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14463085 No.14463085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn more about walking holes on two legs, where do I start /lit/?

>> No.14463106
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>> No.14463116

inb4 have sex

>> No.14463117
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Based Weiningerposter, thank you

>> No.14463125

Very classy, OP

>> No.14463136

Calling women holes was the most degrading insult I could come up with. I'm identifying their being by their sexual organ. I knew it would stir up a lot of emotions. Was I right, how did it make you feel?

>> No.14463153

cope: the image

>> No.14463157

>forcibly subjugate women through coercsion and violence to be incapable of any activity outside of being sex objects and house slaves
>"lol look at these women, all they do is think about the cages we confine them in. They are truly the inferior products of nature!"

>> No.14463161

Can I get the tldr

>> No.14463162

Try talking to them. Basement dweller. Read books by them. Smfh

>> No.14463170
File: 66 KB, 529x502, Get a load of this idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething holes on display right here.

>> No.14463175

Talk about women all you like, but at the end of the day the one thing you desire is a crumb of pussy, and the reason you resent them is because you can't have it. The power to make people seethe so hard about your mere existence is powerful, and the ability to coerce any man into doing anything by the promise of sex is even greater. You are the inferior sex, you will never overcome the innate power women have.

>> No.14463187

Give me a son

>> No.14463188

OP here again: Can a woman give me input on the insult "Hole"? It sounded really degrading, inhumane and disgusting in my head. With that word I'm describing a female, not by her intellect, or humanity or any other individualistic trait but in the most primitive way I could think of, her sexual reproductive organ.

If I was a female, I wouldn't wanna be called that, it would make my blood boil.

>> No.14463195
File: 38 KB, 348x474, protoincel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proto incel that shot himself in the chest because women are so obsessed with sex

>> No.14463203

Female here, hole doesn't really do anything for me. Probably will get the girls with daddy issues off. You just come off a bit too tryhard and she'll call you an incel. You're better off going for personal aspects. When I've been in fights with other girls I'll say something vague like "I guess what everyone says about you is true then" or "whats wrong with your nose, anyway?".

>> No.14463212
File: 31 KB, 414x479, 4f5d7nhek8221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also effective to tell women on 4chan to get a boyfriend. Women don't come to a site like 4chan unless they don't have a boyfriend. A boyfriend is a woman's primary hobby. Their whole life revolves around having one. They only come to 4chan to seek male attention and fish for potential companionship (consciously or unconsciously depending on the woman). Every "yeah I use 4chan even though I'm a girl ;)" girl mysteriously stops using 4chan as soon as she gets a boyfriend.

Any time a roastie sasses you, remind her that she has limited time to secure a man, and she's spending that time to chat with virgins she dislikes on 4chan. Bonus points if it's Friday or the weekend.

>> No.14463213

Yeah, you're probably right. I think women are more afraid of being different i.e having a big nose or whatever, than being insulted by "hole". To me as a man it sounds really degrading, I would never call a female that in real life.

>> No.14463224

You mean like what Molymeme did
>you women have x amount of time before your eggs dry up, better start looking for mr "right one" before it's too late.
women were seething hard on twitter and his tweet went viral

>> No.14463229

Angry but in a good way. Misogyny gives me a hate high, which only motivates me.

>> No.14463237

It's because you're thinking as a man. Women grow up being reduced to their parts, so we naturally build a resistance to it. The reason being othered actually harms us is that there is actual repercussions. If we are different we will lose friends and our social life will be damaged, while being called a hole doesn't stop us from living life normally.

I can always go down a dark alley to get a man, sorry.

>> No.14463238

>slave morality:the post

>> No.14463249

Why are you asking men to larp as girls and give you feedback on your insults like some retarded focus group? Are you masturbating to this thread?

>> No.14463259

I’ve taken to using scrote for males.

>> No.14463261

I actually felt bad at the prospect of some female reading my OP. But you're right what was I thinking, women don't browse 4chan.

