplest sentence. He is both French and Muslim, so he is at an unusual intersection, aka a curious geometrical place.