>> No.14463269
File: 172 KB, 490x622, Screen-Shot-2019-01-10-at-10.20.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when that frog triggered a bunch of roasties by saying they aren't attractive when they're old, and for some reason they responded by posting pictures of their flabby old lady asses at him?

>At fifty years old, I am incapable of loving a woman who is 50yrs old. I find them too old.

What a controversial statement.

The important thing is that you turn this thread into a fun attention-whoring chatroom for yourself, in one long reply chain all the way to autosage with you as the central attraction, all because your having a cunt on the internet made men instinctively want to talk to you and get (You)'s from you even though they know and value nothing else about you.

>be woman
>find threads where it's technically justifiable to obliquely mention my gender
>turn thread into personal chatroom
>womb becomes barren

>> No.14463271

>the ability to coerce any man into doing anything by the promise of sex is even greater
What does this actually amount to? Getting some guy to buy you a fish dinner and some domestic beer? Most women have no idea how to coerce any man of worth into doing anything. Making your man mad because you're stupid and then diffusing the situation by giving him the only thing he wants from you isn't coercive.

>> No.14463305

more like an actual account of human history: the post

>> No.14463307

No you didn't, your post was literally only made to attack women, then you started getting into this weird shit:
which really makes it sound like the goal here is to hope some woman replies that you hurt her feelings because it makes you hard
Girls don't post here, not even our resident geriatric tranny anymore
Go jack off on one of the many boards whose sole purpose is helping you do that

>> No.14463310

The first line in your post isn't what makes you a dumb life-denier

>> No.14463314

was a summary of otto rogers' little rant there

>> No.14463318

A century ago that's all there was, but now even moderately attractive girls can make six figures a year on patreon. It's disgraceful and degenerate and both the whores and the empty calcified shells of men who fund them should be taken out back and shot.

>> No.14463319

>No you didn't, your post was literally only made to attack women

>then you started getting into this weird shit:
You coming off my high and realizing that I should tone it down a bit? It initially felt really good to click on "post", I got what I wanted and now I felt it's time to end it before it goes overboard.

>> No.14463325

I've never met a girl in my life that does anything like this, the number of women savvy enough to make money from social media is incredibly low.

>> No.14463363

that's not even remotely what's happening. only manipulative cunts actually act like that, and assuming that you actually have had girlfriends before, it's unlikely that more than a small minority of them were cunts. what normal women do is get into arguments and, if they are unsatisfied with the result, they are irritated with you. tell me, do you want to have sex with the person who irritates you? they're not doing it as a threat or as a punishment but simply because they aren't in the mood. if you think otherwise, then you're the one defined by sexuality, not the woman, since you seem to see no point in a relationship beyond sticking your dick in something

>> No.14463368

I make around £6000 a month from taking money for sex, but I suppose I’m not making money off the promise of sex since I do actually sleep around.

The market is oversaturated is the issue.

>> No.14463392

Women absolutely do this, they just do it at an unconscious level. For a woman status is everything, and every woman unconsciously knows that she is high status just by existing, while men are low status by default, and any man can have his status revoked at any time by shaming him socially. Women literally don't know how to do anything in a difficult situation other than say something that fundamentally translates to "oh yeah I bet you can't get pussy lol," which implicitly means saying "I am a warm hole, warm holes are what is valuable in this life, and I am speaking on behalf of all the warm holes when I say I won't let you in my warm hole."

Try finding a single woman who doesn't appeal to popularity contest or social hierarchy bullshit in a dispute. It's all they know how to do. Their brains are fucking fried by being luxury commodities, always at the center of their local social hierarchies. Even your post is almost doing it.

>> No.14463410 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 944x617, 1577999809452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was listening to the CBC's Ideas series featuring Rene Girard and I realised part of why my ex and I broke up. The short version is that the same qualities which drew us together so forcefully to begin with (our strong similarities and common interests) were what made it impossible for us to coexist as a family. Essentially we both harbored intense feelings of competition with one another because of our affinities; even after our son was born (and perhaps especially because of that) we were vying for the leading position in our house. Well we were too alike and ultimately could find no differences to use as healthy foci of this competition. I fell apart, because being incapable of withstanding an undercurrent of disharmony due to a traumatic upbringing, I launched into my habit of messianic scapegoating. Instead of saving the world I just scared everyone away and abused them when they became distant.

I think people would really benefit from listening to Rene Girard and I plan on making a study of his work asap.

>> No.14463415

>"I am a warm hole, warm holes are what is valuable in this life, and I am speaking on behalf of all the warm holes when I say I won't let you in my warm hole."
I get the impression that you're trying to be offensive, but honestly, you sound like a jaded homosexual, and that's just hilarious.

>> No.14463424

So you're just a whore? You trade a service for money, you're not some femme fatale anymore than Cletus is an action hero for droning hajis in the Middle East for Uncle Sam's sweet teat milk.

>> No.14463425

>u r gay
Not him but that is definitely not it. Gays have their own warm holes you know.

>> No.14463431


>> No.14463438

>you don't want to glorify me because I have a pussy, are you gay
No, that's hilarious.
t. not him

>> No.14463440

>if you think otherwise, then you're the one defined by eating, not the food, since you seem to see no point in a relationship beyond sticking something in your mouth
every object has its use, using an object for its intended use defines the object not the user

>> No.14463452

theres a lot of virgins in this thread who think they know a lot about women despite barely interacting with them

>> No.14463453
File: 98 KB, 1400x700, 75FED5BE-006F-417E-BE95-017EB232C659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’re women all around you, just talk to them. Imagine being so socially retarded that you need to compile a reading list in order to figure out women. Just talk to some lmao. You’ll make conversation, get attached, and become convinced that they love you. You’ll take walks wth them, spend time with them, make them laugh, and then they’ll stab you in the back like they did to me.

Then you’ll know all you need to know about them

>> No.14463460

King your crown is slipping!

>> No.14463462

This thread is like an incel honeypot


>> No.14463466

Yeah yeah. The money’s good and I get everything I need out of it.

>> No.14463468
File: 90 KB, 600x800, ucsb-shooting-elliot-rodgers-11-ftr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lookism forums unironically.
Most are highly effeminate if not closeted trannies envious of the feminine body they can never have.

>> No.14463473

start with to kill a mocking bird

>> No.14463479
File: 789 KB, 1887x2545, roastie detection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responds to holes.jpg by proving holes.jpg right

>responds to holes.jpg by proving holes.jpg right

>> No.14463487

Literally mimetic rivalry. The more that virtual space and abstract socialization "brings us together" the more that it creates an unspoken rivalry among us.

>> No.14463492

Embarrassing and hilarious samefaggotry you have going on there.
>>u r gay
>that's not it
Trust me, I'm gay, I know how to operate my gaydar.

>> No.14463496

unironically this

>> No.14463500

>the money's good
Every girl I've known who was a hooker adored her boomer dad and took on his bullshit 1980s ethos. This women are ruthless and shabby and would probably have fun at a driving range. They are manly and I become friends with them often. They are good friends but hopeless as lovers. Well for me anyway since I've been looking for a mom my whole life. Jesus life is sad.

>> No.14463504

>ur just proving the point
imagine someone says "the sky is orange and everyone who disagrees only does so because they are butthurt," causing a heated argument, and he concludes that their anger proves him correct

>> No.14463517

>I'm gay
Which is why you don't get it at all. I went on grindr and discovered what it was like to be a woman on a dating app. Exciting at first, quickly irritating and ultimately transactional, cold.

They are killing love. Listen gay bro you should be as passionate as Oscar Wilde. Don't defend roastieism

>> No.14463522

humorless dumb cunt, enjoy your brief stay on 4chan

>I'm a guy, by the way

see, now you posted something OTHER than an appeal to your holes, you're improving! a few more years of hard work fighting your feminine instincts and you'll be almost up to an average 18yo man's level of maturity

>> No.14463571
File: 7 KB, 467x151, idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your brain this tiny that you can't handle the idea of arguing with a group of people? Why it's so hard for you to accept that males can be straight and dislike women, my father absolutely hates women as well. By the sheer fact that he is my father and you can't impregnate males, it would make it impossible for him to be 1. gay (he would be bisexual at minimum) 2. incel. Do you consider Trump gay or an incel too? He certainly doesn't respect women.

>> No.14463583

>inspect element
Dude, trust me, the only misogynist men I've met IRL are all gay, including me.

>> No.14463596
File: 20 KB, 319x374, F71F3553-3666-4AAF-8343-F911BD55AA9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desu sounds like you’re trying to make yourself feel like less of an outcast by accusing them of being fags like you.

>> No.14463599

hi :)
Im a 21 year old girl from wisconsin haha ;P i know its not a particularly cool place to be from because ugh its just rural towns and like nothing is going on -_- but ! i want to move to new york soon and participate in greenwhich village meetups with others who just love bboooks like i do. my favourite books are EMILITY BRONTE ( x-x) and Balzac. kind of weird to like these kind of books :P but i love them and this is why i sort of enjoy the quirikiness of them.

Sorry for this long introduction but i often like to imagine im a shy girl that enters this room where really confident and like abrasive males are talliking to each other and im like omg please be nice to me xD so i like blush and say who i am and hope tehy will accept me but!! i really disagree with like many feminists here that men are not good or evil or sort of sexualizing? Because first of im also a sexual human being so i also look at men, i look at their several crotches and think hmm O_o so they look at me and maybe there is also tis this sort of scientific instict thing going on where they think "oh nice tits" or "she looks cute" or whatever men think :P but yeah so whenever i would walk into this room everyone would be super welcoming to me and not like totally treat me like an outsider and id introduce myself shyly but immediately the faces would liken up which is something i love so much about men :D its really nice to know that they like you and that they feel better for seeing you. like im not super goodlooking but what im saying is that in my imagination the natural reaction of men is to grow really nice to woman! im totally not "dacord" with the idea that men are bad too woman. so we then talk and i could learn a lot but also be respected for my unique take on books and yeah.

So you say like when men and women talk its "our" tactic to make our "holes" unavailable but if im totally honest here and i hope this is not like something you will eject from the group from, i think this aproach is entirely wrong. Because i think whats more important than sex is this electricity between men and women :)

For example i recently met a guy from OKcupid and we were like dating a few times and it was really nice. he was a funny guy, he was very quick to make very accute jokes on whatever was going on and it made me laugh a lot. He was also groomed and hygienic and had tidy, fitting haircut (big plus ^^) and we watched star wars, sort of ironically but there was tension between us, i noticed he was horny for me and that gives me, and again i cant speak for all woman, but it gave me this really bubbly and even somewhat anxious feeling inside o_o but not really anxious but really happy. after the movie we ate a yummy dorito and he told me about the plinkett reviews from the first star wars and how georg lucas was totally delusional of what he was doing but everybody was so impressed by his fame that they just couldnt bring it over their hearts to tell him that things were not

>> No.14463604

here's a tip for why you stand out as so obviously a woman: your posts are really unfunny. a faggot would be more interesting in his shitposts. you just come across as cunty and bitter, because you can't take a step back from your dispute and say something funny in spite of it (which is a normal male thing to do n 4chan)

try something funny in your next post. the content of the post can be anything, you can call me a retard or whatever. but when you do it, make it funny or interesting. then you will be more believable as a man.

>> No.14463614

Most gays I meet nowadays have become cucked to the roasty cause
My one gay friend who is misogynist and racist gets mean mugged constantly by his bagman social circle.

>> No.14463622
File: 46 KB, 460x355, too based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.14463632

I like how you're theorizing that I'm actually a lesbian when the most reasonable conclusion is that I'm samefagging the following posts:
Let's be honest, anons, what's more likely: that I posted such obvious bait and kept three different people going for half an hour, or I've been talking to myself for half an hour?

>> No.14463638

i said be funny